off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: Very Belated May 2014 Edition

Le chien, so chic
Le chien, so chic

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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10 years ago

I don’t feel terribly qualified to answer medical questions, but I think the main concern is breathing and heart rate. Does anything feel off there?

There should be a list of side effects on the pill bottle that will inform you if what’s happening is normal.

10 years ago


yeah it’s ativan/lorazepam. I do feel calmer. lllllooooooooooooooooootttttttttttt calmer

but also kinda weird. idk i think I’m talking wierd. and I cna’t focus. Ask fade, she will contest. 😛

I’vve been bugging her.


no my breathing heart rate are fine. I don’t think I’m in medical emergency. I’m just curious what’s happening to my body.

Side effects it said confused can be side effect

and the calm thing that’s supposed tohappen.

And I looked up and you can get high on lorazepam i think

but on my dose that seems weird

and idk even if I’m high

just suuuuuupppppppppppeeeeeeeeerrr lloopppy.

10 years ago

confused can mean loopy, in medical pill labeling.

Suuuper loopy can be high. So long as you don’t drive or operate heavy machinery, don’t do anything to hurt yourself or any one else, and don’t start taking it just for the loopy feeling, you’re probably fine.

If you get worried, or if Fade gets worried at all, call the doc who prescribed it. They should be well educated in its side effects, or know exactly who to call to get the required info.

10 years ago


don’t worry I”m not driving. I don’t evenn have liscence. 😛

FFFMen idk. don’t like the idea of fade calling ehr on my behalf. I mean I trust fade. But I don’t like the idea recoommend to

i cant’ pull words out.

To the other person do medical stuff for you.

Yes that word.

Because My parents do medical stuff for me and they were dicks about it.

wow I cant spell like this. I hope I’m not annoying you guys.

10 years ago

Good that heart rate/breathing are okay. I think just let your doctor know about this reaction, even if it’s atypical.

10 years ago

IIRC, those pills are scored so you can break them and take less than a whole one so you’ll just be calm, not loopy.

Avoid grapefruit juice, that can affect the metabolism of a lot of meds, and benzos are among them.

10 years ago


k thnk for the advice. ::)

10 years ago

And Marie, you’re not annoying. The loopiness isn’t under your control at this point!

10 years ago

my mom cant take grape fruit for her meds either 😛

and thank for advice hellkell

you guys are nice.

idk what a benzo is.

is it what lorazepam is?

10 years ago


thank. I talk to my doctor see if I can take smaller doses.

I like them. They make my panic attack not hurt.

When I get bad panic attack my back hurts lots but they stop that.

OSSSSSSSSSSooo I will tell her.

but I really hope she doesn’t take me off them.

10 years ago

Marie: Lorezepam is a part of the benzodiazepine family.

10 years ago

Hey Pecunium. Just wanted to say, congrats on a successful wedding! May you and your life partner enjoy a loving relationship for many years to come. =)

10 years ago

Whoops! Didn’t mean for you to think Fade should call for you. More if Fade tells you zie’s worried, that you should call in.

I guess I worded that a bit too vaugely (or just too badly) for the situation. My bad. Totally. Contrapangloss gets negative points for communication skills.


DON’T have Fade call in for you. They probably wouldn’t talk to her, regardless.

I’m glad that the pill makes panic attacks not hurt, though. That’s definitely a good thing!

10 years ago


good you make sense now.

they shoudl listen her though.

she’s my thing.

my word. I can’t word. thie word. They do medical things if you aren’t concious. I put her down to be my word.

10 years ago

I probably shoudl get off comptuer cuz I’m loopy

But I like talking to you guys

I figure I confine my loopiness to one thread you know.

10 years ago

my word. I can’t word. thie word. They do medical things if you aren’t concious. I put her down to be my word.

IIRC marie had me down as the person who makes your medical decisions if you are incapacitated. idk what it’s called? proxy? b/c our parents were generally shitty about medical stuff.

10 years ago

^should clarify if you are incapacitated and an emergency decision needs to be made. is that a kind of thing that people generally think of who they want to do in advance? i think our doctors told us to think of something…

10 years ago

yes the doctors had us sign those thing.

when your 18

that’s what I like about 18 you don’t need ur parents to do the thing.

where they’re automatically in teh loop cuz they’re parents

i don’ tlike that

i don’t wnat them near my medical stuff.

bad parent

10 years ago

Yep. Medical proxy is the term generally used where I am, at least.

Glad you’re watching out for her, Fade!

10 years ago

Marie, hope you feel awesome in the non-panicked and non-loopy way soon!

10 years ago


yes fade is good we lik fade

i should go to sleep and stop posting while I so loopy.

But why they do that for kids where parents truly shitty but they still like make the medical descisions I don’t like it at all.

Now only fade I put as my medical proxy. I like her shes a greatsister.

10 years ago


thank. I probably should sleep it off.

and call doctor see if she can give me smaller dose so I not panic but also not loopy.

I should call her tomorrow.

10 years ago

oksrry for derail guys

i still loopy but ima try to sleep now

your’e alall still aweosome though. <3

10 years ago


10 years ago

Marie and Fade, much <3

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