creep-shaming creepy mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny okcupid patronizing as heck racism reddit

CreepyPM Time: Let Me 'Splain That For You Edition



Let’s take another visit to the CreepyPM subreddit, where innocent souls post screenshots of the perfectly horrendous private messages they’ve gotten, sometimes on dating sites, sometimes not.

In this case, the recipient is a young black woman on OkCupid, the sender a white man more than twenty years her senior and 13 years out of her specified age range. He decides that the best way to overcome this age gap is to … mansplain and whitesplain to her about the history of Planned Parenthood.

And then there is perhaps the most awkward segue in the history of internet dating.

In the screenshot below, he’s red, she’s blue.


Oh dear.

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan!

According to the recipient — no screenshot, alas — he followed this up with a classic bit of passive-aggressive sex nagging:

Take a chance, Ms. Free Love.

SPOILER ALERT: She didn’t.

You can read the original thread in CreepyPMs here.

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10 years ago

I’m sure the only reason she found this creepy was because he was unattractive.


Kel D
10 years ago
Reply to  cloudiah

No, silly, it’s because he isn’t wealthy!

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago


10 years ago

“I see you are a black woman, so I assume you support this. Do you know this is secretly EVIL, because EVIL? Oh, you still don’t believe me? Do you want to meet up with me, now that you know I totally don’t care about your opinions at all? WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME!!!!”

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

And no. Margaret Sanger, while racist, did not want to exterminate black people.

10 years ago

I would have asked him to recommend more things I should Google. Since I definitely couldn’t have known anything about them at all until I met someone smart like him who was kind enough to inform me.

10 years ago

Would you believe some of the people who founded America actually owned black people as property? Racist founders? How can anyone support such a thing? We need to shut down America.

10 years ago

I know my cats enjoy licking me, but I never did the reverse… oh wait, he’s talking about something different?

Yeah, creeps need to seriously stop giving themselves gold stars for being willing to do that. And where did they get the idea that casual sex through the internet wasn’t automatically about pleasure for both parties? That creeps me out more than any mansplaining. Why do they think women are on the internet looking for sex, frequent condom mile awards?

10 years ago

Uuuuuugh I actually got a guy like this not that long ago! Only instead of Planned Parenthood, he kept asking me about my rape history and telling me how nobody loved him and he just wanted to be looooooved. (Then he sent me a list of rape encounters in comics. Stay classy, bro.)

10 years ago

So, a patronizing lecture followed by creepy inappropriateness.

Why would anyone think that that’s the way to get a date?

10 years ago

That is quite a transition there at the end.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
10 years ago

SPOILER ALERT: She didn’t.

You should *warn* a person before these lines. You thought laughing milk up through your nose was uncomfortable.

Try a bagel, why don’cha?

10 years ago

I hate the argument anti-choicers make that black women should oppose abortion rights because they get abortions at higher rates and therefore eugenics are happening. If the government was forcing and coercing black women to get unwanted abortions (and I know forced sterilization happened in the past, not sure about forced abortion) that would be appalling and a human rights abuse. A black woman freely choosing an abortion is not genocide.

Of course, the reason for that higher abortion is likely the income disparity that still exists due to centuries of slavery and Jim Crow. Perhaps more effective anti-poverty programs and better social safety nets are the answer. Not curtailing reproductive freedoms.

10 years ago

I’m confused as to his goals here. If he’s one of those “send inappropriate messages to random women no matter what they say” guys, why open with the Planned Parenthood bit? And if he just wanted to wank about abortion, why switch to harrassment? Did he actually expect to say one sentence to a stranger and immediately change her mind?

10 years ago

Katz, it looks like he decided pro-lifing at her was super important, and it either didn’t occur to him that this might not lead to sex, or he tacked on the offer of sex as an afterthought when the political discussion didn’t go anywhere. Or maybe he actually thought she’d be grateful for the information.

10 years ago

Much more compelling than reddit creepers

10 years ago

I wonder when “Step 1: Introduce an inflammatory, highly divisive political subject; Step 2: Ignore target’s opinion and repeatedly state your own; Step 3: Graphically state one’s desire for sexytimes” is going to become an officially sanctioned strategy on a PUA website.

10 years ago

RE: katz

If he’s one of those “send inappropriate messages to random women no matter what they say” guys, why open with the Planned Parenthood bit? And if he just wanted to wank about abortion, why switch to harrassment?

I just figured dude wanted cookies and sex for being so CARING about such an IMPORTANT SUBJECT. He cares about race, guys! That’ll totally make a random black woman fuck him!

Seriously, I got a guy like this before, only replace race consciousness with mental health shit. Creepy ass fucks, those guys who use social justice as a method of sexual harassment.

10 years ago

Did he really think this would would end with her saying yes? I think most of these dudes need to pay a domme.

10 years ago

I wonder when “Step 1: Introduce an inflammatory, highly divisive political subject; Step 2: Ignore target’s opinion and repeatedly state your own; Step 3: Graphically state one’s desire for sexytimes” is going to become an officially sanctioned strategy on a PUA website.

It already is – this is just a variation on standard negging.

10 years ago

RE: hellkell

I think most of these dudes need to pay a domme.

But — but — their egos! Think of their precious sexual egos!

10 years ago

“I am very antidiscrimination in all forms” = I am a covert racist Nice Guy™. Why won’t you sex me, you black slut?

10 years ago

True story: I once had phone sex with a guy I met on line who started an argument with me over abortion immediately afterwards.

10 years ago

The fascinating part of it all is how these guys are so oblivious as to how repulsive they are and how easy it is to see right through their bullshit yapping.

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

Getting a little tired of racists (and others, for that matter) pointing fingers at Margaret Sanger for lobbying for and providing services Black women ACTUALLY WANTED THEN, and WANT NOW.

The type of racism characterized by eugenics was so ubiquitous in this country during that era that singling out Sanger for it is absurd. Literally everything about America is built on racism, starting with genocide, so trying to follow the line of “reason” of an obvious racist pile of shit who just wants to get laid is… I can’t even.

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