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Video allegedly from mass killer in Santa Barbara: "If I can't have you, girls, I'll destroy you." [TRIGGER WARNING]

A mass shooting in Santa Barbara last night left seven dead, including the man suspected of being the killer. Local authorities say that this chilling video, titled Elliot Rodger’s retribution, “appears to be connected” to the shootings. It is a supremely disturbing real-life villain’s monologue in which a young man, evidently the killer, explains on the day before the massacre why he intends to kill: because women have rejected him.

As the person who sent this video to me this morning noted, it sounds almost like a parody of the misogynistic beliefs and rhetoric that I write about on this blog. His language and his melodramatic tone both echo the writings of many of those young men who consider themselves “incels.” His anger is the same anger we see from the rejected men who lash out with insults and threats on OkCupid when their often crude advances are turned down. He reminds me of every so-called “nice guy” who is inwardly seething with resentment born of sexual entitlement denied. He even, at one point, calls himself a “gentleman.” He also calls himself an “alpha.”

It is clear that his  resentment at women was stoked by what I call the “new misogyny” and by steeping himself in at least one online community that reaffirmed his exaggerated, unwarranted sense of victimhood. So far we have evidence that he was a commenter at PUAhate, a site ostensibly designed to critique PUAs but which has degenerated into a haven for misogynistic “incels” and angry trolls. I suspect we will find that he was also a reader of, or  a commenter at, some of the other sites I critique on this blog.

For those of you who cannot make it through the video — I found it very hard to watch — here is a transcript of what he said.

Hi, Elliot Rodger here.

Well… this is my last video. It all has to come to this.

Tomorrow is the day of retribution. The day in which I will have my revenge against humanity. Against all of you.

For the last 8 years of my life, ever since I’ve hit puberty, I’ve been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection, and unfulfilled desires. All because girls have never been attracted to me.

Girls gave their affection, and sex, and love, to other men but never to me.

I’m 22 years old and I’m still a virgin. I’ve never even kissed a girl.

I’ve been through college for two and a half years, more than that actually, and I’m still a virgin.

It has been very torturous.

College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex, and fun, and pleasure. But in those years I’ve had to rot in loneliness.

It’s not fair. You girls have never been attracted to me.

I don’t know why you girls aren’t attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it.

It’s an injustice, a crime, because I don’t know what you don’t see in me. I’m the perfect guy, and yet you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious men, instead of me, the supreme gentlemen.

I will punish all of you for it. (laughs)

On the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB… and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut I see inside there.

All those girls that I’ve desired so much, they would’ve all rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them while they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes.

I will take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you.

You will finally see that I am in truth the superior one. The true alpha male. (laughs)

Yes, after I’ve annihilated every single girl in the sorority house, I’ll take to the streets of Isla Vista, and slay every single person I see there.

All those popular kids who live such lives of hedonistic pleasure while I’ve had to rot in loneliness for all these years, they’ve all looked down upon me every time I try to go out and join them. They’ve all treated me like a mouse.

Well now, I will be a God compared to you. You will all be animals. You are animals, and I will slaughter you like animals. I will be a God, exacting my retribution, on all those who deserve it.

And you do deserve it, just for the crime of living a better life than me.

All you popular kids. You’ve never accepted me, and now you’ll all pay for it.

And girls, all I’ve ever wanted was to love you, and to be loved by you. I’ve wanted a girlfriend, I’ve wanted sex, I’ve wanted love, affection, adoration, but you think I’m unworthy of it.

That’s a crime that can never be forgiven.

If I can’t have you, girls, I will destroy you. (laughs)

You denied me a happy life, and in turn, I will deny all of you life. (laughs) It’s only fair.

I hate all of you, humanity is a disgusting, wretched, depraved species. If I had it in my power, I would stop at nothing, to reduce every single one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood, and rightfully so.

You deserve to be annihilated. And I’ll give that to you.

You never showed me any mercy, and so I will show you none. (laughs)

You force me to suffer all my life, and now I’ll make you all suffer.

I’ve waited a long time for this.

I’ll give you exactly what you deserve.

I will have more on this as the story develops. My heart goes out to the loved ones of all the victims.

Misogyny kills.

EDITED TO ADD: Elliot Rodger seems to have been a commenter on PUAhate, the anti-PUA message board that is as misogynistic and generally awful as the PUAs it critiques. PUAhate has taken itself offline, so all evidence of this may end up scrubbed. I added a paragraph about this.

I will keep updating  as I track down more information on this story. Please post anything you find in the comments as well.

EDIT 2: This will be a NO TROLLS thread. Anything gratuitously argumentative or less than respectful of the victims will be removed.


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10 years ago

I knew that some day the online MRA/Red Pill community would give rise to a serial or mass murderer. I wish I could say otherwise because this is a terrible tragedy, but I was right. I wish my predictions hadn’t come true… 🙁

10 years ago

This is so awful, I’m with the Nope brigade, and going to go see about some timbits (donut holes for the uninitiated) & coffee.

10 years ago

The ranting, grossly entitled manifesto has already surfaced on the Internet. Major major trigger warnings.

10 years ago

He didn’t kill because he didn’t get laid. He killed because he’s an entitled piece of shit who decided to make women the target of his entitlement.

Someone earlier mentioned the governmentgetsgirlfriends guy. An extremely whiny “incel” who thinks that everyone is abusing him because he doesn’t get laid.

Except he does. He mentions on his blog going on plenty of dates, and having a girlfriend, and having sex with that girlfriend. It wasn’t enough.

If this guy had been getting laid, he would be angry that he wasn’t getting laid often enough.

Or that the girls weren’t pretty enough.

Or that he bought girls expensive gifts and they still broke up with him.

Or that he married a girl and they got divorced.

Or that he married a girl and she got old.

All of these are things that entitled dudes get angry about. They’re angry about whatever they don’t have, because they believe they deserve everything. The entitlement is the problem, not the specific thing they are missing.

And the MRM encourages men feeling entitled to women.

10 years ago

Ugh, that SPLC article has been invaded by the MRA brigade. There was something along the lines of “If only he had found the MRM we would have told him not to kill people.” Do these idiots read what they write? They certainly don’t think about it before they write it.

This is such a sickening tragedy. God, those poor people. Hopefully all those people who had to go to the ER make it through.

10 years ago

Men and women like Roosh are the reason girls and boys are trafficked around the world. POS….so the answer to an entitled, self-absorbed, probably porn addicted boy, because he was a boy….is to legalize the abuse of young girls and boys, legalize the grooming of them to insure they will never know a moment of happiness….yes, among his many suggestions, he removed his mask, and showed his pathological, narcissistic personality….alpha males do not exist, real men do not need to label themselves as better than any other person….it is a ridiculous, Neanderthal mentality, born of emotional inferiority, and more than likely, other physical and mental dysfunction.

10 years ago

He had a BMW and went to Hunger Games premiers, isn’t that ALPHA STATUS that all the evil hypergamous women want? it’s almost like all this alpha/beta crap is just that, pure crap that is just a thinly veiled excuse to hate women because you can’t force them to sleep with you.

Of course the misogyny in this case will be brushed off, of course they’re gonna scream it’s not a gender issue. These men come out and say it plainly- they hate women…but nope, still not misogyny.

and check out all the femMRAS shitting in the comments here:

10 years ago

If this guy had been getting laid, he would be angry that he wasn’t getting laid often enough.

Or that the girls weren’t pretty enough.

Or that he bought girls expensive gifts and they still broke up with him.

Or that he married a girl and they got divorced.

Or that he married a girl and she got old.

This, all this. “Incel” in practice just means “doesn’t have a 100% ideal sex life.” And that’s all of us.

Speaking of which, I notice that GGG’s blog is gone. Thank goodness, but it does rather leave Governments Get Puppies hanging like a vestigial organ.

10 years ago

There’s an excellent comment from Louis (not my Louis!) at Pharyngula. PZ Myers called the murderer “severely mentally disturbed” and Louis gives him a great serve about that, and how this murder has nothing to do with it:

10 years ago

PS I can’t log in on Pharyngula, but if anyone comments there, could they add my thanks and applause for that comment?

10 years ago

FYI: BMW has sold 10 million cars and you can get a nice used one for under $10k. They’re not exactly a rare resource.

10 years ago

Gah, the Honeybadgers are flaming up the SLPC article comments so much that most of what appear to be regulars to that site have stopped posting them out of sheer disgust.

10 years ago

I am so fucking angry at this yet numb at the same time. I’m also not surprised, when you are sick enough to consider killing people then read and surround yourself with people who confirm that your hatred of women is justified, what do we think will happen? I always knew these guys had the potential to be violent.

I bet when the investigation unit searches his computer they’ll find tons of scrotosphere sites bookmarked or in the history.

But at least If there is anything positive to come out of this tragedy, it’s that the FBI will start heavily monitoring MRA, PUA and every other disgusting site that belongs to the scrotosphere.

Erin Williams
Erin Williams
10 years ago

Is it me or does Roosh sound like he’s channeling Anders Brievik?

10 years ago

@Quackers: Let us hope so. Honestly, they should have started a long time ago. It wasn’t like previous examples of this sort of thing didn’t exist. They had the long, sordid history of Stormfronters murdering people to look at. D:

10 years ago

So the Honeybadgers are doing the heavy lifting of defending the MRM? Lovely. I don’t know what makes me sicker, that they willingly do the dirty work or that the manly men of the MRM are more than willing to use them as a shield and a mouthpiece for their awful ideas.

10 years ago

@hellkell: Well, it is mostly the honeybadgers. There are a couple (literally) male MRAs in there, but most of the MRAs in the comment section seem to be the honeybadgers.

10 years ago

I don’t think PZ was commenting on the kid’s mental health or developmental or intellectual status, just that his identity and thought processes were the product of life-long entitlement.

10 years ago

I’m not going to read that comment section, I’m pissed off enough as it is over this whole thing.

10 years ago

@hellkell: Yeah, I would recommend avoiding. It really isn’t a good time in there. MRAs are rampaging through the entire thing, swarming any post en mass that disagrees them.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
10 years ago

If this guy had been getting laid, he would be angry that he wasn’t getting laid often enough.

Honestly, I think if this guy had been getting laid, he would’ve killed the woman he slept with.

10 years ago


it’s all there, you don’t even need to read between the lines. I love how they always try to use the excuse “oh it’s feminism we don’t like, not women!” yet I see them use feminist and woman interchangeably and one only needs to read any manosphere site to know what they’re really all about. Or just read the posts on here which document from all around.

All these killers sound the same in their manifestos. Anti-woman, anti-feminist, punish them for daring to exist.

10 years ago


I know how you feel, I just skimmed them really fast. Actually I do that with most comment sections these days, can’t deal with the stupidity and bigotry anymore.

10 years ago

To anyone on the internet saying this could have been averted if the killer had gotten some pity sex, please shut up. If people have to sleep with every potential maniac they encounter we may as well forget about sex being fun, or functional, or anything but a wetter variation of the marathon*.

In all the worlds out there where this guy did manage to lose his virginity, the only real difference is that he put out a video about how it isn’t like what he saw in his porn of choice and blaming the women for it.

*Not begrudging avid runners their hobby.

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