a woman is always to blame all about the menz boner rage creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim PUA

BREAKING: Women using earbuds to commit grave misandries upon innocent men

Oh noes!
Oh noes!

So this little screenshot is making the rounds on the internet. It’s from 4chan, so who knows if the guy posting it is sincere. But I’ve seen similar, albeit less histrionic, complaints from other would-be pickup artistes in the past.

Guess what, dude. Some of those women wearing earbuds aren’t even listening to music. They just wear them to avoid creepy dudes like you.

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10 years ago

GNL’s approach seems to be to assume that if nobody can understand WTF he’s on about then they’ll assume that the fault lies with them and he must be correct. This plan is not working out well for him so far.

10 years ago

CUE. Social CUE. ‘Que’ is how you spell ‘what’ in Spanish.

And GNL…yeah. See that thing several yards behind you? That’s the point you missed. I wouldn’t call this tantrum respecting a social cue. This is called ‘I haven’t actually spoken to this woman and now I’m mad that she isn’t paying me the attention I feel entitled to.’

Is it difficult being that deliberately obtuse? There’s not even any indication that this woman is even aware this guy exists.

10 years ago

Wait, maybe “ques” is short for “quest!”. Our hapless hero was on a quest, which was thwarted by the earbuds of destruction. Thus, he was unable to slay the dragon (her vagina), and it’s all Steve Jobs’ fault.

Ally S
10 years ago

@ Ally

I’m a germphobe, too, so in addition to “really?” I was also thinking “ew, now I need to throw those away and get new earbuds”.

I’d be tempted to do that as well.

What was his “excuse” for doing something that appalling? (Or did just like silently swipe it away from you and stick it in his ear?)

10 years ago

But, but, Cassandra? Did you stop to think that this gentleman was having an emergency and had an urgent need to put your earbud in his ear? Be nice!

10 years ago

‘Que’ is how you spell ‘what’ in Spanish.


10 years ago


He didn’t respect her desire to be alone. He went on a rage filled rant because she had the audacity to put ear buds on.

He doesn’t get any cookies because he chose to vent that entitled anger on the internet instead of in person.

10 years ago

@ Ally

He didn’t offer an excuse, just sulked in his seat for the rest of the flight and attempted to claim the armrest as his territory with much harrumphing. Also! Dude appeared to be college aged and I was maybe 35 at the time? Maybe he’d just finished watching some cougar porn and was high on the “see, they all want me, the internet told me so!” fumes.

10 years ago


Sorry. Raised in bilingual household. Also GNL came off as ignorant, so I found them annoying and was reminded of people being all ‘DUR LANGUAGES ARE STUPID’. So I make fun of their spelling. Is not really fair. But they’re not in here in good faith, so *shrug*.

10 years ago

@J.J I was trying to make a joke, since I’m a native Spanish speaker 🙂

I guess it didn’t come off as smart as I though.

I still feel good I’m not at GNL level, though.

10 years ago

Add “myself” at the end of the first sentence, and a “t” at the end of the second.

10 years ago

I could understand “que” as a misspelling for “queue”, but I’m really not sure how he got to there from “cue”.

10 years ago

Wow, Ken. Someone’s thinking is arrogant, and it’s yours.

Both you and GNL are completely missing the point. Congrats.

10 years ago

I feel like I live in a different Boston than everyone else, because I’ve only been groped on the T once in the 4 years I’ve lived here. And it’s not like I don’t ride the busy lines – the 66, the 39, and the Green Line on game days are all in my regular rotation. Do I have a really strong “don’t fuck with me” aura or something? It is because I’m 30 and therefore a hideous old hag?

thank you for actually taking the time to treat me like a person by reading what i wrote and taking it at face value. your the first person here to do so.

your not the first person who has very similar thought on an issue with but got all ready to flay me because I didn’t write it the way they wanted me to.

This is ridiculous. First of all, you have net been dehumanized by people objecting to what you said, so stop with the “treated like a person” crap. Second, if multiple people “misinterpret” what you wrote, it’s probably because you didn’t write clearly enough. Even if you didn’t mean to upset people, YOU still upset them and YOU need to deal with that.

10 years ago


Oh, it was probably me. I have a really hard time telling when people are joking if it’s not super obvious. People IRL are like ‘…that was a joke.’ And I go ‘Oh, is funny ha ha.’ Is my fail.

Did the trolly people bounce? I wanted to poke them some more and see if they were squishy.

10 years ago

It’s far better for a woman to falsely consider a guy to be threatening, than to falsely consider a threat to be safe. That’s inconvenient for the guy, but it’s not his life potentially at stake. Recognize that.


So I’m not sure where the woman hate is here.

Oh look, GNL is being a disingenuous ass again.

the idea that women habitually confuse men who’re just lacking in social skills with predators is sexist bullshit. Women are actually rather good at distinguishing threatening behavior from non-threatening behavior, for the same reasons that any other group that’s habitually preyed upon is. We can tell the difference because being able to tell the difference is vital to our safety. We’re not going around yelling at sad, confused disabled boys who just tapped us on the arm because they wanted directions to the library. Stop trying to use women’s compassion for the men who actually do have problems with social interaction as a cover for predatory behavior.

Thank you so much for articulating this.

<blockquote.I could understand “que” as a misspelling for “queue”, but I’m really not sure how he got to there from “cue”.

Possibly from having heard it spoken more often than he’s seen it written? Homophones can be difficult.

10 years ago


Alrighty, let’s leave it at:




10 years ago

emilygoddess, try the Orange line in the evening (it’s also where I tend to see the most penises, including one guy at Wellington who was scrolling through d*ck pics on his iPad, perhaps choosing which ones to send to women on OK Cupid?) or the Red, especially after Broadway. On the way to the JFK library one afternoon I found myself one of two people in the car after a bunch trouped out at South Station and looked up from my book to see the guy across from me (BC High student if you believe the jacket) frantically wacking off under his backpack. I think it broke his concentration when I started laughing, and I feel absolutely terrible about that.*

There’s also something magical about the 88 bus, at least when it comes to creepers. There used to be a guy who would get on and ride it all day (or as long as the drivers would let him), staring at school girls and playing pocket hockey.

(*I don’t actually feel at all bad about it.)

10 years ago

Ah. I live on the Orange line now, but I rarely ride it. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that shit.

10 years ago

Yeah, as someone on the spectrum myself, being socially awkward and anxious actually makes me less likely to approach random people in public. Or anywhere, really. And when somebody tells me I’m bothering them, I leave them alone. That might not be the case further along the spectrum, but even so, if someone is truly incapable of not harassing people in public, that’s a person who probably shouldn’t be leaving the house without a chaperone.

As for pulling out someone’s earbuds, the only justifiable scenario I can come up with for that is if there’s some sort of emergency that requires immediate action on the part of someone whose music is so loud that they can’t hear you yelling at them. Like, “Holy shit, there’s a zombie on the bus! Get out before it eats us!”

10 years ago

Is there a tornado approaching? Do you need me to call an ambulance for you? Are the aliens finally landing? All of these would be acceptable scenarios in which to yank out my earbuds. In pretty much any other situation, don’t.

10 years ago

*reminds self never to ride buses in Boston should I ever visit*

I don’t wear earbuds; I wear earplugs. I can still hear people talking, but not the scritch-scritch of music, which is what I’m blocking. But I have only been pestered once on the train that I can recall, in thirty-odd years of using it. I know Melbourne’s far from immune to this sort of shit, so I can only say I’ve been lucky (or maybe Mr K is sending out “don’t even think about it, peasant” vibes, who knows? 😉 )

10 years ago

Also, hi, EffieLou! Did you get your Welcome Package?

10 years ago

Off topic. I am now a kitty.

10 years ago

First retake you buds. figure out if he is mental disabled or in need of actual help.

no sorry you don’t get to stereotype mental disabilities or illness like this go away

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