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White Men's Rights Redditors agree: "Men are the new n*ggers."

Paula Deen: Role model for MRAs?
Paula Deen: Role model for MRAs?

So why are so many white dudes so desperate for an excuse to use the n-word? Consider this white dude, who recently posted this bit of, er, wisdom in the Men’s Rights subreddit:

TheLiberatedMan 25 points 14 hours ago (36|12)  Men are the new n*ggers.Is this going to become a new slogan for the Men’s Rights movement? It certainly seems to be popular amongst Men’s Rights Redditors, sporting a couple of dozen upvotes and no criticism (at least at the time I wrote this) from other MRAs. (There were a few critical comments from opponents of the Men’s Rights movement, however.)

Bear in mind that the Men’s Rights subreddit is 86% white, which is a good deal whiter than the United States as a whole, and only 1.5% black, which is way less black, according to a recent survey of its members. I’m pretty sure none of the white dudes upvoting this little slogan have obtained the proper n-word privileges. (Note:  The survey in question was spammed with a number of identical responses, BUT the percentages I’m giving are based on the survey data with all the spammed entries removed, thanks to the industrious Angelica Field; see here for details.)

It’s hardly surprising that black men haven’t exactly flocked to the Men’s Rights movement, given the overt racism of a significant number of MRAs and other Manospherians. And even those MRAs who aren’t so obvious about their racism tend to be dismissive of issues that disproportionately affect men of color: MRAs almost never talk about the drug war that has put so many black men behind bars (two thirds of all those in prison for drug offenses are people of color. mostly men), nor have they ever attempted to organize or even offer any real support to campaigns against prison rape (60% of all prisoners are people of color).

This slogan isn’t likely to help the Men’s Rights movement with what the politicians like to call “minority outreach.” It might help reach a different sort of audience, however — an audience already quite fond of the n-word. When I did a Google search for  the phrase “men are the new niggers,” the first result was a discussion on the Vanguard News Network Forum. I won’t link to it, because the Vanguard News Network is a virulently antisemitic, white supremacist website that the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as “gutturally racist.” The site’s motto: “No Jews. Just Right.”

Of course, the notion of describing men as “the new nigger” didn’t originate with white supremacists. It was clearly inspired, in a backwards way, by the John Lennon song “Woman is the Nigger of the World,” a feminist attack on misogynistic hypocrisy. While Lennon wrote the lyrics, the titular phrase originated with Yoko Ono, who deliberately used the racial slur in what was evidently an attempt to shock people into recognizing the ways in which women, like black people, were dispossessed.

It was a bad idea. Even though Ono and Lennon didn’t mean to reinforce racism by using the slur, it’s not a word that they had any cultural right to appropriate for their own purposes; not only that, but Ono’s slogan seems to implicitly define all “niggers” as men and to ignore black women, who don’t need John or Yoko to remind them that many people already see them as “niggers.”  In the end the title ended up undercutting the message of the song. It can’t listen to it; it makes me cringe.

But glancing over the lyrics again, which aside from the title are essentially about the hypocritical messages sent to women by sexist society, one line in particular stands out to me, because it so deftly captures a certain kind of sexism — and even though it was written years before Warren Farrell first started going on about “disposable men,” it also captures pretty well the MRA tendency to view gender relations upside down:

While putting her down, we pretend that she’s above us

Yep, that’s what the Men’s Rights movement does, all day, every day.

And it’s that kind of delusional thinking that leads some of them to conclude not only that they are the “new niggers,” but also that using the n-word is somehow an appropriate thing for their almost all-white movement to do.

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10 years ago

This idea has been around for a long time, mostly with “white” as the group most oppressed ever in the history of the world; because they have to treat other folks with a modicum of respect.

But no, the MRM isn’t racist at all.

10 years ago

Was that survey actually spammed? The chart I saw simply had 2400 blank lines in the spreadsheet, i.e. they assumed outside malice rather than their own incompetence.

10 years ago

From what I’ve seen, MRA’s (ie. mostly white) have a long history of co-opting issues that affect primarily black men. So they’ll complain about male incarceration rates but conveniently omit the fact that this an issue that affects black men the most and is the product of anti-black racism. Or they’ll whine about “false rape accusations”, also ignoring the fact that in the fraction of actual “false rape accusations” that exist, black men are primarily the targets and false claims of rape (often fabricated entirely by white men) were historically used as an excuse to lynch black men.

10 years ago

“…Ono’s slogan seems to implicitly define all “niggers” as men and to ignore black women…”
I disagree. Black women have been called “niggers” as much as Black men were and are – and a racialized woman like Ono certainly shouldn’t be chastised with the contrary suggestion -, so there is no basis for that thrid-wavish slur.

10 years ago

No, no, no, NO. They are not the new n-word. A bunch of privileged assholes wanking about not getting what they perceive as their due, yes.

10 years ago

That survey was absolutely spammed. It had two large clusters of entries containing identical information al entered within seconds of each other.

Thanks for the credit, David. Glad the work I put into those numbers payed off 🙂

Ally S
10 years ago

Speaking of appropriation, MRAs are now claiming that “cis” is literally the same as the n-word. They are even linking to an article written by a TERF and nodding their heads in agreement. Reactionaries teaming up with reactionaries – how delightful.

10 years ago

Finally, we can focus on the truly oppressed, the straight cis white man /sarcasm.

10 years ago

From what I’ve seen, MRA’s (ie. mostly white) have a long history of co-opting issues that affect primarily black men. So they’ll complain about male incarceration rates but conveniently omit the fact that this an issue that affects black men the most and is the product of anti-black racism.

Precisely. The middle and upper class MRAs who whine about incarceration rates always, always gloss over the fact that they themselves are statistically extremely unlikely to ever see the inside of a prison. Maybe an overnight drunk tank, but that’s all. It really makes me sick that they try to steal this issue for themselves without doing anything about it, or at least analyzing the cause of the issue. They also conveniently ignore that one of the people who has really brought this issue to the forefront is Michelle Alexander, *gasp!* a woman of color.

10 years ago

But if they didn’t appropriate problems that impact other people then what would they have to complain about?

Ally S
10 years ago

MRAs are such an amusing bunch.

“There’s nothing wrong if I call someone an [n-word]. Free speech!!!”


10 years ago

Over on the FeMRA debates sub, they also decided that “misters” (a joking reference to MRAs) is also a slur, but feminazi is okay.

All the wut.

10 years ago


10 years ago

RE: Abolissimo

a racialized woman like Ono certainly shouldn’t be chastised with the contrary suggestion -, so there is no basis for that thrid-wavish slur.

I still don’t think she’s in a position to use that word. I’m a trans guy, but that doesn’t mean I get to reclaim a slur against trans women. Just because we belong to an overarching disenfranchised group doesn’t mean we belong to the SAME group in all ways.

RE: Ally S

MRAs are now claiming that “cis” is literally the same as the n-word.

*eyeroll* *starts warbling ‘Poor Unfortunate Soul’* Yeah, because there’s a horde of furious trans people, armed with baseball bats and tire irons, going out and clubbing cis folks at night. That’s totally a thing.

10 years ago


Over on the FeMRA debates sub, they also decided that “misters” (a joking reference to MRAs) is also a slur, but feminazi is okay.

I think “misters” is great! It feels like the male equivalent of calling a woman “little lady”… so you know, archaic and doofy and definitely patronising, but not a slur on any level.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Over on the FeMRA debates sub, they also decided that “misters” (a joking reference to MRAs) is also a slur, but feminazi is okay.

If I was writing a parody of a movement, I would throw this line out as too comical, too extreme, just too unbelievable.

10 years ago

Oh, Howard Bannister, don’t you know? No matter how low these fuckers go, there’s always another level.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

To a determined mister with a shovel, no hole has a bottom!!

10 years ago

With a first line like that, you really had to use a picture of Quentin Tarantino for this post.

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago


I disagree. Black women have been called “niggers” as much as Black men were and are

I think Dave’s point is that the phrase ignores Black women, because the class “women” already contains Black women.

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

(Sorry. I posted twice, because my comment’s in moderation (quoted language) and I didn’t see it the first time.)

Anyhoo–I organized a talk by a transwoman for this coming Wednesday at CFI-LA (come if you’re in the area!) and the Meetup site already has three comments by a self-pitying white straight mister who sez “they’re” not discriminated against, They want special rights, They should just be Normal, and white men are the only oppressed ones. (He actually said white men “are the only ones who take it in the rear” because they don’t have their own VAWA.)


He also said, in response to another commenter who challenged him, that he didn’t want to be analyzed (sic). I’d have sworn it was a Poe, but the sense of aggrieved entitlement was all too real.

10 years ago

RE: Lady Mondegreen

Not gonna lie, people like that bring out the, “Why don’t YOU try it for a while, keyboard warrior” in me.

Ally S
10 years ago

@Lady Mondegreen

[CN: rape]

(He actually said white men “are the only ones who take it in the rear” because they don’t have their own VAWA.)

Oh god, another asshole using rape-y language to describe an imaginary political problem. If I weren’t so intent on growing out my hair, I would be tempted to rip it out after hearing that shit so many times.

BTW, I hope you know that many trans women dislike the lack of space in “transwoman”. Some trans women don’t mind using it for themselves, and that’s okay, but it’s not to be used as a general term. It’s better to just say “trans woman” with the space. Of course, if that was just a typo on your part, then you can ignore all of this.

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

No, I didn’t know that, Ally, thanks.

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