Here’s a horrible comment from Reddit’s always horrible White Rights subreddit that reveals some of the ways that the central ideas and obsessions of the manosphere are oozing their way into the thinking, such as it is, of the racist right. Birds of a feather flock together, and I guess the same is true of hateful shitheads.
What’s interesting to me is how easily Mr. Saturnine83 here is able to take the traditional racist paranoia about white women not popping out enough white babies to keep the white race going and make the whole “problem” about stuck-up ladies who won’t date him decent white men. For those filling out bingo cards, note the references to”disposible” men and “involuntary celibacy.”
Oh, we have no doubt you could go on and on endlessly. Guys like you always can.
If you’re interested in exploring further connections between “Men’s Rights” and “White Rights,” check out the MRMorWhiteRights subreddit, which tracks this stuff in an entertaining way, and which is where I found the link to Saturnine83’s little screed.
It takes some impressive dumbassery to think that with six billion people on this dirtball that any part of humanity is going extinct. And if, through some bizarre plot twist of life, white people DID vanish off the face of the earth… so what?
“Involuntary celibacy or simply being too undesirable”
Isn’t this redundant?
No, you see, it’s different, because white people aren’t reproducing a enough, and if there are less white people, um… well I don’t know what would happen but it would be horrible!!!eleven
Proudly failing my “race”, one homosexual encounter at a time.
Wait, what?
Just from the title, I’m confused. Do misogynists not believe in the existence of Women of Color?
OK, reading the article now. I’m on my pain pills, and feeling groovy, so I shouldn’t get too triggered, right?
Let’s see, I failed to have children and I failed to marry a white dude. I have never been so happy to fail in my life.
“[R]aising […] children to be racially aware.”
This sentence scares me almost as much as the photo.
These people with their toxic ideologies need to stay far away from children.
Ew. Ew ew ew. Never before have I felt bad for having had 2 ‘white’ kids (Fifty years ago, we would have been either the wrong kind of white or non-white).
“White Nations?”
WTF is a white nation? Does he think there are nations that at any point in their history have somehow had only white people?
I. Don’t. Think. So.
Is he US-ian, I’m guessing? By the state of his white washed history education I would bet he’s from the good old US of A.
This guy is upset that women are allowed to have sexual and romantic preferences. Sounds like an MRA all right!
I’m white and don’t have kids and don’t intend to. I always knew that as a liberal feminist I’m a terrible misanderer but TIL that I’m failing my race too. You learn something new everyday.
“…doing her part for the race…”
*runs to throw up violently*
White supremacists like this person always falsely assume that population size is the determinant of institutionalized power. That has never been the case. Contrary to popular belief, white people have never been the majority, and yet they still have oppressed people of color not just in the west, but also globally.
In fact, California recently became a white-minority state, and yet white supremacy is actually becoming more deeply entrenched via anti-homeless legislation and gentrification in some parts of the San Francisco Bay Area – as well as Santa Cruz and neighboring cities.
I’m not sure what offends me most: the sexism, the racism, or the creepy need to contribute to severe overpopulation
Does this asshat think only “white nations” experience declining birth rates? Never heard of Japan huh?
Every country (or maybe most?) has declining birth rates when they become fully industrialized and women and girls get rights and educations so I guess he’s right to pin the blame on feminism. I think it’s a good thing that young women have other opportunities. Not sure what this has to do with race though. It’s not only “white” countries that educate women.
It’s always… educational… to hear exactly which traditions the “traditional marriage” crowd are keen on upholding.
Apparently South Korea actually has the lowest birth rate.
Feminism has “turned white women against white men?” No, I think it turned women of all colors against bigoted jerks of all genders.
It also turned non-females of all colors against bigoted jerks of all genders, but since this is all about “baby-making,” they don’t really consider that. Trans-women don’t exist, apparently.
Adopting white kids to be racially aware?
Should I ever be in a position to adopt, I’d raise my kids to embrace the differences.
The world is a crazy-quilt (Note: Not ableist language. Crazy-quilt is an actual style of quilting, with a random pattern, mixing all sorts of colors and types of cloth together. I didn’t name it.). It’s interesting BECAUSE of the differences. That’s the joy of crazy-quilting. It looks awesome, and it allows you to use up ALL your scraps, and not just the ones that can be cut to fit your pattern.
OK, now I really want to put on a good audio book and sew, but I’m on my pain pills because of my shoulder, so I’m not supposed to sew. Darnit. My stress-relieving activity is off-limits.
Yeah, I’ve been offline for a while now. What, a couple of days? I found out the hard way that digging in the garden is the worst thing for my body. That’s what my massage therapist told me, yesterday, during my most painful body-work therapy session, yet.
“What did you do to yourself this time?”
“I planted some things in the garden. We hired a man to come dig the holes for us, but something happened, and he couldn’t come, so we had to do it ourselves. The plants were delivered last week, and we couldn’t wait any longer to get them in the ground. It had to be done.”
“Well, you weren’t the one to do it. Digging is the worst thing you could do to your back.”
I’m making real improvement, but I spend way too much time on my “stupid pills,” and when I’m not on the pain pills, I’m in pain and cranky. And the therapy sessions are too valuable to skip, but DANG! Painful! I’m not going in for “massage.” I’m going in for body-work, where he pushes here, and presses there, and streeeeetches this and moves that, and asks me “What’s the pain level? Tell me when it releases.” It’s therapy, hard work, and I do not like it, but I am glad of the results. In a few more months, I should be able to get off the pain pills completely. Right? RIGHT!
I just have to avoid doing things that set me back, like working in the garden, or watching action movies.
Anyway, I just thought I’d tell you that so you didn’t think I rage-quit after I flipped out. And I am sorry I flipped out. I was more triggered than I thought, and spent the next couple of hours reliving some trauma in my head, and it spilled over.
The thing is, I really like this community here. I just don’t like being triggered, and the whole raison d’être of this site is about triggering behavior from misongynistic twerps. It’s sort of a Catch-22. Read the site and be upset/Don’t read, and miss all the warmth of the community. I can’t give up the community, though. I like y’all too much!
What did he say? Something like, “Women’s standards have become unreasonable, so they’re left childless in later life,” or whatever the fuck.
Lots of women don’t want children, there’s that. And so what?
And the whole, “If you have standards, you’ll be punished, ladies,” thing is soooooo old and tired. That racist dude shouldn’t procreate. All the women who rejected him have done humankind a great service.
Some women believe they shouldn’t knock boots with racist pieces of shit. That’s an awesome standard to have — not unreasonable.
“White rights?” Race is a social construct, asshole.
The CIA says Singapore has the lowest birth rate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_by_fertility_rate
In any case, I’m not seeing evidence that race has anything to do with low birth rates. It seems pretty obvious that it’s a function of industrialization. I’m kind of having fun researching this so finally a reddit bigot is good for something I guess.
Oh, I’d email this to you, David, but my email is giving me the “can’t connect” fit and I’m not tech-savvy enough to fix it, especially right now. I’m struggling just to type.
But, I wanted to alert you to something:
Misogyny in music. I’ve always just listened to music, and never really worried about behind-the-scenes stuff. The article is about sizeism, but the sexism involved is pretty bad, too. The men are not judged on their size, but women are held to a different standard. In fact, in the article
One of the commenters, FLCPA actually said, “How else are women to be evaluated but on appearance?”
FLCPA needs some mamotheering, stat!
::offers hugs::
You can take a break for your mental health, I’ve taken brakes, either for mental health or lack of computer, and people didn’t totally forget I existed.
Another thing you could do is just read the comments and not the article.
Sorry if those suggestions were totally unwarranted :/
Rambling here, but I think they can pretend it’s just ‘natural’. Like ‘oh, well if white people weren’t in charge and oppressing people than someone else would be oppressing us!’. But no. That’s not how it works :/
Aaaaand I just keep finding new reasons never to reproduce. Glad to know racists think of me as a race traitor. Gives me that extra warm and fuzzy feeling inside that goes great with warm cocoa in bed.
On the list of all possible reasons to have children, “doing your part for your race” should rank… somewhere below the whole fucking list.
Maybe dude is undesirable because he’s a fucking racist. They always lack that self-awareness though.
YEah,e my pills shave totally kickense in.
I’m off nowe.