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Free Northerner: "The concept of marital rape creates the trauma of marital rape." And spouses who say "no" to sex are sinners.

Just because she says  "I do," it doesn't preclude herfrom saying "no" ever again.
Just because she says “I do,” it doesn’t preclude her from saying “no” ever again.

Free Northerner is a “Dark Enlightenment” blogger who describes himself as “a Christian and a reactionary monarchist from British North America” who,

after a period of red pill exploration … decided to embrace Christian masculinity. I am working to improve myself for God’s glory. My plan is to find a wife and raise a large family with traditional values.

If any woman ever decides to marry him – and I sincerely hope no one ever does — she should be aware that her Darkly Enlightened husband does not believe there is such a thing as marital rape.

In a recent post, Free Northerner set forth the essentially the same argument as his fellow reactionary Vox Day: that the marriage contract provides “sexual consent … for life,” and that those who argue for the existence of marital rape are thereby undermining the legitimacy of marriage itself. And then he adds some tweaks that make his terrible  argument even more terrible than that of Mr. Day. But we’ll get to those in a moment.

First, his basic claim:

Marital non-consent is an impossibility: if there is non-consent, there is no marriage; if there is marriage, there can not be non-consent.

So if a wife doesn’t want sex and her husband forces it on her – whether she is screaming no and fighting her husband, or if she is so cowed she can’t say a word – her “no” simply doesn’t count, because of the one time she said “I do.”

Free Northerner, a man of many short paragraphs, attempts to give a Christian justification for his stance:

The basis of Christian marriage is laid out in Genesis and reiterated in the Gospels. The man and wife become one flesh.

Can a person commit a non-consensual act upon their own flesh?

The very idea is absurd.

Indeed, he argues that anyone who believes that there is such a thing as marital rape isn’t a real Christian:

Any statement that there can be non-consent in marriage is an attack on the fundamental basis of Christian marriage and the Christian family.

And, furthermore, that anyone who says “no” to their spouse is a sinner:

The Bible is very clear that you should not deny your spouse sex. Someone who does is sinning.

But, hey, he’s no monster. If your spouse says no, even if this is Very Wrong because the Bible Told Him So, Free Northerner does acknowledge that it might not be so terribly polite or practical to go ahead and rape have perfectly justifiable marital sex with them.

All that being said, this should not be taken as encouragement to take your spouse if the spouse is saying no. Your spouse may be sinning and consenting, but it would not be the loving thing to do and might be sinful in itself. As well, from a practical standpoint, the law does frown upon it.

Free Northerner then pulls a very Warren Farrell-esque move. You may recall that in discussing his incest research in the 1970s, Farrell, the intellectual grandfather of the Men’s Rights movement, suggested that much of the trauma of incest might come not from the incest itself but from society’s negative attitudes towards it.

Free Northerner makes the same argument, a bit more forcefully, with regard to marital rape, claiming that the real trauma of marital rape comes not from one spouse forcing sex on another but on the notion that this violation is a violation.

That is, the real trauma of marital rape is caused by the idea of marital rape.

Here’s how he puts it:

The trauma of rape does not primarily come from its physical aspects, but rather its psychological aspects. The trauma comes from the violation.

If this is so, it stands to reason if there is no sense of psychological violation, there is no trauma.

The creation of the concept of marital rape, creates the idea that a spouse can be violated in marriage where the idea didn’t exist previously. Undesired sex that would have been an unpleasant duty is made traumatic by removing the psychological aspect of duty from it and imputing a psychological aspect of violation to it.

I think it likely, the psychological trauma of marital rape only becomes a reality because of the belief that there can be such a concept as marital rape. Pushing the concept of marital rape increases the likelihood of trauma from marital rape; the very concept of marital rape creates the trauma of marital rape.

Anyone with any degree of real human empathy can see that this is pernicious bullshit.

And in fact, Free Northerner has it completely backwards: it’s the fact that people don’t take marital rape seriously that makes it worse.

Even though marital rape is now illegal in the United States, numerous surveys reveal that both men and women take it less seriously than stranger rape, and there are still many who, like Free Northerner, don’t believe that it is rape at all. As late as the mid-1990s, fully half of the male college students answering one survey on the topic said that it wasn’t possible for husbands to rape their wives.

Yet numerous studies suggest that marital rape can actually be more traumatizing than stranger rape, both emotionally and physically. Rape by an intimate partner represents a profound betrayal of trust; it may be part of a broader pattern of mental and physical abuse, and it is likely to be repeated. Most wives who are raped are raped more than once, with a third of them raped twenty or more times. And contrary to what many believe, survivors of marital rape are often subject to more extreme physical violence than survivors of stranger rape.

Despite all this, many wives remain trapped in violent marriages without any outside support. Many raped wives are financially dependent on their husband-rapists and find it difficult if not impossible to leave; meanwhile, they’re often pressured to stay by friends and relatives who don’t even consider what happened to them to have been rape. Thus their trauma is made worse by the cultural denial that marital rape is rape.

It’s not the idea of marital rape that causes trauma; it is the fact of it. It is marital rape apologists like Vox Day and Free Northerner who enable it in the first place – and make the trauma worse once it happens.

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10 years ago


His bleak existence and harried and hassled routine is only briefly alleviated when romantic interest, Hannah, appears.

My editing hand is itching so badly right now.

10 years ago


I didn’t think to click on her blog. And I probably won’t. I have a short attention span, and purple prose is usually more tiresome to read.

10 years ago


Okay, I laughed XD

10 years ago

While the novella has a slightly different conclusion and its own set of twists that makes me think it absolutely must have been on Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk’s reading list, the movie asks us to consider what is real, what makes us real, and urges us to break out of our patterns while we have the opportunity before competition steals them away. It shows us the downsides of both alpha and beta- roughly equated to good and evil- and leaves us wondering which way of life is better: to be ineffectual or psychopathic?

If anyone ever submits anything like this to me I’m never working with them again. Learn to write, Kate.

10 years ago

Please do Kate’s blog next, David. It’s a goldmine of hilarious dumbassery.

People often discuss the difficulty of unplugging others, but seldom stop to consider the ethics of doing so. Unplugging should be reserved for those who are unhappy with their current lives. Otherwise, if they are happy, they should be left to their own illusions/delusions. There is nothing to be gained from seeing the truth in some instances. Who among us wouldn’t sometimes find it preferable to unknow the things we know. We must learn to both know and not know at the same time: not to bury our heads in the sand, but to walk on top of the sand without sinking into it.

10 years ago

i am really confused by kate

10 years ago


I can’t tell, is some of that stuff Kate trying to do matrix analogies? My apologies if it’s wrong, I just got the vibe, and it’s common among weird manospherians.

10 years ago

I really have to wonder what exactly a person needs to spend too much time reading to end up writing like that?

Funny thing is, most writing I’ve edited like that was from freshmen. They usually get it by graduation, assuming they ever made it to the Writers’ Center in the first place.

10 years ago

Yeah, she’s another one who thinks the secret to understanding life can be found in a sci-fi movie where Keanu Reeves is Jesus.

10 years ago

We must learn to both know and not know at the same time: not to bury our heads in the sand, but to walk on top of the sand without sinking into it.

That’s funny, since she seems to know and yet not know that rape is a thing that happens NOT because of guys incapable of being attractive.

10 years ago

Unripened men and women often have these lists of expectations for another person never bothering to truly consider what they, themselves, will be *contributing* to the relationship.

We’re not fruit, you creepy asshole.

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

I see David has a friend over on Twitter calling him a scumbag because he didn’t point out (other than in the quoted passages) that Free Northerner says “but that doesn’t mean you should rape your wife.”

He said the very idea of marital rape is absurd.

So then Mr. Clear Thinker tries to cover his ass. The only way to do that is with doublespeak. “Marital rape is by definition impossible! But, um, don’t rape your wife.”

Not an impressive defense.

10 years ago

Isn’t this Kate Minter’s fiancee?

10 years ago

I’m picturing a very flexible acrobat with their head buried in the sand while doing a back bend and their feet just walking along very lightly. And a bunch of very confused people standing on the beach wondering WTF is going on.

10 years ago

Didn’t Minty show up and claim to have had a change of heart recently? Maybe Kate forgot to unplug him.

10 years ago

RE: hellkell

We’re not fruit, you creepy asshole.

Well, I am. But I doubt that’s what she meant…

Isn’t this Kate Minter’s fiancee?

God I hope not.

10 years ago

@Fade: “i am really confused by kate”

lol Let me clear things up. I was agreeing with you. Shocking, huh! 😉

10 years ago

Simon suffers from some very common beta behaviors.

Lady Kate-erine De Bourgh can go lick earwax.

10 years ago


then you need to learn how to communicate better.

Care to respond to any of the comments on your creepiness here?

10 years ago

You know, if someone agrees with me in a creepy way, I’m still going to think they’re creepy. I mean, if someone else tells me they like making comics because the great demon Bob will murder them if they don’t and anyone who doesn’t make comics are condemned to damnation, I will still look askance at them.

10 years ago

A man who learns what engenders sufficient attraction in his woman will never have to worry about needing to “rape” her.

If a man thinks that he “needs” to rape people, then he should arrange to have himself locked up, for his own protection and also for the protection of everyone around him.

Hint: guarantees are attraction killers. As Oscar Wilde wrote: “The very essence of romance is uncertainty.”

That’s from “The Importance of Being Ernest”, a farce about a group of people who are all comically shallow and not intended to be role models. Let’s look at the quote in context:

ALGERNON. I really don’t see anything romantic in proposing. It is very romantic to be in love. But there is nothing romantic about a definite proposal. Why, one may be accepted. One usually is, I believe. Then the excitement is all over. The very essence of romance is uncertainty. If ever I get married, I’ll certainly try to forget the fact.

JACK. I have no doubt about that, dear Algy. The Divorce Court was specially invented for people whose memories are so curiously constituted.

ALGERNON. Oh! there is no use speculating on that subject. Divorces are made in Heaven – [JACK puts out his hand to take a sandwich. ALGERNON at once interferes.] Please don’t touch the cucumber sandwiches. They are ordered specially for Aunt Augusta. [Takes one and eats it.]

JACK. Well, you have been eating them all the time.

ALGERNON. That is quite a different matter. She is my aunt.

10 years ago

That protest pig may be the coolest thing I’ve seen.

10 years ago

When people like that agree with me it always makes me want to go take a shower.