On April 2, Army Specialist Ivan Lopez shot and killed three people on the Fort Hood military base in Texas, before turning his gun on himself; 16 others were injured. It’s not clear what caused Lopez’ killing spree, though the incident seems to have been triggered by the difficulties he encountered trying to get a 24-hour pass to attend his mother’s funeral.
But a writer for A Voice for Men, , has a novel explanation for the tragedy: the military’s excessive niceness towards lesbians and gays.
In a post entitled “What role has feminism played in the shooting at Fort Hood and its aftermath?” Conzachi sets forth his thesis:
Numerous directives from the Pentagon and the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS), of which some in the military refer to the group as the “Super-Feminists” or jokingly, the “Lesbo Circle of Doom,” allow for and promote an immediate leave period of five days for same sex military couples to marry. …
How is it that a large contingent of feminist dominated military and Pentagon leadership enacts policies that favor, prioritize, and give expanded benefits for same sex couples; yet Specialist Lopez apparently was only allowed two days to bury his mother?
If that was you, and you could only get two days to attend to your mother’s death, and you see same sex military couples being allowed five days immediate leave to marry; wouldn’t that bother you a little, regardless of what your opinions are of gay and same sex couples? Where is the equality?
Yep. An unhinged man murders his fellow soldiers in cold blood. Let’s blame it on same-sex marriage and the “Lesbo Circle of Doom.”
At least Conzachi admits that his theory is only a theory, and that “whether or not we will ever learn [the shooter’s] true motives is unknown.”
Setting aside the absurdity, and offensiveness, of Conzachi’s argument for a moment, he’s wrong to suggest that same-sex couples are somehow being coddled by “Lesbo” brass. Straight couples can also get marriage leaves of up to 3 days, and the reason the military gives extra time to same-sex couples is that many of them have to travel long distances to get married, since same-sex marriage is only legal in 17 states. The military has been slow to actually implement the new policies, and many same-sex couples have simply been denied leave to get married. Soldiers, regardless of sexual orientation, also have 30 days of earned leave each year they can use to get married.
Coznachi spends the rest of his post tearing down the female officer who confronted Lopez and brought an end to his killing spree.
He ends with this question — a question that he seems to have already answered to his own satisfaction:
Are the military’s priorities of same sex couple, gay, and women in combat issues harmful to males in general?
A number of those who are associated with A Voice for Men — most notably “managing editor ” Dean Esmay and “contributing editor” Karen Straughan — profess to be great Friends of the Gays; indeed Straughan describes herself as a “genderqueer, bisexual … woman”).
I can only wonder why they would want to associate themselves with a site that publishes articles suggesting that supporting the rights of same sex couples in the military to marry is “harmful to males in general.”
Yup, I remember that.
And I’m surprised I haven’t heard one of them blame Maren Sanchez for getting stabbed by that guy she didn’t want to go to her prom with…yet.
@Z Ew, I just checked out the WhatGirlWrites Tv Tropes page. It’s entirely made up of MRA-fanboy worship.
I mean, know from prior experience at tv tropes that a lot of the works pages are made up of either die hard fans who refuse see their baby criticized, or die hard haters who want it to look as bad as possible, or they both are going at it in a massive edit war. But still, could I borrow some of that brain bleach, please? 🙁
Yep, it’s only a matter of time before MRAs start going on about what an entitled princess she was and how she must have provoked her killer until the poor frustrated boy lost control.
There’s already all this stuff in the media that she refused the prom date because she already had a boyfriend. As if it would not have been ok for her to reject her killer for any reason other than that she was already owned by another male. As if she had to have a justification for turning down a date other than, you know, she didn’t want to.
Welcome Package for the lurker!
And, some complimentary brain bleach (of kind of mean, but adorable, furrinati):
Did I do it right, this time? [waits in anticipation]
Whoot! It worked.
Okay, back to work, with me.
awww, cutest brain bleach Ever! 😀
and thanks for the lurker package. ^_^
Oh, but feeeemales aren’t supposed to HAVE wants…unless they coincide exactly what some guy wants from them. Isn’t that logic just the neatest, most rational thing?
Lesbo Circle of Doom has a nice ring to it, I think.
Ugh, yeah, that’s why I stopped hanging around there. The structure of the site inherently lends it to slowly disintegrating into fan wank.
Have a look at their “male disposability” page sometime.
Ahem…WITH what. I can write, really!
I don’t do TV tropes but isn’t it about, you know, TV? Because as far as I know GWW has yet to get her own Fox News show.
(She would fit right in, though.)
An MRA TV show on Fox News. :: shudders ::
Not that kind of TV. 🙂 It started as a wiki discussing patterns (“tropes”) in TV series such as Buffy, then metastized to other kinds of fiction, music, games and “New Media”. GWW is there courtesy of being a ‘Tuber, I guess.
The format is quite shallow and inherently prone to “this is the best X EVAH!”, and the current site policy makes it worse. It’s sufferable/understandable when applied to art/fiction – people’s tastes vary – but turns into a major trainwreck outside of that sphere. Let’s just say that there is a page about Rush Limbaugh…
Limbaugh has fans who know how to use the internet?
Just curious: does GWW have a job? Like, is she a productive member of society? Or has she just eeked out a position of being kept afloat by the MRA community while doing nothing but reinforcing their delusions via assfax?
Gosh, she’s a terrible person. If you’re really isolated, paranoid and not terribly inquisitive though she sounds reasonable because all she’s doing is reinforcing your feels. I’ve heard men say “she makes sense” except nothing she says is fact-based. She would have sense though if you’re already in that headspace, seeking validation for their anxieties.
I beg your pardon, “She would MAKE sense”*
Titianblue, good point re: Maren Sanchez. I have a suspicion that if she had been heard to say, “no, I won’t go with you, you’re a violent, unstable creep,” there would already have been multiple manospherians defending him with vigor.
@robert, horriibly likely.
Just when I think these people hit the bottom of the barrel, they just keep digging.
I feel as if MRAs are just trying to fight to be at the bottom of a bottomless pit.
Also, “Lesbo Circle of Doom” is a cool name for a band.
I don’t have a source, but people on the internet say that GWW is a waitress. This a noble profession and does not disqualify her from having intelligent opinions on academic matters. Her stupid opinions do that.
Lesbo Circle of Doom is pretty awesome. Well.
A gal can dream.
“Just curious: does GWW have a job? Like, is she a productive member of society? Or has she just eeked out a position of being kept afloat by the MRA community while doing nothing but reinforcing their delusions via assfax?”
Does it matter?idk how to say this so it makes sense, but I’m just getting the vibe where job is getting used to mean worthwhile human being, amd it just seems off.
Lesbo circle of doom…. Dot tumblr dot com
Oh, she can have all the opinions she wants, it’s just that people are going to point out that those opinions are really really stupid.
Why would an MRA be against same-sex marriage? It allows the menz to have sex without icky females getting near their money, and if women pair up, they’re not leeching off the poor poor men.