a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery GirlWritesWhat homophobia misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim sympathy for murderers

AVFM asks: Was the Fort Hood shooting the fault of same-sex marriage and the "Lesbo Circle of Doom?"

Harmful to males? One AVFM writer thinks so.
Harmful to males? One AVFM writer thinks so.

On April 2, Army Specialist Ivan Lopez shot and killed three people on the Fort Hood military base in Texas, before turning his gun on himself; 16 others were injured. It’s not clear what caused Lopez’ killing spree, though the incident seems to have been triggered by the difficulties he encountered trying to get a 24-hour pass to attend his mother’s funeral.

But a writer for A Voice for Men, Michael Conzachi, has a novel explanation for the tragedy: the military’s excessive niceness towards lesbians and gays.

In a post entitled “What role has feminism played in the shooting at Fort Hood and its aftermath?” Conzachi sets forth his thesis:

Numerous directives from the Pentagon and the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS), of which some in the military refer to the group as the “Super-Feminists” or jokingly, the “Lesbo Circle of Doom,” allow for and promote an immediate leave period of five days for same sex military couples to marry. …

How is it that a large contingent of feminist dominated military and Pentagon leadership enacts policies that favor, prioritize, and give expanded benefits for same sex couples; yet Specialist Lopez apparently was only allowed two days to bury his mother?

If that was you, and you could only get two days to attend to your mother’s death, and you see same sex military couples being allowed five days immediate leave to marry; wouldn’t that bother you a little, regardless of what your opinions are of gay and same sex couples? Where is the equality?

Yep. An unhinged man murders his fellow soldiers in cold blood. Let’s blame it on same-sex marriage and the “Lesbo Circle of Doom.”

At least Conzachi admits that his theory is only a theory, and that “whether or not we will ever learn [the shooter’s] true motives is unknown.”

Setting aside the absurdity, and offensiveness, of Conzachi’s argument for a moment, he’s wrong to suggest that same-sex couples are somehow being coddled by “Lesbo” brass.  Straight couples can also get marriage leaves of up to 3 days, and the reason the military gives extra time to same-sex couples is that many of them have to travel long distances to get married, since same-sex marriage is only legal in 17 states. The military has been slow to actually implement the new policies, and many same-sex couples have simply been denied leave to get married. Soldiers, regardless of sexual orientation, also have 30 days of earned leave each year they can use to get married.

Coznachi spends the rest of his post tearing down the female officer who confronted Lopez and brought an end to his killing spree.

He ends with this question — a question that he seems to have already answered to his own satisfaction:

Are the military’s priorities of same sex couple, gay, and women in combat issues harmful to males in general?

A number of those who are associated with A Voice for Men — most notably “managing editor ” Dean Esmay and “contributing editor” Karen Straughan — profess to be great Friends of the Gays; indeed Straughan describes herself as a “genderqueer, bisexual … woman”).

I can only wonder why they would want to associate themselves with a site that publishes articles suggesting that supporting the rights of same sex couples in the military to marry is “harmful to males in general.”


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10 years ago

Why would an MRA be against same-sex marriage? It allows the menz to have sex without icky females getting near their money, and if women pair up, they’re not leeching off the poor poor men.

If memory serves, gay men are seen as being forced, forced I tell you, to seek the company of other men because they have been so discouraged by the feminazi cock carousel. And at least some of us are being hideously feminized and degraded by allowing cocks into our bodies, something that is supposed to happen to women.

10 years ago

I do like the name lesbo circle of doom. Even though I’m straight and could never be part of them, I still feel the need to aid and abet.

10 years ago

The German language is pretty amazing, to have specific words for “happiness at someone else’s misery” (Schadenfreude) and “a face that needs to be punched” (backpfeifengesicht). Does anyone here speak German and know if there’s a word for that feeling of being disgusted but unsurprised?

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

GWW is a waitress who makes LOTS of money in waitressing. She said she makes at LEAST 40K/year. Hmmm. I doubt it. She’s making her money being a good mommy for the enraged males who love to watch her in her kitchen.

10 years ago

Some brain bleach, since someone said they needed it earlier:

J. Schmidt
J. Schmidt
10 years ago

From the article:

I conducted an initial Google search on this incident and found over 320,000 articles describing the actions of this female police officer as “heroic” and “hero” and “heroic cop” and various other similar descriptions.

Bullshit. There’s no possible way this was verified, even if it was true. Second, unless you’re asking for specific strings, sites, or narrow date ranges, google will report a lot of irrelevant bullshit. The first number of pages might have some value, but beyond that you a bunch of useless results. Finally, google reports a lot of duplicates.

Seriously, just look at that number; 320 000 articles is silly on its face.

10 years ago

I just find the genesis of this article a fascinating concept. So Conzachi is sitting there, reading about this incident (or maybe watching it on Fox News). Does he think about the tragedy for Lopez’s three victims and their loved ones? Or for Lopez’s family who have had the loss of his mother compounded by his actions and his loss? Apparently not. Does he wonder what contributed to Lopez’s ability to fire off so many shots in a short time in a heavily armed area? Nope, no thoughts on that. Does he wonder why Fort Hood has had 2 of these incidents? Nope.

Of all the ideas that this incident could spark, the only one for Conzachi is that it must be the fault of the Feminazi Lesbo Circle of Doom. Ok, also with a side order of “there’s a woman being praised. That is so wrong!”

How does someone even think like that?

10 years ago

Does he wonder what contributed to Lopez’s ability to fire off so many shots in a short time in a heavily armed area?

AFAIK, a military base is not a “heavily armed area”, at least not in the same way a NRA convention is. Weapons are under lock and key, ammo is strictly accounted for, and the only people “packing heat” are the military police. Let Pecunium correct me if I’m wrong. 🙂

10 years ago

@Z, I stand corrected. I misunderstood the implications of articles like

10 years ago

From that link:

Regulations prohibit soldiers from carrying concealed weapons or carrying firearms openly on military bases. Authorized security personnel can be armed.

This fits my understanding. They have their guns, but they can’t carry them inside the base.

10 years ago

@Z, yes, and once you’d made you comment, I noticed that paragraph too. Cheers.

10 years ago

On the other hand, still amused (in an “ooh, look at the mental gymnastics” kind of way) by Conzachi’s mental leap from “shooting incident at military base” to “Feminazi Lesbo Circle of Doom” .

10 years ago

OK, completely off topic but this is too delicious not to share. Because TROUSERS!

TW: racism, misogyny, homophobia. Oh, and extreme stupidity

FYI, UKIP is the UK Independence Party, a right wing party whose representatives are notoriously sexist, racist, homophobic (as typified by the “the gays caused the winter flooding by existing” incident).

Demetri Marchessini is known as a supporter and funder of UKIP. To quote from the start of this link:

My interview with Michael Crick was screened on Channel 4 yesterday evening, but, as is usual with the press, they tried to rubbish it by stating my views, but deleting my reasoning and facts. I am, therefore, posting the complete transcript of my interview with Mr Crick.

Read this. When you’ve picked your jaw up off the floor, you’ll thank me.

10 years ago

My favorite bit was the part about taking photos of women’s butts and publishing them so that we’ll know that we don’t look nice in pants. A true humanitarian, he is.

10 years ago


“I do like the name lesbo circle of doom. Even though I’m straight and could never be part of them, I still feel the need to aid and abet.”

The lesbo circle of doom apprise images you support XD

10 years ago

Wtf that was supposed to say appreciates

10 years ago

Does anyone here speak German and know if there’s a word for that feeling of being disgusted but unsurprised?

I do, and no, there isn’t. But there should be.

10 years ago

If that was you, and you could only get two days to attend to your mother’s death, and you see same sex military couples being allowed five days immediate leave to marry; wouldn’t that bother you a little…?

In which our author heavily implies that he views mass murder as an acceptable response to unfairness.

Remind me never to be anywhere near this guy.

10 years ago

My favorite bit was the part about taking photos of women’s butts and publishing them so that we’ll know that we don’t look nice in pants. A true humanitarian, he is.

Huh. I couldn’t be arsed to care what some random reactionary thinks of my butt in pants. And I don’t think creepshots are the best way of conveying one’s moralistic disapproval of something, in any event. Everyone’s just gonna think they whack off to it behind closed doors, anyway.

Ally S
10 years ago

Demetri Marchessini: Because that’s the only way the world is going to continue. If they don’t, then men are going to stop fucking them, you understand, and may I tell you, with great respect, that the incidence of lovemaking in Western Europe has fallen drastically.

I love how sex is described as something that men do to women rather than an activity that two people engage in. This is making my creepiness meter malfunction.

10 years ago

Could we not suggest that having a job = being a productive member of society?
That’d be great.
I don’t care if GWW is a brain surgeon. She’s still awful.

10 years ago

RE: Viscaria

“Males in general,” you know, the real males. The straight ones.

That is what that means, right?

Well yeah. I guess guys like me are just FAILED men or something. Assholes. Yeah, dudes, we know what men you ACTUALLY care about.

RE: marinerachel

does GWW have a job? Like, is she a productive member of society?

You know, there’s enough disabled and unemployed people on this board that I highly recommend you NOT use that turn of phrase.

RE: mythago

It allows the menz to have sex without icky females getting near their money, and if women pair up, they’re not leeching off the poor poor men.

You’re asking them to be consistent! MISANDRY!

10 years ago

Seconding/Thirding/Fourthing/Whatever the notion that having a job = being a productive member of society, and even the whole “productive” thing is kind of a problem when tied to whether or not we should listen to someone’s opinion.

10 years ago

Ah, the JBS school of social science – Everything that goes wrong in the world is the fault of somehow.

10 years ago

*fault of ( insert group here ) somehow.