alpha males creepy disgusting women evil sexy ladies evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA vaginas

Comment of the day: "Women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth."

Sinkhole (not to be confused with stink hole)
Sinkhole (not to be confused with stink hole)

As I’ve said before, sometimes I search for hours to find the instances of misogyny interesting enough to share with you, the readers of my blog. Other times, the misogyny wanders in my door, delivers a rambling tirade, and passes out on the couch.

Today, an example of the latter, left in the comments to an old post of mine about the bad science behind the concept of the “alpha wolf” by a fellow with the unassuming name of Joeblow.

Joeblow starts off by agreeing that “the alpha – beta shit does not matter.” But in his mind this is because women are such sluts they’ll have sex with pretty much anyone.

There are so many promiscuous and unselective women out there I cant see how any man would have difficult y getting laid unless he had major birth defects or was totally out of his mind and was unable to stop talking to himself for even a few hours. Even if a guy is hideous but able to hold a job he is probably sane enough to find a slut to fuck.

That’s a good thing, I guess, in Joeblow’s world because otherwise there really would be no reason for women to be allowed to live.

I think women have no value beyond their sexual and reproductive role and that if it was not for sex they would be killed at birth but getting laid is pretty easy, especially in a big city. If looks are all that matters, all a man has to do is go up to a lot of hot women and one will fuck him, no matter what he looks like. 

Happily for the women of the world Joeblow is not terribly interested in spending much time with them.

Fortunately for myself and the female gender that no matter what a woman looks like I lose interest in her minutes after she opens her dirty mouth. Girlfriends are for suckers, wives are for fools and casual sex is not worth the effort or putting up with the rotten personalities that almost all women have.

But hey, if you’re going to go after women, fellas, Joeblow suggests that you go for the hottest ones you can find. Or at least the ones with the most valuable “stink holes.”

As far as a woman’s appearance goes, I never used to care much because I believed that women had some other value besides their stink hole but they don’t, a man might as well get the youngest hottest woman he can find if he is stupid enough to give into his sex drive because nearly all women are worthless.

No offense, ladies.

P.S. I do not mean to offend anyone. I am just trying enlighten people about how some men see women, once they remove their rose colored glasses, see beyond a woman’s sexuality and lies and see what she really is, a bitch, a slut and whore with no redeeming qualities.

Hey, no offense taken, nothing at all offensive about reducing women to the value of their “stink holes.”

And congratulations, Joeblow: your comments has been chosen Comment of the Day, even though that isn’t really a thing and despite the fact that you left the comment here nearly a month and a half ago.

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10 years ago

Thanks for the enlightenment, Mr. Blow. I had no idea that the way to see past women’s sexuality was to insist women are sex-crazed reproduction machines. Enlightenment.

10 years ago

That is the best P.S. of all time.

10 years ago

I really… really hope he is a troll. It’s hard (and let’s face it- just plain frustrating) to believe that someone out there in the world actually thinks like that, of course the sad truth is those people actually do exist, whether they choose to voice their opinions or not. When I was younger I honestly saw no real point in feminism, the older I get the more I realize just how important it is (*hint* very)

10 years ago

Shorter Mr. Blow: “I don’t mean to offend anyone, but here’s a bunch of truly offensive shit.”

I feel so enlightened.

10 years ago

@ cloudiah

Isn’t it just. Instant classic.

10 years ago

Well, shit. If we are offended, we obviously take his words too seriously. Blegh. Hate that line. I don’t mean to offend you with this obviously offensive rant.

10 years ago

I think that translates roughly to: “I used to think I valued women as people, but I didn’t. I decided to stop lying about it when my expectations were not served by reality.”

Could someone provide critique? Our languages are different that accurate and precise translation can be difficult.

10 years ago

I’m guessing he’s a real hit with the ladies…and by “hit”, I mean “makes them run in every direction leading AWAY from him”. And if anyone asks why, they’ll hear “It’s that woman hater again”, and everyone will know who they mean.

10 years ago

“I don’t mean to offend people, because women aren’t people.”

10 years ago

This dude thinks he sees past women’s sexuality? On the contrary, he sees *only* her sex-object status.

You know what you really see when you look past a woman’s sexuality? Her humanity. Things about her life other than sex. But of course, he doesn’t see any sort of trait, no matter how good, as a “redeeming quality” if it’s in a feeeemale.

Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
10 years ago

Throughout history many girls have indeed been killed at birth, simply for being born female. So a hearty double “fuck you” to Joeblow.

10 years ago

Well that was a…unique perspective. Unique in that he doesn’t have the usual complaint about all the sexy ladeez hoarding their sex, granting them a power much greater than the poor menz ever had.

10 years ago

He sounds exactly like the angry thrice-divorced gentleman whom my colleague with the office across the hall is so kind to speak to on speakerphone at max volume on a daily basis. Funny how it never seems to cross these guys’ minds that perhaps the common thread with their bad lady-experiences might just be their own shitty personalities.

10 years ago

He may not have “meant” to offend people, but he certainly knew it was going to happen. That was the whole point of posting that shit.

Throughout history many girls have indeed been killed at birth, simply for being born female. So a hearty double “fuck you” to Joeblow.


Chie Satonaka
Chie Satonaka
10 years ago

TW: Violence against women

Earlier today, a 16 year old girl rejected an invitation to the prom at a high school in Milford, CT, and the boy stabbed her to death. So yeah, Joeblow, keep practicing your murderous little “thought exercises” like they have no bearing on real women’s lived experiences.

10 years ago

Just a couple more lines and his comment would have been the manifesto for the next lone wolf mass murderer.

10 years ago

This guy should not be walking the streets without a special ankle bracelet.

10 years ago

“Fuck you” to Joeblow seconded.

10 years ago

Oh, he meant to offend, of that there is no doubt. But he probably threw that “no offense” bit in there in an effort to confuse people. And chuckled like the chucklehead he is as he did so, thinking that we were all going to run around like the mindless bimbos he thinks all women are, being hopelessly confused by his labyrinthine rhetoric and cleverness and all.

star cola
10 years ago

I always wonder what happened in these people’s lives to make them that way, because you just know that they’re talking from personal experience.

10 years ago

“I don’t mean to offend people, because women aren’t people.”

Grumpy nails it.

10 years ago

I can see him now, sniggering (or giggling?) behind his computer screen thinking that he’s succeeded in making us angry. Nope, I’m just amused. Troll on dude, troll on.

10 years ago

TW: Violence against women

Earlier today, a 16 year old girl rejected an invitation to the prom at a high school in Milford, CT, and the boy stabbed her to death.

I have no words. What a terrible thing. I hope the boy’s not a football star so the authorities won’t hesitate to punish him.

10 years ago

I love how he tacks on a lousy “I don’t mean to offend anyone” at the end of a rant where he reduces half the human race to having absolutely no value outside of reproduction, and would otherwise deserve death if not for that role.

Also, sometimes I wonder about the mothers, sisters, and other female relatives/friends of these misogynists. Would he go up to his mom or sister (if he has one) and say “hey, you’re lucky that you can reproduce, because otherwise you’d have no value and would be better off dead”?

Ally S
10 years ago

I really… really hope he is a troll. It’s hard (and let’s face it- just plain frustrating) to believe that someone out there in the world actually thinks like that, of course the sad truth is those people actually do exist, whether they choose to voice their opinions or not. When I was younger I honestly saw no real point in feminism, the older I get the more I realize just how important it is (*hint* very)

I don’t think he’s a troll – just a proud, honest misogynist.

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