off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: Very Belated May 2014 Edition

Le chien, so chic
Le chien, so chic

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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10 years ago


The thing is, I *didn’t* think it was a problem, until I started reading about it. Then, I began worrying that I had some sort of problem I didn’t know about. It’s strange- I’m about the furthest you can get from a hypochondriac, unless it’s psychological.


It can take up hours of time, if I have nothing else to do. But if there’s something I need to do, or that’s more enjoyable, then I don’t do it very much at all. I just didn’t know if it was normal or not, since I don’t have much of a frame of reference. The only other people I’ve really seen talk about daydreaming like mine were people trying to make it stop. Hence, the worry.

And no, I never officially got my own welcome package, but I’ve hijacked quite a few other people’s. I’d like to join in the community here more, but I’m not up to your caliber of mockery yet 🙂


Thanks for letting me vent like that, and offering advice. It did help, I think- at least for now. I think my plan for now is just to try and be more social (even if it’s hard), and to focus on some of my other interests more. And I’ll try to limit it to set times, rather than just letting my mind wander all over the place as it tends to do. So, just focus on the parts that annoy me, and accept that the other parts are strange but probably harmless. Hopefully it’ll work. Either way, you guys were really nice. Here’s another cat, for your patience with my wordiness

10 years ago

Ack, ninja’d by katz!

I make up all sorts of things. Sometimes I’ll create my own characters and make stories for them, sometimes I’ll make up stories about already-existing characters (mental fanfiction, basically). Sometimes I’ll make up what-if scenarios where I’m famous and giving interviews or doing nice stuff for fans. Basically, whatever pops up.

10 years ago

Cool. You should write it down if you don’t. Your kitties are very sweet, btw!

For everyone else, here is another classic wartime cat.

10 years ago

Sounds perfectly normal to me, Anonymouslazycat. It’s not stopping you doing other stuff, so enjoy! 🙂

10 years ago



10 years ago

Mostly just while going on walks, trying to fall asleep, or just when I’m bored.

It can take up hours of time, if I have nothing else to do.

The times that you daydream are the times I read or watch tv or play video games. If I had to rely on making up my own stories I’d stay bored. So I think you’re very lucky to have such a talent for entertaining yourself. 🙂 You might find you don’t spend anymore time daydreaming than other people do consuming media.

10 years ago

Sometimes I’ll make up what-if scenarios where I’m famous and giving interviews or doing nice stuff for fans

I used to do that – think of answers to interview questions. It’s a good way to explore your own personality I think. Nowadays I imagine what it would be like to go back in time, and how cool I’d be with all my modern knowledge. Have you noticed that in most time travel stories the travellers never seem to know anything useful?

10 years ago

Well, I guess I have a tire to fix in the a.m.

Ran over a nail, two miles from home. The wheel was barely flat, so I drove all the way in, borrowed cribbing from the engine, and swapped it out for the spare.

Crossing my fingers and hoping only the one tire was hit. On the bright side, at least my station home has tons of cribbing! That car wasn’t going nowhere, while it was jacked up. Bwahahaha!

On that note, I should think about going to bed… Lots to do!

10 years ago

Nowadays I imagine what it would be like to go back in time, and how cool I’d be with all my modern knowledge

This is one of my favorites! I like to practice explaining everyday things like germ theory or the solar system to people in the past. It’s diverting, yes, and it also helps me organize what I know and identify gaps in my knowledge. Might even be useful as a study aid when I go back to school…

10 years ago

I always think going back in time and talking about modern knowledge would get you in trouble – like, locked up at best, at least in Europe. Burn the witch, etc. (She turned me into a newt!)

10 years ago

I prefer to hypothetical that part away 🙂

10 years ago


Mostly just while going on walks, trying to fall asleep, or just when I’m bored. Sometimes my mind will start to wander when I’m doing regular household tasks, or doing something I find uninteresting or unengaging. I just worry that I do it too often, I guess? Or that I do it in a way that’s abnormal? Or that it might, in some non-obvious way be screwing up my mental health?

That happens to me all the time, especially while falling asleep or walking. But I don’t see the problem with it.

Sometimes I’ll create my own characters and make stories for them, sometimes I’ll make up stories about already-existing characters (mental fanfiction, basically)

Me too 😀 I tend to write down my own shit, and leave mental fanfiction in my head, cuz for some reason I’m really embarrassed by my own fanfic ideas, even though I enjoy reading other peoples.

10 years ago

oh, @anonamouslazycat

Idk if hanging out on the internet is any better a social situation than you? but I like talking on whtm cuz I can socialize with other people without having to go out and meet them, which I think is great if you have depression, like me. (though idk if you do). But it gets in my desire to socialize.

Also, OT, but relevant to open thread (what isn’t XD) but recently I’ve been having trust issues with new people 🙁 idk what to do about it though.

10 years ago


Maybe. It didn’t used to be. I mean, I used to be better with it. But the past year + I’ve just had a harder time.

I think I kind of know why, if you think an explanation would help, but I just don’t know what to do about it. Meat space is just different from here in some ways, where here usually it seems like a safer space to say if they make you uncomftorable.

Also, I do feel like I”ve been a little more wary of new posters, which is probably a bad thing. I’ve just got trust issues atm, and don’t know what to do.


10 years ago

Retail workers stand. Behind the cash register, stocking shelves, advising customers about the relative merits of brands, mopping the floors. The only chair was in the manager’s office. If you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean. If you’ve got time to sit, you’re fired.

Working retail was where I found out I needed orthotics, just when I could least afford them.

But that’s terrible. That’s just.. that’s… eight to fourteen hours a day? Five or more days a week? I.. I can’t. I can’t.


I don’t want to make it sound like a big deal, and when I worked retail (for six months, granted, not that long) it was a hard job and all, and I did a lot of work, but at least we had chairs. And lots of classes on how to lift things properly. And oversight, at some points.

I might be making a big deal out of nothing, but I really kind of feel like I was just told that in your American super markets, you sell cheese, pasta, tomato juice and the pulped hearts of mewling beastman harvested fresh from the lands of the Ever Young through a portal rigged up by Management in the basement. It’s a little jarring.

… brb writing a new short story.


Fibi? Did I miss something? What did you get yourself into?

It probably helps if I give you a picture of myself, and just sort of say: “This is what I got myself into”.

Here’s one that was taken recently.

I went with red, on the account of it matching my eyes better. I still think the rock has a good thing going with the fur. But then again, it’s so difficult to find proper pelt care products.

Then people fight me. With swords.
There is occassionally those who are good or fast or lucky, and truth be told, it’s not really because I can see or hear or smell all that much so I take more hits than I can easily absorb. And really, I was never much with a sword anyway. I prefer combat by iambic pentameter. I’ve been doing it for two or three years now, but you still always get surprised by just how visciously good at stabbing you with a sharp stick some people can be.

Also this is the first picture of my face that’s available on We Hunted The Mammoth.

Am I pretty? q: I know I’m no cat, but who can compete with felines?



I second what’s been said so far. Stake my horns on it.

I hope you think of grand, good things in those moments to yourself, because it sounds like you have all you need to do well in hand and do not suffer. An active imagination is no bad thing at all!

10 years ago

Ah, yeah – can’t direct link to images.

My bad.

Try this

10 years ago

I might be making a big deal out of nothing, but I really kind of feel like I was just told that in your American super markets, you sell cheese, pasta, tomato juice and the pulped hearts of mewling beastman harvested fresh from the lands of the Ever Young through a portal rigged up by Management in the basement. It’s a little jarring.

Only in Nightvale.

10 years ago


I don’t want to make it sound like a big deal, and when I worked retail (for six months, granted, not that long) it was a hard job and all, and I did a lot of work, but at least we had chairs. And lots of classes on how to lift things properly. And oversight, at some points.

I think chairs actually would make it a lot better, and that you aren’t making a big deal out of nothing, but I didn’t even know they gave cashiers chairs in other places, so even though it sucks, it just seems normal here.

10 years ago

Only in Nightvale.

Well, I have been hearing good things about their mountains. They’re apparently really worth not looking at, thinking about, listening to, or noticing when they creep up on you.

10 years ago

Oh my god, if that was included in my work’s dress code, I would never complain about the dress code again. ALL THE ENVY! And you look lovely 🙂

10 years ago

@Marie, I’m sorry you’re having trust issues at the moment.

I am probably an extrovert, but with social anxiety and massive trust issues. Recently it seems like all of the people I hang out with at school want to air their bigotry and it’s making me feel like I don’t want to get to know anyone off the internet because they’re all just waiting to drop awfulness on me. 🙁

Re: retail, I’m from NZ and I’ve worked various retail, and mostly you’re not allowed to sit. Because it makes you look less interested or some shit. Most supermarkets have little padded rails you can sit on now, but I’ve worked at a big Walmart-like store, the post office and our vet clinic and there is no sitting at any of them.

I actually worked a warehouse job for a year (I got to make dildos, guys. 😀 I also discovered I really enjoy inventory and distribution? Yeah, I dunno) and when I went back to nursing/vet retail OMG my feet hurt, just from standing and walking all day.

10 years ago

OK, I have found a way to complain about people without writing a novel. Out of 9 people I spend time with on the regular, 2 of them have displayed various amounts of racism about our Chinese lecturer, 2 of them were talking about how it’s not fair there are less scholarships for white men (these are white women FYI), 1 of them used the word “rape” as a metaphor and 1 of them today was talking about sterilising unemployed people.

Does everyone in the world suck? I tend to be pretty outspoken and will argue with people but shrink in the face of “I have to tell them they suck” so basically I’ve just started getting quieter and avoiding people. Do not like.

10 years ago

Oh fuck, didn’t mean to spam, but forgot to add in:

Yo, Is This Racist = awesome, and also had a little rant about fucking misogynists and the USCB shooter:

Hi five, Andrew Ti!

10 years ago


I prefer to hypothetical that part away 🙂



Two things.

Being a cashier involves standing?


Is that an American thing, like the job is to help you sort and pack or do they move around? When I did it ( and when my sis does ) there was-is chairs. Been the case in every supermarket I’ve seen. I do dimly remember you lovely USians standing a lot when I toured the northern 11 states, but…. Yeah? Cashiers stand? I hope that doesn’t sound like a stupid, sarcastic question. But cashiers stand?

Nope. It’s Australian as well. Never seen anyone at a supermarket check-out sitting down, and only rarely at any other shops. When I worked at the Museum of Victoria, my team leader told me about how the security staff used to be assigned to one gallery for three months at a time (think about how goddamned boring that is – all day in the one room, nothing to do, nobody in there mostly) and were not allowed to sit down at all.


Does everyone in the world suck?

Mammotheers don’t! 🙂

10 years ago

It’s truuuuue! Internet FTW. 😀

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