
One classic bad argument against feminism is the disingenuous claim that “we don’t need it any more.” In the bad old days, proponents of this argument would concede, women may have faced some pesky little obstacles, but now that they can vote, and own property, and briefly work as the executive editor of The New York Times, there’s just no need for feminism any more. Problem solved!
But these days the great minds of the Men’s Rights movement have moved beyond this bad argument to a worse one: feminism was never really necessary in the first place, because women have never been oppressed.
The other day a Redditor by the name of cefarix earned himself a couple of dozen upvotes by posting a version of this argument to the Men’s Rights Subreddit.
I often see feminists make the claim that women have been oppressed for thousands of years. What evidence is there to back up this claim?
Personally, I don’t think this could be the case. Men and women are both integral parts of human society, and the social bonds between close relatives of either gender are stronger than bonds with members of the same gender but unrelated. So it seems to me the idea that men would oppress their own close female relatives and women would just roll over and accept this oppression from their fathers, uncles, brothers, sons, etc, for thousands of years across all/most cultures across all of humanity – and not have that society disintegrate over the course of a couple generations – is ridiculous.
This is so packed with such sheer and obvious wrongness that it’s tempting to just point and laugh and move on. But I’ve seen variations on this argument presented seriously by assorted MRAs again and again so I think it’s worth dealing with in some detail.
Before we even get to the facts of the case, let’s deal with the form of his argument: He’s arguing that history cannot have happened the way feminists say it happened because he doesn’t think that could be the case.
Trouble is, you can’t simply decide what did or did not happen in history based on what makes sense to you. History is history. It’s not a thread on Reddit. You can’t downvote historical facts out of existence the way, say, Men’s Rights Redditors downvote those pointing out facts they don’t like.
Cefarix follows this with an assertion that’s become rather common amongst MRAs: men can’t have oppressed women because no man is going to oppress his wife or his daughter or his mother, and besides, they wouldn’t have put up with it and it wouldn’t have worked anyway.
It seems to me that if the core of your argument is the notion that men would never harm members of their own family then you’ve pretty much lost the argument before it’s even begun. Husbands batter wives, fathers abuse children, boyfriends rape their girlfriends, and so on and so on; all this is not only possible, but it happens quite regularly. And only quite recently, historically speaking, has any of this been regarded as a serious social problem worthy of public discussion.
And so the idea that men might “oppress their own close female relatives” is hardly beyond the pale.
Of course. history isn’t about what could have happened; it’s about what did happen. But the evidence that the oppression of women did happen — and is still happening — is everywhere. Indeed, it takes a certain willful blindness not to see it.
History, of course, is a complicated thing, and the ways in which women have been oppressed have been many and varied over the years. Nor, of course, has the oppression of women been the only form of oppression in history, which is not only, as Marx would have it, a story of “class warfare” but also of ethnic warfare, racial oppression, and many other forms of oppression, some of which are only now beginning to be fully understood.
So if cefarix is genuinely interested in evidence, let me make some suggestions for places to start.
For a history of patriarchy that looks in detail at how it developed, whose interests it served, and the various complicated ways it was intertwined with class and other oppressions, a good place to start would be Gerda Lerner’s classic The Creation of Patriarchy, and her followup volume The Creation of Feminist Consciousness. Here’s an interview in which she goes over some of the points she makes in these books.
To understand some of the hatred of women that has been baked into Western culture from the beginning, I’d suggest taking a look at Jack Holland’s highly readable Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice. Meanwhile, David D. Gilmore’s Misogyny: The Male Malady offers an anthropological take on the same subject.
Alas, after going through his commenting history, I’m not sure that cefarix will be open to changing his mind on any of this, given how wedded he seems to be to a number of other rather appalling opinions — like his contention that homosexuality is a “disease” and his belief that “the whole age of consent thing is a modern Western aberration from what is considered normal for our species.”
Of course, if you look at the discussion inspired by cefarix’ post on Reddit, you’ll see that most of the Men’s Rights Redditors posting there don’t seem much interested in looking at facts that challenge their beliefs either. Most of those dissenters who pointed out the various ways women have been oppressed throughout history found their comments downvoted and dismissed.
Consider this amazing exchange — and notice which of the two comments is the one with net downvotes.
That last bit, about men being “forced” into having power, is quite something. But I’m still stuck on the whole cat thing. I mean, I like cats and all, but cats are not people, and it really wouldn’t be appropriate for me to lock a woman in my apartment, feed her on the floor out of a can, and make her poop in a box, even though my cats seem quite content with this arrangement for themselves.
Meanwhile, here are a couple of the comments that won upvotes.
Someone named goodfoobar suggesting that men have always been the slaves of women, because women live longer:
And our old friend TyphonBlue. who turns not only history but logic itself on its head by arguing that men are “disenfranchised” by … having power over women.
Yep. The most badly oppressed creatures in history are the ones wearing crowns on their heads.
I’m really not quite sure how Typhon manages to avoid injuring herself with all of her twists of logic.
They are all idiots.
Some MRA’s have decided that their “checkmate” card is “but women are powerful so obviously women don’t need any help or advancement or special consideration or feminism at all because to say otherwise is to say women are helpless children which is offensive”.
And it’s so goddamn frustrating. It’s the old problem where declaring something that is stupid and and wrong makes a neat soundbite, but the rebuttal requires many sentences full of nuance, which they aren’t even going to listen to anyway.
I’m going to go bang my head against my desk now.
I assure you, my Furinnati Overlords are not oppressed.
That goofbar guy might have a point.
The cat thing baffled me too. I mean, cats are pets(or furrinati overlords). Women are people. I’m not really sure how you can confuse the two.
The fact that *anyone* thinks the two are interchangeable is… wow, my eyes kinda popped out, anyone seen ’em?
They do realize that “disenfranchise” literally means “deny someone the rights of a citizen, such as the right to vote”, right? Remind me which gender had to protest to be allowed to vote?
moldybrehd: MRAs compare us to dogs all the time. Seems to be a thing with them.
*incoherent angry historian noises*
Since MRAs really want the “privilege” of claiming oppressed status, maybe we should just take away their voting and property rights. That’s no big deal right?
I’m joking. I don’t think anyone, even the biggest asshole should be denied civil rights. It would be cool if a bunch of MRAs got together and decided to actually live as women did before feminism came to their countries of residence.
Actually, this is a really good idea for a reality show. Someone should make this happen. 12 MRAs get sent to a compound that’s closed off from the rest of society and run just like a small. They each get assigned a job and a female partner. The female partner controls the finances and run the town. The women harass the men when they walk down the street. The men have menial jobs and are harassed by their male bosses.
The show tracks each male participants thoughts and feelings through the whole thing to see if they change their thinking. Most of them would probably be frustrated or depressed with a day or two of filming probably.
I would watch the hell out of this.
Human society defined as white supremacist capitalist patriarchy? Sure. But beyond that, men and women are not essential categories that exist beyond discursive limits – limits constructed by patriarchy. Sex and gender are social constructs.
Shorter version: patriarchal oppression can only exist when women are fundamentally incapable of resistance. And they accuse us of devaluing women’s agency… o_O
Also, looks like someone doesn’t know what internalized misogyny is, let alone the institutionalized violence exercised on women by men as a class in order to make women as a class yield to men’s demands.
Typo. I mean they get harassed by female bosses.
The Real World: MRA Edition. What happens when keyboard warriors stop being insulated in their hermetically sealed bedroom bubbles and have to confront their greatest fears IRL? Will they even realize that they’re being set up, or will they just sigh and say “I always knew this was how things really were outside my room”? Will they learn a valuable lesson about why it’s important to treat people like people, or will their conclusion simply be “See? Bitches”? Find out on next week’s episode.
Can we nominate manosphere bloggers for this project? Because I have a list.
Institutionalized control under the guise of “protection” is some of the shittiest “protection” ever. My dad attempts to control my life in the name of “protecting” and “caring” for me (ugh), and he has made my life extremely miserable. This is straight-up abuse culture and privilege apology. Anyone who believes that a loss of freedom is necessary for more protection supports abuse – without a doubt.
And it doesn’t matter whether some men are forced into their gender roles – they still hold institutional power over women because of their gender. One could make the argument that everyone is oppressed by class or whatever, therefore there is no “true” oppression, but that is completely meaningless and only serves to silence people who speak about intra-class analyses of power.
I get the dog comparison – loyal animal companions who will love you in spite of almost everything (still dumb because pets =/= people). But cats? Cats aren’t know exactly known for that. You actually have to make an effort to get most cats to love you.
It’s like he took the first thing he saw and used it for his argument. It makes as much sense to say ‘tables don’t mind it if you set your dishes on them, so women could not have ever been oppressed’.
Uh, dude… If you want proof of women being oppressed for centuries, just read any damn history book. Women (in the USA) weren’t even allowed to vote until 1920.
This kind of reminds about how MRAs complain about how women “never invented anything”, and then ignore that women have been denied education and jobs in scientific and mathematical fields for, well, almost all of history (also, women actually DID invent a lot of things, but were often ignored and written out of history books. e.g, a woman discovered the double helix, but two men got credit). I guess they just pretend that women have never been oppressed, so they can pretend that women never contributed to society because they were being lazy and taking advantage of the poor, hardworking, men.
I mean we were JUST talking about how Vox Day and his followers think husbands can’t rape their wives, and they pull out the old “But no husband would ever hurt their wife” card?
And CATS? I just … didn’t think we had to hone our arguments about how women are different than pets.
I’m sorry, Supernova, but you’re just wrong. Women were “protected” from being in history books, getting credit for their inventions/discoveries, voting, and of course that most dangerous thing of all — education! Please make a note of it, and be sure to thank the next couple of men you see for their protection.
Is there any reasoning with dudes who think women have never been oppressed? I just think it’s a lost cause. :/ (and yes, I know the point of the site is just to mock misogynists, I’m just rambling out loud)
Ohmigosh, David, I can’t tell whether I should be more offended by your implication that our furry overlords aren’t people, or by your implication that women are 😉
@children of the broccoli
actually, I kinda doubt they know what it means. (I mean, I didn’t know exactly what it meant either, so I’m not trying to make fun of them for not knowing, just using it in a headdesk-y misogynistic, history-denying way.)
I’m with Hellkell. This level of stupid is beyond my abilities.
“women can increase that population, while men can’t”
Erm…what? Tactsweater does know that humans can’t reproduce asexually, right? It takes two to tango. And with the obsession that so many MRA types have with sperm, you’d think they’d remember that one…
I have to say that while I find Jack Holland’s book on misogyny worthy and useful, it’s the biggest mansplain possible – he refers to barely any of the extensive feminist scholarship.
So …much…no.
The comic panel at the top reminds me of Egalia’s Daughters.
This is such a good place to find good things to read and listen to. 🙂
Reading is misandry!