creep-shaming creepy mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny okcupid patronizing as heck racism reddit

CreepyPM Time: Let Me 'Splain That For You Edition



Let’s take another visit to the CreepyPM subreddit, where innocent souls post screenshots of the perfectly horrendous private messages they’ve gotten, sometimes on dating sites, sometimes not.

In this case, the recipient is a young black woman on OkCupid, the sender a white man more than twenty years her senior and 13 years out of her specified age range. He decides that the best way to overcome this age gap is to … mansplain and whitesplain to her about the history of Planned Parenthood.

And then there is perhaps the most awkward segue in the history of internet dating.

In the screenshot below, he’s red, she’s blue.


Oh dear.

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan!

According to the recipient — no screenshot, alas — he followed this up with a classic bit of passive-aggressive sex nagging:

Take a chance, Ms. Free Love.

SPOILER ALERT: She didn’t.

You can read the original thread in CreepyPMs here.

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10 years ago

I’d like to add the fact that a lot of black midwives who delivered babies during the slave era (and after, too) were also informal gynecologists, and knowledgeable as to what herbs would “bring on a late period”, i.e. terminate a very early pregnancy. And it wasn’t so unusual for white women, some very well to do, to seek out such a midwife for that service. Marie LaVeau, the famed “voodoo queen of New Orleans”, was reputed to be one of those, and is said to have trained her daughters (both literal and spiritual) in the art as well. And African slave midwives who came over on the ships surely knew of herbal potions and other rudimentary birth control methods also. So birth control and abortion are not only nothing genocidal to black Americans, they’re also nothing new…and indeed, the white women who visited black midwives seeking their help would indicate that the demand for contraception was universal. Margaret Sanger merely made the most modern methods of the day available to all, with the help of black community leaders.

10 years ago

RE: Leum

What? WHAT? But… that’s… that’s…

*goes to lie down and cry*

10 years ago

@LBT: A guy named Scott Lively (of Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill fame) wrote a book called The Pink Swastika where he argue that the SS was staffed by super-macho gay men who hated and persecuted only effeminate gay men while having massive gay orgies of gayness and evil. I’ve not read it, nor found any deconstructions of it, might be an interesting project.

10 years ago

Nazi aesthetics could be a bit… homoerotic at times. Especially SA (not SS) aesthetics and behaviour. But of course that doesn’t change the fact that *actual gays* were actually persecuted under the Nazis, and besides after the Night of the Long Knives the SA was irrelevant anyway.

10 years ago

Leum, thanks for that. Also, there’s an equally fringey faction who argue that the Nazis were leftists.

Yeah, surprised me too. But there are people who argue passionately that Jesus was not a Jew, so go figure.

10 years ago

Oh lord, the fucking Pink Swastika. Gag me. I wish I could say I hadn’t heard of it.

Also, @Robert, the foremost leftist fascist text of the last few years is Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism.” Did you know that the Nazi Party’s proper name included the word Socialist? This proves that all extreme politics is on the left and we righties are unblemished. Also, Hillary is ugly.

10 years ago

RE: Leum

@LBT: A guy named Scott Lively (of Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill fame) wrote a book called The Pink Swastika where he argue that the SS was staffed by super-macho gay men who hated and persecuted only effeminate gay men while having massive gay orgies of gayness and evil.

THE G0YS WERE NAZIS??? Someone fetch me my smelling salts!

(Seriously, someone has been reading “The Desert Peach” WAY too seriously.)

10 years ago

I saw a bathroom graffito at university – reading HITLER WAS RIGHT.

Underneath, in a different hand, Well, he sure as hell wasn’t Left.

I suppose Jonah ‘Son of Lucianne’ Goldberg would have us believe that the relentless fight between the NSDAP and the German Communists was internecine warfare of two leftist sects? Followed, of course, by the fierce effort to destroy the USSR. Oy. Like my mother used to say, people are dumber than anyone else.

10 years ago

I have heard a few things from Argenti, so she’s not dead, nor is she being a total recluse: She’s teasing me about wedding gifts, etc..

10 years ago

Don’t you mean zie?

10 years ago

yes, I do.

10 years ago

I hope things are going nicely with the person zie met a while back!

10 years ago

“Let me tell you all about how abortion is wrong, and when I’m done you should engage in an activity with me that could lead to you having an unplanned pregnancy”.

REALLY fucking sick of that particular brand of OKC creep. The added racism with the idiot in this post makes it even worse.

Also, just really sick in general of men who try to splain me out of any of my positions. The most frequent being the men from the States who insist I get over my specification that I won’t date anyone who doesn’t live in Canada.

10 years ago

I saw a bathroom graffito at university – reading HITLER WAS RIGHT.

Underneath, in a different hand, Well, he sure as hell wasn’t Left.

Graffitist #2 for the win! I always have to explain to all kinds of right-wing wankers that no, Hitler was definitely one of theirs, not ours. The “Socialist” was just in there to fool the working class. Nazism has fuck-all to do with actual socialism, and in fact socialists were among their original targets before they got into power. Actions speak louder than words, and I can never get over how hard of thinking these ‘wingers all are.

10 years ago

I hear the Hitler was an atheist thing a lot too. He seemed to not be a Christian except when he needed to pose as one for PR. There’s no evidence he was an atheist though. I don’t see how he could have been, Nazism was tied in with some strange beliefs about Aryans being descended from gods. That’s why they were believed by them to be superior to every once else. If Nazism was about atheism than why were Jewish people the main target, why not Jews and Christians equally. Why would he also target communists whose politics were secular?

Apparently right wingers think religious views are on a binary. Either one practices an Abrahamic religion or they are an atheist. There’s no middle ground. There are no other religions.

I’m no expert in history, but sometimes I feel like it when I compare myself to right wingers. They’re just really, really bad at it.

10 years ago

Hitler hated atheists. They got sent to the camps too.
That’s one of the reasons he and Stalin were never going to get along, even though they had so much else in common what with them both being mass murderers.

10 years ago

Also, while we’re debunking, Hitler was not a vegetarian. He occasionally went meatless in an attempt to relieve chronic digestive problems, but saw nothing wrong with eating the flesh of dead animals*.

He WAS very anti-smoking, though. Stopped clock, twice a day.

*My personal take on omnivory: if you can look at what you’re eating and consciously realize ‘this is the flesh of a dead animal ‘ and continue eating with a clear conscience, you have the ethical right to eat it.

10 years ago

Hitler wasn’t vegetarian? I learned something today.

With you on the stopped clock thing about smoking.

10 years ago

Hitler also liked dogs. Proof the furinati own us all!

This makes me think of the “Hitler did X, therefor X is evil!” fools. We don’t think genocide is evil because Hitler did it, Hitler is evil because he committed genocide. His like or dislike of this of that item or activity is completely irrelevant to the fact he was a horrible human being.

10 years ago

“Hitler had a mustache, therefore all men with staches are evil” makes about as much sense as wanting women not to have the vote because some drunk girls once peed in an alleyway.

10 years ago

I was thinking of the Hitler/stache thing too. 😀

10 years ago

Anyone seen the latest Dead Philosophers in Heaven? Very apt for splainy misogynists generally.

10 years ago

New Dead Philosophers in Heaven! That comic doesn’t update nearly enough.

10 years ago

I know. We need MOAR!

Especially poor old Nietzsche copping it again.