a woman is always to blame antifeminism beta males evil women incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy racism reddit whitepocalypse

"The battle against feminism is most definitely a white rights issue," Reddit douchebag explains.


White men: Hot local girls are waiting for you  now!
White men: Hot local girls are waiting for you now!

Here’s a horrible comment from Reddit’s always horrible White Rights subreddit that reveals some of  the ways that the central ideas and obsessions of the manosphere are oozing their way into the thinking, such as it is, of the racist right. Birds of a feather flock together, and I guess the same is true of hateful shitheads.

What’s interesting to me is how easily Mr. Saturnine83 here is able to take the traditional racist paranoia about white women not popping out enough white babies to keep the white race going and make the whole “problem” about stuck-up ladies who won’t date him decent white men. For those filling out bingo cards, note the references to”disposible” men and “involuntary celibacy.”

Saturnine83 6 points 2 months ago (6|0)  Feminism has done a great deal of damage to white nations. It has essentially turned white women against white men in what seems like an ever-escalating gender war. It has convinced white women that white men are a disposable, unnecessary part of their kids' lives. It has also lowered birthrates in white nations by convincing women that in order to have a life that they can be proud of, they must compete with men in the workforce, thus neglecting their natural imperative to have children.  I wouldn't go so far as to advocate the traditional blather of "women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen", but a white woman who does not produce at bare minimum 2 white children is failing to do her part for her race. Without reproducing, regardless of whatever other pro-white actions she has taken in her life (unless they were truly remarkable), she has failed her race. White men who also refuse to reproduce with white women have failed their race as well. Obviously people who are infertile have a valid excuse and should pursue other means of contributing (such as raising adopted white children to be racially aware), so I don't want to say that there is no way that they can contribute, but for everyone else the rule applies.  Unfortunately for a lot of men, the choice of whether they have children or not is not available to them, either through involuntary celibacy or simply being too undesirable. Feminism has also ratcheted up the degree to which hypergamy is in effect in young women, with the resulting belief among most young white women being that unless a man meets a laundry list of specifications then he is practically invisible to them. This leaves a lot of young men lonely and a lot of women childless as they don't understand that their standards were unreasonable until it is too late to have children.  I could go on and on endlessly, but the battle against feminism is most definitely a white rights issue.

Oh, we have no doubt you could go on and on endlessly. Guys like you always can.

If you’re interested in exploring further connections between “Men’s Rights” and “White Rights,” check out the MRMorWhiteRights subreddit, which tracks this stuff in an entertaining way, and which is where I found the link to Saturnine83’s little screed.

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Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Race: What’s the one where you pas stye baton? I like that race.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Marie – yeah, theta’s what I meant. I eon’t know a word for it, either.

Today’s a doozy. My sister have to remind me to go to she gtbathroom. because I forgot where I was gone, and went to kitchen, instead. That extra half-pill makes a huge different.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Relay race! They’re fun.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Male race? Whaaaa?

10 years ago

The only excuse is if the character needs eo bel shown as being fully able-bodies at some point. Like Patrick Stewaret as Prof. X.,

tbh, they have enough tech that if it’s a big budget hollywood movie, they could have a paralyzed actor play a paralyzed character and use abled flashbacks doing whatever they did to make chris evans look skinny in captain america.

i don’t mean tthis to sound confrontational, sorry if it does. :/ weird mood so idk how my tone is

10 years ago

that was supposed to be as fade btw

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Oooh, I wold like to seed them do that, yah! CGi for the wien!

10 years ago

you touched a hot button for me; i could talk about disabled characters and disability representation in media all day. 😛

10 years ago

“White” people aren’t dying out because there are no ethnic Whites – race is a social construct that labels people, more or less, based on outward appearance (not to mention a lot of other social factors). At one point Jews, Irish, and Italians weren’t considered “White” and were treated just as horribly as other ethnic minorities by a Protestant Anglo-Saxon majority.

There’s almost seven billion people on this planet, all of whom are technically descended – as evolution will tell you – from the same earlier hominids from what is now Africa. We’re the same species and, regardless of skin color, there are more than enough of us already. A thousand years from now labels like “white” or “black” won’t really be applicable – different populations, especially with migration, interact and intermarry and have kids anyway. It’s been that way since the beginning of human civilization.

10 years ago


This amuses me. As a half Puerto Rican half African American who has often been accused of being ‘too white’ (sigh), who is dating a white guy and believes there is a significant chance that he will be the father of any future children: HA HA WHITE SPERM FOR ME! I will have beautiful mixed race babies and they will infuriate you with their curls.

Okay, done being silly. But in all seriousness…really? White women are failing their race if they don’t pump out white babies? White men are betraying their race if they impregnate non-white women? Can we stop pretending there is a white ‘race?’ Are Italians and Jews and Irish and Scottish and Romanians and Germans all the same now? Pfft. Go be racist in the corner until you’re ready to rejoin the group.

…and Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan was white washing, but I wonder what the reaction would be if they cast someone of Middle Eastern descent? Would that have seemed bigoted post 9/11? Maybe? …maybe I’m biased ’cause I have such a crush on him I spent the entire movie going ‘Who cares about you guys and the plot? Hi Benedict are you doing to talk some more? Ah chocolate for my ears I LUV YOU.’ …yeah, my boyfriend won’t watch Sherlock with me.

10 years ago

Michelle, I am glad your pain pills work. Pills AND bodywork therapy for the win!

Fellow race traitor here. Our sons will have a hard time taking racial separatism seriously after having WonderHusband and me for parents. I take especial delight in the fact that our older son looks like a mix of the two of us, were such a thing biologically possible.

Speaking to the OP, it is clear from all available evidence that higher education (especially for women) is the most effective contraceptive. No wonder that the most vicious and unpleasant elements of all societies disapprove of it.

10 years ago

Had a convo with my boss recently who is of italian descent, catholic and liberal. We were talking about the increased diversity of the nation and we both concluded that diversity is a good thing. As two white folks we have absolutely no fear of the changing demographics of the US and in fact welcome it. With that being said, I’m stumped when I read comments like this because hello white people still hold pretty much all the power in this country, in govt at all levels, business and wealth. White folk becoming the minority race in this country isnt suddenly going to change that fact. They’re just too dumb for words sometimes, yeesh.

10 years ago

Hi Benedict are you doing to talk some more? Ah chocolate for my ears I LUV YOU.

10 years ago

Hate to break it to the white male supremacists but they are out numbered by white women and white men who don’t agree with their twisted and self-serving mindset. This is a free (relatively) country and no one has to abide by their “edicts”. Women do not have to lower their standards for their own lives just to accommodate these creeps. We get to live our lives the way we see fit, and THEY are the minority and become more so everyday. I’m so sick of people with their beliefs that the white race can die off for all I care.

Feminism didn’t cause anything, in fact, it could be argued that if there hadn’t been such a large number of controlling asshole men, and so many laws and customs initiated by said controlling asshole men preventing women and other oppressed groups from so much, there wouldn’t have been a need for feminism.

I checked out that white rights subreddit, and I’m astounded at how many of those keyboard jockey men cling to other men’s accomplishments to validate their belief in their own superiority. Seriously, have they not even considered once that maybe if women, servants, and slaves hadn’t been saddled with all the shit work of life, aka, all the work they didn’t want to do, maybe others would have had more time to invent things? None of those inventors had help or input from servants or wives? White men have had unfair advantage as far as opportunities go and they assume all accomplishments by their gender are because of their intellectual superiority.

Keep telling yourself that, boys.

10 years ago

Not to poke a hole in his *ahem* logic, but if nasty feminists and their pathetic brainwashed minions aren’t having even the bare minimum of two white babies where am I, a woman who cannot have biological children, supposed to find this font of (supposedly screened for purity) suitable infants for me to turn into properly reproducing little hatemongers?

Anyway, so glad he was concerned enough about me to find a way to contribute despite my valid excuse of non-womanhood.

Oh, wait…does me being Ashkenazim automatically disqualify me? Well, rats…

steampunked (@steampunked)

I’m white. I recently gave my partner a 23andMe test for his birthday – he is so white that the test actually made note of it as peculiar – he’s something like 99.8% Caucasian, a truly ridiculous amount – not even Scandinavian, either. He is so white he tans by the glow of a computer monitor. We have a white kid. Given what I know of the 23andMe results, chances are she’s a great deal more Caucasian than these guys will ever be (given my hilarity at a bunch of white nationalists turning out to be 10% or more non-Caucasian).

I don’t want these asshats ANYWHERE near my child. They’re a threat to her and her connection to people around her. They’re dangerous. My child is safest and happiest in a wide, accepting community with lots of different types of role models and people with different races and experiences.

These people can sod the hell off.

10 years ago


500 years, the population of the world would pretty much all be some form of brown, anyway. Because of people giving up the “must marry only within my own ethnicity/race,” thing, and actually marrying across racial lines.

Once heard either Cornell West or Eric Michael Dyson, sorry can’t remember which one, opine that as the races start mixing more there will be more and more brown people and in his opinion this would result in decreased racism. I’m inclined to agree with that because if you don’t know you just don’t know and white folk are more able to live in homogeneous communities and those are communities wherein the denizens have the most prejudices. The documentary Paper Clips Illustrates this sociological concept perfectly.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I just saw a commercial, and realized that misogyny has ruined Velveeta Shells and Cheese.

“Eat LIQUID GOLD” is just not an option for me, now. I’m a man-hating feminist and not worthy.

Beef, potatoes, green beans and onions, yay!

10 years ago

@ katz

…there is so much joy in my life right now. Thank you. I squeed out loud, and I am not ashamed!


I agree. I mean, I have this image of rich white guys sitting around acting like they’re masters of the universe as they pursue science and mathematics and mock women and the people cleaning and it’s like ‘Well, I’d come discuss loftier topics but someone has to raise children and clean and cook and tend to the sick and sell meat and if we wait for you to do it we’ll all die of old age,’

I think this was in the other thread, but the whole ‘women have to do that work because the menz have more important things to do/don’t know how to clean’ is soooooo common in my mother’s family’s culture. I don’t think my uncle or male cousins have ever cleaned. At least my uncle works his butt off despite illness. My cousins do nothing all day and still manage to act superior. Meh.

10 years ago

Ha. I’m Irish-Scots-German-Sorb, don’t know what else there may be in there, but pretty damn white, and here’s another reason to be glad reproducing was never on my agenda. Suffer in yer jocks, racist losers.

10 years ago


OMG I saw that commercial too, and I was totally grossed out because that was the first thought that came to mind.

10 years ago

Dang. Now I can’t tell if I should try to find the commercial, or be glad I didn’t see it.

10 years ago

I’m Irish. Doad’s Italian. Am I a race traitor or not?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


you touched a hot button for me; i could talk about disabled characters and disability representation in media all day. 😛

I feel strongly about it, too.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


‘Who cares about you guys and the plot? Hi Benedict are you doing to talk some more? Ah chocolate for my ears I LUV YOU.’ …yeah, my boyfriend won’t watch Sherlock with me.

Oh, yeah. He is reeeaaallly good to watch. And politics aside, YOWZA!
