off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff: Very Belated May 2014 Edition

Le chien, so chic
Le chien, so chic

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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Howard Bannister
10 years ago

All he ever says is “Well, there’s always work to be done here! When you’re done with one thing, do another thing.” And of course he is rarely specific about what he wants.

Ah, yes, the old ‘just read my mind!’

Not helpful at all.

10 years ago

Thanks everyone. It means a lot to me. I’ve had Charlie my whole adult life (since I was 17) it feels really empty now. The cruelty of his death makes it all the more senseless. It looks like it was a coyote. I just can’t imagine his little naive self getting attacked and eaten. Somehow I feel weird posting here when the current topic is murdered people, but I guess that’s what this thread is for.
And hugs if you want them, Ally. I hope you can get out of this mess soon.

10 years ago

Please don’t minimize your grief for your kitty. Kitties matter. I’m really sorry to hear about this.

10 years ago

Hugs to Ally for the shit you have to put up with, and hugs to Maude for the kitty. Kitties matter.

Ally S
10 years ago

Also, during the lecture he was blaming me for all the work I had to do because I didn’t work my ass off as soon as I started staying here. He was basically telling me “I’m not saying it’s your fault, but it is your fault.” He thinks it’s my fault I didn’t guess that he wanted me to do way more than he asked and ignore him when he told me that I only had to do this much or that much work for him. What in the world am I supposed to do?


:: offers hugs ::

10 years ago

Hugs if wanted MaudeLL and Aunty Alias and Ally. 🙁

That is so so hard Maude. I have to say at first I assumed human – hopefully being more likely to be Coyote he was gone quickly. RIP wee man.

On a happier note, I was discussing this forum and the shooter with my my (cis male) friend and he was saying that misogyny is clearly the issue and that the base level of misogyny in culture pushes the bar upward and I was just like *thank you* for not sucking!

Ally S
10 years ago

By the way, this treatment from my step-dad? He’s like this with literally every other person who stays at his house for a while (on a non-permanent basis). One time he even got pissy towards his own mom (who is 70) because she and my mom weren’t walking fast enough on this one hike. Even though it was 90 F outside and he had drunk coffee beforehand unlike the other two. I’m pretty sure he’s like this because he has gained this sense of self-sufficiency (after voluntarily living on his own homeless for years), and he thinks everyone else is just like him.

10 years ago

Yeah, I thought it was a human too at first. There have been a few ‘serial cat mutilators’ here in Vancouver in the past few years. I didn’t see his body after I got the call (I couldn’t face picking him up), but animal control picked him up and they will cremate him and send me his ashes. I’m actually impressed that the city does that (for $30).

Wow, Ally, I thought your step-dad was like that with you specifically. I don’t know his personal story, but voluntary homeless is a hell of a lot different than involuntary homelessness. I hope you can find relief soon, you’ve been abused for way too long.

10 years ago

@maude LL

So sad. My amazing cat, Charlie (pictured on my avatar) has been killed. I just learned that his little body was found dismembered, beheaded, on a construction site. I am incredibly sad. Some of you knew about him, so I wanted to share the bad news. It’s really hard.

oh that’s terrible. All the internet hugs from me you want.


I don’t know. Maybe I’m just whining about nothing. I just feel really lonely and hurt by his words and his attitudes.

You aren’t whining about nothing. He’s asking you to do a lot of work, and he should not be yelling at you like that.

Now he’s fucking upset at me for asking him what else to do. Like I’m just supposed to know automatically. All he ever says is “Well, there’s always work to be done here! When you’re done with one thing, do another thing.” And of course he is rarely specific about what he wants.

I’m so sick of living here.

🙁 you’re being so helpful (not that you should have to be) and he’s still yelling. Internet hugs from me, if you want them

10 years ago

Oh god, Maude, I’m so sorry – that is horrifying. All the hugs, I don’t know what else to say.

10 years ago

MaudeLL | May 27, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Yeah, I thought it was a human too at first. There have been a few ‘serial cat mutilators’ here in Vancouver in the past few years. I didn’t see his body after I got the call (I couldn’t face picking him up), but animal control picked him up and they will cremate him and send me his ashes. I’m actually impressed that the city does that (for $30).

Can I just say AHHHH at the serial cat mutilator thing? That is one of my biggest fears. 🙁 That is really nice they do that – and compared to here (NZ is a lot more expensive for most stuff) that is super cheap.

Ally S | May 27, 2014 at 4:17 pm

By the way, this treatment from my step-dad? He’s like this with literally every other person who stays at his house for a while (on a non-permanent basis). One time he even got pissy towards his own mom (who is 70) because she and my mom weren’t walking fast enough on this one hike. Even though it was 90 F outside and he had drunk coffee beforehand unlike the other two. I’m pretty sure he’s like this because he has gained this sense of self-sufficiency (after voluntarily living on his own homeless for years), and he thinks everyone else is just like him.

Bah humbug. I keep thinking that he really is quite the jerk, and I wonder if he gets a pass from your mother compared to being with your father. :/

I would like to yell at his myopic butt. Like, not literally his butt. But he is a butt. >_<

10 years ago

Thanks, Marie and kitteh.

10 years ago

Bah humbug. I keep thinking that he really is quite the jerk, and I wonder if he gets a pass from your mother compared to being with your father. :/

I didn’t think of it that way, more that “Shit, Ally’s mum has copped another dirtbag male” – even if less so than the walking ebola virus she got away from before.

10 years ago

Hugs to everyone who needs them. I found some brain bleach today, and now I know where to share it!

10 years ago

Even more Zarathustra pics! Cloudiah posted a link in the other open thread, too.

I’ve discovered why Napoleon has to ride a penguin these days. His horse is unavailable.

10 years ago

moldybrehd: Oh man… when I got to the Mona Lisa, I just completely lost it. I was not expecting her to be holding the cat like that.

10 years ago

@leftwingfox, but it sure explains her smile!

10 years ago

I’m sorry about your kitty, that’s really terrible.

Your stepdad is a real ass. I’m sorry he’s treating you this way.

10 years ago

Oh no for the murdered cat! 🙁 I don’t know what to say. That’s just so terrible.

Ally S
10 years ago

Great news! I was able to raise a decent amount of money on Tumblr for a cheap plane ticket. Now I just have to buy my ticket and get ready to leave.

10 years ago

Great news, Ally!

10 years ago


Yay! 😀

10 years ago

Maude, so sorry – how horrible.
Ally, sorry your stepdad is an ass, happy you can get away. Crossing fingers for you.

10 years ago

Ally, glad you’re finally getting out of tornado land.

10 years ago

Ally, glad you’re finally getting out of tornado land.

Very much seconding this.

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