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UK Political Donor Demetri Marchessini: Women In Trousers Are Destroying Western Civilization

Marlene Dietrich oppressing man with her trousers.
Marlene Dietrich oppressing man with her trousers.

Demetri Marchessini is a retired Greek business tycoon, living in London, and has been a major donor to the right-wing, anti-immigrant UK Independence Party (UKIP). He also has some, let’s say, eccentric views about gay people, black people, women, and trousers, views so, er, eccentric that the folks in UKIP are a little embarrassed to be associated with him. Given that UKIP is filled with bigots in all varieties, that’s quite something.

In an interview last week with Britain’s Channel 4, Marchessini expounded at length on some of his more colorful views. He told interviewer Michael Crick that marital rape was impossible, because “you can’t have rape if you make love on Friday and make love on Sunday, you can’t say Saturday is rape. Once the woman accepts, she accepts.”

He argued that there is no such thing as homosexual love, only lust, because “they go out at nights and they pick up 5, 10, 15 different partners in one night.” Even gays in committed relationships are basically just roommates who still cruise for anonymous sex partners.

And he suggested that black slaves were better off as slaves in America than they would have been living in Africa, because if they survived the passage they lived longer.

But let’s just talk about the trouser thing. Marchessini thinks women should be banned from wearing trousers, because otherwise they just might bring about the end of western civilization.

No, really.

In a 2003 polemic with the innocent-sounding title Women In Trousers, Marchessini decried female trouser-wearing as “hostile behaviour – they are deliberately dressing in a way that is opposite to what men would like.”

In his interview last week, he explained just how hostile an act trouser-wearing really is. Here’s the whole discussion, from the extended transcript of the interview he posted on his website. I’m putting some of the best bits in bold, but, seriously, the whole thing is pure gold. 

Michael Crick: You wrote this book about women wearing trousers. Explain your position there.

Demetri Marchessini: Well this is a very … there are quite a few reasons why women shouldn’t wear trousers. The point of the book, was that photographs of women on the street, they weren’t posed, women walking down the street, and the point of the book is they were all photographed from the rear, because women do not realise what they look like from the rear, they can’t see themselves from the rear. And they don’t realise how terrible they look from the rear. And this was just a series of photographs, of actual photographs of women walking by and a lot of people didn’t like this, because it’s become a political matter.

Michael Crick: So do you think women should be banned from wearing trousers?

Demetri Marchessini: Yes.

Michael Crick: What, by law?

Demetri Marchessini: They used to be, for thousands of years. Did you know that until two or three hundred years ago a woman wearing trousers would be executed? Did you know that?

Michael Crick: Well presumably you’re not advocating returning to that position?

Demetri Marchessini: No, but I am returning to thinking that this is an important matter, something to think about, whereas now they don’t think about it.

Michael Crick: And you think that women are unsuited to certain jobs?

Demetri Marchessini: Wait a minute, let’s just finish this thing.

Michael Crick: Sorry, yeah.

Demetri Marchessini: The first thing is the Bible. If you are a Christian the Bible says anyone who wears the clothes of the opposite sex is an abomination. If you’re a Christian woman you can’t be wearing trousers.

Michael Crick: I would have thought the vast majority of Christians in this country today would say that’s rubbish.

Demetri Marchessini: Well I’m sorry, they’re perfectly free to say the Bible is rubbish, but if you believe in the Bible you can’t wear trousers, it’s up to you to decide. Secondly, for thousands of years after that, it was a crime for both sexes and then eventually when they started wearing trousers, which was after the First War, there were several reasons not to wear trousers. The first is they don’t look as nice as skirts; the second is trousers don’t excite men. Only skirts excite men.

Michael Crick: Why should women dress to excite men?

Demetri Marchessini: Because that’s the only way the world is going to continue. If they don’t, then men are going to stop fucking them, you understand, and may I tell you, with great respect, that the incidence of lovemaking in Western Europe has fallen drastically.

Michael Crick: What, because women wear trousers?

Demetri Marchessini: Well I think that’s one factor. Another factor is because women work. The fact is if men don’t make love to women the Western world is going to disappear.

So Warren Farrell is angry at women for dressing (or undressing) to excite men; Demetri Marchessini is angry at them for not dressing to excite men.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering why women look so terrible from behind, Marchessini helpfully provides a link to another post on his blog which offers this explanation:

[N]ature has shaped women differently from men, and it is women who have curves, and as a result, big bottoms.  Men are more straight up and down.  It is women who are, therefore, invariably photographed for their bottoms.  Furthermore, since women have started wearing trousers, this situation has become worse.  Trousers are made for men’s bodies, not for women’s bodies.  As a result, they highlight big bottoms.  Nevertheless, women go on wearing them.

Evidently, he does not like big butts, and he cannot lie.

Big thanks to the trouser-wearing Titianblue for tipping me off to this important story.

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10 years ago

All men should wear kilts, because it really turns women on, and if they don’t, well, it’s the end of Western Civilization!

Seriously, though, not every man can carry off a kilt, but those who can – SWEEEET!

Yup…I admit I look at men’s legs, myself. I’m not a fan of hot sticky weather (makes me sick in the guttiwuts) but hey, at least there’s leggy guys in shorts!

10 years ago

All men should wear kilts, because it really turns women on, and if they don’t, well, it’s the end of Western Civilization!

Seriously, though, not every man can carry off a kilt, but those who can – SWEEEET!

I wouldn’t have thought my partner would look good in a kilt, but we were at a con this winter and I came around the corner in the dealers’ room and there he was, trying on a Utilikilt and…GODDAMN. It took a supreme effort of will not to spend the $200 on the spot.

10 years ago

Hm… If women wearing pants is enough to topple western civilization, than perhaps my pillow shark can successfully take over the scattered pockets of civilization.

I will start composing my declaration of surrender, now. I’m seeing a lot of women in pants, and the fall of the world order and the rise of Saruman the Great White must be close at hand.

10 years ago

Sadly, Lexington, KY is my old stomping ground. I am near Knoxville, about 3 hours south and across the Cumberlands. So I don’t think I will be able to come meet y’all.

Carnegie Center, though. Pretty swank. My mom was teaching a poetry course there this past winter.

Hope you have a wonderful time!

As for the OP, I so did not want to know that this guy wasn’t an ass man.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I, too, had no idea Western Civilization was so fragile it could be brought down by trousers. Black plague and monastery raids ain’t got nothin’ on mom jeans.

Tomorrow I’m going to wear Crocs and cause mass global extinction.

10 years ago

“This guy would fit right in here in the States.”

Please no. We have enough horrible people here without bringing this douche over. (I’m much more for letting the awful ones from each country go establish an island together where they can’t bother anyone else.)

10 years ago

My husband says he was Captain of the Guard. “They can take our trousers, but they’ll never take our FREEDOM!”

Wouldn’t taking his trousers increase his freedom in the relevant regions?

10 years ago

I can’t see any videos for some reason. :/

LBT I wish I could come, (I just found your comics so I was all engrossed) but my home is tres far from KY and it’s finals week!

And I’m kinda scared of the South. Which isn’t fair, but then I hear black friends come back and they’re all ‘…yeah, the South is racist and scary.’

Come to the Northeast, we have…I don’t know, country clubs and too many Starbucks? Ooh, and a really good place for fish tacos and margaritas.

All this Ass Obsession has just set off that song that goes ‘ass ass ass ass ass ass ass’ for the first ten seconds in my head over and over like there’s a bad DJ in there. (Also, I think Ass Obsession or Fascist Octopi would be a good band name.)

And is it never winter and snowing in this guy’s mind? I am not going out in the middle of winter in pantyhose ’cause you think my booty looks better in a skirt, thank you very much. Besides, I like my butt in jeans. I rock it. I like my big butt, and I cannot lie.

10 years ago

RE: Falconer

Sadly, Lexington, KY is my old stomping ground. I am near Knoxville, about 3 hours south and across the Cumberlands. So I don’t think I will be able to come meet y’all.

Damn! Oh well. Another time then.

RE: katz

Wouldn’t taking his trousers increase his freedom in the relevant regions?

Exactly! He says that the more you take his trousers, the only more free he becomes!


Yeah, the South can definitely be a bit scary. I was raised there. And I actually just LEFT the Northeast, because much as I enjoyed it, I was Too Poor. Here, I’m Too Queer, but you know what, I’ll take the housing thanks!

Are you near Boston? I’m doing a con there in October…

10 years ago

My husband has several Utilikilts. I heartily approve.

Bekabot – seeing as they often objectify women overall, that they would fixate on one or another of the various parts of the body does not surprise me.

10 years ago

I actually *want* to wear dresses and skirts more often. But whenever some dude (of any age or physical attractiveness level) talks about how they like when women dress feminine or explain why they like when women wear dresses (“easier access”), it creeps me out!

10 years ago

If he saw my ass in a pair of skinny jeans and high heels he would definitely change his mind.

10 years ago

…now I want to see my magpie in a kilt. You know. Purely for…um…practical reasons and stuff. Curiosity.

LBT, what kind of con is it? Is big expensive con? I am poor lowly college student in the Northeast, so I am not rich. (I just have an understanding supportive parent who lets me live with her and enables my book/Starbucks/scented candle habits.) But I like cons. Maybe bring magpie, though he is not much on the crowds.

See, the freedom of being pants free seems more in line with most of the guys I know. It’s like ‘I have no pants. You shall also have no pants. We will live in pants-less harmony. With butt squeezing and consensual spanking.’

10 years ago

RE: Robert

My husband has a thing for kilts. If our budget allowed, I have absolutely no doubt he’d buy one to stick me in, but due to the cost and my own meh attitude towards them, it’s not worth the expense.


LBT, what kind of con is it? Is big expensive con?

Not at all! It’s the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo, and it is FREE! I can also vouch for the sheer loveliness of the people involved; there are lots of talented creators, lovely people, and gorgeous art and comics if you feel like spending money!

Carrie Kube
10 years ago

It seems when it comes to clothes, we can never make MRAs happy. If we dress nice with make-up, we’re vain whores. If it’s casual with no make-up, were disgusting pigs. If we wear skirts or feminine stuff, we’re manipulative bitches who want to enslave men. If it’s pants, we’re an abomination to society and gender identity. If it’s very modest, we’re prudes. And I’m sure women if it was the stuff women and fundamentalist Muslim societies wear, they’d whine we’re using those clothes as an excuse to look like pigs/slobs.

At least hardcore radfems are more consistent in their hate.

10 years ago

Ironically, I don’t really like pants – I just wear them for work and shuck them as soon as I get home. This guy makes me want to wriggle my bejeaned fat ass in his face, though.

Also, Mammotheers makes me think we need a theme song.

10 years ago

RE: Deoridhe

Also, Mammotheers makes me think we need a theme song.

I vote “The Merry Go Round Broke Down.” That or “the Entry of the Gladiators.”

10 years ago

I actually *want* to wear dresses and skirts more often. But whenever some dude (of any age or physical attractiveness level) talks about how they like when women dress feminine or explain why they like when women wear dresses (“easier access”), it creeps me out!


I think this is half the reason I haven’t worn skirts much lately. Last thing I want is to cater to the whims of strangers who feel compelled to express approval of my feminine compliance, even if it’s just a seemingly sidelong remark to a buddy that’s obviously meant to be overheard (yep, I got that — and thanks for the nice loud creepitude, dude).

The other half is, of course, creepshot-takers with cellphones. And guys like the OP, who feel compelled to publish whole books of their creepshots, albeit to express social disapproval of women who DON’T wear skirts. Somehow, they’re all of a piece to me. Spot the unifying factor…

10 years ago

For some reason people like this are seemingly becoming more pronounced in their public statements. And there are a lot of them. We must be coming to an impasse of some sort.

10 years ago

@Michelle C Young. I’m quite aware of the sex slave trade of today and I know for fact that it doesn’t discriminated on (sex, race, age or ethnicity), and yes slavery still exist in other part of the world today, even though it is illegal here in the USA. The slavery I was talking about it was the USA slavery that ended about 148 years ago (I believe Emancipation Proclamation was in 1863, and slavery ended in12/18/1865, if I’m correct), but the mentality and hatred still live on in many parts… we still have a long way to go in human rights. And now I leave it there, I really don’t want to get into this discussion.

10 years ago

Also, Mammotheers makes me think we need a theme song.

M-A-M M-O-T H-E-E-R-S!

10 years ago

For some reason people like this are seemingly becoming more pronounced in their public statements. And there are a lot of them. We must be coming to an impasse of some sort.

I heard right-wingers described as sort of a reverse Gandhi thing: First you win, then they fight you, then they laugh at you, then they ignore you.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

“In an 1873 polemic with the innocent-sounding title Women In Trousers, Marchessini decried female trouser-wearing as “hostile behaviour – they are deliberately dressing in a way that is opposite to what men would like.”

There, fixed that typo for ya.

10 years ago

You know, there’s pants made specifically for women now, that would no longer be considered cross dressing. Also, if this guy thinks women look terrible from behind WHY is he looking?

10 years ago

Xen – they are there for him to look at. It’s not as if they’re really *people*, after all. Appealing to his gaze is their entire purpose.
