Let’s take another stroll through the strange wonderland of Men Going Their Own Way, that small and bitter tribe of men who boldly declare their independence from women, then spend the rest of their lives obsessively talking about them.
Today, let’s look at the thoughtful discussion that ensued when one such fellow known as TDG asked his Brothers in Going Their Own Way why, of all the women they have Gone Their Own Way from (but not really), they tend to prefer women who are “chaste.”
For women, I’m guessing the main reason they weren’t so slutty before the 1950s, was because of the fear of having a bastard womb turd, but the pill changed all that and now they can have as many dicks as they like.
Now, I wont ever marry again and my ex-wife was a virgin and all that went to shit, but here’s my question;
Why do men want women that are chaste…?
I understand on a visceral level, that if a woman has had too many dicks, I can never care for her more than a cum rag, but I’m curious if that is societal conditioning or something that is innate to men…
Thoughts gentlemen…?
Unsurprisingly, the gentlemen of the MGTOW HQ forum did indeed have many thoughts on the subject. (I’ve bolded the most intriguing bits.)
ManWithAPlan had an economic explanation:
Because by going through the “bad boy” phase, they fuck away their only worth. There are three things I look for in a woman (mainly). Attractiveness, fertility and youth. If a woman is attractive and young, but can’t have kids, most men will treat her as a cum rag. If she’s fertile and young, but not attractive, she’s still no good to most men. If she’s old and attractive, she’s back to being a cougar and a cum rag.
Multishadow brought in biology:
[B]iologically speaking women represent a fertile ground for man to plant his seed, and no one wants to plant his seed in a garbage dump.
Second, a man must work to earn a woman, and then invest in her.. and no man wants to work for what others gain for free, or for what was freely given out in the past. There is also resentment for a female gaining sex freely, when a man must work for it.
And that is the third issue, people in general have a distaste for those who are gluttons for pleasure. … It is one thing to obtain sex when you want it, but if your only purpose in life is laying around having sex.. it is like watching an obese person eat.
That’s right: people who have a lot of sex are basically sex fatties. And no one likes a fatty, right?
Aldenhamil suggested that chaste women were a better bargain for frugal men:
Just having random sex is one thing and any old cum dumpster will usually do, but settling down with a woman, having children, and providing for them is something altogether different. It’s a massive investment of time, energy, and resources. Men naturally lean towards frugality and appreciate getting the most bang for their buck. When it comes to women>children>family, it’s a better bet to invest in a woman who isn’t swinging from every cock in town. …
Men instinctively know that whores make poor long-term investments, but they also instinctively know that all women will become whores if given the opportunity. The whole situation is a bit of a clusterfuck, really. It was a problem for Bronze Age societies, and it’s still a problem long after we’ve managed to put human beings in outer space.
Ghost Rider noted that “chaste” women won’t have had a lot of other guys to compare you to, so chances are good she won’t know how mediocre you are in bed:
From my observations, the more men a woman has been with, the greater the chance that she is carrying at least one torch if not more for some guy that dumped her. I believe the term is alpha widow. Seen quite a few times where a woman dumps hubby to get back with a guy she was carrying a torch for, or at least conduct a torrid affair with the guy when he came a calling.
In addition, she is more likely to get back on the cock carousel trying to recapture what she thought she had when she was younger. Also, a woman who hasn’t ridden the cock carousel is a lot less judgmental in the bedroom because she isn’t comparing you to the hundreds of guys she’s been in the sack with. If you’re an average guy, you’re probably not at the same level as the alpha thug with the huge cock that fucked the shit out of her all night. If you’re dumb enough to get married/remarried, who the hell needs that shit in addition to everything else.
Demonsgate, meanwhile, seems to be more terrified of being judged by other guys than by the women he dates:
Real simple because in my younger days when I walked into a bar or restaurant with a twat I didn’t want all you bastards laughing saying yep we all fucked her and this fool is dating her. Who wants to be that guy?
Mongolking answered TDG’s question with his own question:
I think the larger question is “Why Do We Want Them… At All?”
Given that this discussion is taking place on a forum devoted to Men Going Their Own Way, this seems like a reasonable enough question.
And I’ll give you all an answer: If you hate women so much you regularly describe them as “cum rags,” “cum dumpsters,” “garbage dumps,” “whores,” “twats,” or any of the other horrible things said by guys in this thread about women in the equally awful comments I didn’t quote, you should take that Going Your Own Way shit a little bit more seriously. Go your own way. Go a long way, off a short pier.
I love it when guys pick apart women’s porn to complain that women aren’t being aroused by the correct thing (SPOILERS: The correct thing is them). Like mainstream men’s porn is a realm of egalitarian pleasure where women are treated respectfully and valued for their inner beauty.
There’s some good in all of us, they say. In RP’s case, he doesn’t use double period ellipses as punctuation. That’s about all I can think of.
I still have fond memories of sexing a guy years ago, after my first husband died and before I met my current husband. Great sexytimes, and absolutely not someone I would ever consider boyfriend material. Apparently, some of the women here have had similar experiences, and good for them.
RP’s bizarre comparison of rape and cuckoldry reminds me of one of the plot details in “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”. Lord Chatterley wanted his wife to get with child to carry on his line, but when he found out the child had been fathered not by a man of his own class, but by his gamekeeper, he blew a gasket.
*and anyone in between male or female or who is neither or both or a mix. Though those aren’t portrayed often enough in media, and rarely in a good light unfortunately.
Then I watched this show called Battlestar Galactica
Apparently, human life on Earth started when a bunch of people from another planet, with highly advanced technology, settled here while fleeing from killer robots that had gained sentience.
I watched a movie called The Room once. Apparently guys regularly dress up in tuxes and play football in alleyways. Also The Room is clearly a good example of the kind of media where MRM dudebros get their ideas of how women act.
Really? Twilight?
Yes, Mormon abstinence monster porn caught on, mainly among adolescents for a time. It’s flash in the pan popularity in no way tells us anything about women’s sexuality or their real feelings. Romance novels in the past were terribly cliche’ and having grown up with a romance novelist for a grandmother, I found out that that’s because there was once a formula you had to abide by to get published. Luckily, the times they are-a-chang’n.
I have seen that documeteration and I learned so much. 😉
Damn, I go do some work and come back to a whole herd of teal deer! That I am totally going to ignore!
I thought there were more, but it’s a cute drawing.
Judging from my naturalistic research,* feeeemales are quite violent in general and will constantly antagonize you by demanding you feel the wrath of Ytar.
*playing video games
@random troll
Next time use a few paragraph breaks on your wall of text, kthnx
I mean, I would actually poke you if you did. But walls of text are rather taxing on my eyes
“. And anyone who remains “pure” past one’s teen years (and hasn’t been trapped in a religious fundamentalist lifestyle) is probably that way because they have relatively little interest in sex.”
Um wtf? Plenty of people don’t have sex in their teen years and are still interested in sex.
“The expressed is more commonly phrased as “to have one’s cake and eat it, too”. The idea behind it is that once you eat the entire cake, you no longer have it. So someone who wishes to have their cake and eat it, too is really just an entitled person who wishes for an impossible situation.”
Huh. I never actually knew what that phrase meant. Thanks. :3
“Oh wow…now Twilight is a documentary and harems are natural. All male mammals have/had harems? Monogomy is a “Reverse-harem”?
What the ever loving fuck?
Random troll is 14. Maybe 13.”
O man, that’s just baffling XD. Now I’m sad I skipped trolly’s walls o text, except he was also spouting a bunch of atroticous shit, so I’m probably not sad.
Oh! Oh! If we’re making generalizations about people from random genres, I can state with 100% certainty that people with red eyes Cannot Be Trusted. All the (fantasy) books say so!
Truth. I didn’t have sex until my twenties. It wasn’t for lack of interest in sex, it was for lack of guys I was interested in having sex with. Plus a broken pelvis from being hit by a car at 14, which put a damper on things for a good long while and made me much more cautious than most. And of course, the risk of unwanted pregnancy…which in my case, would have been any pregnancy at all, since I’m about as unmaternal as it gets. But most of all, it was down to just plain being young and unready. Which is all the reason one really needs, when you get right down to it.
Anyone else remember this song from back in the day?
I was just reminded of it for some reason.
I saw Miracle on 34th Street. Santa Claus is real!!
@Viscaria: Oh, no, I wasn’t assuming you meant you were endorsing paternity fraud (or whatever the official legal term is.) I was just musing on the topic in general.
When I had my last baby there was a huge form at one of my prenatal appointments with all kinds of questions about my marital status at time of conception, marital status at time of birth, whether or not I believed my husband was the baby’s biological father, etc… seems like at least some states have moved away from making iron presumptions about paternity. Probably a good thing. The last time I read, even of the guys who are motivated enough to get paternity testing, about 90 percent get positive results. So… I think paternity panic is, er, a bit overblown.
(Wonder what would happen if you could pop in on various points in history and administer a DNA pop quiz on a representative sample of the population. Much more social stigma about “illegitimacy”, less reliable birth control, no paternity testing, way more pressure to marry young and not divorce… I dunno, you can try to control the women and I know they did, but that still sounds like a recipe for a fair amount of… selective disclosure about certain possibilities.)
The journal of Julius Verne taught us that the below the Earth’s surface is a subterranean ecosystem lit by electrical storms on the ceiling, with giant mushroom forests and an ocean populated by Plesiosaurs and Icthyosaurs.
I’ve been doing extensive research on female behavior while I’m home packing for my trip to NY/CT. What I’ve discovered is that females follow me from room to room, have no respect for my privacy, sleep a lot, and knock things over for no apparent reason. But when I asked them if they liked Twilight, they looked completely uninterested and started licking themselves.
I saw Pacific Rim. Good thing I live far away from the coast so that I’m not killed when the Kaiju attack. It’s happening soon. The movies said so.
Female cats can give birth to litters of kittens with multiple fathers. Cats are misandry. That’s why misters hate them.
@weirwoodtreehugger: Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Kaiju have already attacked. Probably there was a massive governmental cover-up.
Cats are truly the royalty of misandry. Maybe that’s why I love them so much. I am a misandry queen too, I’m asexual and I reject creepy men all the time. Me and my kitty are misandry princesses together. Well, my cat is fixed, so I guess maybe she’s not that much of a misandrist.
I have wondered for a while about the hatred of fedoras on this and other feminist sites. I’ve never understood it. I like fedoras. I like straw boaters. I like cowboy hats. I like top hats. I like hats, in general. I think hats are excellent outerwear. I do think that good manners dictates the proper usage of hats, such as men should remove their hats when they come inside. Women have traditionally worn their hats inside for two reasons. 1) women were supposed to cover their heads at all times, and ESPECIALLY in a church (a scarf would do, if you had no hat), because of reasons like women need to show more respect and lower themselves and yadda yadda. 2) Women’s hats often involved hat pins and tying them on, and taking them off was a bit of a delicate process that just took too darned long. 3) women’s hairstyles got messed up from whipping hats on and off, so they just left them on. That’s the tradition from which our hat-manners spring.
So, today, I looked online for the thing about fedoras. It’s not the hat. It’s the “persona” that goes with the hat. Which is just dumb. People should be themselves, not “wear” a persona.
Also, calling a woman “m’lady,” is only appropriate if she is of the proper rank. That is, married to a knight or baronet gets her a courtesy title of “Lady Lastname.” Then, at higher ranks, she can be “Lady Locality,” for the locality of which her husband has lordship. At really high ranks, you get “Lady Firstname.” And then, of course, there are “the Honorable Misses,” who can be called “my lady,” in conversation. Then, of course, you have women who hold a title in their own right, and not by right of marriage or as being the daughter of a high-ranking noble.
This is, of course, entirely non-applicable to Americans, as we have none of that aristocratic ranking. Now, if you’re talking to a foreign aristocrat who happens to be in America, then that is fine and polite.
Also, the hand-kissing. You’re doing it wrong. First of all, hand-kissing is a Continental European mannerism. Secondly, you only kiss the air above the hand, not the hand, itself. If the woman can feel lips, you are being unpardonably impertinent. Thirdly, you only kiss the (air above the) hand of married women, never unmarried women. Again, it’s a social rank thing.
As for tipping the hat, one tips the hat to one’s social superior, not only to women. Among social equals, it is proper to tip the hat to socially equal women. However, you need not tip your hat to your social inferiors. For example, a rich man with a parlor maid will never tip his hat to her, no matter how attractive he may find her. Also, misogynists who think all women are below them are being downright hypocritical when they tip their hats to women.
Holding the door, or standing when a woman enters/leaves the room, or sits/stands at the table? Again, that applies to social superiors and not just to women. Doing it for your social equals is considered to be good, as well. But you have to do it for everyone of equal/higher rank, across the board.
So, either do the manners PROPERLY, or just don’t bother. OK, guys? Because to focus on women is to single them out as “other,” and that just doesn’t make us feel all warm and fuzzy, OK? But if we see you showing consideration to everyone, then when you turn that consideration to us, we’ll feel happy and yes, warm and fuzzy. Weird, but true.
Best bet: be yourself, be polite to everyone, and wear your clothes appropriate to the location and situation.
Also, don’t call a Trilby a Fedora.
Sally Field can fly!!!!
Brain bleach!
Teal deer? What’s that?
I need to learn more internets-speak.