Hey, everyone, just a quick update on the still-ongoing We Hunted the Mammoth banner contest (the details of which are here).
First, I want to thank all those who’ve contributed so far. Some great stuff!
Second, I want to announce that due to the generosity of some Man Boobz — soon to be We Hunted the Mammoth — readers, the contest now has a cash prize of $100.
Thanks very much for those who’ve donated, and if you want to add more to the prize, use the regular Man Boobz donation button, but include a note saying you want the money earmarked for the prize. (Also include a little codeword or phrase; I want to be transparent with this, so I will list the donations later according to these code phrases so you know your money went to the prize.)
Also, a question: I’m wondering what you folks think should happen if I want to use more than one of the designs? Split the prize money?
The contest will run through Sunday. So submit if you haven’t already!
Here are some of the submissions so far. Anyone is free to use the artwork in a banner design of their own (and if it wins you’ll split the prize with the artist).

Off topic, but this site got a shout out! http://playboysfw.kinja.com/bros-this-is-how-your-slut-shaming-is-backfiring-a-se-1563665480/+Jessica
The comments are a mess though.
Holy crap, those entries are awesome!
Sorry I don’t have anything more useful to contribute. Just appreciating the artwork.
*gasp* Oliver’s entry uses a bit of art from my favorite B movie of all time, Eegah! I feel so weirdly validated!
All these entries made me laugh. Manboobzers are so talented.
This is maybe more of a drawing than a proper entry, since it’s only linework and plain lines wouldn’t look right. I could turn out a shaded version, depending on what David means by “black and white.”
Thanks for posting my art here! Also, all these entries are really cool. I can’t wait to see the blog’s new look after the contest!
Katz, I like it, especially the mammoth!
I’m flexible on the black and white thing; it should just work with the blog design I’ve got now, which is basically black and white with some red.
Those entries are looking really good! What are we going to be when we’re not boobzers anymore?
Not art but a slogan:
“We shooted the Shoggoth”
(Of course, that was in the very distant past.)
I love that caveman in Oliver’s entry.
OK, I’ve updated with a colored version. Same link.
Katz, I got the non-shaded version again.
Curse you, DA! Try here.
Are you going with “the new misogyny tracked and mocked,” David, or open to keeping “misogyny: I mock it”?
I’d like to see how Oliver’s entry looks against the site background. I reckon it’d look really good.
These entries are so cool. Ya’ll are awesome. Supernova’s drawing makes me grin every time I see it.
My 2c on the byline is that I’m kind of down with the “New Misogyny”, not because misogyny is new but because it’s kind of been repackaged in a totally bizarre way by MRAs. It also makes me think of “the new scum” from Transmetropolitan. <3
But "The New Misogyny, tracked and mocked" just doesn't flow right to me. "Monitoring and Mocking the New Misogynists" is kind of closer to what I want out of it but that still doesn't seem right.
OK, that wasn't that helpful, but I'll put it out there anyway. 😛
Bekabot – shoggoths aren’t good eating, afaik. I think they qualify as apex predators.
Weirwood – I checked out that link. Oooh, the comments. I was glad to see that GreenDot got the shellacking he deserved. So much badmindedness! That whole ‘women are tainted by too much penis’ meme has just got to go away. It’s like the Book of Revelation – not a good idea to begin with, just gotten worse since then.
The weird part is that he kept saying it was an indisputable fact that women who have had casual sex can’t emotionally bond with a partner. Of course he never managed to provide a citation.
::snerk:: What’s the bet that translates to “women who’ve had casual sex with him didn’t hang around for long”?
Yes, but that would suggest that David was limited to talking about them and not about, say, Phyllis Schlafly, about whom there is nothing remotely new. (Not that he’s shackled to his tagline or anything.)
I vote for Dani’s second one!
Awesome mammoths there!
I’d like to second reservations about the sub-heading “the new misogyny tracked and mocked” – it seems a bit clunky. Not as sharp as what you have now.
Also I’m not convinced this misogyny is all that new – I do research into 17th and 18th century underground writings, and trust me, a lot of it would not be out of place on MGTOW or some of the others (with a slight tweak for slang, and a lot more paranoia about girl cooties – aka venereal disease, seen purely as something women gave men – in the past).
How about ‘Misogyny. We track it down and mock it.”
If we could cast votes, I’d cast mine for leocigale’s. I like the facial expressions.
But I’m not really a huge fan of the new tagline. It seems…clunky. And the misogyny is hardly new. How about “Mocking misogyny since (whatever year this blog was founded)”. A bit obvious maybe, but snappy.
I do like the current tagline. Would “Exposing the New Misogyny” cover both tracking and mocking?
Here’s a belated cave-painting contribution. Brave Og and Ig bring down mighty mammoth, using only keyboard!
“Bekabot – shoggoths aren’t good eating, afaik. I think they qualify as apex predators.”
That just makes you more of a badass when you bring one down, but point taken.
Mine look similar to Dani’s but zirs are so, so much better than mine (the ones I never finished). I vote for Dani’s first one, especially for the way the tagline is broken into to parts, but I like the second too. I also like BQK’s suggestion of “Exposing the New Misogyny” for a tagline.