a woman is always to blame antifeminism beta males evil women incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy racism reddit whitepocalypse

"The battle against feminism is most definitely a white rights issue," Reddit douchebag explains.


White men: Hot local girls are waiting for you  now!
White men: Hot local girls are waiting for you now!

Here’s a horrible comment from Reddit’s always horrible White Rights subreddit that reveals some of  the ways that the central ideas and obsessions of the manosphere are oozing their way into the thinking, such as it is, of the racist right. Birds of a feather flock together, and I guess the same is true of hateful shitheads.

What’s interesting to me is how easily Mr. Saturnine83 here is able to take the traditional racist paranoia about white women not popping out enough white babies to keep the white race going and make the whole “problem” about stuck-up ladies who won’t date him decent white men. For those filling out bingo cards, note the references to”disposible” men and “involuntary celibacy.”

Saturnine83 6 points 2 months ago (6|0)  Feminism has done a great deal of damage to white nations. It has essentially turned white women against white men in what seems like an ever-escalating gender war. It has convinced white women that white men are a disposable, unnecessary part of their kids' lives. It has also lowered birthrates in white nations by convincing women that in order to have a life that they can be proud of, they must compete with men in the workforce, thus neglecting their natural imperative to have children.  I wouldn't go so far as to advocate the traditional blather of "women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen", but a white woman who does not produce at bare minimum 2 white children is failing to do her part for her race. Without reproducing, regardless of whatever other pro-white actions she has taken in her life (unless they were truly remarkable), she has failed her race. White men who also refuse to reproduce with white women have failed their race as well. Obviously people who are infertile have a valid excuse and should pursue other means of contributing (such as raising adopted white children to be racially aware), so I don't want to say that there is no way that they can contribute, but for everyone else the rule applies.  Unfortunately for a lot of men, the choice of whether they have children or not is not available to them, either through involuntary celibacy or simply being too undesirable. Feminism has also ratcheted up the degree to which hypergamy is in effect in young women, with the resulting belief among most young white women being that unless a man meets a laundry list of specifications then he is practically invisible to them. This leaves a lot of young men lonely and a lot of women childless as they don't understand that their standards were unreasonable until it is too late to have children.  I could go on and on endlessly, but the battle against feminism is most definitely a white rights issue.

Oh, we have no doubt you could go on and on endlessly. Guys like you always can.

If you’re interested in exploring further connections between “Men’s Rights” and “White Rights,” check out the MRMorWhiteRights subreddit, which tracks this stuff in an entertaining way, and which is where I found the link to Saturnine83’s little screed.

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10 years ago

RE: Michelle C Young

I’m definitely bookmarking your stuff for more future reading.

My writeathon opens on the 31st! You should join the fun. 😉

Thank you so much for the definition, so that I did not have to read any more detail than that.

Yeah, and I was considered foolish for having such a short list of “nope, will not write” things. But I wanted to be challenged.

RE: chimisaur

is there a place I can read more?

I’m glad you liked the bath story and that it made you giggle and feel things! Thomas’s cultural misadventures are proving quite popular. And yes, I actually write for pay, but due to how I run things have a lot of stories up for free reading!

Here is all my writing ever.

Here is the index for Infinity Smashed, the universe that the bath story takes place in. Head’s up, it is a sprawling patchwork monster in constant stages of editing, and is not complete, so there are still big gaps between stories. (They aren’t written in chronological order.)

Here are my current orphan stories for sale.

Also, on Saturday, the 31st of May, I am opening up my newest writeathon, on the theme of journeys! Make a request for a story on the theme, whatever you like, and I write it for you! When the story gets sponsored, it is posted online for everyone to see! Anyone can sponsor any story, and I have bonuses and perks if my readers are spectacularly generous. Stay tuned on my blog and join the party! I love seeing new participants.

RE: Marie

*LBT, so sorry, I got lost at pronouns because my brain died, but I don’t know if which of you and your system members wrote it.

Enh, I do most of the writing, but it’s a kludgey group effort, so ‘they’ is perfectly acceptable. ‘He’ for me, ‘they’ for us. So you got it right! Also, if you want more LGBT stuff, I have a list of all my queer characters, which might help lead you to more stories you would like!

10 years ago


Eep. Plenty of stories, but I’ll check ’em out when I’m in the mood, so thanks for the link :3

I confess to not having participated in your writeathons /shame. I’d try to put money to one if I had more money*, but I’m no good with prompts. (that’s what you do, right?)

*got a job, but it pays sub minimum wage. It’s temporary, so when I hopefully get a better one I’ll actually be able to pay some of your writathons, cuz I like your work :3

10 years ago

RE: Marie

I confess to not having participated in your writeathons /shame. I’d try to put money to one if I had more money*, but I’m no good with prompts. (that’s what you do, right?)

Don’t be ashamed! I know that some people are broke and some folks don’t like giving prompts; it’s why I set things up the way I do, in hopes of letting as many people participate as possible. I’m also really trying to push forward stories in “micro-funding,” which means that the story in full might be long and cost, say, $100… but you can pay whatever amount you like, $5 or $50 or whatever, and I’ll post the corresponding number of words. The Thing In The Drain is this type.

10 years ago

@LBT, you’re having another writeathon soon? Outstanding. I wanted to submit a suggestion for the last one but was a complete airhead & missed the deadline. Will definitely make an effort this time.

10 years ago

Yup! The writeathon will open exactly ONE WEEK FROM NOW, on Saturday, May 31st! Be there and be square, y’all! My goal is to start saving up to replace the nine-year-old laptop I have done all my work on.

10 years ago

I am so angry! The latest SCOTUS decision – to allow the corporate “persons” to deny reproductive health coverage to women because it offends their dainty and godly sensibilities – is just the beginning of a larger escalation in the war against women. And I do not believe, for one minute, that it will be successfully challenged until a MAN is denied something like Viagra for the same reasons.

Who the bloody hell do these MEN think they are? Oh, sorry. I forgot about the Sacred Holy Nut Sack and the Divine Penile Pipeline that the Holy Homunculi travel through in order to deliver said Homunculi to the dark and nasty, but necessary, Unholy Uterus – all so that the little perfectly formed man can grow.

You know, I am pissed off enough to hope that some sexist, misogynistic puckercord desperately needs blood and his JW employer says no. Or that an Islamic corporation refuses to hire a good ol’ xtian white boy. I am fed up to HERE (holding my arm as far over my head as I can) with MRA-types “leveling” the playing field by taking away women’s rights and threatening our health.

How much you want to bet that this religious “freedom” decision will not apply to any BUT xtians? Unless, of course, it only hurts women.

I wish I could scream without scaring the kids next door. Barring that, it is time that women took to the streets again…and THIS time we should refuse aid and comfort to the not-so-wonderful Penised Persons.

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