Let’s take another stroll through the strange wonderland of Men Going Their Own Way, that small and bitter tribe of men who boldly declare their independence from women, then spend the rest of their lives obsessively talking about them.
Today, let’s look at the thoughtful discussion that ensued when one such fellow known as TDG asked his Brothers in Going Their Own Way why, of all the women they have Gone Their Own Way from (but not really), they tend to prefer women who are “chaste.”
For women, I’m guessing the main reason they weren’t so slutty before the 1950s, was because of the fear of having a bastard womb turd, but the pill changed all that and now they can have as many dicks as they like.
Now, I wont ever marry again and my ex-wife was a virgin and all that went to shit, but here’s my question;
Why do men want women that are chaste…?
I understand on a visceral level, that if a woman has had too many dicks, I can never care for her more than a cum rag, but I’m curious if that is societal conditioning or something that is innate to men…
Thoughts gentlemen…?
Unsurprisingly, the gentlemen of the MGTOW HQ forum did indeed have many thoughts on the subject. (I’ve bolded the most intriguing bits.)
ManWithAPlan had an economic explanation:
Because by going through the “bad boy” phase, they fuck away their only worth. There are three things I look for in a woman (mainly). Attractiveness, fertility and youth. If a woman is attractive and young, but can’t have kids, most men will treat her as a cum rag. If she’s fertile and young, but not attractive, she’s still no good to most men. If she’s old and attractive, she’s back to being a cougar and a cum rag.
Multishadow brought in biology:
[B]iologically speaking women represent a fertile ground for man to plant his seed, and no one wants to plant his seed in a garbage dump.
Second, a man must work to earn a woman, and then invest in her.. and no man wants to work for what others gain for free, or for what was freely given out in the past. There is also resentment for a female gaining sex freely, when a man must work for it.
And that is the third issue, people in general have a distaste for those who are gluttons for pleasure. … It is one thing to obtain sex when you want it, but if your only purpose in life is laying around having sex.. it is like watching an obese person eat.
That’s right: people who have a lot of sex are basically sex fatties. And no one likes a fatty, right?
Aldenhamil suggested that chaste women were a better bargain for frugal men:
Just having random sex is one thing and any old cum dumpster will usually do, but settling down with a woman, having children, and providing for them is something altogether different. It’s a massive investment of time, energy, and resources. Men naturally lean towards frugality and appreciate getting the most bang for their buck. When it comes to women>children>family, it’s a better bet to invest in a woman who isn’t swinging from every cock in town. …
Men instinctively know that whores make poor long-term investments, but they also instinctively know that all women will become whores if given the opportunity. The whole situation is a bit of a clusterfuck, really. It was a problem for Bronze Age societies, and it’s still a problem long after we’ve managed to put human beings in outer space.
Ghost Rider noted that “chaste” women won’t have had a lot of other guys to compare you to, so chances are good she won’t know how mediocre you are in bed:
From my observations, the more men a woman has been with, the greater the chance that she is carrying at least one torch if not more for some guy that dumped her. I believe the term is alpha widow. Seen quite a few times where a woman dumps hubby to get back with a guy she was carrying a torch for, or at least conduct a torrid affair with the guy when he came a calling.
In addition, she is more likely to get back on the cock carousel trying to recapture what she thought she had when she was younger. Also, a woman who hasn’t ridden the cock carousel is a lot less judgmental in the bedroom because she isn’t comparing you to the hundreds of guys she’s been in the sack with. If you’re an average guy, you’re probably not at the same level as the alpha thug with the huge cock that fucked the shit out of her all night. If you’re dumb enough to get married/remarried, who the hell needs that shit in addition to everything else.
Demonsgate, meanwhile, seems to be more terrified of being judged by other guys than by the women he dates:
Real simple because in my younger days when I walked into a bar or restaurant with a twat I didn’t want all you bastards laughing saying yep we all fucked her and this fool is dating her. Who wants to be that guy?
Mongolking answered TDG’s question with his own question:
I think the larger question is “Why Do We Want Them… At All?”
Given that this discussion is taking place on a forum devoted to Men Going Their Own Way, this seems like a reasonable enough question.
And I’ll give you all an answer: If you hate women so much you regularly describe them as “cum rags,” “cum dumpsters,” “garbage dumps,” “whores,” “twats,” or any of the other horrible things said by guys in this thread about women in the equally awful comments I didn’t quote, you should take that Going Your Own Way shit a little bit more seriously. Go your own way. Go a long way, off a short pier.
I agree with what @Ally_S was saying about methodological issues. Also, as my job is to work with mathematical models and equations, I would be interested in knowing the specific details of said models and equations and why these particular ones are appropriate. Citation?
Hey “you people,” troll isn’t finished:
” But what people fail to realize is that there is a spectrum of degrees of emotion, you know. And as I’ve said already, I do concede that there are surprising exceptions to the general rules of human nature, every now and then.”
What? Decent men are an exception to the rule? What the fuck, dude.
But then he claims to be a Vulcan, or that living life is all about the math:
“But much more often than not, humanity in general is indeed predictable if you just know the appropriate, proper, relevant equations, formulas, and models. Which can be a good thing or bad thing depending on your point of view.”
Then he proves he needs to read more, like we suggested a few times up thread:
“Btw, on sex, as in all human sports, size does matter after all and you just can’t teach size, depressingly enough.”
You don’t know anything, fella. You might need an encyclopedia. Look under “C” for clitoris and be amazed!
So men only love their partners and children inasmuch as those people give them pleasure and entertainment? That’s some grade-A misandry right there.
…so you’re saying there’s nothing that would change your mind. Why, then, do you think people should waste their time debating you?
I love that you’re saying this after a bunch of women just got done saying otherwise. Thanks for mansplaining this to us!
A man loves a woman like a child loves ice cream. Misandry!
Oh, I get it. RandomPester is a special snowflake, therefore the no-asshole rule doesn’t apply to him. Sorry, but it does. No exceptions!
(cn: humanist sniping at religious model figures)
Someone with Mother Theresa’s values and the name “Ka-Ching Yen” would be a perfect saint for Yen Buddhism on Discworld.
As for me, I’m an adult virgin guy, just like Pope Frankie. He’s probably pardoned in his time some women who confessed cheating on their husbands, although I doubt he’s forgiven anyone who cheated on him. Following his example, I hereby promise to not be personally hurt by women who cheat on other men.
Btw, on sex, as in all human sports, size does matter after all.
So you’re saying that the bigger the vagina, the better?
Oh no, I forgot. when you say “human”, you actually mean “cis man”. and when you say “size does matter”, you’re only talking about the penis. Well done, you are indeed predictable. For you, the whole world rotates around your dick.
Bummocks. Blcokquote fail.
OT, but I’m curious: Is anyone besides me bewildered that a (fake) beehive-on-top-of-a-bob (see picture at top) was ever considered a fashionable hairdo?
I thought she was wearing a little hat, until just now.
Aww. I kinda like it :p
Your personal frustration and jealousy is showing. You might want to dial it back a bit.
Unless you are trying to make me laugh. Then, keep it up. Because I like to laugh.
Making a woman cum and caring about her pleasure when you expect her to care about yours is not that difficult. Christopher Reeves and his wife continued to have a sex life after he was paralyzed. People with sexual abuse histories manage to have great sex. Being good, giving and game ain’t that high a bar. There are stores full of toys, books full of accurate information, blogs, podcasts, etc. There’s also always just trial, error and practice practice, practice. If you are too lazy or don’t give a damn about a woman’s pleasure, rent the services of a sex worker. They are happy to get you off without reciprocation. You have so many options other than deciding to hate women because they aren’t giving you the orgasms you think they owe you without expecting anything in return.
RP, If your dick is tiny, get a range of dildos and let your partner pick the one she likes best on any given night. Most women cannot orgasm through vaginal penetration alone. Get down there and lick her clit like you want to get to the Tootsie Roll center. Some women only cum with the kind of stimulation a vibrator provides. Go get yourself a range of vibrators and learn how to use them. I know plenty of women and transmen who manage to please their lovers sexually. Your small pecker is not an excuse for being a piss poor partner.
Amen, Lea! If you think your small dick is the reason you can’t please your partner, chances are it’s not your dick that’s the problem, but the fact that it’s all you’re using.
She’s certainly wearing a Saran Wrap nightie.
Maybe she’s homicidal because someone else chooses her outfits and she’s had her fill of that person’s awful fashion sense.
There should be an internet rule about this, like Godwin. Because you can be fairly certain that anybody insisting there’s a certain formula for success or sex or anything else is actually not that big a winner in life. (I mean, I reject the win/loss view of life in general, but we’ll say ‘using their own metrics of success’ to mean winning here)
I mean, SERIOUSLY. PUAs, The Secret, whatever. People who say they have the singular secret to success just don’t seem all that… convincing.
RP insists he knows the secret formula to life. But everybody despises him. Does he want us to believe that he just wants to be despised? That was his goal, and he’s getting what he wants out of it?
Oh, I think the woman on the book cover looks fabulous. As for her hair being fashionable, here are
RandomPester: Are you actually going to respond to anything that’s been said previously, or are you just that big of a coward? If you keep posting random crap here without responding to what other people have said, I’m going to keep pestering you with these questions:
1. Do you really think that a wife cheating on her husband is the same as rape?
2. Are Cheaters and the Twilight books art?
3. Do you any actual peer reviewed research to back up your claims?
See, things like tjis is what you need to offer actual evidence for. you cam’t just proclaim it and it will be so:
Bullshit. If you believe you just need the right formula and you can make people respond in the exact same way every time, then you’re incredibly naive and just not too bright and there’s a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.
undfreeland: No, being bad in bad does not entitle you to be misogynistic, or to a supply of teenaged virgins. Ew, creepy.
Well, that was one hell of a formatting fail I made there.
A little applicable advice.
@Howard Bannister – Thanks for the link! I’m enjoying it already, and will continue reading.
I LOLed when I saw the list of Mormon/Utah names (I have my own list). They actually misspelled Mahonri Moriancumer. So, not only do they saddle the kid with a ridiculous name, from church history, but they get it WRONG. So now, he has to explain that name every time he meets someone, and then, when he’s telling people about it, the ones who know the history will then have to be told, “No, it’s not actually spelled like that. It’s spelled Mohonri Morianchimer, because my parents didn’t actually check the sources when they put it on the birth certificate.”
True story: My Dad named my brother after his grandfather, but Dad was dyslexic and misspelled it. LOL. Fortunately, his misspelling was another real name, so no biggie, but it’s a fun family story.
My first year at BYU, my brother (also attending) and I would spend hours just reading through the student directory. I think my all-time favorites were Ethylene and Orange Peel. Although Bryun is also a top contender.
Thanks, Kittehserf. I feel much better now, since I honestly wasn’t trying to upset anyone.
@Howard Bannister – OMG, I’m actually hurting myself laughing so hard at that link. I have to take it in small doses. Thanks, again!
Here’s another song on the subject.
There is a witch in the Discworld novels named “Magrat” for a similar reason.
No, you see, women see his penis and they go “No, I will not allow you to orally please me, or to do anything else, for I am evil woman personified and I scorn you! Scorn, I say!”
Or at least that’s what happens in his head, and then he comes here and leaves more incoherent rage-wank.