a woman is always to blame antifeminism divorce excusing abuse hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary oppression mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA red pill reddit

Red Pill Dude: I don't hate women. I just think they're vindictive, hurtful, hateful, solipsitic child-stealing sociopaths who deserve no respect.



You know, maybe I’ve been unfair to these manosphere fellows. I’m always saying that they hate women. But what if they don’t really hate women? Like hate hate. What if they just don’t respect women, you know, for totally understandable non-hatey reasons that aren’t misogynistic at all?

I mean, there’s nothing misogynistic about refusing to show an entire gender any respect because of some reasons you came up with, right?

Anyway, what’s got me wondering all this is a recent stickied post on the Red Pill Subreddit, home to ALPHA DUDES who totally score with the hot women like all the time. The post, by a dude with the totally non-lady-hating name of bitchdantkillmyvibe is titled “I don’t hate women, I just don’t respect them, and unless many changes within their gender come about, I never will,” and really, I don’t think I’ve ever read a less lady-hating title than that.

So let’s hear this dude out, huh?

TRP gets regularly blasted for ‘hating’ women. TRP does not hate women, bar the vitriolic men usually new to TRP who are still overcoming their understandable bitterness and resentment.

Exactly! Red Pillers totally don’t hate women, except for the ones that do.

TRP just sees women for what they are, and the ways they behave, and treats them accordingly.

Exactly! We don’t hate women for being women, we just hate them for acting like women.

Oh, wait, we don’t hate them.

TRP does not hate women – TRP does not respect women, and they give us reason after reason not to.

There are a number of reasons I do not respect women. Again, as creatures of fun and entertainment, I love them.

Like, seriously, how can you hate something if you like to stick your penis in it, huh? PURE STEM LOGIC.

I never feel feelings of hatred towards them, more annoyance, dissappointment and, as mentioned, a severe lack of the respect they claim they so desperately want.

Yeah, bitches are always claiming to desperately want respect. What’s that about?

So anyway, bitchdantkillmyvibe goes through his list of reasons for not giving the ladies the respect they claim they so  desperately want.

His list begins with all those terrible fatties who want to be treated as human beings despite being terrible fatties.

The fat acceptance movement is one of the clearest and best examples of how women completely lack any sense of agency and how they demand the most respect for the least amount of work or effort. ….

In reverse, you never see anything close to a fat acceptance movement among men, when men still face a lot of the issues about image and self esteem. Men get just as bombarded by the media about what is attractive and what isn’t, and instead of trying to rewrite the rules to our benefit, we either shape up, or don’t.

Yeah, I mean, it’s not like men are actually more likely to be overweight or obese than women or that women are actually likely to face more criticism and outright discrimination based on weight or anything. And it’s not like most diets actually fail and that dieting in the end often backfires and can cause people to gain more weight. Or that stigmatizing fat people is completely ineffective at causing them to lose weight and, yep, can also cause them to gain weight instead.

Oh wait, all of those things are true.

But bitchdantkillmyvibe is on to his next topic: child custody.

The way women embrace the broken system surrounding child custody laws is another example in women’s solipsism, and worse, their complete disregard and almost sociopathic lack of care for not only their husband/partner/lover, but the father of their child, their offspring, who without, would never have been able to grant her such a gift to begin with.

Yeah, I mean, it’s not like judges grant primary custody to the person who’s been doing the bulk of the child care and that this person is usually the mother.

In my opinion, the way women abuse child custody laws is reason enough to lack complete respect for women and is the biggest reason, personally, I will never respect their gender. Taking a father’s child away from him is one of the most horrible, disgusting, vile, vindictive, malicious and heartless things you can do to a man. I don’t care how much he may have hurt you, or how badly you want to get back at him, taking his seed away from him eclipses almost any wrongdoing he may have done to the woman.

Wait what? If the father has been, say, beating the crap out of the mother, wouldn’t it make sense to keep him away from the kids so that he won’t beat the crap out of them too?

This shows the true nature of modern women – that they only care for themselves and lack compassion almost entirely. I wouldn’t take a man’s child away from him even if he was the lowest of scum.

Uh, really? I’m pretty sure kids are a lot better off when they’re not being raised by “the lowest of scum,”particularly if this particular scum has a history of violence.

I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, and for women to do that to someone they once loved and who once loved them back, and most likely supported them in a number of ways, not only dumbfounds me, but it scares me.

Hmm. I’m sort of beginning to wonder if this bitchdantkillmyvibe fellow might actually hate women. And possibly children too.

Oh, but he’s not done yet. He next takes on the specter of FEMINISM.

I’m a bit conflicted, because while the feminist movement did succeed in earning women some basic human rights that they shouldn’t have been denied, it is also largely responsible for the dismal state of the modern woman now.

After the world gave women almost everything they demanded, they still want more. …

For all this talk about ‘male privilege’, if you are born a white women with relative attractiveness, you are living life on easy mode.

Ah, yes, because all women are “white women with relative attractiveness.” And because that’s all it takes to become massively successful and powerful in the world today. That’s why 95.6% of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are “white women with relative attractiveness.”

Oh, wait, I’m being told that 95.6% of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are actually men, not women. Sorry.

The feminist movement is now about the most trivial ‘rights’ being awarded to women and continuing to uphold the image that women are ‘oppressed’, when this could not be further from the truth. Women are more privileged than ever and get more pussy passes than in any point in history.

Here is a chart showing the increase in pussy passes over time.



Oops, sorry. That’s actually a chart showing the average annual output prices for potatoes in Scotland from 2003 to 2012. So in case you were wondering about that, you’re welcome!

I’m not sure where to look to find the historical data on pussy pass distribution.

The feminist movement is an example in how if you give an inch with a woman, she will take a mile. We were wrong to entertain their demands to begin with, thinking that if some of their demands were appeased, they would be content and more productive members of society. But …  no matter how much more we continue to give them, they will never be sated and never feel content.

Yeah, I’m not detecting any misogyny here. Nope. None whatsoever.

And now we move onwards to rape. Well, “false rape culture.”

[F]or all the talk about ‘rape culture’, we are living in a society where women are taking more and more liberties with the law that already aggressively favors them by accusing men of rape for their own benefit.

Exactly. And there are so many benefits women get from accusing men of rape! Let’s see. They get to collect the $10,000 “rape accusation bounty” that’s placed by the government on every able-bodied adult man. And …

Wait. I’m being told there is no “rape accusation bounty” and that “you just made that up.”

Here we have another example of the vindictive, hurtful nature of women, where they only care about themselves and benefitting themselves, even at the behest of another man’s livelihood. Note, it’s not because they hate men – it’s because they hate everyone, or more appropriately, women are completely solipsistic and anyone’s wellbeing outside of their own is an afterthought.

Definitely no misogyny here at all.

This is the real reason ‘rape culture’ exists, to continue the victimisation of women and the benefits they reap by being society’s victim. They create a problem that isn’t there so they can exploit it to their own advantage. They willingly destroy men’s lives, careers and reputations, marking them permanently for the rest of their life, purely for their own gain. Men are completely disposable in a woman’s eyes, and this again is reason to not only disrespect them, but fear them.

But don’t get too sad, ladies, because, “as creatures of fun and entertainment,” he still LOVES you!

For all of men’s downfalls, nothing comes close to the manipulative, cold and psychopathic nature of women, not to mention that many of the slurs launched against men only apply to a small subset – rape is minimal and women are lucky to live in an age where the overwhelming majority of men view this as a most heinous act. …

However, the reasons I have listed here apply to an overwhelming majority of modern women …

Until these fundamental changes occur within the female gender – which I highly doubt they will – women will never be deserving of our respect and for them to demand otherwise is completely laughable.

But, ladies, remember – he still likes putting his penis in you!

Again, I do not hate women – I love women, I love fucking them, I love laughing with them, I love having fun with them, and even sometimes losing myself in the emotional rollercoaster that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience.

Yep. “The emotional rollercoaster that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience.” Which is located right next to “The Emotional Ragin Cajun that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience” at “The Emotional Six Flags Great America that is their feminine nature which I am unable to experience.”

But respect them? Never. Not until these horrible rituals are called out as the disgusting, inhumane practices they are.

Ladies, he’s single! He’s horny! He loves to laugh! 

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10 years ago

Nobody responded positively to confused either so it’s funny that she thought her socking was a huge success.

10 years ago

Well, to be fair, being ignored does kind of beat being told that you’re a horrible person over and over again.

10 years ago


Well, she did do Rea, too :/

10 years ago

Though that was just Rea, people mostly responded to Confused the same way they responded to the original account.

10 years ago

RE: Shiraz

I just had some fajitas, LBT. Have a good dinner.

I’m sure I will. Hubby’s a great cook.

RE: Lea

I may have to run out and get a copy.

Gosh! *bashful* Well, I submitted to Apex Magazine, and I’ll hear from them in a month or two, so… *flail* Here’s hoping! I sold over thirty stories last year to my fanbase, so surely a magazine can’t be that hard right? Right? *hides*

RE: katz, Marie, dustedeste

Thanks! I really hope I get in; it’d be really exciting for me to get legit published, instead of just self-published. (Even if self-publishing has made me a lifesaving chunk of money.) If not… well, I’m opening up my next writeathon next weekend, and y’all’re all welcome to join me and hurl your wishes at my head!

RE: David

Rea and Confused were the sock accounts.

Oh, wow, that’s just GROSS. So she puppeted her own fucking supporter through this whole time, and went on complaining that WE were misrepresenting her? She was doing a damn fine job misrepresenting herself! That’s just… yech!

10 years ago

What? I thought we told Rea she was full of shit for supporting Retha’s bullshit?

10 years ago

I love salsa, Cassandra. If we were all neighbors, I’d make mojitos for everyone (well, not EVERYONE ;))

10 years ago

Oh, Apex Magazine? I’ve heard good things about them! I’m sure you’ll do great, LBT 🙂

10 years ago

Thanks, dustedeste! I read a few of their stories, and it looked up my alley, so I submitted one of my horror stories. Really hope it works out!

10 years ago

Basically, you have to assume that the disability system exists not to actually help disabled people, but keep them in just enough discomfort that they’ll be “encouraged” to not be disabled anymore. It’s the only way a lot of the rules make sense.

The Disability System is the US equivalent of the Victorian Poorhouse. It’s meant to keep one from dying on the streets. No more, no less. It’s a morally deficient way of looking at people, only acceptable because the alternative (letting the disabled die in the streets) is worse.

We ought to be better than that. We have the money, what we don’t have is the social idea that we are all in this together. It’s one of the most enduring (and pernicious) aspects of the Protestant Work Ethic (as interpreted by the Puritans) and the national mythos of, “everyone can make it, if they only try”.

I always pretty much figured that the disability system existed in order to eliminate as many potential claimants as possible so as to ensure that as little money as possible is paid out. Cynical is me.

The system is designed to discourage all but those who are in desperate need. One of the quirks is that no decision is final, so long as one files an appeal. So it’s not uncommon for people to be granted disability on the fourth, fifth, six, appeal. At which point they get a large check… which they have to dispose of, because they aren’t allowed to have more than $2,000 in assets (which is rather loosely defined; basically one isn’t allowed to own property, or have savings).

See again, the Victorian Poorhouse, and “not having a job” being shameful, and a diminishment of one’s humanity. I refer to myself as, “semi-retired”, because if I say, “I have a disability pension” I get all sorts of shit (as mentioned earlier).

10 years ago

RE: pecunium

I always dread when people ask “what do you do?” Because if I say, “I’m disabled,” they get that plastic look on their face, but if I say, “I’m an artist,” they make snarky remarks about how they didn’t know you could LIVE on that these days, hurr hurr hurr.

At which point they get a large check… which they have to dispose of, because they aren’t allowed to have more than $2,000 in assets (which is rather loosely defined; basically one isn’t allowed to own property, or have savings).

I FUCKING HATE THIS SO MUCH. You missed my rant earlier, since you were busy with the much superior enterprise of wedding, but I’m actually hiding money with a friend because I’m paranoid and don’t trust the disability system to take care of me. They’ve docked my payments due to the money I made during the Bad Year to keep myself from starving in the street, which means times are pretty tight for me now. (Since the whole purpose of my goddamn savings is to, you know, BE SAVED FOR EMERGENCIES.)

10 years ago

WWTH, I disagree that people here are “pretty forgiving.” I said some things weeks ago which was wrong and hard to forgive.

I’m not in the target group for some of the abuse you ladled out, with a free hand, and I was offended. Then you did what you are doing here… got upset that the people whom you offended didn’t just let you skate.

As to your opinion about what is/isn’t forgiven, you have no idea.

A lot of heated discussion, on a lot of tender topics, has taken place. A lot of people have come in and gotten themselves wrongfooted as they started to comment. Any number of them have gone on to become useful, even valued members of the community.

Some (e.g. MR. Al) have been given so much toleration as you would not believe.

Some (e.g. talacaris) were self-admitted trolls. They weren’t hounded out (though they weren’t cut any slack). People like Brandon and Steele, were allowed to spew nonsense, and even abuse, for ages (the latter for more than a year) before either being banned for being personally abusive (i.e. saying they hoped someone’s relative was raped), or for being a sock of a banned user.

Talacaris has decided to stop trolling, and is a welcome (even insightful) member of the community.

You haven’t earned that yet. You were a shit, and then moved to another thread as if we shouldn’t take your shittiness into account.




Forgiveness isn’t something you get for wanting it (if you want that sort of absolution, go to confession, and even that might not get you what you want). To be forgiven requires contrition, and some sort of reparation.

That you persist in implying you didn’t actually do anything wrong makes me think you aren’t really contrite, just trying to make it go away.




This is why it’s not gonna happen:

Not even close. I actually feel better now – your criticism, and most likely that of several others, is based on making a huge misjudgment. You are speaking – like the guy who stalked me – of some head version of “Retha”, not of me.

Hate to break it to you, all we have to go by is the words you use. The words you used, were vile. You accused a category of people of being so callous as to be emotional vampires. You then held your (bigoted) self up as a comparative paragon.

You may not like that the words you used had that context, connotation, and baggage, but self-valorising our not seeing you as sweetness and light isn’t doing yourself any favors.

It’s possible you didn’t mean it that way, but it’s what you said, and I’ve yet to see an apology from you which didn’t have weasel words included so as to invalidate it.

Correct. I answered Weirwoodtreehugger, who claimed people here are forgiving. I don’t demand forgiveness.

No, you just whine that you aren’t getting it, and accuse us of not being at all forgiving because what you did was so offensive as to require more than the flabby excuses you’ve offered up in lieu of sincere apology.

But all in all, I don’t mind the anger now. You who criticize me don’t just misread ideas, but also the personality behind it.

Nope. We have no idea about the personality. Honestly, we don’t care. You could be six kinds of rat bastard in person; so long as you weren’t an asshole here, we’d not be the wiser, nor would it affect us. If you are the nicest, most gentle, supportive and loving person in the world, and do what you are doing here; even were you Francis of Assissi, and The Buddha, and every other incarnation of kindness (in the flesh) we’d still be judging you by the things you have done in our presence.

10 years ago

LBT: I did see it, and it’s awful. I have a friend who’s in the bind that her mother would like to put her on the deed to the house, but can’t….

10 years ago

I see I was late to the Retha show. All I said stands (and I’m sure she’s going to read it).

10 years ago

re: baking pies

I should learn how to bake pies. I usually do cakes. I’ve never tried a pie, but I bet it’s a lot different. Maybe I’ll ask my mom if she wants to do baking pies with me 😀

Well, it depends on what one considers “baking” – I personally love making pies because it’s the closest I’ll ever get to an oven without showing my utter incompetence. I can make a crust, and past that most pie fillings are more like cooking, or, even more wonderfully, sauce making!

Glad the scary sock lady got banned. Good on y’all for taking the stuffing out of her first.

About the disability/unemployment thing, I have some SERIOUS issues with the equity of wealth/income and moral authority that seems to be maintained by our society. It goes so much further than the shitty treatment of the disabled, and sticks its nasty protestant tentacles in EVERY damn government system that is out to help people, period. Have trouble feeding yourself? Okay, well that must be because you’re untrustworthy/lazy/immoral so our government is damn well going to make it as hard as humanly possible to get assistance, and when you do it will be in the form of assistance one can only use on food, and certain foods at that, just to hammer in the point society as a whole is sure you’re irresponsible (because otherwise why need help?) and that’s just the one example I’m most familiar with.

I have problems with systems supposedly set up to help people that first make sure to be as painful and humiliating as possible in order to punish the same individuals they claim to help for presumed moral failings. *barf*

…that was probably off topic. Just…uh, your rage is not alone? I’m going to go have some chocolate and pet my dog now. >_<;;

10 years ago

Pie: My favorite are mince-meat (real, or just the fruit version) and schadenfruede.

The latter of which we just had a good helping of.

10 years ago

Well, to be fair, being ignored does kind of beat being told that you’re a horrible person over and over again.

For some people it apparently doesn’t. Not everyone has figured out that there’s such a thing as bad attention.

10 years ago

Kind of ironic behavior coming from an anti-BSDM true believer, no?

10 years ago

A no-bake pie recipe:

Get an Oreo or graham cracker crust and fill it 1/2 full of chocolate pudding and 1/2 full of cherry pie filling. Garnish with cocoa powder or chocolate shavings.

A great recipe because you can use anywhere from all store-bought ingredients to all scratch-made ingredients and it will be tasty no matter what.

10 years ago

I see I missed the whole pie discussion. Right now I would love a raspberry/blackberry pie… Mmm…

Ally S
10 years ago

Get an Oreo or graham cracker crust and fill it 1/2 full of chocolate pudding and 1/2 full of cherry pie filling. Garnish with cocoa powder or chocolate shavings.

Omg, I need to try making this.

10 years ago

Pfft, there is no such thing as truly missing a dessert discussion here, I think, Aylin 😛 There are always more desserts to talk about! And desserts we could talk more about! And did I mention desserts? (They are delicious and I want them in my mouth.)

10 years ago


A no-bake pie recipe:

Get an Oreo or graham cracker crust and fill it 1/2 full of chocolate pudding and 1/2 full of cherry pie filling. Garnish with cocoa powder or chocolate shavings.

A great recipe because you can use anywhere from all store-bought ingredi

that sounds delicious; i need to save it for future reference

10 years ago

For all this talk about ‘male privilege’, if you are born a white women with relative attractiveness, you are living life on easy mode.

These guys can only “refute” the idea of patriarchy by focusing on a very small subset of women. And even when they admit that’s what they’re doing, they don’t realize what a huge error it is.

Anything with an Oreo crust

10 years ago

Also, a vegan friend of mine does a pretty tasty chocolate pie that’s literally just silken tofu and melted chocolate chips whipped together on a graham cracker crust (although Oreo would also work, as apparently they’re vegan).

Katz, do you need to chill that no-bake pie?