a woman is always to blame antifeminism divorce excusing abuse hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary oppression mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA red pill reddit

Red Pill Dude: I don’t hate women. I just think they’re vindictive, hurtful, hateful, solipsitic child-stealing sociopaths who deserve no respect.



You know, maybe I’ve been unfair to these manosphere fellows. I’m always saying that they hate women. But what if they don’t really hate women? Like hate hate. What if they just don’t respect women, you know, for totally understandable non-hatey reasons that aren’t misogynistic at all?

I mean, there’s nothing misogynistic about refusing to show an entire gender any respect because of some reasons you came up with, right?

Anyway, what’s got me wondering all this is a recent stickied post on the Red Pill Subreddit, home to ALPHA DUDES who totally score with the hot women like all the time. The post, by a dude with the totally non-lady-hating name of bitchdantkillmyvibe is titled “I don’t hate women, I just don’t respect them, and unless many changes within their gender come about, I never will,” and really, I don’t think I’ve ever read a less lady-hating title than that.

So let’s hear this dude out, huh?

TRP gets regularly blasted for ‘hating’ women. TRP does not hate women, bar the vitriolic men usually new to TRP who are still overcoming their understandable bitterness and resentment.

Exactly! Red Pillers totally don’t hate women, except for the ones that do.

TRP just sees women for what they are, and the ways they behave, and treats them accordingly.

Exactly! We don’t hate women for being women, we just hate them for acting like women.

Oh, wait, we don’t hate them.

TRP does not hate women – TRP does not respect women, and they give us reason after reason not to.

There are a number of reasons I do not respect women. Again, as creatures of fun and entertainment, I love them.

Like, seriously, how can you hate something if you like to stick your penis in it, huh? PURE STEM LOGIC.

I never feel feelings of hatred towards them, more annoyance, dissappointment and, as mentioned, a severe lack of the respect they claim they so desperately want.

Yeah, bitches are always claiming to desperately want respect. What’s that about?

So anyway, bitchdantkillmyvibe goes through his list of reasons for not giving the ladies the respect they claim they so  desperately want.

His list begins with all those terrible fatties who want to be treated as human beings despite being terrible fatties.

The fat acceptance movement is one of the clearest and best examples of how women completely lack any sense of agency and how they demand the most respect for the least amount of work or effort. ….

In reverse, you never see anything close to a fat acceptance movement among men, when men still face a lot of the issues about image and self esteem. Men get just as bombarded by the media about what is attractive and what isn’t, and instead of trying to rewrite the rules to our benefit, we either shape up, or don’t.

Yeah, I mean, it’s not like men are actually more likely to be overweight or obese than women or that women are actually likely to face more criticism and outright discrimination based on weight or anything. And it’s not like most diets actually fail and that dieting in the end often backfires and can cause people to gain more weight. Or that stigmatizing fat people is completely ineffective at causing them to lose weight and, yep, can also cause them to gain weight instead.

Oh wait, all of those things are true.

But bitchdantkillmyvibe is on to his next topic: child custody.

The way women embrace the broken system surrounding child custody laws is another example in women’s solipsism, and worse, their complete disregard and almost sociopathic lack of care for not only their husband/partner/lover, but the father of their child, their offspring, who without, would never have been able to grant her such a gift to begin with.

Yeah, I mean, it’s not like judges grant primary custody to the person who’s been doing the bulk of the child care and that this person is usually the mother.

In my opinion, the way women abuse child custody laws is reason enough to lack complete respect for women and is the biggest reason, personally, I will never respect their gender. Taking a father’s child away from him is one of the most horrible, disgusting, vile, vindictive, malicious and heartless things you can do to a man. I don’t care how much he may have hurt you, or how badly you want to get back at him, taking his seed away from him eclipses almost any wrongdoing he may have done to the woman.

Wait what? If the father has been, say, beating the crap out of the mother, wouldn’t it make sense to keep him away from the kids so that he won’t beat the crap out of them too?

This shows the true nature of modern women – that they only care for themselves and lack compassion almost entirely. I wouldn’t take a man’s child away from him even if he was the lowest of scum.

Uh, really? I’m pretty sure kids are a lot better off when they’re not being raised by “the lowest of scum,”particularly if this particular scum has a history of violence.

I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, and for women to do that to someone they once loved and who once loved them back, and most likely supported them in a number of ways, not only dumbfounds me, but it scares me.

Hmm. I’m sort of beginning to wonder if this bitchdantkillmyvibe fellow might actually hate women. And possibly children too.

Oh, but he’s not done yet. He next takes on the specter of FEMINISM.

I’m a bit conflicted, because while the feminist movement did succeed in earning women some basic human rights that they shouldn’t have been denied, it is also largely responsible for the dismal state of the modern woman now.

After the world gave women almost everything they demanded, they still want more. …

For all this talk about ‘male privilege’, if you are born a white women with relative attractiveness, you are living life on easy mode.

Ah, yes, because all women are “white women with relative attractiveness.” And because that’s all it takes to become massively successful and powerful in the world today. That’s why 95.6% of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are “white women with relative attractiveness.”

Oh, wait, I’m being told that 95.6% of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are actually men, not women. Sorry.

The feminist movement is now about the most trivial ‘rights’ being awarded to women and continuing to uphold the image that women are ‘oppressed’, when this could not be further from the truth. Women are more privileged than ever and get more pussy passes than in any point in history.

Here is a chart showing the increase in pussy passes over time.



Oops, sorry. That’s actually a chart showing the average annual output prices for potatoes in Scotland from 2003 to 2012. So in case you were wondering about that, you’re welcome!

I’m not sure where to look to find the historical data on pussy pass distribution.

The feminist movement is an example in how if you give an inch with a woman, she will take a mile. We were wrong to entertain their demands to begin with, thinking that if some of their demands were appeased, they would be content and more productive members of society. But …  no matter how much more we continue to give them, they will never be sated and never feel content.

Yeah, I’m not detecting any misogyny here. Nope. None whatsoever.

And now we move onwards to rape. Well, “false rape culture.”

[F]or all the talk about ‘rape culture’, we are living in a society where women are taking more and more liberties with the law that already aggressively favors them by accusing men of rape for their own benefit.

Exactly. And there are so many benefits women get from accusing men of rape! Let’s see. They get to collect the $10,000 “rape accusation bounty” that’s placed by the government on every able-bodied adult man. And …

Wait. I’m being told there is no “rape accusation bounty” and that “you just made that up.”

Here we have another example of the vindictive, hurtful nature of women, where they only care about themselves and benefitting themselves, even at the behest of another man’s livelihood. Note, it’s not because they hate men – it’s because they hate everyone, or more appropriately, women are completely solipsistic and anyone’s wellbeing outside of their own is an afterthought.

Definitely no misogyny here at all.

This is the real reason ‘rape culture’ exists, to continue the victimisation of women and the benefits they reap by being society’s victim. They create a problem that isn’t there so they can exploit it to their own advantage. They willingly destroy men’s lives, careers and reputations, marking them permanently for the rest of their life, purely for their own gain. Men are completely disposable in a woman’s eyes, and this again is reason to not only disrespect them, but fear them.

But don’t get too sad, ladies, because, “as creatures of fun and entertainment,” he still LOVES you!

For all of men’s downfalls, nothing comes close to the manipulative, cold and psychopathic nature of women, not to mention that many of the slurs launched against men only apply to a small subset – rape is minimal and women are lucky to live in an age where the overwhelming majority of men view this as a most heinous act. …

However, the reasons I have listed here apply to an overwhelming majority of modern women …

Until these fundamental changes occur within the female gender – which I highly doubt they will – women will never be deserving of our respect and for them to demand otherwise is completely laughable.

But, ladies, remember – he still likes putting his penis in you!

Again, I do not hate women – I love women, I love fucking them, I love laughing with them, I love having fun with them, and even sometimes losing myself in the emotional rollercoaster that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience.

Yep. “The emotional rollercoaster that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience.” Which is located right next to “The Emotional Ragin Cajun that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience” at “The Emotional Six Flags Great America that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience.”

But respect them? Never. Not until these horrible rituals are called out as the disgusting, inhumane practices they are.

Ladies, he’s single! He’s horny! He loves to laugh! 

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10 years ago

This issue hits home for me, as both my sons are receiving mental health care services (and are on medication). Keeping the professionals involved from seeing them as collections of disorders, rather than human beings with certain needs, is a priority. Fortunately, both my husband and I are committed and involved parents, which helps.

Regarding the OP and his. . . disturbing attitude towards children, I am reminded of the classical Roman custom. Allegedly, the paterfamilias (legal head of the family) had the right to kill any of his children, even as adults. Not a social construct I’d like to live under.

10 years ago


Remembering that individual human brains belong to individual people with their own feelings and experiences can take some time and experience.



DUDE. Do you not even realize how CREEPY that is? That you’re flat-out saying that adults in higher education need time and experience to remember basic empathy?

I’ve been dealing with people like this for YEARS, and a lot of my social skills were made specifically so people would see me as a person, and not my mental illness. I was doing it FROM ADOLESCENCE. (And I’m lucky, compared to my friends who were visibly autistic as toddlers.) Seriously, saying that remembering I’m a human with feelings is hard is really fucking patronizing!

I don’t see how that is creepy. I mean – it is creepy, it is profoundly, exceptionally creepy that it happens, but I don’t see how saying it is creepy. After training yourself to think of everyone as little more than a biological processing unit for neurotic patterns, remembering that these puzzling data points are living breathing people with fucking lives can actually be difficult.

It doesn’t excuse being a shit about it, and it’s good that people take the time to point it out, but, eerrrrh, I don’t follow how saying it is creepy. You find the same for economists who are told too much about self interesting in too short a time, because, I guess, it means they think they’re allowed to be little shits.

Here, a link to my all time favorite research paper in the journal of economic perspectives. Other, newer research finds the same thing.,%20fairness/Frank%20et%20al%201993%20JEP,%20Does%20studying%20economics%20inhibit%20cooper.pdf

( at least until I find a funnier one for pissing off my liberalist friends )

Remembering someone is an human with actual feelings can be really, really hard when you’re given this perfectly reasonable excuse to summarily dismiss all their experience with some handy hand-wave like “The DSM says” or “My model says” or “My theory says”. Honestly, I think it’s the same thing in the case of the OP, and I think it’s the same thing in a lot of cases of super blatant objectification (I have this idea you’re just a drone, and let me tell you why blablabla)

I don’t think basic empathy is all that basic. It’s super hard to maintain when sometimes its “easier” just to go “Well, according to my statistically regression you’re a type b on my coordinate plot”.

I also think that is a little different from people automatically assuming someone is some kind of dangerous person because they happen to be in the process of some mental trauma. That’s just being fucking idiots who think that “Mentally ill” translates to “Dangerous axe-murdering lunatic”. That’s not excusable, and speaks to the layered arrays of stigma attached to mental health (Also: that’s why we don’t diagnose people over the internet!)

But the dangers of over-relying in pre-coded models for human behavior when those models are just assumptions built on research that might and might not apply, with all the variances and vagaries that human lives actually have? It’s creepy as all fuck, but I don’t think it’s patronizing. It’s a massive pitfall of a reducionist system that likes to see examples as a standard and assign uniform categories on nuanced subjects.

So, I’m with weirwoodtreehugger on that one.

I once had to compute the average price of coffee and chocolate and its influence on the general wellfare of people in select countries, and at some point there was this massive spike in the amount of produce because of good years and the price just floored (supply shock) and suddenly the attendant data on average health / lifespan / child mortality / violence related crimes went way up. I was half-way done before I somewhat, groggily, at four in the morning released that holy shit people were literally starving to death and dying when the curve changed and I now had to write about endemic suffering on a vast scale in some clinical weaslely language like “Attendant risk factors” and “possible externalities”.

So whenever your local psych student starts going on about “how these people are a total fit for the model of repressive rage syndrome”, just, kind of, gently slap them a bit on the back and maybe pry them away from the books for a bit, because naivity and blindness and myopic shortsightedness is conspiring to turn them into idiots.

And then if they keep insisting you’re some kind of drone to be softly coddled least you do something dangerous, leave them alone. They’re clearly empathy deficient fools who won’t listen to you or learn.

10 years ago


Aw, don’t compare, Marie. Let me put it this way: I might be the one stereotyped as an axe-murderer, but I would never, EVER want to deal with depression again.

Eh. I hope I’m making sense. BUt what I was talking about was how different mental illnesses are stigmized (sp?) by different people. And I think depression has a different stigma, more like ‘just lazy’ as opposed to ‘ax murderer’.

////i hope I’m making sense.Not that either stigma is good. But I don’t have to tell people I’m not dangerous, so I don’t want to sound all ‘oh I know what you’re going through’ because I don’t. If that makes sense.

10 years ago


After training yourself to think of everyone as little more than a biological processing unit for neurotic patterns, remembering that these puzzling data points are living breathing people with fucking lives can actually be difficult.

Yeah, but that’s still not an excuse not remembering people are people -_-

It’s creepy as all fuck, but I don’t think it’s patronizing.


So whenever your local psych student starts going on about “how these people are a total fit for the model of repressive rage syndrome”, just, kind of, gently slap them a bit on the back and maybe pry them away from the books for a bit, because naivity and blindness and myopic shortsightedness is conspiring to turn them into idiots.

Uh, yeah, but LBT’s point was how that mentally ill ppl shouldn’t have to constantly hold the students by the hand if they forgot to treat mentally ill people, like, you know, people

10 years ago

I have to put up with it when I’m in education mode, I have to put up with it in real life because I’ve had real-life friends flat-out tell me that they would not have associated with me had I not endeavored to be as “normal” as possible, but I sure as hell don’t have to put up with it here.

Seriously. I was homeless and unemployed and destitute because of mental illness. I tried to become an adult as quickly as possible because that to me was the only way to be safe.

If people have so much trouble understanding that I’m a human, then they can go fuck a cactus. Conversely, they can try being me for a year, see how they feel about what a fascinating paper I am then.

I realize now my response might have been rather uncouth. I’m really, really not trying to excuse that kind of behavior (it is shitty!), it just fascinates me that it happens because it really really shouldn’t.

Because it’s so stupid and you are absolutely right. The “OOoh, you’ll make a lovely thesis paper!” response to someone’s actual life is atrocious.

10 years ago

RE: Fibinachi

I don’t see how that is creepy. I mean – it is creepy, it is profoundly, exceptionally creepy that it happens, but I don’t see how saying it is creepy.

I guess just… what bothers me is the complete lack of OUTRAGE. How people just seem to be like, “yeah, it’s there, it sucks.” Where’s the mockery? Where’s the taking the piss out of it? Why do we have to accept this as some kind of normal thing?

Of course I understand why this shit happens. I’ve lived with it every day for years. It just really, REALLY freaks me out, especially since it has a huge control over my life at this current time. (Ask me about how my disability payments are getting docked because I sold artwork to keep myself from starving in the street over the Bad Years. I didn’t even HAVE disability, but once I did, they retroactively removed the money I WOULD’VE gotten.)

RE: Marie

Ah, I see what you mean. Gotcha.

10 years ago

(Ask me about how my disability payments are getting docked because I sold artwork to keep myself from starving in the street over the Bad Years. I didn’t even HAVE disability, but once I did, they retroactively removed the money I WOULD’VE gotten.)


i… what. what. The what. How does what.

No, seriously, what? Jesus. I didn’t know you could incur retroactive debt for services you weren’t getting. I’m fucking astonished time travel, hithertho thought to be impossible, is apparently fine and dandy if you’re dealing with paperwork.

Shit that sucks.

10 years ago

Along with the fact that as an undergrad you’re more likely to deal with case studies than actual patients– and case studies are easy to be abstract about (I suspect it’s a similar phenomenon that drives the GIFT), I wonder if Dunbar’s number also comes into play.'s_number

Admittedly, the number seems to have been considered with actual face-to-face relationships rather than online ones, but I do wonder if after a certain point the brain is not well-wired to get the emotional connection of “that person is REAL” as opposed to “I know that’s a real person intellectually, but…”

10 years ago

RE: Fibinachi

i… what. what. The what. How does what.

Here’s how it works. June 2012, I lost my mind and my job. August 2012, I submitted my application for disability. September 2012, I lost my home.

There’s a lot of class shit involved in here (there was only so much money I could save, working part-time on a low-wage job, plus I was ineligible for unemployment because technically, I left before the fired me) but it boiled down to: I couldn’t afford to be alive.

Desperate and too crazy to handle much work (and it wasn’t a case of “I’ll be miserable if I do this,” it was a case of, “I might actually have an epsiode and KILL MYSELF if I do this,”) I did the one thing I could still do with any proficiency: I sold art and writing. Actually, Mammotheers were about 50% of my income during that year!

I managed to keep myself afloat, and on August 2013, I got disability. And, because I was a stupid, stupid dumbass who wanted to be legit, I did what they told me to do and reported my income.

See, they pay back-payments for the time your application was in process. (Those back-payments are now my crisis savings, hidden in a friend’s bank account, because I’m actually not legally allowed to KEEP over $2000 in assets.) And since I had income during that period, even if it was just to keep myself from starving in the street, that means they overpaid me. They’ve docked my disability payments until it gets evened out again.

This is why I’m living on $650 a month and kinda frantically trying to sell as much art and stories as I can.

And this is why I get so angry about being seen as a statistic. Because that’s all I am now, some little dot on a piece of paper who keeps demanding federal resources.

10 years ago

eah, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay, or that I should coddle their precious feelings because remembering my basic humanity is HARD. Jesus.

Sorry, didn’t mean to imply that it was a good thing; just that lots of college kids can be assholes.

10 years ago

To clarify; I am in no way suggesting that people who say ignorant or offensive things shouldn’t be called out. They should and it doesn’t have to be done in a nice coddling way either. It’s the only way people learn. A lot of college students are incredibly sheltered and privileged and weren’t taught not to be assholes by their parents. It takes being exposed to people who aren’t similarly privileged for them to change.

I’d like to hope that internet outrage will help, but the cynic me thinks it won’t. The UND students who wore those terrible “Siouxper drunk” shirts posted pictures online joking about how it would go viral and people would be mad. Ugh. It’s like trolls aren’t even bothering with anonymity anymore.

10 years ago

I might have gotten the wrong university. It was one of the Dakotas.

Ash Serban
10 years ago
Reply to  Nequam

You’re absolutely right. That plus the fact that I’ve never met an MRA in real life or heard much about them outside of blogs like this makes them seem like hate spewing robots rather than disgruntled people.

Talking to people in person is much different (for EVERYONE, not just us devil-spawn college kids). My fiancé lives in Japan and I know we’re more likely to say hurtful things to each other through text rather than spoken word.
All of the psychologists I’ve visited (as a patient) are introverts and are more comfortable with books than people. Not an excuse, but a reason. That coupled with the way their taught.

Yelling and making me cry in the bathtub for an hour won’t help the next generation of future therapists, but having discussions about experiences and better ways of going about things will….

10 years ago

And adding to my last post – there was something really ugly about the college culture I ran into, which was that it’s actually *okay* to be a selfish asshole, cuz you’re there for an education for the purpose of making lots of money afterwards (even when this was obviously untrue). I saw a lot of people basically being trained away from empathy, rather than increasing their awareness of the diversity, and dare I say it, the humanity of the world.

10 years ago

I’m swamped today, but it kind of feels like this thread could use the big barrel o’ hugs, and maybe some extra brain bleach:

(And LBT, that’s fucking terrible. The “logic” of that… I don’t even.)

10 years ago


Yelling and making me cry in the bathtub for an hour won’t help the next generation of future therapists, but having discussions about experiences and better ways of going about things will….


Idk. I mean, nobody owes it to you to phrase things gently.


And adding to my last post – there was something really ugly about the college culture I ran into, which was that it’s actually *okay* to be a selfish asshole, cuz you’re there for an education for the purpose of making lots of money afterwards (even when this was obviously untrue).

Wow. That sounds…really icky.

Ash Serban
10 years ago
Reply to  Ash Serban

They’re * ….

10 years ago

@cloudiah, oooh, and I was just feeling down because of the remembering and about to go looking for brain bleach! Thank you!!!

Ash Serban
10 years ago
Reply to  Marie

It’s not what people said so much as the way that I am. I’m too sensitive for confrontation and I never should have been given access to the internet.

You’ll never hear from me again. Sorry.

10 years ago


Um, you don’t have to leave.

I mean, there’s nothing per sey wrong with being sensitive. My point was just that when people shouldn’t have to phrase things gently to get treated with respect. -_-

eeeehhh idk. something seems off to me but I can’t put my finger on it.

10 years ago


I’d like to hope that internet outrage will help, but the cynic me thinks it won’t.

I’m not expressing outrage to change society. I’m doing it so I don’t personally buckle under to it. Like, seriously, I have to get mad, or I feel like I’ll just keel over. I do mental health education all the time in life; this site is pretty much the only place I allow myself to be angry in the presence of other people.

RE: cloudiah

(And LBT, that’s fucking terrible. The “logic” of that… I don’t even.)

Basically, you have to assume that the disability system exists not to actually help disabled people, but keep them in just enough discomfort that they’ll be “encouraged” to not be disabled anymore. It’s the only way a lot of the rules make sense.

10 years ago

@Marie, it was. I’m just glad not all colleges & universities are like that!

10 years ago

I think it would be great if schools offered ethics & empathy courses as a part of the standard curriculum. I think we’d see a decrease in the number of unaware assholes (it wouldn’t do much for the self aware ones, though).

10 years ago

My brain is pulling out ‘bullshit’ but I am guessing from context that is not what you meant

Considering that my BS degree is kinda useless these days, that’s how I feel about it.

Dean Essmay has a lot of nerve calling David a child abuser. Has he seen who he’s cast his lot with? Damn.

Hugs and good vibes to anyone that needs one. I’m back in my walking cast for the next three weeks (the first 72 hours of which I can only take it off to shower), boo. Seems I have tendinitis/tarsal tunnel syndrome in my right foot. I like to think I’ve been kicking too much ass lately.

10 years ago

Basically, you have to assume that the disability system exists not to actually help disabled people, but keep them in just enough discomfort that they’ll be “encouraged” to not be disabled anymore. It’s the only way a lot of the rules make sense.

The disability system fills me with rage after watching my mother, who has MS, be denied twice. She’s not going to get better, but these pencil pushers think she can hack an office job again.

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