alpha males creepy entitled babies evil old ladies evo psych fairy tales hypocrisy irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles PUA racism sexual exploitation western women suck

Expat PUA blogger: "24 is super crazy, crazy old. for a girl. 17. 19. past that, if we’re going to get all about babies, is pretty sketchy."

I couldn't come up with a good graphic for this post, so here's a giant chicken kidnapping a young boy.
I couldn’t come up with a good graphic for this post, so here’s a giant chicken kidnapping a young boy.

Jakeface — not his real name — is a “Game” blogger, pushing 40, and living in Vietnam. Or visiting there? I haven’t read enough of his blog to be able to figure that out. Given that the name of his blog is “cedonulli,” which seems to be a pretentious reference to the Latin phrase “cedo nulli” ( “I yield to none”), I probably won’t be reading all that much more.

But I do know he likes Vietnam, because he’s the sort of guy who enjoys joking about having sex with “girls … so barely legal … it’s not even funny,” and in Vietnam, he says, he’s not the only one who thinks that 24-year old women are “old as fuck.”

Did I mention he’s pushing 40 himself?

Anyway, not long ago, Jakeface offered readers of his blog his deep thoughts on the subject of age, and why women over the age of 19 are already starting to look elderly to him. [Link is mildly NSFW]

He starts off by noting sadly that even in Vietnam, he still runs into Western women in their 30s who for some strange reason think they aren’t old hags.

even nice western girls are under the influence of western default cultural context.  so many ridiculously illogical retarded things leave their mouths, that you can’t help but praise the heavens that you found a cultural base that still has a concept of sustainable biological imperatives.

“i’m 35 now, i’ve got my education and my career, i’m ready to settle down and have babies.  why can’t i find a good man?”

it’s so hard to be jake, sometimes.

Jake apparently hasn’t found the shift key on his keyboard yet.

But he can’t blame these Western gals, he says, for being “indoctrinated by western culture,” and “so it would be unfair, short sighted, dumb to make fun of miss-35 for waiting till after the closing bell to place her bid.”

Well, just so long as Miss 35 doesn’t try to get her wrinkled claws into him:

when the same miss-35 makes some eyeballs your way though, and says “i think you’re attractive”, then things get a bit creepier.

Dude, if you’re going to write fiction, at least try to make the dialogue sound vaguely realistic.

Anyway, Jake informs us that this eyeball-making elderly lady of 35 with the world’s least creative pickup line is

like the homeless man wandering into the bentley dealer, making moves to go sit in the new continental gt. a clear case of a completely non-reality based self image.  a delusion, painful to those who may have to be part of a conflicting reality.  i totally get how 19 year old girls must feel, when the 65 year old liver-spotted shaking hands of the australian tourist reach for her thigh.

Yes, that’s right: when a 35-year-old woman hits on a man her age or even slightly older, she is like a 65-year-old man pawing the thighs of a 19-year-old girl.

That’s PUA math for you.

Actually, that’s the math that PUAs try to sell to their readers, and to themselves.

In reality the math that really counts for Western expats like Jakeface has to do with exploiting their relative wealth in countries where a sufficient number of women are poor enough that putting up with a PUA and his bullshit isn’t the worst option they have. In Vietnam, per capita income is a little over $1,100 (American). Per capita income in the US? About $43,000. That’s the real expat PUA math.

Anyway, Jakeface continues with his rant:

24 is super crazy, crazy old.  for a girl.

17. 19. past that, if we’re going to get all about babies, is pretty sketchy.

Yeah, he really said that. Does he even believe it? Who knows? The average age for first births in the United States is 26; in the UK, it’s 30. The risks of pregnancy and giving birth over the age of 35 have been greatly exaggerated, and the vast majority of babies born to women later in life are perfectly healthy. Even if he doesn’t know any women his age who’ve had children,you might think he would have noticed the small army of female celebrities in their forties who’ve been popping out babies without either them or the babies exploding.

But Jakeface isn’t basing his conclusions here on a close reading of the medical literature, or even People magazine. Nope, as he makes clear, his opinions are coming straight from his dick and his “barely legal” obsessed brain.

who cares about what which culture says about it.  that’s what my brain, freed from all the media propaganda, is finding attractive.  at 24, you can already start to imagine what she’ll look like in 10 years.  the outlines are set.  the fantasy of youth eternal is already shattered.

24 is old-holy-fuck-you’re-countess-dracula, tell me about how life was in the 16th century.

Again, Jakeface by his own admission is almost 40.

in vietnam, that sort of age awareness seems to be the consensus, still.  which makes vietnam ok in my book.  it makes me think about applying for vietnamese citizenship.  i want to be part of a culture that shares my innate values.  a 35 year old vietnamese woman wouldn’t go “heeeey, soooo, how about some babies?”  it’d be considered unfathomably rude, suggesting that my value wouldn’t allow me the choice of a 19 year old instead, that my fridge is only good for milk a solid week and a half past its expiration date.

Dude, you only have this “value” in countries where a good portion of the women don’t have good options. And you know it. That’s why you’re in a country with a per capita income that is literally 1/38th that of the United States.

and this isn’t personal, as in if you read this and you’re a 35 year old woman, i’m not making fun.  i’m only talking about biological reality, and my own mating preferences.  which also, mating preferences of any man with the option, and in his right mind.

Really? George Clooney, formerly the world’s most eligible bachelor, just got engaged to a 36-year-old.

it could still happen.  jake might have some asian babies with a few 24 year old girls.  there are two current contenders, which i’m hoping to replace with some 17 year olds, before some heat-of-the-moment questionable decisions.

it’s hard to take a step back, when you’re in the pet shop, surrounded by puppies.

For the sake of all that is good in this world, dude, do not breed. Do not saddle some poor Vietnamese teenager with your spawn.

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10 years ago

It is pretty funny to watch what happens when guys with this kind of attitude go to a richer country in that part of the world and suddenly discover that, oh hey, attractive women and girls from good families want nothing to do with them, in fact often don’t even want to be seen talking to them, because the assumption that “white guy in Asia” equals “creepy sex tourist” is so ingrained (and also because they keep trying to hit on women who’re way, way out of their league).

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I saw a video of a sex tourist in Ukraine being taught a lesson by some of the local roughnecks, who were tired of foreign creeps polluting their country. The guy endured a very unpleasant evening. It was hard to feel sorry for him, though.

As for grizzled 24-year-olds, pfft. I had babies at 44, which means I had already witnessed all of human history. At bedtime I share with my sons vivid memories of the battle of Thermopylae.

10 years ago

Why yes, 24 IS super old… when you base your entire worldview on porn. ><

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Every country needs to create laws that allow these guys to be charged with child molestation even if it’s committed overseas, as long as they’re citizens of a country that does have a reasonable age of consent that’s enforced at home.

Um, that’s a very dubious legal principle. Would you be happy with other countries insisting they can prosecute their nationals for actions taken in the US which are legal in the US? Should Saudi Arabia be able to prosecute its nationals if they have unmarried sex while visiting the US, for example?

A strong international agreement seems like a better route.

10 years ago

Also, I’m in my mid-30s, and if I even THINK about having sex without protection I get pregnant. Menopause isn’t until a woman’s 40s or 50s, dumbasses. ><

10 years ago

@ Phoenician

This situation is a special exception, and the policy I’m talking about was created by orgs that focus on child exploitation. I’m really not interested in playing hypothetical what if the moon was made of green cheese games with this particular issue.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Do these guys think it’s not just pathetic to drop in such jarring, blatantly false references to the fact that they’re pursued by women and can choose from more than one at any given time to have sex with? Because I just overflow with sadness whenever I see them do that, and it happens all the time.

10 years ago

@ tedthefed

Not to mention the fact that the places where this is happening are to all intents and purposes brothels that serve drinks. It’s like boasting that you can order a meal when you’re in a restaurant. Good for you, being able to acquire the service that a business* exists to provide you with?

* Yes, applying the word “business” the places that sell sexual access to children makes me feel ill too.

10 years ago

The Philippines used to be a well-known destination for the male homosexual version of this. The government was eventually shamed into doing something about it; wonder when they’ll get around to protecting the girls as well.

The men who do things like this do not realize the contempt in which they are held by everyone else involved in the situation. The degree of desperate poverty that makes it possible is almost unimaginable for most Americans.

So far.

10 years ago

“George Clooney, formerly the world’s most eligible bachelor, just got engaged to a 36-year-old.”

And a good portion of the manosphere exploded, seeing this as either a mortal threat to their red pill “philosophy” (not really possible) or evidence that George has suffered a colossal lapse in judgment (most probable and soon to be evident, no doubt):

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

@cassandrakitty: This situation is a special exception,

Uh-huh. You don’t see the problem with labelling one area “a special exception” and assuming that it won’t be extended to other areas? That once you carve off a ‘special provision” for something totally reprehensible, such as sex with children, it won’t be used in calling for similar provisions for things other people find reprehensible, such as maybe drug taking?

The US ALREADY has extraterritoriality provisions for this –

I don’t like the idea. There are other ways of handling the problem on a coordinated international basis without invoking extraterritoriality, such as universal jurisdiction or international conventions You don’t get to say “we should prosecute when our citizens do X in other countries” without allowing for the likelihood that other countries might prosecute when their citizens do Y in your country.

If Saudi Arabia decides to prosecute an unmarried Saudi woman for having sex while in the US, or for blasphemy for things said while in the US, what possible argument can you bring up against it now?

10 years ago

@Phoenician in a time of Romans

Gosh, have slippery slope arguments ever worked well? And can we have some citations for the laws in Saudi Arabia? Not that I think there can’t be bad laws there, but your fixation on them is just weirding me out.

10 years ago

I’m just going to recommend that Phoenician stop digging at this point. Zie can of course choose to ignore that suggestion, but I’m guessing that if zie does so this conversation isn’t going to turn out too well for hir.

Winter Walker
10 years ago

@emma: Patrick Stewart married a 36 yr old too, not too long ago. It seems like for male celebrities of a certain age, the mid-30’s are what the early 20’s used to be, concerning their taste in women. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this.

10 years ago

i’m only talking about biological reality, and my own mating preferences.

Yeah, buddy, I’m positive that every time you get laid, you’re making kids. That’s totally what your preferences are about. You’re not a disgusting overgrown manchild at ALL. Sure.

How did heterosexuals take over the world again?

RE: cassandrakitty

Oh, if only those guys could have heard the things that the local women and girls said about them when they weren’t around.

I can only imagine. I worked in the customer service industry, and we had pretty scathing things to say about shitty creepy customers, so I can only imagine the tales they’ve got.

RE: Phoenician in a time of Romans

And you’d be able to distinguish that from about 50% of rap videos… how?

I’m with dustedeste on this one. Seriously? Seriously.

10 years ago

Aww man. I guess I’m an old lady now. If only I knew how to knit.

10 years ago

Isn’t David Tennant the ultimate in oh noes celebrities aren’t acting the way MRAs want them to? He married a woman who’d had a kid when she was in her teens. They seem pretty happy too, just to rub in the silliness of the whole red pill thing a bit more.

10 years ago

Phoenician in a time of Romans,
I’m not liking the cut of your jib at all.

10 years ago

Yay for awesomely old-fashioned put-downs. First PUA who turns up to tell us about his creepy exploits, I’m going to call him a cad.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

And you’d be able to distinguish that from about 50% of rap videos… how?

I’m with dustedeste on this one. Seriously? Seriously.

I seem to have a problem communicating here. I meant that a large number of rap videos already lo0oked like advertisements for MRA attitudes.

10 years ago


I seem to have a problem communicating here. I meant that a large number of rap videos already lo0oked like advertisements for MRA attitudes.

Really? How does a video look like an advertisement for MRA attitudes? Why are we talking about mra attitudes in rap, but not in other genres of music?

wait I know the answer to the last one.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Gosh, have slippery slope arguments ever worked well? And can we have some citations for the laws in Saudi Arabia? Not that I think there can’t be bad laws there, but your fixation on them is just weirding me out.

Jesus – you’re not aware of how Saudi Arabia treats women?

The moment you press for your country to have jurisdiction over its nationals for legal acts committed in other countries, you have to allow for other countries to have jurisdiction for their nationals for acts they commit in your country.

Again, international convention is probably a better way to go.

10 years ago

Phoenician, please remember the first rule of holes.

10 years ago


You linked to ….one case. And good god, put a trigger warning by it, ffs.

From the article:

A trial date was set in October 2006 and she was sentenced to 90 lashes for “being alone with a man who is not a relative,” which is considered an offense in the strict Wahhabi jurisprudence. It is widely condemned that Saudi law literally depends on Sharia laws since judges’ interpretations of it are not based on any written legal code. Each judge interprets it in his own way.

If that’s right (I really don’t know if wikipedia is the best place to get all this info) but that’s the only part about the law in my quick read.

And the other thing, I know people in Saudi Arabia can treat women terribly, just like I’m aware I don’t know that much about the country. I’m also aware that many times westerners, especially white westerners, try to downplay the sexism in America and Europe while talk about how terribly sexist [part of the world they have their hate-crush on] is. So I’m going to be suspicious when you’re bringing up a law in Saudi Arabia repeatedly in a discussion about child rape, because it’s just so random and irrelevant.