a woman is always to blame all about the menz boner rage creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA

BREAKING: Women using earbuds to commit grave misandries upon innocent men

Oh noes!
Oh noes!

So this little screenshot is making the rounds on the internet. It’s from 4chan, so who knows if the guy posting it is sincere. But I’ve seen similar, albeit less histrionic, complaints from other would-be pickup artistes in the past.

Guess what, dude. Some of those women wearing earbuds aren’t even listening to music. They just wear them to avoid creepy dudes like you.

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10 years ago

Kitties are never off topic!

10 years ago

J.J, that is never off topic!

10 years ago


Like, maybe there was at most an inch of space between us. He also took a picture of me against my will and told me I look like Mark Zuckerberg. Asshole.

🙁 what an asshole. Hugs from me, if you want them.


Hi and welcome :3

For some reason there are a lot of men who think it’s ok to masturbate in front of and onto women sitting on the T. T

Oh wow. That super sucks 🙁

He got through about two sentences before I gathered myself together enough to go up to the bus driver and tell him I was being sexually harassed on his bus and if he didn’t do something about it I’d report both him and the harasser to the MBTA. Dude was put off the bus at the next stop.

I”m glad you were able to get him away from you. He sounds like such a creep. Jedi hugs from me, if wanted.


That thought really scares me because I’ve already had more than enough experience with invasive men. What do you folks think is a good response to a man ripping out your earbuds?

No good advice, sorry 🙁 I know my last gut reaction when a dude invaded my personal space was to punch him, but that’s kind of illegal and could get in a bigger fight.

Maybe I don’t really have any real line of defense besides meek refusals to speak. I’m too scared of using pepper spray or kneeing someone in the groin. Every single time someone harasses me in public I freeze and become as vulnerable as a 10-year-old even though I’m like 19.

Oh then my suggestion won’t help :/ I don’t have a better one, since my second suggestion would be cussing, and neither of those help if you freeze.

@Ken L

Ah, one of my least favorite people here. Lets try this.

If this not a joke. This is not creepy.

Nope. YOu don’t get to decide what is creepy or not.

figure out if he is mental disabled or in need of actual help

Nope. Plenty of people who have mental illnesses or are mentally disabled who aren’t creeps. Even if he is (which I don’t think he is) it’s creepy.

I speaking of like someone with downs syndrome, or the like. Because use words certain words that start with r.

GOod. fucking. god. Stop being an ableist fuckhead. Downs syndrome does not make one act like a creepy asshole. Stop trying to shove of the behavior of usually NEUROTYPICAL men onto people with mental disabilities.

your not the first person who has very similar thought on an issue with but got all ready to flay me because I didn’t write it the way they wanted me to.

Cute. Can you just leave? YOu’ve been setting off my troll bells since I saw you.

Another thing about ‘what if he’s disabled?’ seems to ignore that girls can be disabled, too. It’s another setting up about how everything women do has to be around men.


Yay! You are a cute kitty 😀

10 years ago

There’s a guy who I think has Downs Syndrome who we see around all the time, who Mr. C refers to as “the music fan” because he’s always singing and dancing (he almost always has earbuds in – so much misandry!). Can’t say he’s ever set off my creep radar at all. He has tried to get me to sing along a few times, which was fine because, for the eleventy billionth time, women can tell the difference between “this behavior is a little out of the ordinary” and “this behavior indicates potential danger”.

10 years ago

I have never seen anyone with Downs who’s set off my creepdar.

I have seen plenty of people who had something going on – drugs, mental illness, I don’t know – who were behaving oddly enough to make me a little apprehensive, but only once did that go into creep territory, and that was only when the guy reached out to paw schoolgirls who’d got on the tram. He went from “person with a problem” to “creep” solely because of that behaviour.

10 years ago


Ken L.’s argument seems to be veering dangerously close to “women shouldn’t be mean to strange men who sexually harass them because they could be on the autism spectrum!” style of territory.

1. You cannot tell always by sight whether someone has learning disabilities or mental health issues, to suggest as such is ableist.

2. Regardless of any issues the person ripping the earbuds out may have, women still have no obligation to tolerate such intrusive behaviour from anyone.

yeah. and they don’t care if the woman they harrass is neurodivergent or disabled (hello that can make it harder to respond to creepers!). they only “care” about the disabled when they can use us for their excuses of bigotry; otherwise we don’t exist.

tl;dr: don’t be “but what about disabilities” to excuse creepy behavior 90% of the time that’s not on us and when it is we’re adults who can hurt people and also understand not to hurt people.


Another thing about ‘what if he’s disabled?’ seems to ignore that girls can be disabled, too. It’s another setting up about how everything women do has to be around men.

yes maximum this

Ally S
10 years ago

the idea that women habitually confuse men who’re just lacking in social skills with predators is sexist bullshit. Women are actually rather good at distinguishing threatening behavior from non-threatening behavior, for the same reasons that any other group that’s habitually preyed upon is. We can tell the difference because being able to tell the difference is vital to our safety.

So true.

[CN: sexual abuse, transmisogyny]

I just want to add that the heightened ability to discern threats is a trait that nearly all trans women have – and a lot of other AMAB* trans people, too. Even in my early childhood I was very afraid of predators. I remember I used to read all sorts of resources for children on how to stay safe from sex offenders, and at one point I even started looking up the sex offender registry. (Big mistake for a easily frightened 10-year-old.) I felt like I was a walking target for abuse and feared the possibility of even trusted neighbors luring me into their homes and doing “bad things” to me. It didn’t help that I had family members who literally joked about me being raped by a man breaking into our house.

And here’s the most important thing: I was like this all before the age of 12, which was the actual first time I was sexually abused. Like a lot of cis girls, I internalized the fear of male aggression and saw myself as its target. This kind of thing is one of the aspects of transmisogyny that TERFs always ignore or attempt to cissplain to trans women and assert that trans women’s experiences were consequences of mere “gender policing”. The same kind of gender policing that men face. But men’s experiences with gender policing are nothing like trans women’s experiences with transmisogyny.

*Assigned Male At Birth

10 years ago

Oh man, this brings me back. I once dated a guy who had this weird issue where he thought everyone needed to be available to listen to him talk at any time, all day. And he talked a lot. About everything. I didn’t notice it at first, because I am a fairly quiet person and I don’t mind listening, but after a while it got exhausting.

After I broke up with him, I heard through the grapevine that he had run into a mutual coworker (we worked in the same company, different departments) at the gym. The two had a short, friendly chat, and then the coworker put in some earbuds and went about his gym activities. My ex walked up to him and pulled his earbuds out so that he could talk at him some more. I don’t remember how the coworker reacted, except with bewilderment.

Dude wouldn’t even let me wear earbuds any time we were in the same building. I could be folding laundry and he’d get upset if I was listening to earbuds because “what if I want to talk to you?!” Yeah, that was probably my… second stupidest relationship.

10 years ago

The other thing about the “but poor men with bad social skills, waaah” or “poor men on the spectrum, waaaah” claims is that these creep-enablers would have us believe that there are one HELL of a lot of men who have poor social skills – like, every dude who wanted to hit on a woman, ever – and an awful lot of men on the spectrum. (No women, of course, as has been pointed out above, and many times elsewhere.)

Funny how it’s always men who’re the great intellects, the makers of the world, the heroes, the ones mere womenthings should defer to at all times – and at the same time it’s always men who’re socially incompetent, or painfully shy, or on the spectrum, unable to help themselves, innocently going around wanting ROMAAAANCE or just to shove their dicks into us, and we’re the cruel hateful b*tches who oppress them all the time.

10 years ago

magnesium – wow, dude had an attitude problem, all right. If that was your second stupidest relationship, I cringe at the thought of the first.

10 years ago

*wants to hug Ally but will not hug unless hug is wanted*

So, this earbud thing is just more entitlement. Great. And now I’m just really offended. They act like they’re entitled to someone’s attention, use disability as an excuse, and screw how the woman feels about it.

In my case? I have pretty severe PTSD. If you, in an empty car, decide to sit down next to me and get into my space? That sets off ‘Danger’ in my head if you won’t go away. It can start a panic attack, which means I then have to get off the train and go hide in a coffee shop. Then I am late for wherever I’m going. So, yeah,

I want this on a t-shirt: My living my life is more important than your need to hit on me.

@kittehserf. For serious. You can either be completely inept or the most awesome to ever awesome. Those two things are mutually exclusive. But who needs to be correct when we can blame women, yaaaay. /Sarcasm.

10 years ago

yeah. and they don’t care if the woman they harrass is neurodivergent or disabled (hello that can make it harder to respond to creepers!). they only “care” about the disabled when they can use us for their excuses of bigotry; otherwise we don’t exist.

Oh didn’t you know that all women are experts in social interaction and at no time can a stranger trigger a reaction to past trauma or an anxiety disorder in a woman. And autistic women don’t exist. No women are socially inept or vulnerable in any way ever!

Seriously, I hope Ken never comes back. My hackles get raised when I see people equating autism with creepers because I’m so protective of my brother and he doesn’t deserve people shitting on him and his lifelong efforts at mainstreaming in service of protecting neurotypical harassing. Fuck that noise.

I don’t have kids, but he brings out that same instinct with me. I know how mothers feel who are normally pretty mild mannered but will fuck you up if you mess with their kids.

I have a cousin who is pretty much dead to me and I will speak to again because she talked shit about my brother. Even my father, who is what the manosphere would classify as a total beta yelled at her for that.

Sorry for the rant. I had wine and it brings out the rantiness.

10 years ago

J.J – yeah, they always want it both ways, don’t they? Plus, blaming women, always, for everything.

10 years ago

WWTH – seconding the hope that Ken never comes back. He was hackle-raising enough without that personal rage-triggery connection. Ableist, mansplaining and whiney, what a combination.

Ally S
10 years ago

Why are we getting an influx of awful people lately? :{

10 years ago

They act like they’re entitled to someone’s attention, use disability as an excuse, and screw how the woman feels about it.

Yeah, absolutely this.

They also act like there aren’t thousands of websites and blogs dedicated to how much attention they’re entitled to and how to get it from any unlucky woman who walks by.

Sorry for the rant. I had wine and it brings out the rantiness.

It was a lovely rant.

And since it’s Saturday night and I’m home being mom, I might get some champagne and do some ranting myself. (Cheers!)

10 years ago

PS: Brain bleach. Shark cat chases duck!!

10 years ago

Lids said: “I refuse to excuse someone’s shitty behavior because of Downs or another social disorder.”

I have Aspergers, and as I understand the issue has 2 sides: When someone with a social disorder makes a social mistake, the other person could certainly be angry, and don’t have to consider that this social mistake comes from someone who may, for all they know, be socially handicapped.
And we with such problems certainly have to learn from how others react.

But when we apologize to someone who knows about the Aspergers, explain that we did not know it was wrong and sincerely don’t want to do that again now we do, I sincerely hope that the average, decent person would be less angry about the faux pass. (People don’t have to get close to those of us who are prone to such faux passes, but they should be willing to not keep on blaming after knowing the mistake was made from lack of understanding and won’t happen again now it is explained.)

10 years ago

Why are we getting an influx of awful people lately? :{

Troll spawning season?

10 years ago

But when we apologize to someone who knows about the Aspergers, explain that we did not know it was wrong and sincerely don’t want to do that again now we do, I sincerely hope that the average, decent person would be less angry about the faux pass. (People don’t have to get close to those of us who are prone to such faux passes, but they should be willing to not keep on blaming after knowing the mistake was made from lack of understanding and won’t happen again now it is explained.)

Rea – absolutely. That actually encapsulates the difference between “decent person who has X disability” and “creep who may or may not have X disability”. Anyone can make a mistake, do the wrong thing, give the wrong impression – but if they then double down and insist on their right to do so, well, that’s got nothing to do with disability, that’s being an arsehole. None of these dudebros is saying, “Shit, I upset someone, I don’t really understand why. I won’t do it again, but can someone clarify what was distressing about it?” No, they’re only interested in being able to harass women. I sincerely doubt any of them has any sort of disability or social awkwardness or any of the other things they claim as excuses. They’re just out to deny women any possibility of saying NO in any way at all.

The “you’re standing on my foot” analogy covers it perfectly.

10 years ago

Again, though, this has nothing to do with people who’re actually on the spectrum, because you can tell from the way the offensive behavior is described that that’s not what’s going on. These guys use Aspies and other people who find social interaction challenging as a human shield whenever they’re asked to stop doing something obnoxious, and they know damn well that the behavior is obnoxious, they just don’t want to stop.

10 years ago

and they know damn well that the behavior is obnoxious, they just don’t want to stop.

And of course never be called out, or apologize, or be interrupted.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Why? Why should we be open to *anything* coming from a screaming misogynist? Guess what? You’re not entitled to our attention, and we have the right to be unavailable. Maybe we have another boyfriend. Maybe we’re lesbian. Maybe we’re just confirmed spinsters, because we have had it up to HERE with entitled jerks like you. There are any number of reasons why women might not want to be approached by you, and we have the RIGHT to our privacy and to be left alone.

What if the woman had not been wearing earbuds, and you had approached her, and she had refused you? Would you have screamed about that, too? Because she wasn’t “OPEN” and “RECEPTIVE” to your approach?

Stop acting like a toddler.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@emma – “The entitlement in dating extends to entitlement in marriage — thus these same nice guys don’t believe that marital rape is a thing. Same mindset; it boils down to “I want to have sex with you and you have no right to refuse.””

Yeah, I actually had a guy say that to me, in HIGH SCHOOL. We’d never even gone on a date, but he told me I had no right to refuse him.


10 years ago

Sorry, can I ask here? Someone on reddit asks me to give an example of GWW saying something not just wrong, but also disturbing, and since I’m on mobile with bad internet connection I’m having difficulty doing independent research and I thought someone here could refer me to a suitable post David made about her.

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