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"The battle against feminism is most definitely a white rights issue," Reddit douchebag explains.


White men: Hot local girls are waiting for you  now!
White men: Hot local girls are waiting for you now!

Here’s a horrible comment from Reddit’s always horrible White Rights subreddit that reveals some of  the ways that the central ideas and obsessions of the manosphere are oozing their way into the thinking, such as it is, of the racist right. Birds of a feather flock together, and I guess the same is true of hateful shitheads.

What’s interesting to me is how easily Mr. Saturnine83 here is able to take the traditional racist paranoia about white women not popping out enough white babies to keep the white race going and make the whole “problem” about stuck-up ladies who won’t date him decent white men. For those filling out bingo cards, note the references to”disposible” men and “involuntary celibacy.”

Saturnine83 6 points 2 months ago (6|0)  Feminism has done a great deal of damage to white nations. It has essentially turned white women against white men in what seems like an ever-escalating gender war. It has convinced white women that white men are a disposable, unnecessary part of their kids' lives. It has also lowered birthrates in white nations by convincing women that in order to have a life that they can be proud of, they must compete with men in the workforce, thus neglecting their natural imperative to have children.  I wouldn't go so far as to advocate the traditional blather of "women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen", but a white woman who does not produce at bare minimum 2 white children is failing to do her part for her race. Without reproducing, regardless of whatever other pro-white actions she has taken in her life (unless they were truly remarkable), she has failed her race. White men who also refuse to reproduce with white women have failed their race as well. Obviously people who are infertile have a valid excuse and should pursue other means of contributing (such as raising adopted white children to be racially aware), so I don't want to say that there is no way that they can contribute, but for everyone else the rule applies.  Unfortunately for a lot of men, the choice of whether they have children or not is not available to them, either through involuntary celibacy or simply being too undesirable. Feminism has also ratcheted up the degree to which hypergamy is in effect in young women, with the resulting belief among most young white women being that unless a man meets a laundry list of specifications then he is practically invisible to them. This leaves a lot of young men lonely and a lot of women childless as they don't understand that their standards were unreasonable until it is too late to have children.  I could go on and on endlessly, but the battle against feminism is most definitely a white rights issue.

Oh, we have no doubt you could go on and on endlessly. Guys like you always can.

If you’re interested in exploring further connections between “Men’s Rights” and “White Rights,” check out the MRMorWhiteRights subreddit, which tracks this stuff in an entertaining way, and which is where I found the link to Saturnine83’s little screed.

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10 years ago

I married an Asian guy BUT we didn’t have any kids. Race traitor or no?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


I take especial delight in the fact that our older son looks like a mix of the two of us, were such a thing biologically possible.

That is great! Bonus!

10 years ago


well, obviously. You aren’t doing your sacred, sacred duty of making more white babies!


Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@katz – What a wonderful fable about entitlement and just desserts. Plus, what a voice!

@tealilly – Yeah, what you said!

I think the main issue with these white supremacist jerks is that they have held their privilege for so long, and now they see it slipping away, and they KNOW they have privilege, but they cannot admit to it, for fear of losing it. Instead, they frame it as “nature” and “rights,” and hope that by renaming it as something they deserve, that they can keep it, forever.

The thing is, by building a more equal society, people can actually get what they earn and deserve, rather than what the ruling class (not the majority, just the ones with the power) allows them to have. And the fact is, these guys know that they wouldn’t earn or deserve as much as they have, right now.

Those people who did great things? Yeah, they deserve rewards. You don’t deserve their rewards.

It’s Little Red Hen, all over again. The rat, the cat and the dog want to eat the bread.

10 years ago

I married an Asian guy BUT we didn’t have any kids. Race traitor or no?

If you find out, let me know.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@steampunked – 23andMe? What’s that? Sounds interesting.

I’m white, but there are rumors of both Native Americans and Blacks in my genealogy. I haven’t confirmed it. I don’t have paperwork and specifics, and the people who say this and that about the family history tend to disagree about it. Some claim it’s so, and others say it’s a lie, because reasons. Granted, the ones who say it’s a lie were brought up fearing blacks. The Native American is, of course, an “Indian Princess,” as opposed to just a regular person. It’s all very confusing.

If it’s true, cool! If not, that’s OK, too. I ought to track it all down, do the genealogy and get the names and dates and facts. Maybe some day I will. But whatever I find out won’t change who I am, anyway.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Join the race traitor club. We have cookies.

If the race traitors outnumber the racists, are they still traitors? Or just winners?

If history is written by the winners, after all, then in a few hundred years, can we just pretend that these jerks didn’t actually exist?

Ah, that’s a nice dream.

So, my pain pill wore off. Yay. I’m lucid. Also, ouch.

10 years ago

Welp, I’ve given birth to 2 white children. I am hereby annoyed this guy approves and think I’ve fulfilled my “duty”. Holy fuck, is this shit even for real? Who makes decisions to have children based on that???

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Re: my genealogy. Fun fact – I have an ancestor named “Skillethead.” For realz.

I love that name.

10 years ago

Skillethead, someone you would not want to get in a fight with at the pub!

… now I’m imagining a really angry Patrick Stewart look (if the ancestor was a bloke).

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Nitram, this stuff is as real as misandric wooden chairs, penguin whores, and scented candles.

So, yeah.

Don’t you just hate getting approval from someone you don’t approve?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Skillethead – according to my cousin (who is part Native American and into genealogy), that was a Native American naming convention. Apparently, the baby got cradle head (where the soft skull is flattened in the cradle), and his parents named him, officially, for that feature, because that’s what they did in his tribe.

However, his last name is Johnson. I’m not sure if he was one of those poor kids taken from his tribe to be raised “white,” or not. If so, maybe they let him keep the name because Skillethead didn’t sound so “Indian,” as Running Deer, or whatever. I don’t know. I really have no data about him except the name and birth/death dates, at this point.

It is a sort of intimidating name, though, isn’t it? I’d love to write a character with that name, and make him a total badass.

10 years ago

Nitram, you can probably cancel the racist approval, ‘cos 1) feminist and 2) not racist. The sort of upbringing your kids are getting would probably make his head assplode.

10 years ago

Michelle – It’s a very intimidating name! I’d thought it was a surname when you first mentioned it.

I’d never heard of cradle head until now. (I know zip about babies in general.) I have read about the various groups who flattened skulls deliberately, as an aesthetic thing.

The whole taking-children-away thing is so recent, here. There are so many Aboriginal people my age who were taken from their families – they’re called the Stolen Generations.

I’m sorry your pain meds are wearing off. Are you limited to one dose a day? That sounds like a fierce lot of therapy you’re going through. I cringed reading how painful it is. I’ve had osteopathy sessions that left me horribly sore for hours, but this is another level altogether.

10 years ago

Re: my genealogy. Fun fact – I have an ancestor named “Skillethead.” For realz.

That wins.

10 years ago

…whatever they did to make chris evans look skinny in captain america.

I saw a gifset about this today somewhere! I believe they used a body double – so completely different actor with very similar face.

10 years ago

I have two half Chinese kids! Doing my part to make the white race extinct!

10 years ago

Skillethead omg that is a beautiful name.

It sounds like an angry sailor you’d meet in a bar who’d fight everyone in said bar at once.

10 years ago

Anyways, I fully intend on disappointing the race(ists), with my desire to have only one kid. Also, inquiring minds wish to know if Italians count as white in this instance? Precisely where are we on the “who we consider fully human” timeline, here?

10 years ago

RE: enhancedvibes

if you don’t know you just don’t know and white folk are more able to live in homogeneous communities

I disagree. I grew up in Texas, which had a huge Hispanic population and lots of racism towards them. I now live in a black area of town and hear a lot of racism depicted towards THEM. If it were truly ignorance, you’d see the racism way more about people who aren’t there.

steampunked (@steampunked)

23andMe is a DNA test which is fairly easy to do, and which gives you skads of information about your ancestry, though concern at how it could be used by people who don’t get statistics or insurers in the US has led them to deep six the health part of the report. If you know where markers for things are on DNA strands (thanks, google!) you can still look stuff up yourself. Apparently a while back some folks tested some Klan members who were claiming racial purity, and the inevitable result really upset them (hilarity ensued!).

10 years ago


Michelle, your comment is spot on.

I’m a writer and spent the better part of 5 years recently living in BFE. It was like being in a Peckinpah movie. It was research whilst ‘living amongst them’. I haven’t written much about it yet because a) i had to get out of there and b) spending the next few months in my new place to process all of it and get some emotional distance before I try. In regards to the racist/sexist/usual shit…well, much of the South digs its heels in. The network of evil, flack of a better word, isn’t being met with near enough resistance voting-wise. It’s hard to get any sane person to move to the South (i.e. activism is sorely needed…yay Human Rights campaign, who are funding directed efforts into Arkansas, for example), Anyway,sorry for my rambling. I feel as though I’m still walking out of a ruined city, covered in ashes and in shock.

These folks MEAN it and they’re not playing. One wealthy white man, with tons of land (white and ‘landed’ being better than ‘white and trash’), indicated to me the belied that only landowners should be allowed to vote. And you can be assured their bought pols feel similarly, though not always open about it. ‘Midnight In The Garden Of Good and Evil’ doesn’t even come close to the truths.

The upside is the frequency with which they will stab each other in the back. Heard too much about all their imaginary enemies (feminists, poc, libruhlz etc), but they had zero contact with any of them. However, they routinely screw each other over if land is involved. The cognitive dissonance is strong in them lol. Sorry, but one of my final encounters was when I listened to a black man gush to me about how happy he was that he and his black lodge brothers had finally been approved of by an all white lodge. And he was as sincere as any cult member might be. THAT was a particularly tragic moment and made me despise the racists even more for encouraging worship of themselves by the ancestors of slavery.

Saner minds are a threat to these ‘men’. I hope it stays that way and they finally and utterly implode in on themselves.

Thank you for all your hard work here, all of you, and especially you David. It’s a beautiful beacon of healing light if one’s been wandering in the dark, and, if not. I will donate to it’s upkeep as soon as I possibly can.

Take care everyone 🙂

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Kittehserf – Yeah, America has a few stolen generations, as well, apparently. I heard about them fairly recently, but it seems that some of the younger Native Americans were taken to be raised by whites, or at least educated off the reservation. I’m afraid I have no real details, though. I haven’t researched it. It’s too depressing.

I’m not limited to one dose per day. I can take them as needed, but no closer than 4 hours together. I don’t like to take more than 2 doses per day, though, if I can stand it. I’ve done three doses a day about four times, maybe? The more I take, the less efficacious it is. Some days, I just suck it up to sort of “reset” myself. Today, I’m waiting until the pain comes back even more, to the point I can’t stand it, and then I’ll take another dose. Hopefully, I won’t forget to sleep again. I do that, frequently, when I take the pain pills at night, and it screws me up for days. Usually, I’ll do one dose in the day, and hope for the best at night. Also, usually, I take one pill, but this time I took 1 1/2, and that 1/2 made a huge difference. I’ll do one, and if it hasn’t done the trick an hour later, add the half. The problem was that half really pushed me over the edge.

I always make sure I’m supervised, and that my sisters and/or mother (we all live together, to take care of each other, since we all have various health issues) know how much I have taken, and when. I have to, because these things can make me REALLY stupid. And I NEVER drive while on my pills. I mean, for at least 12 hours after taking one. The pain fades after about 4 hours, but I can stay high for a good 10-12 hours, depending on how hard the dose hit me. Sometimes, I’m not high at all, but usually I’m fairly dopey, and sometimes it hits me really hard, even at the same dosage. Today was a doozy even before that 1/2 pill.

One time, I was talking to my sister, and said “Look! I can move my arm! I wanna go for a walk, ’cause I can move!” She laughed, but then realized I was serious, and she had to remind me that going for a walk in my underwear at four o’clock in the morning was not a good idea, even if I do need the exercise.

That’s why I am really hoping this therapy will do the trick. I can’t live like this forever!

Now, my therapy has been going well, and I don’t need it as much as I used to. However, I’ll be in severe pain for several more days, thanks to the gardening. I should be back to my regular version of pain by Friday, though.

I usually do my therapy once or twice a week. The muscles need to recover between treatments. Sort of like strength training. Also, it’s costly and I can’t afford more than that, since it’s all straight out of pocket. It’s taking a long time with me, though, because my body has been screwed up for years, and we have to retrain some very stubborn muscles.

I hate soft-tissue injury. Broken bones heal faster, and aren’t so subjective.

Still, there is one nice thing about my accident. I’ve had chronic pain for my entire life (mystery cause – many doctors, oodles of “diagnoses” but nothing actually fixed it). Now, when I’m using the scooter at the store, should anyone give me the stink-eye (because I’m a fat person, using a scooter!), I can (and do) tell them that I was hit by a truck, and that changes their reaction to me. In an elevator with someone who thinks I should take the stairs? “I was hit by a truck, but Yay! I’m walking!” I have embraced it.

Sometimes, they even realize that not all fat people are just lazy, and some might even have a decent excuse. It chips away at the judgmental attitude just a little bit. Enough chips, and they might just stop judging. That’s something I hope for, at any rate.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@steampunk – Thanks for the info. That sounds really neat! I’ll have to look it up and see if it’s available to me.

Apparently a while back some folks tested some Klan members who were claiming racial purity, and the inevitable result really upset them (hilarity ensued!).

Oooooohhhhh, I would have loved to have a front-row seat to THAT show!

As my sister says, “Schadenfreude is der schoenste freude.” I probably didn’t spell that right, but I don’t know how to do umlauts on my keyboard, so I just did my best. Basically, Schadenfreude (that joy you feel when you see someone get his just desserts) is the best joy.

10 years ago

Apparently a while back some folks tested some Klan members who were claiming racial purity, and the inevitable result really upset them (hilarity ensued!).

Here it is and it is beautiful.