announcements artistry

"We Hunted the Mammoth" Banner Contest Winners!

We have a winner in the We Hunted the Mammoth Banner Contest!

Well, two winners, actually. And they are:

Dani, who designed several variations of a banner which will soon become the banner of We Hunted the Mammoth. I actually haven’t quite decided which of these to use, but I like them all, and it will be one of them! (Tell me which one you like best in the comments.)





Leocigale, who did the awesome cartoon below. Even though it’s not, technically speaking, a banner, I plan to use it on We Hunted the Mammoth as well. So Leocigale is also the winner!


Well, we all are, really.

Dani and Leocigale will split the cash prize of $100.

Well, actually, it might be a bit more than that: a few people made donations during the contest and didn’t leave a note specifying whether they were for the contest or not. If you were one of them, and you want your money to go to the contest winners, email me and I’ll add it to the prize. Once I get that sorted out, I’ll post an updated number here, and a breakdown of the donations in the comments below (I will break them down anonymously, of course).

Thanks to everyone who submitted entries! There was a lot of awesome artwork to choose from.

EDITED TO ADD: The cash prize ended up being … $170!

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10 years ago

I like second or third.

Loved one next to me says second.

10 years ago

I like the first one the best.

10 years ago

Do we know what the new url will be?

10 years ago

The first one is my favorite as well.

10 years ago

I don’t know if I’m just really suggestible but I also vote for #1.

Good work everybody 🙂

10 years ago

First is easiest to read, second is meh, third feels the most epic but isn’t as easy to read as the first

10 years ago

I think I prefer the second; and kudos to both (one thing and another, this is the first I knew details of the switch).

10 years ago

I reallly like the second; it has the most epic going on to me.

Btw, David, have you received my E-mail about “The Amazing MRA”? That misogynistic bastard needs a taste of (social) justice.

10 years ago

What damselindetech said. I do like the last one but the first one is probably the best choice. Congrats guys!

10 years ago

The last one has a certain grandiosity to it that is artistically appropriate for the subject portrayed.

10 years ago


You mean The Amazing Athiest? What has that idiot said this time?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I like the first one the best. Congrats Dani and Leocigale! Great work.

10 years ago

First one looks more professional, – but that last one adds just a bit of ironic self-important oomph, it’s a solid choice as well.

Children of the broccoli
Children of the broccoli
10 years ago

I also prefer the first banner.

10 years ago

The first one’s my favorite. I think the “ironic” part of the last one’s ironic self-importance might be too easily lost. They are, however, all awesome ^_^.

10 years ago

I like the first and the third, and I agree with what was said about the third being a bit more difficult to read.

So I guess the first 😛

10 years ago

Awwwww … I was really hoping to see a mammoth wearing a fedora. 🙁

10 years ago

Awesome! Congrats to both of them!

10 years ago

I like 1! And the cartoon, which is epic beyond all reckoning. That face!

10 years ago


Yeah, The Amazing Atheist.

Well, I came across some videos he recently published that are essentially anti-feminist and women-bashing tripe.

To be more specific, I’m referring to these videos:

*TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Violence and Rape Culture* – “False Rape Accusations Are Real” – “Only Feminists Get Trolled!?” – “Evil Racist Stephen Colbert Takes Over Late Show! #ColbertToTheMoon”

There’s also a video in which he criticized the idea of rape culture, so he’s basically active in denying rape culture. However, that video is somewhat old, though. (

Since David is very skilled in the arts of kicking the Manosphere to the curb, I hoped he could expose and destroy his bullshit. It’s really harmful what the Amazing Atheist spouts as his claims that “BUT this science article claims that 40 percent of rape accusations are FALSE!” cloud and ignore the matter that’s the most important: the ACTUAL victimization of men and women that’s larger than the amount of false accusations.

Also, that video in which he reads through rationalwiki and deny Rape Culture, is despicable. I almost had the urge to drink alcohol.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

I have a preference for #1 myself. 🙂

Does that mean that the URL’s going to change too?

The Arbourist
10 years ago

The title should be “We huntered the Mammoth”. Seems a little more fitting, considering the target audience. 🙂

10 years ago

I like the third one for sheer overblown absurdity, myself.