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Tattooed hate girls: Are tattoos on women an attempt to repel men? One misogynist says yes.

I don't think the Militant Baker cares if her tattoos are offputting to assholes.
I don’t think the Militant Baker cares if her tattoos are offputting to assholes.

Misogynists hate, hate, hate it when women get tattoos. They just can’t all agree on why. The standard misogynist line on tattoos for women is that they are all, essentially, “tramp stamps” – a way of broadcasting that the woman displaying them is a slut, a skank, a whore. You know the drill.

But the “alternative right” racist/sexist/homophobe who goes by the handle agnostic has a rather different take. In a post on his blog Face to Face, he argues that women with tattoos are actually trying to broadcast their Puritan prudery.

Tattoos, you see, are just plain ugly, and help to accessorize a dreary look designed to repel men.

Notice how those girls dress in drab, dark monochrome colors, wear no girly jewelry, and sport flat hair rather than Big Hair. Their sassy, sarcastic, even nasty attitude echos their off-putting look.

Fundamentally, they are part of the larger trend toward drab dressing, and its signal of reluctance to get loose. Their personalities are more anti-social, so they express the neo-Pilgrim style in a more antagonistic fashion than the less abrasive girls in their generation, but they’re both variations on the same theme.

The tattoo-bearers are likely to be man-haters as well.

They are also part of the larger trend among women toward fear of or hatred toward men. …

In such a climate, women will alter their appearance and demeanor in order to deflate rather than excite the male libido. They act like prey trying to give warning signals to potential predators. The tattoo chicks are only the extreme version of this widespread trend. Girls sure don’t look or act as cute and flirty as they used to in the boy-crazy Eighties, when they thought of guys not as predators but as conspecifics who they wanted to court with engaging mating displays.

“Conspecifics” simply means “members of the same species.” Agnostic loves to drop that sciency lingo in order to make his prejudices seem  smart.

Anyway, he continues by arguing that tattoos are especially offensive to pickup artistes and other “assertive” dudes.

Off-putting style also serves to filter out the more assertive and independent males, who would rather spend time on a girl who looks cute, rather than settle for one who’s all marked up or not willing to show anything at all. … By inking themselves up, girls ensure that only the guys who are willing to get walked over and slapped in the face will approach them. Why go through the long hassle of having your new boyfriend fixed when you can advertise that only the neutered need apply in the first place?

Ah, but this last bit is perhaps more revealing than agnostic means it to be. Tattoos are an affront to misogynists because they’re seen as too assertive, too masculine – a challenge to traditional femininity, and to men who prefer traditionally feminine women.

Tattoos on women make misogynistic men angry because on some fundamental level these men don’t think women have the right to decorate their bodies in a way that displeases men –or at least their kind of men. It’s the same kind of creepy, possessive anger that many misogynistic men show towards women who cut their hair short. It’s as if these men on some level believe women’s bodies belong to them, and not to the women themselves.

And that’s pretty unattractive.

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10 years ago

Quite telling indeed, that last bit. A huge reason why I have tattoos is specifically because it expresses ownership to me. The fact that it turns of PUAs and their ilk is just a thrilling bonus.

10 years ago

He’s unintentionally right–my tats do tend to weed out the assholes. But “asshole” and “assertive and independent” are two different things. This dude is revealing himself in so many fun ways.

His or anyone else’s boner was not a factor in getting my ink.

10 years ago

In all of that, I’m honestly most shocked by his mournful paean to 1980s fashion. WHO WANTS TO BRING BACK 1980S FASHION???

10 years ago

And all this time, I thought I was getting tattoos because I thought they looked pretty. Who knew they were also asshole-repellent?

Hyena Girl
10 years ago

I suppose to their minds any way a woman chooses for herself is scary.

So, out of a desire to upset the MRAs and PUAs with my scary scary cooties of self expression…

10 years ago

Hyena Girl: Okay, that ink is awesome.

Good tatts are always awesome–and honestly, I usually see better ones on women than on men. I think there’s a certain amount of self-sorting there; women who decide to cut against the cultural grain and get ink are more inclined to have thought about how it’s going to look; it’s still considered acceptable (at least at some economic strata) for a guy to get a tattoo on an impulse, and it’s just considered at most a regrettable choice. So women are more likely to put thought into what to get, how it should look, and so on.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

These guys seem pathologically incapable of understanding their individual sexual preferences to be… individual sexual preferences. They’re too insecure to even like what they like.

Personally, I don’t get with no ladies that don’t have Mall Hair.

10 years ago

Oh, ok. “Cute”, “flirty”, and “loose” until a woman does that and then they are branded a slut and not relationship or marriage material. And even if women are trying to “repel” men, so what?

Here’s a clue, guys, women DONT CARE what you want us to want. We care what WE want for ourselves. Deal with it, or get lost.

I’ve been a feminist my entire life and I never realized the extent of control these POS want. Big time kudos to every woman who has ever rejected or divorced any of these wastes of space.

10 years ago

My wife marked (literally) the end of her first marriage by getting the tattoos that her ex-husband disapproved of. She’s never had any regrets, and they still look surprisingly good after two full decades.

10 years ago

Why on earth would anyone want to repel THESE charmers? /sarcasm

10 years ago

I thought sexy women were misandric oppression against men!

Andrew Johnston
10 years ago

Where I live, there are probably more women than men sporting ink, and I don’t notice any one predominant personality type among them. I can’t think of any of them who fit this hostile archetype, but I do know plenty who are artsy types who’ve often designed their tattoos themselves and are eager to talk about them. And while we’re on the subject of not all people being the same, I also know plenty of guys who are specifically turned on by tats. Some of the bars around here, if a woman with lots of ink walks in then half of the men will stop what they’re doing and check her out. I’m always amused by all the MRAs who assume that there’s some single, objective, universal standard of beauty (theirs, natch).

Neko McEvil
10 years ago

Reblogged this on Neko McEvil and commented:
If you’re not following, you are seriously missing out xD

10 years ago

“Anyway, he continues by arguing that tattoos are especially offensive to pickup artistes and other “assertive” dudes.”

That’s the hilarious part — among oh-so-many! Because if they are so assertive and secure in their masculinity and their “game,” surely they would not only not be put off by such an “unconventional” display of self-adornment in a woman, but would even welcome it as an opportunity to prove their superior pick-up skills and whatnot. (Not that I wish that on any woman, God forbid.)

10 years ago

Well , I don’t really get what they’re complaining about, since in my experience, tattoos can actually further enhance the attractiveness of an already attractive human female, for example, anything around upper arm or the wrist or the waist or the hips or small of the back or the ankles or toes.

10 years ago

Even assuming that his rectally-derived psychoanalysis is correct – that some women prefer certain traits in a male lover and are marking their bodies in order to better filter out the men they’re not interested in – so fucking what?

He basically just argued that women having preferences is misandry. I know lots of these guys think that, but he actually came out and said it.

and its signal of reluctance to get loose

“Women aren’t sexually available to me, I’m so oppressed!”


Someone who still thinks “big hair” is the height of female fashion in 2014.

A huge reason why I have tattoos is specifically because it expresses ownership to me.

His or anyone else’s boner was not a factor in getting my ink.

And that’s why they hate them. Any fashion choice they don’t happen to like – tattoos, short hair, pants – is a challenge to their assumption that women’s bodies exist for men to enjoy. People who still don’t believe that men have this assumption need only read the thousands of words of complaint from decades – centuries – of men who are mad about how women are dressing.

10 years ago

Thanks for the boner update, Pester

10 years ago


“I’m always amused by all the MRAs who assume that there’s some single, objective, universal standard of beauty (theirs, natch).”

Yup. And that standard is conventional in appearance, which translates (in their minds) into docile = easy to dominate. They are a frightfully insecure bunch.

10 years ago


“In all of that, I’m honestly most shocked by his mournful paean to 1980s fashion. WHO WANTS TO BRING BACK 1980S FASHION???”

Right? That’s the scariest thought of all. (Also see zoon echon logon’s Mall Hair.)

10 years ago

There are whole porn sites devoted pics which show that this guy is full of shit.

10 years ago

I have been pondering getting a tattoo for a while. It’s a very personal choice, so I’m thinking it through, deciding what I want. Note how it’s all about ME and what I want.

Yeah, they can’t stand that. Women making their own choices about their bodies! Shocking!

10 years ago

Oh noes! Women might not like assholes and are able show it to the world ate first sight! THE APOCALYPSE, I TELL YOU.

Also, he doesn’t know about the dudes who think tattooed girls love harassment. Oh wait, he said they’re announcing they are sluts. Can’t make up your mind on a reason to hate women so why not have both, huh?

10 years ago

*cough* Not that male attraction should be the defining interest in what women wear or how they adorn themselves.

10 years ago

Also, my shoulder is more misandric than I thought! Go me!

10 years ago

Well, now I can add tattoos to my misandric shopping list! (Along with headphones, a haircut, SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLES and hard chairs). Now to say something I would have never predicted doing in this life: LADIES…who wants to go with me to the maaallll?!

In all seriousness though, I can’t figure out why these guys whine about women repelling them like it’s a *bad* thing. Don’t physical indicators of disinterest save everyone’s time?

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