Happy Mothers’ Day! In honor of this special day let me share the sweet sentiments of the mother-loving Vox Day, who took time out of his busy schedule of woman-hating to write a post urging his readers to “Honor the Mothers” of the world. Or at least the non-feminist mothers of the “Western sub-species” of the human race.
Vox starts out his paean to motherhood by noting that women are mostly shitty and need to be constantly reminded of their shittiness by right-thinking fellows like him:
We are, quite rightly, very often hard on women here at Alpha Game. We need to be, because they spend most of their lives having smoke blown up their pretty little asses by people of both sexes and all ages who want to curry favor with them.
Oh, but even though women are terrible, don’t give in to the temptation of misogyny!
But never be tempted into misogyny by the bad behavior of one, one hundred, one thousand, or even one million women. They are the fate of the human race. They are the fate of the Western sub-species. They matter.
Take the day to honor the mothers of our sub-species. Well, some of them.
So, honor those who reject the nihilistic hedonism of feminism despite being literally inundated with its dogma from their earliest years and fulfill their primary destiny, that of motherhood. Whether she fulfills it gracefully and well or grudgingly and incompetently, she has done her duty. Respect that she has played her part in the miracle of life, honor her for doing her part in turning back the dark void of universal entropy.
It’s not nothing. It’s not a minor thing. Without women, there is no Man.
So even if you hate women, you need to remember that they serve a useful role as incubators of future men!
Happy Mother’s Day.
And a happy mother’s day to you too, you racist, misogynistic piece of poop.
It’s useless to try and rank the prominent residents of the manosphere from worse to worstest because they’re all so horrible.
Still, I think VD might just be the most contemptible of all.
Western sub-species? No. Just no. Don’t lump my white ass in with yourself VD. We have nothing in common but white skin. You’re just your own special sub-species of racist, misogynist trouser stain. Have a seat. Put on your dunce cap and never open your mouth or touch a keyboard ever again.
I am more than willing to agree that Vox and his buddies are an unfortunate sub-species of human. Can we just refer to them as Morlocks from now on?
Lady Mondegreen – maddening, innit? Though the schedule was pretty tight; the only socialising I did there was lunch with cloudiah and my bff the day I had to fly home. The rest of that week was spent in Chicago.
Of all the things I hope for my children, I really hope they become caring, thoughful, empathetic, good people. I would be devastated if they ever said/felt/believed this misogynistic tripe.
Because it’s only for the Furrinati.
Not only did I pick the wrong branch of feminism, I picked the wrong species.
Ah well. At least I am allowed to serve.
One of my best friends (husband and I call her my sister in law) had very bad luck in mothers. The one time I met her, she reminded me of the description of Lady Bracknell in “The Importance of Being Earnest” – a monster without being mythical. My sister in law has dedicated her life as a mother to being different from her own mother, and has been doing a splendid job for the last thirteen years. She has my respect and admiration.
Theodore Beale has my unbridled contempt.
It is all any of us mere humans can hope for.
@LBT: The comic you’re thinking of is XXXenophile by Phil Foglio. It was God and the Devil. God tricked the Devil into tempting them into more and more kinky acts (since, after all, the antichrist’s parents wouldn’t be into vanilla sex). Oral, anal, various other things… But no vaginal, so no antichrist.
@Lady Mondegreen
Yep, those Victorians got up to some weird hijiinks with their cameras! All told, though, I honestly find the hidden mother pictures stranger and more disturbing than the dead people pictures. I understand the desire to have a memento of someone who’s passed, and, frankly, dead people were really good at posing for pics – no breathing, no blinking, no fidgets – just makes more sense to me. Other than moving mouth issues, which, again, I’m not even sure were definitively the reason for having Mom under a blanket, it’s just really alien to me.
I’ve heard two possible reasons. Kim mentioned one (that it might be someone you don’t want immortalized in your family photos). The other is that the photographer might charge per sitter and that some families might not be able to afford an extra person, since they might already have a photo of the parents and just be springing for a photo of the children.
I guess both kinds make sense if you think about the fact that photography was a new medium (at least newly available to the average person). As the Wiki article says, in a time when death, especially infant and child death, was sadly common, the post-mortem photos may have been the only photographs people had of those they’d loved and lost.
Though the hidden-mother pictures look silly now, if you wanted a picture of your little one(s) and were faced with the problem of how to keep them still for the time it took to get a decent exposure, that was a resourceful solution….
@cassandrakitty (and everyone–if you like ghost stories, don’t miss this gem!):
Well that was… yuck. Happy Mother’s Day, moms!
Wait, he’s into “Game” and he’s on a moral high horse because he thinks feminism is hedonistic….!?
lol. I point and laugh and fart in his general direction. 😀
The PUA mindset makes Nietzsche seem like a fountain of loving positivity in comparison, so it’s pretty damn funny that they’re calling feminism nihilistic.
My mom had me, then had an abortion (in 1967), then had my brother. I guess he shouldn’t exist either.
Okay, I have to post this Dead Philosophers page now.
So Vox’s hyper-intellectual argument seems to be “women are terrible, but they help us reproduce so don’t piss them off *too* much”?
I always wondered how someone can accidentally bork their blockquotes that way, and I’m still not sure what happened.
Does it work like this, when you swap the places of begin and stop quoting tags?
Specifically, you’d be boringly rigorous in your nihilism and dutifully responsible in your hedonism.
Like, figuring that the choice of anal vs. PIV sex doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of your contraception plan, because you’d want to use a condom in either case.
Scary pictures! But entirely appropriate for the topic – those women have fulfilled their function in breeding: they don’t need faces.
Hope everyone who celebrated Mother’s Day on Sunday had a great time.
Homo eastwoodus (Marlboro Man): adept at tool-using, but not known for living in groups.
I’ll pass on perpetuating that, thanks. Too leathery and violent.
Homo non-sapiens, in the case of Mr. Beale.
And really, anyone who thinks abortion is a mark of “hedonism” has obviously never seen the entire maternity wards full of dying women that there used to be before abortion was legalized. There was nothing “hedonistic” about those. Women got ripped off and in many cases killed by back-alley butchers taking advantage of anti-abortion laws. Doctors who worked those wards were actually relieved when the laws changed, because those dying women stopped arriving virtually overnight. They could finally dedicate maternity wards to, you know, MATERNITY again.
And this bozo also forgets that a lot of women who have abortions before they marry, later go on to be mothers several times over. If they’re not already married and pretty much done having kids but can’t afford proper birth control on the regular, that is.
If you can get your hands on a copy of Ursula Le Guin’s essay, “The Princess”, you’ll see what I mean by going on to have kids later. She had an abortion in her college days after a relationship fell apart, and says that if she’d been forced to go through with that pregnancy, she probably would not have gone on to marry her husband, or have the three kids they had together. A mistimed birth has blighted many a woman’s life, but I guess these assholes couldn’t be bothered to think of THAT.