all about the menz alpha males beta males boner rage empathy deficit entitlement evil sexy ladies evil women heartiste imaginary oppression incel internecine warfare irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism nice guys playing the victim PUA PUAhate red pill rhymes with roosh self-congratulation

Pickup artists argue that "Game" is the solution to Elliot Rodger-style rampages. Here’s why they’re wrong.

From Elliot Rodger's Google+ Profile
From Elliot Rodger’s Google+ Profile

Pickup artists, classy fellows that they are, are using Elliot Rodger’s killing rampage as a marketing ploy. In the comments to one of Rodger’s videos on YouTube, a company called Strategic Dating Coach offered their solution to prevent similar shootings in the future: send disturbed young men who can’t get dates to one of their coaching sessions!

THIS is why we do what we do. TO PREVENT THIS SHIT!!! Could couldn't experience it because he didn't learn to attract women. He should have gone to our website and got our personal dating coaching or purchased one of our products. IF ANYONE NEEDS HELP, CONTACT US! Don’t do anything stupid.

While this response to Rodger’s mass killing is uniquely crass, the argument that “Game saves lives” is hardly new. To PUAs like Heartiste and Roosh Valizadeh it’s practically an article of faith.

In the wake of George Sodini’s murderous shooting spree in a Pennsylvania gym in 2009, Heartiste (then known as Roissy) wrote

If Sodini had learned game he would have been able to find another woman and gotten laid after his ex dumped him. He wouldn’t have spent the next 20 years steeped in bile and weighed down by his Sisyphian blue balls, dreaming of vengeance. Game could have saved the lives of the women Sodini killed.

The fact that Sodini had in fact imbibed in the alleged wisdom of pickup artistry, going so far as attending a pricey seminar from old-school pickup guru R. Don Steele, a self-proclaimed expert on dating young women, didn’t lead any in the pickup community to reconsider this position.

Nor has it this time. It is clear that Elliot Rodger was steeped in “red pill” thinking about women. And while he wasn’t himself a PUA, he was certainly aware of the basics of “Game.” Indeed, he subscribed to a number of PUA channels on YouTube and was a regular commenter on PUAhate, a sleazy forum devoted to criticizing “game,” not because it is manipulative and misogynistic but because it doesn’t work.

On the Roosh V forum earlier today, Roosh acknowledged that Rodger knew at least a little about “red pill” ideology – noting that Rodger referred to himself as an”alpha” – but still went ahead and argued that Game was the solution to massacres like this:

He is self-delusional and massively entitled, but exposing him to game may have saved lives.

In a followup comment, Roosh expressed his concerns for the real victims of this tragedy – Pickup artists:

I’m trying to think of ways our enemies will come after us because of this, but if anything, we’re the solution to this sort of murder rampage. This is the society that progressives wanted, where women are fully able to choose the top 10% of alpha males while shaming masculinity, leaving beta males with modest resources in the dust. Of course they will simply push a ban on guns, but this wholly neglects the cause. Seven people died because this guy couldn’t get laid … .

Other commenters were quick to agree. According to someone known as Moma,

Roosh has a very valid point. This will continue to replay over and over again. As human beings, our wiring is very basic yet primal. …

When have you last heard of a porn star shooting up a place? How many have emptied their balls in a hot lizard and then felt the urge to go and smoke 50 strangers?

According to Samseau, the problem wasn’t that Rodger hadn’t heard the Game Gospel; the problem was that he had rejected his salvation:

He knew about Game. If he had an account on PUAHATE then he knew about game. He was just a denialist. There was no helping this dude.

Roosh seconded this bit of wisdom, seeing it as clear evidence that “game denialism kills.”

Michelin, for his part, hoped that PUAs would be able to use the massacre as a publicity bonanza and a great “told you so” to all the haters.

One should write a mainstream article about this case. The argument that game could have saved lives can be an eye-opener and a smash in the face to haters of game.

Tuthmosis, the man best known for a Return of Kings post on the “5 Reasons to Date a Girl With An Eating Disorder,” reported his joy that PUAhate was getting bad press:

Seeing your enemies fall is a delicious treat you only get to taste a few times in your life. I’m savoring this delicacy with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. It’s a shame real people had to lose their lives, but I can’t help but think this will discredit a horrible website, PUAHate–and a way of thinking–that could have harmed even more men and innocent people. Beta losers will never go away, but this will wake up a few men and, more importantly, scare others.

Zelcorpion blamed “girls” and MGTOWers for giving Rodgers bad dating advice:

I bet a few girls told him that he only needs to be himself, be nice, be a gentleman, have a nice car, looks etc. – only to realize that it mattered shit. Instead of learning from the PUA-community he chose to listen to PUAhaters and some of the anti-female comments of the MGTOWs who themselves are often refusing to accept Game or even basic concepts like Alpha/Beta. I think that problem will become way worse, since hypergamy and promiscuity will only increase and most men will be left in the sexual wasteland.

But it took a relative newcomer to the forum by the handle of thedavidgt to raise the obvious logical objection to the Game-for-everybody solution to incel rage:

If every sexless beta in the world took it upon himself to learn game, approach girls, lift, dress well etc, would it not simply feed women’s egos and entitlement? So instead of occasionally getting awkwardly hit on by skinny fat, poor-dressed chumps, the average 7 would then be approached several times a day by extremely high value men. We’ll have a society of men working to improve themselves for women who will get lazier and lazier while at the same time demanding more and more.

In fact, the “Game saves lives” mantra is dead wrong, but not for this reason. First of all, there is no clear evidence that “game,” per se, works, except insofar as it encourages men to pursue large numbers of women and numb them to the pain of rejection. It’s possible that a few of the conversational ploys invented by various PUAs may work better than having no conversational ploys at all. But there are no magic cheat codes to “getting with women.”

There is one more disturbing way in which “game” may increase “success” with women for unscrupulous men: many of the standard techniques of “game”– invading a woman’s personal space, touching her repeatedly, trying to “isolate” her from her friends – may serve as “tests” to find women who are less likely to resist violations of their boundaries. In this way, “game” may serve as a quite effective enabler of date rape. Indeed Roosh himself has admitted to raping a date too drunk to consent.

So how much of a solution is training a guy who is already filled with a toxic mixture of entitlement and self-loathing (yes, these strange bedfellows do often go together) in some techniques that might help him to tamp down his insecurities enough to manipulate some willing or not-so-willing women into bed?

You might have simply turned a mass killer into a serial rapist, or possibly a serial killer. Ted Bundy was quite the charmer. Somehow this didn’t make him a decent human being.

Even if “game” were the beneficient form of “self-improvement” that some of its proponents like to claim it is, teaching Rodger how to be a better dater would not make him a better person. Would having a girlfriend solve all his problems? Hardly. Relationships require patience and compromise and mutual respect, and Rodger seems to have had none of these qualities. Instead of directing his narcissistic rage at “girls” at large, he would likely have ended up abusing a string of girlfriends.

The problem wasn’t Rodger’s lack of “Game.” It was his lack of humanity.

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10 years ago

I kind of loved the hyena thing. Like, is dude literally incapable of insulting us in a way that’s not gendered? Apparently so.

10 years ago

I think Erin’s point was that women don’t really have legitimate fears.

10 years ago

Hasn’t Erin already said bye half a dozen times? Erin, honey, we can’t miss you if you never go away.

Erin Williams
Erin Williams
10 years ago

Fuck off, Alex. I didn’t NAMALT at all. How come no one talked that lady down for thinking her daughter lives in a world where there are Roosh’s lurking about? Do you not see that you’re behaving exactly like the assholes on that blog who talk crap about feminists?

10 years ago

Yes, Erin is a Man Who is Going His Own Way. And we’ll all be sorry, too.

10 years ago

David, can you ban this creepy troll now, please? Pretty please with sugar-frosted bon-bons on top?

Erin Williams
Erin Williams
10 years ago

Ha, Hyenas are hermaphrodites, dumb ass.

10 years ago

There are Rooshes lurking about, asshat. That’s the point.

10 years ago

Goodnight everyone. It’s almost 2:00 am where I’m at, and the kiddo gets up early anymore.

Thanks for all cute bats. 🙂

10 years ago

Eh, sorry about the multiple attempts at getting comments to go through, David. If you see any more no need to unspam them, I was just getting irritated/impatient.

10 years ago

Fuck off, Alex. I didn’t NAMALT at all. How come no one talked that lady down for thinking her daughter lives in a world where there are Roosh’s lurking about? Do you not see that you’re behaving exactly like the assholes on that blog who talk crap about feminists?

NAMALT is precisely what that is, you clown. You’ve been doing it from the start.

You’re also blithely ignoring rape statistics, and the fact that most rapes are carried out by people known to the victim, and that rapists usually have about six victims each.

So yes, we do live in that sort of world. They don’t all advertise themselves like Roosh, but there are far too many rapists and other sorts of abusers out there. It’s our lives they endanger, not yours, so stop fucking telling us how to react to them.

10 years ago

Yep, we totes believe that you didn’t pick hyenas as in insult because they’re a popular go-to for misogynists. Your shining sincerity has broken through our “we despise men and love all women even when they’re saying awful things” shields, and we now wish to welcome you into the “click”.

10 years ago

I think he might really have gone away this time. Just as well. I felt like the Senior Judge of the World Federation of Trampolining competitions. Bounce, flounce, bounce, flounce, bounce, flounce … holding up a sign saying you only had 2 minutes for your routine, you should have been done ages ago.

And you’ll get no points for finishing properly if. you. never. bloody. finish. your. amateurish. routine.

Goodbye. Good riddance. No score (can’t be bothered with negative scores. This isn’t QI.)

10 years ago

Notice how trolly’s brief fauxpologies turn right back into abuse when anyone pokes it?

10 years ago

How come no one talked that lady down for thinking her daughter lives in a world where there are Roosh’s lurking about?

Because her daughter lives in the same world as Roosh, and so that statement is in fact true?

10 years ago

Hyenas are Misandrist:

Female Spotted Hyenas are the only known mammalian species to lack an external vaginal opening. Instead, the labia have fused together to form a pseudo-scrotum, and the clitoris is large, and positioned and shaped like a penis. It is capable of becoming erect. The pseudo-penis contains a urogenital canal, through which urination, copulation and giving birth are all accomplished. This genital configuration also means that rape is physically impossible. Females mate promiscuously, forming no permanent pair bonds (similar to the behavior of big cats). They tend to favor younger males, regardless of how old they themselves are, and passive males are more successful in enticing females to mate than aggressive males are.

10 years ago


How come no one talked that lady down for thinking her daughter lives in a world where there are Roosh’s lurking about?

Because it’s a valid fear. DOesn’t mean someone couldn’t ahve offered advice, but I had none.

Ha, Hyenas are hermaphrodites, dumb ass.

I’m too lazy to argue. It’s that a myth. doesn’t matter. Hyenas are still awesome. Why are we bringing this up?


night nigh

10 years ago

Oh, gee, I don’t know, Erin, maybe because we’re so fucking used to being threatened by men that having a woman express that fear is considered normal and not something some random dude has to save us from? Two nights ago I went out to buy juice and two men leered over me in the most intimidating way they could manage and made lewd comments as I was leaving my apartment building and again as I was returning to it. But go ahead, talk me down, you fucking patronizing asshole. Fuck it, I’m done. I’ll catch up on this thread tomorrow evening.

10 years ago

Sorry, to come back after I said I was going, but I just saw this:

Erin Williams | May 27, 2014 at 12:49 am
Ha, Hyenas are hermaphrodites, dumb ass.

No, hyenas are not hermaphrodites.

10 years ago

Go away, “Erin.”

10 years ago

I think he might really have gone away this time.


Erin Williams
Erin Williams
10 years ago

Oh fuck, I wasn’t dismissing a rapist. How many times do I have to tell you that Roosh’s stories are made up? Is he a horrible douchebag who desreves to be dropped in a vat full of acid? Yes. But understand that half the shit he says is bullshit and it’s better to hit him from that angle than get all worked up over the stupid shit he pretends to do. Don’t you get it? There are much better ways to educate men about not sleeping with drunk girls than making a big deal over a made up story.

10 years ago

And yeah, lying to people about potential dangers isn’t really doing them much of a kindness. I respect Stevie too much to pat her on the head and say “there there, violent and angry men who want to hurt women aren’t real” like she was 3 years old.

10 years ago

Ha, Hyenas are hermaphrodites, dumb ass.

There’s something particularly amusing about following a false statement with “dumbass.”

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