advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability rape culture threats

When anonymous threats are not-so anonymous


When feminists are besieged with threatening messages after being targeted by Men’s Rights Activists, MRAs sometimes ask how we know for sure that the messages (or at least a good portion of them) are being sent by MRAs. And the answer is that, in most cases, we don’t, at least not beyond a reasonable doubt, because most people sending threatening messages have the good sense to do so anonymously.

So it is possible, at least theoretically, that when, say, a feminist blogger gets threatening messages shortly after MRAs start posting nasty things about her on their blogs and in their various forums, it is not MRAs sending the messages but angry ornithologists who, for no reason whatsoever, collectively decided to pick on a feminist blogger that day. Seems unlikely, but it’s possible.

Other times, though, we do know who is sending the threats, because, conveniently enough, they do so under their own name or using their MRA identity online.

That was the case, you might recall, when Australian MRA and fanatical A Voice for Men supporter Frank James Spencer, also known as KARMA MRA MGTOW, left me a creepy, vaguely threatening voicemail message one night at 1:38 AM. That was the case with many of those posting threatening YouTube comments about a certain inadvertently famous Canadian feminist.

And that was the case last night when a longtime MRA known as Masculist Man tried to post a threatening message in the comments to a post of mine about a threatening comment directed at me on The Spearhead. The Spearhead comment, you may remember, involved a weird and elaborate anal rape fantasy. I noted in my post that the comment had gotten 10 upvotes, no downvotes.

Masculist Man added his two cents (click for larger version):

Submitted on 2014/05/16 at 9:07 pm  Actually 17 upvotes,including mine. I could ask the entire manosphere to vote on this. We should have that up to 500 upvotes by morning.  Eat shit asshole

He’s probably right about the 500 upvotes. Apparently rape threats are a form of Human Rights activism.

I wrote about a ranty blog  post of Mr. Man’s some time ago, and he’s written several posts about me, or at least about someone he calls Dave Fooltrelle. I let him comment here for a time as well. He was always obnoxious, though never quite this obnoxious.

Mr. Man’s blog is called, creatively, Men’s Rights Blog. In addition to the aforementioned ranty post, it features a cartoony avatar of himself wearing a fedora and brandishing a sword, with the caption “I’ll cut ya.” As part of his “activism,” he’s put up a page of anti-feminist “memes,” many based on photos of real feminists, including me. The blog has been around since 2007.

In his profile on Blogger, he declares

I’ve been a masculist for over 20 years and have been very activist,both on and offline. I’ve debated phonies and feminists and have prevailed over both.

He lists Warren Farrell’s The Myth of Male Power as one of his favorite books, and Neil LaBute’s misogynistic fantasy In The Company of Men as one of his favorite films.

And if you follow the link to Mr. Man’s Facebook page, you can take a look at his small collection of Facebook friends, including AVFM’s Paul Elam and MRA lawyer Roy Den Hollander, as well as the groups he supports, including the National Coalition for Men, the Men’s Human Rights Movement Facebook group, and assorted anti-VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) groups.

So, yeah, I think it’s safe to say that this threatening comment came from an MRA.

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10 years ago

can I have one please? Ginger toms…I had a ginger female cat before we came to Oz but had to rehome her : (

10 years ago

Also all male feminists are gamma zetas so couldn’t even hope for the 15 year old self hating Christian servant wife all the true redpillalphamasculins are married to.
Their only hope is to trick us disgusting lesbians by not being completely objectionable arseholes. Pft. So betamangina.

That’s truly uncanny. You don’t know me, and yet you’ve described me with a pinpoint accuracy that makes the scientists at CERN look like hopeless guessers.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I haven’t seen “In the Company of Men,” but I read the synopsis. It appears that a couple of men were hurt by some women, and they decide to get revenge on “womankind,” by targeting a completely innocent woman, who never did anything to hurt them.

Revenge – you’re doing it wrong. You’re supposed to hurt the one who hurt you in the first place, not innocent bystanders. You hurt the innocent bystanders, and the ones who hurt you, in the first place, go blissfully on through their lives, completely unaware of anything you’re doing, and not in the least bit hurt by your actions. Plus, INNOCENT bystanders? That’s not revenge. That’s just plain evil.

Sounds way too skeevy to me.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Lea – If you enjoy watching bad movies, may I recommend “Hydra”? It’s so ridiculously bad.

My favorite scene is when the hydra bites the head off a man, and “blood” splatters across the camera. Then, the shot changes to an overhead shot of the forest, and you hear the LOUD and tortured screams of the man whose head was just bitten OFF.

Logic! Why, it’s just as logical as an MRA.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I want that glow-in-the-dark kitten!

Or a ginger kitten.

Or a black one.

Or a white one.

Aw, shucks, I just want a kitten.

10 years ago

My favorite scene is when the hydra bites the head off a man, and “blood” splatters across the camera. Then, the shot changes to an overhead shot of the forest, and you hear the LOUD and tortured screams of the man whose head was just bitten OFF.

Pff, why would your mouth not being attached to your lungs keep you from screaming?

10 years ago

I think one of the worst movies I’ve seen is “A Barbarian Nymphoid in Dinosaur Hell”. It has a great trailer, but… the movie itself is just terribly boring!

10 years ago

My favorite scene is when the hydra bites the head off a man, and “blood” splatters across the camera. Then, the shot changes to an overhead shot of the forest, and you hear the LOUD and tortured screams of the man whose head was just bitten OFF.

Well, obviously the hydra spit infected him with the power to grow his head back, just like a hydra does. So, his replacement head was doing the screaming. Logic!

10 years ago

Trailer: You’d never believe from watching the trailer that the movie itself is terribly slow and boooring…

10 years ago

Speaking of awful horror; do you know what happens when you smoke some pot and eat GM turkey? YOU TURN INTO A HALF TURKEY HALF HUMAN MONSTER AND KILL EVERYONE!!!

10 years ago

My favorite bad move is Starcrash.

A human oscilloscope, a space station shaped like a fist, Amazon women on horseback, Christopher Plummer seriously regretting taking the role, baby David Hasselhoff, and the line “Imperial battleship, halt the flow of time!” What more could you ask for?

10 years ago

I know Harlan Ellison is a major asshole but I kinda liked “A boy and his dog”.

He’s a gigantic asshole from everything I’ve heard but he’s not responsible for that last line in the movie. According to Wikipedia he said it’s a “moronic, hateful chauvinist last line, which I despise.” It really takes what in the book is a horrible decision made in order to survive and turns it into a misogynistic joke.

10 years ago

katz – and by the look of that trailer, every SF cliche since the 1950s on! 😀

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I’ve been a masculist for over 20 years and have been very activist,both on and offline. I’ve debated phonies and feminists and have prevailed over both

According to who? The Internet Argument Judges? Do they hold up little cards saying “10.0” every time he comments?

Also, there’s a certain irony in someone with “KARMA” in his handle calling up people in the middle of the night to leave threatening, creepy messages. Karma has a way of coming back around and rebounding on the original actor, no matter how aggrieved they may feel. People confuse karma with one-sided, permanent, consequence-free revenge, and that isn’t what the concept is about. Karma is never-ending. The whole point is to try to get rid of it, not magnify it with threats and violence. It’s another instance of an MRA perverting a term to suit their own purposes without fully understanding it.

Thanks for all the work you do exposing this vile movement, David. Every playground insult they hurl at you is a badge of honor.

10 years ago

That dude should watch out in case he gets a taste of Discworld karma. It’s really quick.

10 years ago

“fooltrelle’s crowd is either lesbian feminists or wannabes like fooltrelle.” – Mensrightsboard
I did not know I’m a lesbian, or that I want to be anything David wants to be? But I do know that MRA’s are often wrong. This is one of those times.

10 years ago

Thank you, Michelle. I’ll look it up.

10 years ago

Well, Hubby watched the Star Crash trailer and now he wants to see it.
There were so many bad Star Wars rip offs made in the 70’s (Battle Beyond the Stars, for example). That one looks like one of the worst. It’s hard to believe that it came out the same year as Alien.

Children of the Broccoli
Children of the Broccoli
10 years ago

My favorite bad movie will always be Santa Claus Conquers The Martians. The “polar bear” that’s clearly a guy in a cheap bear costume is my favorite part.

10 years ago

There are so many bad movies to love. One of my favorites is Attack of the Killer Shrews, where the killer shrews are clearly dachshunds wearing badly-crafted shrew costumes.

10 years ago

I saw that one on MST3K. 😀

No. 😮 I must Google that now!

10 years ago

Aww shucks, thanks, weirwoodtreehugger and gillyrosebee. I’m glad my drunkenness amounted to some entertainment for somebody!

Beyond the usual entertainment of me jumping and dancing down the street while singing 99 Luftballons in the middle of the night, I mean. My drunkenness is the gift that keeps on giving, so go on and send all your alcohol to me.

No really, I can’t get this song out of my head.

Anyway, I must say the characterizations of male feminists on this thread have been spot-on. I know I’m always looking to get into feminist womens’ pants. They just look so comfy. Is there a second-hand shop for feminist clothes somewhere that I don’t know of?

And yet, despite his infamy within the MRM and the seething hatred they have for him, David still doesn’t (correct me if I’m wrong!) get as many threats as the female bloggers they hate. I WONDER WHY?

I think you’re right. As much as the MRAs hate David, they still seem to give him an amount of respect they would never give a woman. They probably figure he’s still a man, and despite being wrong about everything, his inherent maleness puts him above any female blogger anywhere. That’s how misogynistic they are: any hatred for a man who disagrees with them is still not as strong as the contempt they have for women. FeMRAs are only tolerated for as long as they don’t step one millimetre out of line.

Still, thanks to you all for all the bad movie recommendations. Always looking for those! I’d recommend something, but hangover.

10 years ago


Speaking of cats, look who just arrived!

D’awwww <3 what cute kitties!!


There are so many bad movies to love. One of my favorites is Attack of the Killer Shrews, where the killer shrews are clearly dachshunds wearing badly-crafted shrew costumes.

Heh. that sounds hilarious. And kinda cute :p

10 years ago

Oh man, the Killer Shrews is quality! A great chance to play “What order will they die in?”

10 years ago

So now I’m wondering if the Killer Shrews were ancestors of the Rodents of Unusual Size. Those teeth look familiar.