alpha males creepy disgusting women evil sexy ladies evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA vaginas

Comment of the day: "Women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth."

Sinkhole (not to be confused with stink hole)
Sinkhole (not to be confused with stink hole)

As I’ve said before, sometimes I search for hours to find the instances of misogyny interesting enough to share with you, the readers of my blog. Other times, the misogyny wanders in my door, delivers a rambling tirade, and passes out on the couch.

Today, an example of the latter, left in the comments to an old post of mine about the bad science behind the concept of the “alpha wolf” by a fellow with the unassuming name of Joeblow.

Joeblow starts off by agreeing that “the alpha – beta shit does not matter.” But in his mind this is because women are such sluts they’ll have sex with pretty much anyone.

There are so many promiscuous and unselective women out there I cant see how any man would have difficult y getting laid unless he had major birth defects or was totally out of his mind and was unable to stop talking to himself for even a few hours. Even if a guy is hideous but able to hold a job he is probably sane enough to find a slut to fuck.

That’s a good thing, I guess, in Joeblow’s world because otherwise there really would be no reason for women to be allowed to live.

I think women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and that if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth but getting laid is pretty easy, especially in a big city. If looks are all that matters, all a man has to do is go up to a lot of hot women and one will fuck him, no matter what he looks like. 

Happily for the women of the world Joeblow is not terribly interested in spending much time with them.

Fortunately for myself and the female gender that no matter what a woman looks like I lose interest in her minutes after she opens her dirty mouth. Girlfriends are for suckers, wives are for fools and casual sex is not worth the effort or putting up with the rotten personalities that almost all women have.

But hey, if you’re going to go after women, fellas, Joeblow suggests that you go for the hottest ones you can find. Or at least the ones with the most valuable “stink holes.”

As far as a woman’s appearance goes, I never used to care much because I believed that women had some other value besides their stink hole but they don’t, a man might as well get the youngest hottest woman he can find if he is stupid enough to give into his sex drive because nearly all women are worthless.

No offense, ladies.

P.S. I do not mean to offend anyone. I am just trying enlighten people about how some men see women, once they remove their rose colored glasses, see beyond a woman’s sexuality and lies and see what she really is, a bitch, a slut and whore with no redeeming qualities.

Hey, no offense taken, nothing at all offensive about reducing women to the value of their “stink holes.”

And congratulations, Joeblow: your comments has been chosen Comment of the Day, even though that isn’t really a thing and despite the fact that you left the comment here nearly a month and a half ago.

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10 years ago

And this dude fails at basic humanity.

That poor girl. And people wonder why women are often afraid to reject men or use “soft noes” instead of blunt ones

10 years ago

That story about the stabbing makes me so angry. “Nice Guy”TMs take note please. Don’t be that guy.

10 years ago

Just tell us what you feel Joeblow, don’t sugar-coat it.

It really takes a fairly advanced form of… um… lets say a lack of self awareness to say that stuff out loud/post it on a forum.

Or maybe it’s malignant self-awareness, like some caged primate masturbating at the passersby and relishing their disgust.

God that prom thing is appalling. Bet you that someone somewhere on the interwebs is concocting a theory that her female power to refuse violently forced him into stabbing her to death.

Brings back that old Margaret Atwood quote about “men are afraid women will laugh at them: women are afraid men will kill them.”

10 years ago

That story about that guy stabbing the girl who rejected him… that’s why I’m terrified every time I reject a guy. I don’t know how they are going to react. Even when I’m nice about the rejection (if the dude is an ass I tend to be less nice) I’m still afraid.

10 years ago

I am just trying enlighten people about how some men see women, once they remove their rose colored glasses,


Oh, and by the way, my fellow Mammoth-Eaters, guess who got talked about on Reddit! *points to self* Thankfully, it looks like I’m not going to get trolled.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Oh, wow.

Speaking as a woman who was punched in the head by a couple of fellows who were angry at me for refusing to have sex with them, and I kept on refusing (no one stopped them, btw), I take GREAT offense at being told that my only value is sexual/reproductive, and that I am, in fact, a slut and a whore.

Don’t you just loooove how often men will call a woman a slut/whore because she did NOT have sex with them? And it wasn’t even the “she’s a whore because she’s having sex with someone who is NOT ME,” thing, either. They knew I was a virgin, and was refusing to have sex with anyone. Still a virgin, years later. I’ve turned down multiple men, and was scared each time. But I kept my chastity for religious reasons.

But I’m still female, so I’m a worthless slut. Got it.

“No offense.” BWAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaa . . . GASP! Must breathe! Oh, golly. Obviously, he only meant no offense to the males in the audience. Females have no feelings to get offended with, right?

Oh, LBT, I hope you don’t get trolled or doxxed or anything. Good vibes, coming your way!

That poor, poor girl. And the victim-blaming starts in 3, 2, 1…

10 years ago

Yeesh, Michelle. That sucks. I’m sorry it happened to you

10 years ago

It’s okay Michelle; basically, they posted me as some example of a tumblrite (which is hilarious, since I’m not really active on there) because I was MULTI! On the INTERNET! The nerve of me!

Seriously, I don’t know where they expect me to be.

10 years ago

That poor girl. And people wonder why women are often afraid to reject men or use “soft noes” instead of blunt ones

Someone made a very similar comment on Gawker and in thundered a bunch of befedora’d whiners calling her sexist for thinking all men are violent. Sigh.

What kind of person puts his own hurt fee-fees at a higher priority than the very real fear women have of getting a menacing reaction to rejection?

Luckily, I’ve never been stabbed, but I have been followed and I have been groped for the terrible crime of turning men down in the street and in clubs/bars. If someone is giving me creepy vibes IDGAF about his feelings. I only care about getting away as quickly and painlessly as possible. Sorry dudebros!

10 years ago

What kind of person puts his own hurt fee-fees at a higher priority than the very real fear women have of getting a menacing reaction to rejection?

People who assume it’s all about them?

The stabbing is terrible. Noticing a lot of comments on articles assuming that the boy who stabbed her has a mental problem/corrupted by godlessness/can’t accept failure. Why we can’t just go with the ‘he’s a bad person?’ He apparently brought the knife from home, so he could very well have planned on killing her if she turned him down.

See, this is why women do the soft no or just avoid you, strange guy who is trying to ask them out. We don’t know you from Adam, you could be dangerous. This guy was known to her, and she probably didn’t even consider that he’d stab her to death if she said no. It happens. Yes, the average guy is not going to stab you. But people are trying to make excuses for this kid, and we shouldn’t be living in that kind of world. It just makes it easier for guys to not accept a no thank you and instead grab onto you or keep insisting or insult you as you try to leave.

No, guys, not all of you are violent. But we live in a society where it’s a hell of a lot easier for you to be violent, and not all women feel safe in it.

Is Comment of the Day going to be a thing? Or should we not give the trolls that much attention?

10 years ago

Off topic; here’s a petition regarding the lack of international attention and action the kidnapping of over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls has gotten.

It’s a terrible story. I hope they’re found and returned home soon.

Angela Jones-Parker
Angela Jones-Parker
10 years ago

His mother must be so proud. Seriously, this is what he reduces women to? Wow. . .idiotic much?

10 years ago

Apparently the boy was a “friend” of hers and the prom was today so he had been harboring resentment for some time.

10 years ago

…. wow. Just… wow

10 years ago

Here’s someone having the discussion that needs to happen::

And someone in the comments says it’s not the time or place for a “feminist rant.” SMH.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Sorry, LBT, I don’t know what MULTI is, or really anything much about Tumblr. I’m sorry, though, if they are getting on your case for something that is not their concern.

I really believe that the majority of people in the world are good and kind. Unfortunately, that vocal majority is just so darned loud.

Anyway, good luck!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

To those people whose feelings are hurt whenever a woman is afraid of them:

Imagine that you are at a party, and there are ten bottles of wine on the table. They have all been opened, and all have been poured out to some degree or another. None of them are completely full. You see the glasses scattered around the room, and see people enjoying themselves, drinking wine.

The people tell you that the wine is good. It’s delicious. It will taste wonderful, and make you feel sooooo good.

Then one woman says that her bottle of wine was poisoned! She dies before she can point out which one was hers.

Another woman drops her glass, clutches her throat, and drops dead.

So, do you drink the wine? From which bottle? How can you tell? Is it worth the risk?

Now, imagine that you had the wherewithal to test all those bottles of wine before choosing which, if any, to consume? The test takes a bit of time, but it’s not really “intrusive.” It just takes some time to accomplish. It’s called “getting to know” the wine, and depending on the vintage, some bottles can pass the test sooner than others. But all of them require some time.

Assuming you are NOT the poisoned bottle of wine, are you still going to get into a huff if a woman decides she wants to test you before she drinks from you? Or that she simply doesn’t want to risk drinking tonight, at all?

And if you are the poisoned bottle of wine, isn’t that EXACTLY what you would tell the people you want to kill? That they shouldn’t waste time trying to get to know you, or that they shouldn’t judge you based on the fact that two women have already died at “a bottle of wine’s” hands? Of course that is the tack you would take, and it makes people even more fearful of you.

So, yeah, it’s ridiculous claiming that women shouldn’t be cautious around men, especially when the women are blamed for trusting someone who hurts them, even if that person has been their friend for fifteen years. Women can’t win, because the misogynists who want to keep the “right” to rape, beat, and murder women, won’t let them.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Thank you so much! How did I not even KNOW about this? I have signed the petition. Oh, my goodness, how horrible. And not a word in the news.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Thanks, Skye.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

I honestly have no problem with the Schrodinger’s Rapist theory being applied in daily life. And if some guy out there has a problem with me having no problem with it, that’s an automatic “yep, if I open that box, I’ll bet I find a rapist, so totally not opening that box!”

(Guys who don’t have a problem with Schrodinger’s Rapist are way more likely to be generally okay. Kinda like white people who don’t yell “don’t you mean SOME white people?” If you say that, nah boo, I definitely mean you.)

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

Oh, I realize through my slight tequila haze that I just started typing with no context. But anyway, boys throwing tantrums and stabbing girls are some of the many fine reasons I believe in applying Schrodinger’s Rapist to pretty much every scenario. Giving people the benefit of the doubt is fine, when they can’t hurt you. Sadly, I assume anyone in the same room with me can hurt me.

10 years ago

There’s one dude on the Jezebel thread about the stabbing who wrote thousands of words to say that he doesn’t believe women when they talk about rape culture, but he’s totes an ally, y’all. This mofo could teach a master class in how to make it all about him when it clearly isn’t about his manly feels.

10 years ago

I’ve never had a problem with Schrödinger’s Rapist. Not because I think I am some über-feminist ally, but because it’s how I live my life. I (to some level) treat everyone I see as a possible threat.

The funny thing is the dudes who get all “dude, that’s paranoid”, about it. It’s not that I think everyone will attack me, but everyone can. One of the first things I do when I see a cop is look to see if they are left, or right, handed. I do that because it tells me what body language to look for if they are going to pull a gun/whip out a baton.

So I don’t care if someone treats me as a potential threat: So long as I don’t do the things which move me from, “could be a threat” to, “Is a danger” I have nothing to worry about.

10 years ago

Ugh, I’m sure the commenter on Gawker knows not all men are violent. It really grates on me when some guys get offended/hurt by comments like that.

The problem these guys aren’t acknowledging is that most of the time the ones who are going to become violent look just like everyone else; they don’t wear “beware: violent douche” signs.

Grumpycat, that article is exactly the conversation we need to have.

10 years ago

Also, I hadn’t heard about the kidnappings. That’s awful. Why isn’t it being talked about everywhere?