alpha males creepy disgusting women evil sexy ladies evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA vaginas

Comment of the day: "Women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth."

Sinkhole (not to be confused with stink hole)
Sinkhole (not to be confused with stink hole)

As I’ve said before, sometimes I search for hours to find the instances of misogyny interesting enough to share with you, the readers of my blog. Other times, the misogyny wanders in my door, delivers a rambling tirade, and passes out on the couch.

Today, an example of the latter, left in the comments to an old post of mine about the bad science behind the concept of the “alpha wolf” by a fellow with the unassuming name of Joeblow.

Joeblow starts off by agreeing that “the alpha – beta shit does not matter.” But in his mind this is because women are such sluts they’ll have sex with pretty much anyone.

There are so many promiscuous and unselective women out there I cant see how any man would have difficult y getting laid unless he had major birth defects or was totally out of his mind and was unable to stop talking to himself for even a few hours. Even if a guy is hideous but able to hold a job he is probably sane enough to find a slut to fuck.

That’s a good thing, I guess, in Joeblow’s world because otherwise there really would be no reason for women to be allowed to live.

I think women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and that if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth but getting laid is pretty easy, especially in a big city. If looks are all that matters, all a man has to do is go up to a lot of hot women and one will fuck him, no matter what he looks like. 

Happily for the women of the world Joeblow is not terribly interested in spending much time with them.

Fortunately for myself and the female gender that no matter what a woman looks like I lose interest in her minutes after she opens her dirty mouth. Girlfriends are for suckers, wives are for fools and casual sex is not worth the effort or putting up with the rotten personalities that almost all women have.

But hey, if you’re going to go after women, fellas, Joeblow suggests that you go for the hottest ones you can find. Or at least the ones with the most valuable “stink holes.”

As far as a woman’s appearance goes, I never used to care much because I believed that women had some other value besides their stink hole but they don’t, a man might as well get the youngest hottest woman he can find if he is stupid enough to give into his sex drive because nearly all women are worthless.

No offense, ladies.

P.S. I do not mean to offend anyone. I am just trying enlighten people about how some men see women, once they remove their rose colored glasses, see beyond a woman’s sexuality and lies and see what she really is, a bitch, a slut and whore with no redeeming qualities.

Hey, no offense taken, nothing at all offensive about reducing women to the value of their “stink holes.”

And congratulations, Joeblow: your comments has been chosen Comment of the Day, even though that isn’t really a thing and despite the fact that you left the comment here nearly a month and a half ago.

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10 years ago

from the “ally” on jezebel

But something still doesn’t fit. How and why does that happen? In my experience, men aren’t raised to feel entitled to anything.

ah, invisible backpack of privilege.

10 years ago

ah, invisible backpack of privilege.

It’s like their albatross of luck.

10 years ago

We get it Joe, you really mean, “Nobody loves me! I’m a terrible human being, but shit, women should overlook that! Wait, why aren’t they overlooking that? Something must be wrong with all women! Aw, hell, even I don’t believe that. I’ll troll a comment thread and get them angry, that’ll make me feel better.”

We already knew you’re a loser based on past posts. Thanks for the confirmation, and have a good day…loser.

10 years ago

Well, maybe it’ll ease Joe’s mind to know that millions of women are killed at or before birth:

Sometimes I just want to cry. It’s so tiring to constantly say “I know not all guys are like that, BUT” and “I’m not saying all guys” and “Most guys are harmless”.

Just gets so, so old… But you know if you don’t clarify every third sentence or so, they’ll say “Well, why’re you accusing ME and lumping ME with those people, huh?”

I’m not, bud. You are.

10 years ago

“I do not mean to offend anyone” = “I am aware that I have said something awful and offensive, but I don’t want to deal with the fallout of people being offended by the awful thing I just said.”

10 years ago

I always wonder what happened in these people’s lives to make them that way, because you just know that they’re talking from personal experience.

And I personally don’t care, because:
1) There are probably people who had worse and strangely didn’t become assholes.
2) While understanding the background is nice but many times just a trick to make it not their fault.

10 years ago

Yes, I agree that is pretty well the misogyny comment of the day..

10 years ago

Paraphrased: “I don’t mean to offend any people, but half of the world are just walking vaginas and have no other value.”
Note that in his mind he offended no people. Because our half are not, in his mind, people but walking vaginas. Someone like me, a virgin who does not give out her vagina, is utterly worthless. But when offending women he did not offend any people, he only offended the useless collections of body parts that goes along with vaginas.
You understand?

10 years ago

Women will have sex with pretty much anyone…except Joeblow. Hence the rage. Sucks to be you, dude.

10 years ago

Really guy?!Really?!

All of this says far more about him then he even realizes. it’s basically a long screed about how unhappy and unfulfilled his life is and the whole thing just screams “THOSE GRAPES ARE INCREDIBLY SOUR’. If you’re the kind of man who has accomplished nothing in life, I suppose the one thing you can fall back on is that you at least managed to get laid or at least be loved by someone.. When you fail to even get that much accomplished, that’s just one damn failure too many and can’t possibly be your fault, I guess.

So women have no value beyond sexual reproduction. I guess the reason that women aren’t just executed en mass by butt-heads like him, once we reach menopause, is because we’d kick their asses. We’re pretty feisty once we’ve got some years on us. Oh, sorry, that’s right. Adult women are executed all over the world, usually for displeasing a man, so he got his wish there. You’d think he’d be happy about that part.

To Michelle: you definately got something there. Ten identical bottles of wine, one of which is deadly poison. The guys giving those kind of comments absolutely fail to understand that: WE CAN’T TELL. No one can tell just by looking at them that they are the good guy.

If a guy is going to get his fee-fees in a twist because women are treating him like a criminal ,then what he needs to to do is get mad at the predators who are ruining it for all of you. Blame the last man who raped, assaulted or stalked that pretty girl whose number you’d like to get, but who wants nothing to do with you. No it’s not your fault what happened to her, but she’s been burned once and it only takes one goddamn time for that shit to happen to make you guarded and suspicious around all men, even the ones you THINK you know.

Oh and another message to such guys: Not everything in the entire damn world is about how you feel which is basically what all these derailments have in common.

10 years ago

Michelle: Indeed you can’t win. For such narcissistic creatures, women exist on the planet for thier needs. If your’e serving their needs then its only proper that you stay in your place as their personal toy. If your’e not serving their needs, then you should be beaten into submission until you do.

If you play the whore/slut role in an effort to not get bashed, you will anyway because you deserve no respect and it’s his right. and then your’e only doing what you were meant to do. If your’e a virgin, then you should do as you’re told and play the part he gves you.Ultimately it doesn’t matter which one you are as long as they get their way, the grown 3 yr. olds.

10 years ago

Earlier today, a 16 year old girl rejected an invitation to the prom at a high school in Milford, CT, and the boy stabbed her to death.

Apparently she had a boyfriend, too. Talk about entitlement.

Boyfriend or no, she was obviously right to “friendzone” this guy.

10 years ago

RE: Michelle C Young

Sorry, LBT, I don’t know what MULTI is,

Short answer is “multiple personalities,” though I really dislike the term. You can learn more here!

RE: Malitia

1) There are probably people who had worse and strangely didn’t become assholes.

Yup! I’ve had a pretty crap time of it, but the idea that I should get cookies purely because I manage basic human decency is actually really patronizing and gross! It’s like, come on, I’m a grown adult, what the fuck.

10 years ago

JoeBlow’s a charmer. I’d like to take JoeBlow out for dinner and show him a thing or two about stinkholes

10 years ago

“Women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth.”

Fighting for equality!

A Dude
10 years ago

“But in his mind this is because women are such sluts they’ll have sex with pretty much anyone.”

Correction: Anyone BUT him.

I’ve seen Joe’s attitude in a lot of internet-dwelling guys: They supposedly don’t care about relationships, marriage, or even casual sex because women are such sluts. Are they though? I mean, all those dirty sluts aren’t exactly hammering down the doors of these guys looking for sex. It’s one thing if you have women throwing themselves at you and you’re like, “Oh no, I don’t want to have sex with a SLUT!” It’s a different thing entirely when women run from you and you act like you’re the one rejecting them.

This is why I hate the whole idea of “sluts.”

10 years ago

I have unfortunately been around men like Joeblow my entire life. I do not think he is a troll and I take him entirely at his word. I don’t even find shit like this surprising or particularly irritating anymore, only tiring.

10 years ago

Hate like this, coming from people like him does not come with out reason. What a sad hateful mindset to be in, and not to mention utterly unhealthy. With that being said, its still no excuse. Just becase a couple of bad women have done him wrong doesnt mean all women are bad or are sluts. Same thing goes for us women. Just because there are some men out there that have hurt us doesn’t make them all bad. Both sexes have said and done horrible things to one another up till now that i personally wish never where thought into existence. I just don’t understand what the point is and why people have to be so cruel. Hate and hurt directed in the wrong direction get nowhere. Men and women were ment to be together and form a team. Selfishness and ego from both sides disrupts that.

10 years ago

Ah, the classic “both sides” non-argument. Sorry, not playing today.

I seriously do not give a fuck about what caused Mr. Blow to type his screed. He did it, and he’s an asshole.

10 years ago

(Looks for similar screed from a woman on this thread)

(Fails to find one)

(Ponders Shadowecat’s tragic internalized misogyny and the way that Fox News has warped her ability to do logic.)

10 years ago

Mmm, straw feminism and heteronormativity! Two tastes that taste great together (if you happen to have no idea what you’re talking about).

10 years ago

Both sides…yawn…where have I heard that before? Oh yeah: EVERYWHERE.

10 years ago

what the hell? so basically because i believe everyone should be treated the same and with respect i get bashed?! maybe instead of bashing me you can back up your attacks with logic? From my personal experience i’ve seen both people from both sexes treat each other horribly. All i was saying was hate doesnt make things right and wasn’t turning anything around. Internalized misogyny?? wow that makes alot of sense. i thought i came apon a likeminded community who all came together to fight against hate…i guess i was wrong.

10 years ago

RE: Shadowecat

Hate like this, coming from people like him does not come with out reason.

I’m not obligated to give a fuck about those reasons when he says my friends and sisters are fuckmeat, thanks.

Just because there are some men out there that have hurt us doesn’t make them all bad.

I’m a man. I realize this. I also realize that of the abusers in my family, the vast majority was committed by men. That doesn’t mean men as a whole are bad, just that they commit the majority of abuse in my family. This isn’t rocket science.

Men and women were ment to be together and form a team.

Go tell Joeblow that. I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire, and we share a gender.

so basically because i believe everyone should be treated the same and with respect i get bashed?!

You think THIS is bashing? Two comments? Have you SEEN this whole thread? This is downright tame.

All i was saying was hate doesnt make things right and wasn’t turning anything around.

Nah, I hate my rapist. I hate the child-molester in my family. I don’t think I’m ruining anything by hating them, as long as I don’t let it control my life. You’re equating hatred of an abusive person with oppression, and it’s not at all the same thing.

10 years ago

Waaahhh, this misogyny-mocking site laughed at me for repeating misogynist tropes. Woe is Shadowecat.