I can tell you what I do during tornado warnings to help me calm down if you want, but 1) I don’t have a phobia so it’s probably nowhere near as bad as what you’re going through and 2) obviously you don’t need to hear it if you don’t want to.
oh, sure I don’t mind, I wouldn’t have offered otherwise :3
Usually when the warning comes on I get a bicycle helmet and boots on, in case it actually does hit. Those were tips I got from other mamothers. There was also a ‘have your cellphone handy in case you need to call for help’ tip, but it doesn’t make me less anxious so I don’t do it much.
I also take my pets into the hallway (safest place in our apartment) and wait until the warning’s done.
Usually I keep my helmet + boots on for a coupe hours after.
So all my tips are just ‘in case’ but it helps me feel a little better. Idk if they’d help you. But um that’s what I do.
I think all of that would help a lot if there is a tornado watch/warning issued for our area. In fact, that’s kind of like how I used to deal with my phobia – even at the age of 9 I’d call all of my family down to the basement, grab the cat, and get all of the necessary emergency supplies like batteries, radios, etc. It helped me cope a lot. Unfortunately, none of that will help me cope with my current anxiety, but I think your suggestions are still helpful. Thanks.
And now I feel that even talking about it with others is helping me calm down. Sometimes the thing that makes the phobia reach its absolute worst is the feeling of loneliness that comes when people dismiss my phobia and tell me to “get over it”. It’s been 10 years since that phobia and I’ve internalized those attitudes ever since.
One time some smug dipshit laughed at me for saying I had a tornado phobia because “everyone is scared of tornadoes.”
Granted, I’d be surprised to find anyone who isn’t afraid of them, but nearly all of those people don’t have any phobia of tornadoes. It’s a nightmare to have this phobia – no other phobia I have consumes me this much. It was even worse when I was 9 because I felt very lonely – like I was the only kid in the world with that phobia. No one but my mom tried to console me whenever my phobia was triggered. Everyone else had one or more of the following reactions:
-“You’re being way too paranoid – stop it.”
-“Look at that cute little genius boy [sic] telling everyone about how to hide from tornadoes.”
-“Hahaha you’re already scared? Let me scare you even more just for a laugh.”
So I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this site because it allows me to call out the awfulness of the MRA crowd anonymously and within a community of people who truly get it. I did it under my real name yesterday and I’ve been regretting that move for the past 24 hours. Not that anything terrible has come of it except the predictable toothless insults, but still . . .
And now I’m feeling terribly depressed about that, because why should I need to hide behind anonymity just to defend feminism (and therefore obviously myself)? Messed up world.
10 years ago
Ally S: That is so mean! I used to have a fair number of nightmares about tornadoes back when I lived in tornado territory. My favourite fix was to hide in the bathtub with a foam mattress over the top.
I just want to offer lots of cupcakes and support to all the trans people on here – I had no idea there were so many! I’m cis, but my BFF is trans, and I was with her through her whole transition. (She was my roommate when she started, and now she’s my downstairs neighbour. Yay for keeping friends close!) I saw the hell she used to live in, and all the positive changes she’s made in her life since she’s been living as a woman. I don’t want to come of as condescending when I say that I am so proud of all of you – transitioning takes more guts than most people will ever have.
Someone mentioned the Oppression Olympics, and it reminded me of a fun game some friends and I have played – the Privilege Olympics! It’s about the same, only everybody points out what (usually ridiculous) privilege the others have. The most hilarious game we’ve had so far was between me, (a tiny pansexual cis woman with a mental illness), my BFF, (a gorgeous, skinny Latina trans dyke), and another friend, who is a big, black drag queen. It can get so silly. We worked out that my BFF had the most privilege of all of us in the context of walking down the street, because she presents as a tall, thin, beautiful woman. Until the wind lifts her skirt, at which point all privilege transfers to me. But we got confused with Rob/Rain, because we had no idea how many male privilege points should be lost if the male is fat and black, and dresses as a woman sometimes. 😉
One time some smug dipshit laughed at me for saying I had a tornado phobia because “everyone is scared of tornadoes.”
What a douche :/
I did it under my real name yesterday and I’ve been regretting that move for the past 24 hours. Not that anything terrible has come of it except the predictable toothless insults, but still . . .
Thanks for the hugs, Marie. I’m fine. I mean it’s not like it was even remotely a traumatic experience but I’m just reflecting on the absurdity of worrying about combating MRA through under my real name. “oh, I shouldn’t speak up for the movement that supports my rights as a human being. it’s going to be on the internet permanently.”
I’m not sure I entirely understand what you’re asking, but for me, the two things are not correlated. You can be okay with your body image and not be healthy. You can be healthy and not okay with your body image. I’m trans and recovering from an eating disorder, and my body image issues had nothing to do with exercise, and couldn’t be cured with exercise.
So I don’t see it as worthy of a split, because they aren’t even arguing mutually exclusive things. That said, I wish people would STFU about exercise being a panacea and stop acting like losing weight = health.
Also, bleh, just feeling kinda weird today, guys. Money has been tight, because my disability payments have been docked for income I don’t have, and today I found out my parents (we’re estranged) are traveling to Africa.
I don’t know. It’s like, when they do send me checks, I tear them up and pretend I never got them, and it’s not like I want to be back in their company, it’s just WEIRD living on less than $700 a month, fighting to get my food stamps app redone (they dropped the ball on me. Again) and it’s like, oh yeah, my parents are traveling overseas because they can do that. Humans can do that. I used to do that.
Being poor and disabled and estranged from family sucks. Praying that one of my stories sells to get me more than $30 for the rest of the month is ass.
Just blah. I’ma go back to listening to Bruce Springsteen and Tom Waits now.
. I mean it’s not like it was even remotely a traumatic experience but I’m just reflecting on the absurdity of worrying about combating MRA through under my real name.
well, it’s good to hear it wasn’t traumatic. Still sucks that they were being jerks though.
I couldn’t tell what Ken was saying either, so I didn’t respond.
::offers hugs:: Sorry to hear about your food stamps/money troubles 🙁 That sucks.
It’s okay, like things will get better, I just have to get my goddamn food stamps app pushed through. It’s just so aggravating, because I’ve lived in this state less than six months and they’ve dropped the ball on my voting registration, my food stamps, my health insurance, and three times on my disability alone! Nothing I have done in this fucking state has gone right on the first time; it’s always them forgetting to send paperwork, or forgetting to call, or dropping me between the cracks because of bureaucratic reshuffling…
At this point, the poverty line just seems like some faraway dream not even worth thinking about. I’d be happy on just $800 a month. Yeah, $800 sounds amazing…
10 years ago
There are people who are fat, OK with their body image AND work out.
Citizen Radio does, imo, a good job of encouraging health and fitness without damning any body type. I don’t think there needs to be factions there.
Elyse Anders at Skepchick had a great article about how it’s OK not to love your body. It’s your body and you don’t have to feel a certain way about it. She’s a cancer survivor who runs marathons. She’s lost all kinds of weight and she doesn’t think her butt is fantastic. She isn’t ashamed of it either. I like her point of view. If beauty is important to someone, I think that’s fine. They should go for it and be as beautiful as they wanna be. I don’t think we all need to be or feel beautiful to matter.
10 years ago
@LBT: I second your opinion that being poor and having to somehow survive on disability payments sucks major ass. I’m working on a bunch of tiny paintings right now, so I can take them to the park and try to sell some on the weekend. Otherwise, I’m flat broke and will have to beg money from my mum again, and I hate doing that. She’s got little enough as is. The estranged, abusive father-creature could afford to help out, but won’t, because he “doesn’t believe in” mental illness. I’ve got to admit though, if he were to send me a cheque, I’d cash it. Not because I don’t hate him, but because I just need the money. Struggling through the nausea at even seeing his handwriting on the envelope is worth a bit of cash, if I need that cash badly enough.
you got i right, even if did not say it right. The messages that catch my attention have to do with weight so i may be focused on that over any other body issues.although right now their not conflicting i could see were the could be. that one is more of a fear the free speech thing I see as the real problem.
also great choice of music nothing like Springsteen to inspire. hope thing get better for you.
I think the same, i didn’t mean to say their are but that there is a possibility. I was more concerned with the probability of the left fracturing then what causes the fracture.
I’ve got to admit though, if he were to send me a cheque, I’d cash it.
I don’t blame you for that; money is money. In my case, giving them absolutely no access to me is more important than money, especially since I know things will be okay if I just make it to June. Then I can throw another writeathon and start making proper profit again.
RE: Ken L.
Ah, okay. In the case of weight… again, to me they aren’t necessarily the same thing. I’ve known fat anorexics. I’ve also known fat people who could punt me over a fence. Some people’s weight changes drastically with diet exercise; other folks don’t. So yeah, the messages still aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive, but I’d rather folks stop policing bodies that they don’t have to live in.
I really hope this doesn’t come across as jumping on you, but I have a few things to say:
(a gorgeous, skinny Latina trans dyke)
I’m assuming that you’re calling her a dyke because she identifies with that term? I just want to confirm since a lot of non-lesbians call other lesbians dykes against their will, assuming that all lesbians are okay with being called dykes.
We worked out that my BFF had the most privilege of all of us in the context of walking down the street, because she presents as a tall, thin, beautiful woman. Until the wind lifts her skirt, at which point all privilege transfers to me.
Please bear in mind that, while passing privilege does exist, it doesn’t grant passing trans women cis privilege. At best it’s conditional privilege, which doesn’t really count as privilege. It’s kind of like how a lot lesbians aren’t recognized as lesbians immediately, but they are still oppressed by lesbophobia.
Also, I still live in “guy mode” as a trans girl, and I have received a lot of transmisogynistic abuse and harassment. Despite the fact that I’m presenting as male. So yeah, while passing can potentially insulate one from abuse and harassment, it usually isn’t the case.
Again, I’m sorry if I seem like I’m attacking you, but I’m a little sensitive to stuff like this these days. I hope you can understand where I’m coming from – and I’ll note that I’m a trans lesbian as well.
I am shocked, SHOCKED by this news. 😉 Congratulations. You’re stronger than me; I’m not even the person the TERFS hate most, and I can’t handle their bullshit.
Does anyone happen to have a link to some good online reading material about the genetic component of autism?
The Austism Self-Advocacy Network might have some useful stuff! I’ve got friends who are involved with them and speak highly of them.
::Offers hugs::
I can tell you what I do during tornado warnings to help me calm down if you want, but 1) I don’t have a phobia so it’s probably nowhere near as bad as what you’re going through and 2) obviously you don’t need to hear it if you don’t want to.
Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d like to hear it. Even if it doesn’t work it’s worth a try.
oh, sure I don’t mind, I wouldn’t have offered otherwise :3
Usually when the warning comes on I get a bicycle helmet and boots on, in case it actually does hit. Those were tips I got from other mamothers. There was also a ‘have your cellphone handy in case you need to call for help’ tip, but it doesn’t make me less anxious so I don’t do it much.
I also take my pets into the hallway (safest place in our apartment) and wait until the warning’s done.
Usually I keep my helmet + boots on for a coupe hours after.
So all my tips are just ‘in case’ but it helps me feel a little better. Idk if they’d help you. But um that’s what I do.
I think all of that would help a lot if there is a tornado watch/warning issued for our area. In fact, that’s kind of like how I used to deal with my phobia – even at the age of 9 I’d call all of my family down to the basement, grab the cat, and get all of the necessary emergency supplies like batteries, radios, etc. It helped me cope a lot. Unfortunately, none of that will help me cope with my current anxiety, but I think your suggestions are still helpful. Thanks.
And now I feel that even talking about it with others is helping me calm down. Sometimes the thing that makes the phobia reach its absolute worst is the feeling of loneliness that comes when people dismiss my phobia and tell me to “get over it”. It’s been 10 years since that phobia and I’ve internalized those attitudes ever since.
Here’s a resource on tornadoes. By an EMT, as part of a series.
(the series is simply called medical stuff, but it includes what to do in nearly every kind of disaster, and is really very helpful)
It starts with what a tornado is and how it can hurt you, then gets into specifics about protecting yourself.
Plans and knowledge aren’t 100% anxiety-proof, but I’ve found they can really help.
Side note: I still remember trying to explain a phobia to a friend, and he stopped me, holding a hand up. “That’s not very logical,” he said.
I was a little sporfled. “No, exactly,” I said. “If it was logical IT WOULDN’T BE A PHOBIA.”
Didn’t get through to him at all.
tahnks for the link. reading it now.
One time some smug dipshit laughed at me for saying I had a tornado phobia because “everyone is scared of tornadoes.”
Granted, I’d be surprised to find anyone who isn’t afraid of them, but nearly all of those people don’t have any phobia of tornadoes. It’s a nightmare to have this phobia – no other phobia I have consumes me this much. It was even worse when I was 9 because I felt very lonely – like I was the only kid in the world with that phobia. No one but my mom tried to console me whenever my phobia was triggered. Everyone else had one or more of the following reactions:
-“You’re being way too paranoid – stop it.”
-“Look at that cute little genius boy [sic] telling everyone about how to hide from tornadoes.”
-“Hahaha you’re already scared? Let me scare you even more just for a laugh.”
So I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this site because it allows me to call out the awfulness of the MRA crowd anonymously and within a community of people who truly get it. I did it under my real name yesterday and I’ve been regretting that move for the past 24 hours. Not that anything terrible has come of it except the predictable toothless insults, but still . . .
And now I’m feeling terribly depressed about that, because why should I need to hide behind anonymity just to defend feminism (and therefore obviously myself)? Messed up world.
Ally S: That is so mean! I used to have a fair number of nightmares about tornadoes back when I lived in tornado territory. My favourite fix was to hide in the bathtub with a foam mattress over the top.
I just want to offer lots of cupcakes and support to all the trans people on here – I had no idea there were so many! I’m cis, but my BFF is trans, and I was with her through her whole transition. (She was my roommate when she started, and now she’s my downstairs neighbour. Yay for keeping friends close!) I saw the hell she used to live in, and all the positive changes she’s made in her life since she’s been living as a woman. I don’t want to come of as condescending when I say that I am so proud of all of you – transitioning takes more guts than most people will ever have.
Someone mentioned the Oppression Olympics, and it reminded me of a fun game some friends and I have played – the Privilege Olympics! It’s about the same, only everybody points out what (usually ridiculous) privilege the others have. The most hilarious game we’ve had so far was between me, (a tiny pansexual cis woman with a mental illness), my BFF, (a gorgeous, skinny Latina trans dyke), and another friend, who is a big, black drag queen. It can get so silly. We worked out that my BFF had the most privilege of all of us in the context of walking down the street, because she presents as a tall, thin, beautiful woman. Until the wind lifts her skirt, at which point all privilege transfers to me. But we got confused with Rob/Rain, because we had no idea how many male privilege points should be lost if the male is fat and black, and dresses as a woman sometimes. 😉
What a douche :/
::offers hugs:: I hope you’re okay.
Thanks for the hugs, Marie. I’m fine. I mean it’s not like it was even remotely a traumatic experience but I’m just reflecting on the absurdity of worrying about combating MRA through under my real name. “oh, I shouldn’t speak up for the movement that supports my rights as a human being. it’s going to be on the internet permanently.”
“through” s/b “thought.” Such as it is.
RE: Ken
“be okay with your body image/ Got work out”
I’m not sure I entirely understand what you’re asking, but for me, the two things are not correlated. You can be okay with your body image and not be healthy. You can be healthy and not okay with your body image. I’m trans and recovering from an eating disorder, and my body image issues had nothing to do with exercise, and couldn’t be cured with exercise.
So I don’t see it as worthy of a split, because they aren’t even arguing mutually exclusive things. That said, I wish people would STFU about exercise being a panacea and stop acting like losing weight = health.
Also, bleh, just feeling kinda weird today, guys. Money has been tight, because my disability payments have been docked for income I don’t have, and today I found out my parents (we’re estranged) are traveling to Africa.
I don’t know. It’s like, when they do send me checks, I tear them up and pretend I never got them, and it’s not like I want to be back in their company, it’s just WEIRD living on less than $700 a month, fighting to get my food stamps app redone (they dropped the ball on me. Again) and it’s like, oh yeah, my parents are traveling overseas because they can do that. Humans can do that. I used to do that.
Being poor and disabled and estranged from family sucks. Praying that one of my stories sells to get me more than $30 for the rest of the month is ass.
Just blah. I’ma go back to listening to Bruce Springsteen and Tom Waits now.
well, it’s good to hear it wasn’t traumatic. Still sucks that they were being jerks though.
I couldn’t tell what Ken was saying either, so I didn’t respond.
::offers hugs:: Sorry to hear about your food stamps/money troubles 🙁 That sucks.
Sorry, LBT.
I wish things were better.
It’s okay, like things will get better, I just have to get my goddamn food stamps app pushed through. It’s just so aggravating, because I’ve lived in this state less than six months and they’ve dropped the ball on my voting registration, my food stamps, my health insurance, and three times on my disability alone! Nothing I have done in this fucking state has gone right on the first time; it’s always them forgetting to send paperwork, or forgetting to call, or dropping me between the cracks because of bureaucratic reshuffling…
At this point, the poverty line just seems like some faraway dream not even worth thinking about. I’d be happy on just $800 a month. Yeah, $800 sounds amazing…
There are people who are fat, OK with their body image AND work out.
Citizen Radio does, imo, a good job of encouraging health and fitness without damning any body type. I don’t think there needs to be factions there.
Elyse Anders at Skepchick had a great article about how it’s OK not to love your body. It’s your body and you don’t have to feel a certain way about it. She’s a cancer survivor who runs marathons. She’s lost all kinds of weight and she doesn’t think her butt is fantastic. She isn’t ashamed of it either. I like her point of view. If beauty is important to someone, I think that’s fine. They should go for it and be as beautiful as they wanna be. I don’t think we all need to be or feel beautiful to matter.
@LBT: I second your opinion that being poor and having to somehow survive on disability payments sucks major ass. I’m working on a bunch of tiny paintings right now, so I can take them to the park and try to sell some on the weekend. Otherwise, I’m flat broke and will have to beg money from my mum again, and I hate doing that. She’s got little enough as is. The estranged, abusive father-creature could afford to help out, but won’t, because he “doesn’t believe in” mental illness. I’ve got to admit though, if he were to send me a cheque, I’d cash it. Not because I don’t hate him, but because I just need the money. Struggling through the nausea at even seeing his handwriting on the envelope is worth a bit of cash, if I need that cash badly enough.
you got i right, even if did not say it right. The messages that catch my attention have to do with weight so i may be focused on that over any other body issues.although right now their not conflicting i could see were the could be. that one is more of a fear the free speech thing I see as the real problem.
also great choice of music nothing like Springsteen to inspire. hope thing get better for you.
I think the same, i didn’t mean to say their are but that there is a possibility. I was more concerned with the probability of the left fracturing then what causes the fracture.
RE: Winter Walker
I’ve got to admit though, if he were to send me a cheque, I’d cash it.
I don’t blame you for that; money is money. In my case, giving them absolutely no access to me is more important than money, especially since I know things will be okay if I just make it to June. Then I can throw another writeathon and start making proper profit again.
RE: Ken L.
Ah, okay. In the case of weight… again, to me they aren’t necessarily the same thing. I’ve known fat anorexics. I’ve also known fat people who could punt me over a fence. Some people’s weight changes drastically with diet exercise; other folks don’t. So yeah, the messages still aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive, but I’d rather folks stop policing bodies that they don’t have to live in.
I really hope this doesn’t come across as jumping on you, but I have a few things to say:
I’m assuming that you’re calling her a dyke because she identifies with that term? I just want to confirm since a lot of non-lesbians call other lesbians dykes against their will, assuming that all lesbians are okay with being called dykes.
Please bear in mind that, while passing privilege does exist, it doesn’t grant passing trans women cis privilege. At best it’s conditional privilege, which doesn’t really count as privilege. It’s kind of like how a lot lesbians aren’t recognized as lesbians immediately, but they are still oppressed by lesbophobia.
Also, I still live in “guy mode” as a trans girl, and I have received a lot of transmisogynistic abuse and harassment. Despite the fact that I’m presenting as male. So yeah, while passing can potentially insulate one from abuse and harassment, it usually isn’t the case.
Again, I’m sorry if I seem like I’m attacking you, but I’m a little sensitive to stuff like this these days. I hope you can understand where I’m coming from – and I’ll note that I’m a trans lesbian as well.
RE: inu
I am shocked, SHOCKED by this news. 😉 Congratulations. You’re stronger than me; I’m not even the person the TERFS hate most, and I can’t handle their bullshit.
Does anyone happen to have a link to some good online reading material about the genetic component of autism?
The Austism Self-Advocacy Network might have some useful stuff! I’ve got friends who are involved with them and speak highly of them.