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"We Hunted the Mammoth" Banner Contest Winners!

We have a winner in the We Hunted the Mammoth Banner Contest!

Well, two winners, actually. And they are:

Dani, who designed several variations of a banner which will soon become the banner of We Hunted the Mammoth. I actually haven’t quite decided which of these to use, but I like them all, and it will be one of them! (Tell me which one you like best in the comments.)





Leocigale, who did the awesome cartoon below. Even though it’s not, technically speaking, a banner, I plan to use it on We Hunted the Mammoth as well. So Leocigale is also the winner!


Well, we all are, really.

Dani and Leocigale will split the cash prize of $100.

Well, actually, it might be a bit more than that: a few people made donations during the contest and didn’t leave a note specifying whether they were for the contest or not. If you were one of them, and you want your money to go to the contest winners, email me and I’ll add it to the prize. Once I get that sorted out, I’ll post an updated number here, and a breakdown of the donations in the comments below (I will break them down anonymously, of course).

Thanks to everyone who submitted entries! There was a lot of awesome artwork to choose from.

EDITED TO ADD: The cash prize ended up being … $170!

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Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

I vote for the second one. Congratulations to the winners!

10 years ago

My manginafriend just said he likes the third because it looks like a 1950’s film poster and, well, that’s where a lot of MRAs’ heads are at.

10 years ago

Oh my, if you would take on The (not) Amazing Atheist, David, I would be forever indebted to you. Not that I think he’s a tough one to nail. I’m just exhausted with him. Every time I encounter someone who still supports him I ask “…. you’re not embarrassed?” It’s like witnessing one man’s personal Waterloo and it’s been going on for years now.

10 years ago

Everyone who entered, or even thought about entering, should make sure to join and post your entries over at our DeviantArt group.

10 years ago

My vote is first or third. First one is the most readable, third is the most exciting. 🙂

10 years ago

I like the third one for sheer overblown absurdity, myself.

Me too. It’s like one of those posters for a 1950s B film.

10 years ago

I vote for the third one. It looks like a cheesy B-movie poster. Like other people said, it’s absurd, self-important, and overblown – just like MRAs.

10 years ago

The sad thing is, if one takes all the anti-feminist rhetoric off the table for the sake of argument, TAA doesn’t get that much better. He’s a liar, a crook and doesn’t even give two shits about the people who follow him.

10 years ago

I like the first; it’s most legible

Crip Dyke
10 years ago

3rd one. I like the symbolism of the receding text. Plus it gives more space for the otherwise too-overshadowed tagline.

Crip Dyke
10 years ago


I know the new one is a bit longer, but I wasn’t able to find a shorter one that made sense and that was still available.


Says a lot, don’t you think?

10 years ago

They’re all awesome; I am so impressed. I kind of like the receding text of the 3rd version.

Leocigale’s… I think what I love about it is how the mammoth seems sort of bemused and the MRA ineffective. Accurate, in other words.

10 years ago

Oh my gosh!!! I never would’ve thought… Thank you guys! Sorry, I’ve been working seven days a week lately to pay for stuff like mortgages and bills so I haven’t been on here. Thanks, David! And I like the 3rd banner of Dani’s too! I can’t stop grinning with happy!

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Both Dani’s and leocigale’s contributions were wonderful. I like Dani’s #1 version best because I’m a fan of simplicity and readability.

10 years ago

The first please! It’s the easiest to read. Simplicity is good, and it’s already got enough going on to be interesting.

10 years ago

I like the first version very much, but the third almost gives an effect of a pompous voice echoing off into the distance, which is very entertaining and apropos.

10 years ago

#3 with #2 as a second choice

10 years ago

Loving the new look and name! The only unfortunate thing is that WordPress has decided the new name is a bit too long, so it’s truncated in the WordPress ribbon to “we hunted the mammo…” It actually seems like that should take up as much space or more than “we hunted the mammoth” but I am not a professional type space judgerer.

10 years ago

Still… someone should smack TAA’s ass, and I believe David is the man to do it. A year ago, there were tons of anti-misogynists who showed how utter bullshit The Amazing Atheist is, but nowadays nobody (not even on fucking Tumblr) is going after his bullshit, so his anti-feminist rhetoric is just running loose.