antifeminism evil women GirlWritesWhat I'm totally being sarcastic imaginary backwards land men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA no girls allowed pussy pass reddit vaginas woman's suffrage women in tech

Upvote, downvote: Men's Rights Redditors on the evils of "p*ssy privilege" and women being encouraged to go into tech

Many Men’s Rights Redditors see themselves as fighting a noble fight against genuinely evil, misandrist radical feminists on the internet. One of their most powerful weapons: the deadly downvote.

Reading through one old thread on Men’s Rights last night, I noticed how some Men’s Rights Redditors had deftly deployed their downvotes to fight off the evil feminist misandry lurking in this comment:

SweetieKat -7 points 20 days ago (23|27)  As a feminist, I think the tech community does NOT work fine without females women. Women should be encouraged to enter the tech community if they want to. I'm glad people are speaking up and trying to make opportunities available.

Outrageous! A statement that could have been ripped straight from Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto!

Kudos to the brave Redditors who saw this vile misandry for what it was.

Elsewhere in the same thread, I happily noticed, Men’s Rights Redditors were helpfully upvoting the reasonable and uplifting sentiments of decent fellows, like the Men’s Rights Redditor who goes by the name theboners, who offered a sensibly critical take on the always controversial question of whether or not it was a good idea for men to give in to “pussy privilege” and let ladies have the  vote:

theboners 2 points 11 days ago (5|3)  It makes sense. Women gained suffrage without having to sacrifice anything (no draft, for instance). They probably got it purely thanks to pussy privilege (husbands afraid they'd withhold sex), and therefore they don't understand the responsibilities that men do.  As a result, women tend to vote for socialists, authoritarians, and other anti-freedom candidates.  GirlWritesWhat has a video about how women's suffrage results in a net loss for libertarianism, and I agree with her.

Oh you irresponsible women! Why do we let you do anything?

I mean, aside from letting GirlWritesWhat make YouTube videos; that’s ok.

It might be time for that blinking



gif to remind possibly literal-minded readers that I do not actually agree with theboners or think SweetieKat is a reincarnation of Valerie Solanas.



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10 years ago

Oh, piss off Asixpack. You know fuck all about either the military or women, so why the fuck should anyone care about your opinion of women in the military?

10 years ago

It’s not actually forced but the women did have an option of using their vaginas to go up

There’s vagina-operated elevators now? Why haven’t I heard about this before?

10 years ago

Wipes coffee out of keyboard. Confuses colleagues by saying”It’s amnesia!”.

10 years ago

No, no, you see vaginas actually double as hovercrafts, it’s just that they don’t work that way if you’re a slut (here defined to mean that Asterix doesn’t approve of your behavior).

I just hope that when he finally fucks off he leaves Dogmatix behind.

10 years ago

I apologize for that part if it seemed offensive.

Non-apology not accepted. You MEANT to do that. It was part of your ongoing campaign of muscle-flexing and chest-thumping. You might think that women are weak in both body and brains, but you’ve been repeatedly handed your steroided ass. Let’s face it, dude…all you’ve got over any woman is your dick, and being a dick has become the whole of your nature.

It’s fucking pathetic, really.

10 years ago

Vagina hover crafts!? Is that option only available on the Touring edition? That’s what I get for being cheap and only getting trim level 3. At least I got an aux port so I can use it to play music.

Children of the broccoli
Children of the broccoli
10 years ago

All those women fought for only women and minority groups. Noone actually cared enough to fight for men’s rights as a whole no matter how trivial it is.

So what you’re saying is, black men’s rights don’t count as men’s rights. So are you saying that black men are not real men? And you’re still ignoring the fact that women are fighting to improve labor laws, which help everyone in the working class, including men.

10 years ago


Gladly. 😉 Fucking is my specialty.

Eww. Creepy.

10 years ago

Sorry, im not an expert on this whole feminists-MRA war or whatever. I didnt actually want to call it privilage that these women got promoted over the more qualified male counterparts but just the ownership of a vagina gave them a chance to get promoted but the guys without vaginas obviously didnt have this opportunity you see. It’s not actually forced but the women did have an option of using their vaginas to go up or just avoid the creepy boss and continue their work.

Gave them a chance the men didn’t have? Yes. The men didn’t have the chance to have their boss think he could say, “If you want a promotion, you have to fuck me.”

Some advantage. As to the last have of drivel… you really think the boss who just tried to leverage his position over them to force them to have sex with him is just going to forget it? That they can, “just avoid the creepy boss”?

Are you that thick-headed and naïve? Or are you just that disingenuous.

I did not know about the firefighting methods and stuff mainly because i havent ever been in a real flaming building nor have i cared enough to do a detailed research on it.

That, son, seems to be the story of your life.

Im have no real idea about the manosphere you talk about but i seriously care about human rights as a whole and not just women’s rights. So when i see injustice, i speak out.

Yup…. the grave injustice of women “using pussy to get promoted”. You didn’t stop to think it might be the boss using the threat of discharge, and the promise of promotion to force a woman to have sex against her will.

Your sense of “injustice” is skewed.

I know there are some women who are pretty strong for their size. Its just that i havent yet met a woman who could beat me in bare strength probably because i didnt spend my teen years playing call of duty but working out a lot and regular cardio and as a result there are just a few men i know who could wipe the floor with me.

Oh, for fuck’s sake, this shit again. It’s not our fault you’ve led a sheltered life. I know a lot of women who can beat me in bare strength. I’m slightly built. I’m fit, but not large. I also didn’t spend my youth “playing” Call of Duty. That said, I’d lay odds I can wipe the floor with you.

I know a lot of women who can do the same. Why? Because I put those scare quotes around playing for a reason. If you recall I asked you some questions when you started blithering nonsense about women in combat, and how Manly Men Defend Their Homes, yadda, yadda, yadda. I asked those questions because I did a career in the Army. I know a lot of women who are/were soldiers.

Are you stronger than some of them? Yes. Can you do more push up than some of them, perhaps (I’m talking about push ups which meet the Army Physical Fitness Test Standard). If you trained you can probably do more than they can. But push-ups are a bad test; because the physiology of men and women differs, and they have a different CG, which means the efforts aren’t equal. They have to work harder for each one (again, you didn’t care, so you didn’t study… sort of like the stupid shit you said about women having it easy because they can let their boss pressure them into sex [a form of rape] and get a promotion).

But being a soldier isn’t about being “strong” anymore than being a firefighter is. It’s about being tough. It’s about knowing your TTP (i.e. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures), and it’s about mindset. The biggest differences between soldiers and civilians, when a fight starts, is how they respsond The soldiers have practiced, which helps them recover equilibrium, and move from reaction to response. Then comes attitude. They aren’t in a bar-brawl, where the end is bruises and beer. They are in it to kill.

And they’ve practiced killing, With weapons and their bare hands. Which, howevermuch you may think you are “in it to win” isn’t something most people have prepared themselves to do. It’s what causes hunters to have, “buck-fever” and newbies to choke. So we do drills, and we practice. And we do training, and we practice. And we talk about killing. We think about killing. SO that when it comes to it, we can kill.

Because soldiering, for all the bullshit about humping an 80lb ruck. I’ve done it. It’s work, but it’s almost never a long term thing; because that much stuff slows you down, even if you are the living incarnation of an angry Bruce Banner; a smart commander takes advantage of transport to keep non-essentials (i.e. enough beans and bullets to get through the expected fight; and enough gear to deal with the expected weather; so as to avoid heat/cold injuries). We have these things called vehicles, they can hold that other stuff. We have these things called radios; they can bring in support (air assets, artillery, reinforcements).

So the “brawn” required is that to carry personal gear, ammo, food, and (as needed) run out; take hold of the grab strap on the back of the body armor, and haul someone out of the line of fire.

Anyone can do that. Really. Because the only thing which the previous restriction on women in Combat MOSs did, was keep (cis)women out of those jobs. The scrawniest motherfucker who had a pair of testicles could be an 11B. Never mind that he can barely pass the PT test, is hauling 1/3rd his body wieght (with a standard ruck) and all that jazz. You lump all women as, “less capable”.

Which is bullshit. I’ve seen women in action. I’ve seen men in action. Some of both weren’t up to it. Most did the job just fine. The percentages were about the same.

And the women had more to do, because fuckheads like you will come along and say, “oh, well she only got promoted because she was willing to fuck the commander”.

Im no war expert but i cant take you seriosly when you undermine the lives of men who went to fight for your freedom in war zones by claiming they were not the primary victims of war. Can you provide sources for your claims that dosent link to a feminist website?

I am a War expert (in that I’ve not only lived through one, I’ve studied it for decades). Allow me to school you (some more). Civilians, across the board, suffer more than soldiers. Go and study the Thirty Years War. Think about what it means when an army sacks a city (say the end of the Siege of Troy, which detailed the rapes, by heroes, and listed the women they killed).

They kill the men. They rape the women. Sometimes, when they are done, they kill them too. Other times they take them home as slaves. That means they can force them to work for them, and they can also rape them whenever the feel like it.

. The Illiad, with those rapes and murders, was seen as 1: entertainment, and 2: meant to set up role models for good behavior. So good behavior for warriors and soldiers was mass rape and murder of civilians.

And, BTW son; when you decide to trot veterans, and soldiers out as rhetorical points to cover the ignorant twaddle of your violent fantasies, you insult them.
Those who see it are likely to take some offense. They may even mock you; or use bad language, calling into question the quality of your parents, the ability of your schooling, the failings of your shriveled, and narrow-focused, moral compass. In short the feeble attempt to use someone else’s sacrifice to bolster your attempts to keep half the human race from full participation in their economic, political and social lives is cheap, tawdry, pathetic, puerile, facile; deserving of nothing more than scorn and derision.

You, are an (ignorant, by your own admission; and choice) asshole.

10 years ago

Asspack: Jefrir, I do agree with you on that one, women who can prove themselves worthy of that role by passing the SAME criteria kept for men for that particular role should be allowed to do it and should not be denied that role just because she is female. But i guess there are certain limitations for women in combat roles due to obvious biological reasons.

You guess wrong.

. On that note, i dont really support the proposal to lower physical requirements for women just to increase the number of females in the army.

Since that’s not happening, you shouldn’t have any complaints.

I believe in the ‘best man/woman for the job’ philosophy.

So long as that person is a man.

But both people should prove their worth and not get a free pass just because of their gender which i hear some feminists supporting.

10 years ago

Asspack: But when you are out on the battlefield carrying guns under extreme conditions, you have to have more than reasonable fitness. The last thing the squad need is someone slowing them down. My grandfather used to serve in the army and he always used to tell us that he had nothing against women but he would never trust his life with one on the battlefield.

So the apple doesn’t fall that far from the tree.

I not only would so trust women in combat. I have. I’m still here to tell the tale. Because women are people, like other people. When push comes to shove, they do the job.

Im not a woman so i dont know the physical aspects of being female.

Well, that’s a first. You aren’t a firefighter, but you were willing to tell us about that.

You aren’t a soldier, but you sure as hell have opinions about that.

You weren’t in the room with the women you say used sex to get ahead, but you are sure it was all them; not the boss.

On none of those did you let your utter, and absolute, ignorance stop you.

So it seems there may be some limit to your folly.

10 years ago

Asspack: I apologize for that part if it seemed offensive.

That’s not an apology. There was nothing which, “seemed” offensive. It was offensive. As with the shitty way you choose to treat women, own your shit

I can understand why everone is mad at me but they dont have to dismiss everthing i say by telling me to fuck off when i really wasnt talking about my life here but rather an opinion on the topic at hand.

We are telling you to fuck off because you are offensive.

That you are willfully ignorant, and pretend your opinion is more important than facts is no small part of what offends us.

That, and the way you treat your fellow human beings.

10 years ago

I do love it when Pecunium pwns a troll.

10 years ago

Sorry, I got a bit lost on one of those grafs:

Because soldiering, for all the bullshit about humping an 80lb ruck, isn’t about brawn. I’ve humped that 80lb ruck. It’s work, but it’s almost never a long term thing; because that much stuff slows you down, even if you are the living incarnation of an angry Bruce Banner; a smart commander takes advantage of transport to keep non-essentials (i.e. enough beans and bullets to get through the expected fight; and enough gear to deal with the expected weather; so as to avoid heat/cold injuries). We have these things called vehicles, they can hold that other stuff. We have these things called radios; they can bring in support (air assets, artillery, reinforcements).

Soldiering is about killing.

10 years ago

I do love it when Pecunium pwns a troll.


10 years ago

Careful now,with asixpack ‘fucking’ specialty,he might accused you of exploiting his weakness and using your pussy privilege

Howard Bannister
Howard Bannister
10 years ago

And, BTW son; when you decide to trot veterans, and soldiers out as rhetorical points to cover the ignorant twaddle of your violent fantasies, you insult them.

Ditto the firefighters. I’ve been at it about a decade, long enough to see how few women try their hand at it, because they’ve heard time and time again that women CAN’T.

Long enough to see those women who do try excel time and again.

Stop enforcing those CAN’Ts. I need more firefighters. The ranks are thinner every day. When you start by cutting 51% of applicants, by telling them CAN’T, you do a great disservice to everybody.

I don’t just SAY that I would trust a woman with my life; I have done it. I have gone into burning buildings where the person on my six, the one I’m trusting with my life, was a woman. And I was damn glad she was there, because she can outdo half the men on the department any day of the week.

This is not rhetoric and points-scoring I’m talking about here; I’m talking about life or death moments.


i really wasnt talking about my life here but rather an opinion on the topic at hand.

Yeah, that’s kinda the problem. Remember that your opinions are about other people’s LIFE. Maybe it’s just an intellectual exercise to you; but only to you.

10 years ago

Good grief!

I’m going to act all confident about knowing everything and whine about how women have it easy when I don’t know ANYTHING about the actual hiring process, or the reason behind requirements!

Thanks for sludging though the miasma of the troll’s ‘facts from the institute of his rectum’ and refuting them so wonderfully, Pecunium!

Howard, you’re awesome, too. I kind of want to frame that last comment, and hang it on my wall.

10 years ago

I was imagining a prehensile vagina climbing a rope.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Titian, I read it that way, too.

There are vagina-operated elevators? I want one! My poor lady-fingers are so tired from punching the buttons.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I love Asterix and Obelix! And Dogmatix is just adorable.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Thank you, Pecunium!

10 years ago

Seconding the Pecunium love. Nicely done.

I’ve studied enough history to know that the only thing worse than being a woman in wartime is being one right AFTER the war. The US has a distorted image of WWII because, alone among participating nations, we were neither bombed to rubble nor occupied by hostile armies.

10 years ago

Once more, I am struck by the cognitive dissonance and irony-impairment of it all: The same guys who insist that women are unfit for combat roles, because ladyweakness…also insist that male power is a myth, because DAT ASS. Well, guys, which is it? Our hormony ladyweakness, or the mighty muscles of our glutes?

10 years ago

RE: Asixpack

Way to stick the flounce, genius. I thought you said you didn’t need feminists mocking your dysfunctional life?

Sorry, im not an expert on this whole feminists-MRA war or whatever.

We noticed. You aren’t an expert on the army either. Ah well, I suppose we’ll keep cleaning your clock for as long as it takes.

Fucking is my specialty.

We know. You’ve been masturbating your ego all over us for days.

I wish i could edit posts.

Oh, I bet you would. Too bad for you, your dumbassery is enshrined.

they dont have to dismiss everthing i say by telling me to fuck off

Oh yes, because I totally want to have a reasonable conversation with a whiny piece of shit who hasn’t gotten over his high school girlfriend dumping him three years ago and thinks women are holes to fuck. Yeah, you’re totally worth my intellectual energy and time. *eyeroll* No, you’re only worth my mockery.

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