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Banner Contest Update: Now With Cash Prize!

leocigale's entry in the contest
leocigale’s entry in the contest


Hey, everyone, just a quick update on the  still-ongoing We Hunted the Mammoth banner contest (the details of which are here).

First, I want to thank all those who’ve contributed so far. Some great stuff!

Second, I want to announce that due to the generosity of some Man Boobz — soon to be We Hunted the Mammoth — readers, the contest now has a cash prize of $100.

Thanks very much for those who’ve donated, and if you want to add more to the prize, use the regular Man Boobz donation button, but include a note saying you want the money earmarked for the prize. (Also include a little codeword or phrase; I want to be transparent with this, so I will list the donations later according to these code phrases so you know your money went to the prize.)

Also, a question: I’m wondering what you folks think should happen if I want to use more than one of the designs? Split the prize money?

The contest will run through Sunday. So submit if you haven’t already!

Here are some of the submissions so far. Anyone is free to use the artwork in a banner design of their own (and if it wins you’ll split the prize with the artist).

Supernova's entry
Supernova’s entry
One from Dani, as it would look on the site
One from Dani, as it would look on the site


Another version from Dani
Another version from Dani
An entry from Oliver
An entry from Oliver



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Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
10 years ago

Okay, I dig Dani’s general look/feel, but I think you really need someone in a fedora poking at the mammoth. It’s just crying out to happen. If you can, have the mammoth’s eyes narrowed in a way that looks both dubious and annoyed. No, wait, that’s what I love about the existing mammoth. It already looks that way.

Also, the first Dani has “We hunted the mammoth” receding…I like the symbolism of that. Awesome call on that one.

I know I don’t comment here often (pharyngula is more my digs for commenting), but I’m a regular reader and I can’t imagine the change without a fedora’d hunter.

I could see a neanderthal in skins and wild hair, unkempt beard and fedora.
I could see libertarian business-monarch in 3-piece and fedora.
I could see a “nice guy” in business casual and fedora.
I could see going-on-safari guy in jungle hunting-khakis and fedora.
I could see social misfit in a plaid flannel hanging open over a Ted Nugent t-shirt…and fedora.

But you’ve got to have the fedora hunter, and preferably hunting with spear. See supernova for awesome ideas on that one.

in fact, if you’re doing all the super-cool work anyway, just slide an image of each of these into supernova’s receding-new-misogyny banner to create a multi-banner random rotation.

Me I’ll just sit back here in all my expertise and tell you who’s best. And claim all the credit. And the gold. Because I dig the gold, right?

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
10 years ago

And how did I not click on Buttercup’s illustration?

Someone needs to fill that out with tag lines and titles and such in a way that doesn’t ruin the awesome.

Dani has super-awesome design, but Buttercup blows me away.

Now that I’ve seen that one, I kind of have to vote for it. It’s amazing, if unfinished (lacking the necessary words, and I don’t know how those would fit without ruining it).

Dave, Dani has given you something that clearly reminds people that WHtM is continuous with MB, but Buttercup gives you the best illustration and a definite sense of “New! And Improved! Now with 50% more mammoth hunting!”

10 years ago

RE: Kittehs

I love that caveman in Oliver’s entry.

He’s a real person! His name is Richard Kiel; he’s been in other movies, and from what I recall, dude’s still alive.

Eegah! is a pretty awesome movie from 1963 about cavemen living in the deserts of California. There is a hilarious history behind it, and it’s music is ASTOUNDINGLY bad. Just to give you a hint, one of the lines in a song is, “Vitamins are good they say/and so’s a calorie/but I become a tiger/on one kiss from Valerie.”

The heroine in the movie isn’t named Valerie.

10 years ago

I vote for Buttercup’s cave painting. It even has that Ancient Aliens kind of thing going on, which is even more mock-worthy 🙂

10 years ago

LBT, that movie sounds like it would out-bad Plan Nine and be a whole lot funnier! (Disclaimer: I couldn’t sit through Plan Nine.)

10 years ago

Not exactly a cock carousel, but… close enough. (Not a contest entry, but I wanted to share.)

10 years ago

Fantastic! Imagine having a walking machine like that.

10 years ago

RE: Kittehs

LBT, that movie sounds like it would out-bad Plan Nine and be a whole lot funnier! (Disclaimer: I couldn’t sit through Plan Nine.)

Hmmm. I dunno if it out-bads Plan Nine, and there are definitely really slow stretches, but in my opinion the pay-off is worth it for the sheer hilarity involved. Also ZOMG it’s available on youtube! You know, for the unlucky folks who don’t have the DVD, like myself.

Buttercup Q Skullpants
Buttercup Q Skullpants
10 years ago

Another rough sketch, this time with Clovis dudes.

If I had a little more time, I’d make them more triumphant and bro-y. Maybe add some chest pounding and spears.

LBT – Just the title of that movie alone is hilarious. There are songs? Is it a caveman musical?

10 years ago

I love the titles of that film. EEAAGH! with dripping blood – makes me think of a blog title. 😉

Is it just me, or does boyfriend dude in the stripey top look like a total twit? I just skimmed bits with the sound off, but he looked like “Ugh” or “Duh” should have been his lines.

That uber-clean caveman with conveniently removable shaveable fake</del) beard … perfect.

I notice he got his notions from the PUAs, with all that kino. Or maybe they got theirs from him; it's a wonder they don't try grooming random women's hair as a come-on.

10 years ago

RE: Buttercup Q. Skullpants

LBT – Just the title of that movie alone is hilarious. There are songs? Is it a caveman musical?

It’s a caveman/beach blanket bingo movie. And it is GLORIOUS.

RE: Kittehs

Is it just me, or does boyfriend dude in the stripey top look like a total twit?

That’s Arch Hall Jr., and yes, he has been thoroughly mocked about that. I honestly have a soft spot for the guy; he’s one of those people who looked a lot better as they got older. (He was about eighteen in Eegah!)

Funny story about Arch Hall Jr. His dad, Arch Hall Sr., who directed Eegah!, (and also played Jr.’s girlfriend’s dad in the movie) pretty much seemed to want to make his kid into the pre-Beatles version of a boy band, completely with movie tie-ins. Unfortunately, Arch Hall Jr. wasn’t really much of a singer, or an actor, and people generally didn’t care for his looks. So after a few B movies his dad sponsored, Junior basically fell into obscurity, becoming an airline pilot and living a fairly normal life, with a bit of minor cult fame.

He seems to be a pretty nice guy, and not gonna lie, I’ve seen most of his movies. Anyone who can take the amount of ribbing he got with such good humor has earned my respect, I figure. And sure, he was a bad actor as a kid, but he was so ENTERTAINING!

10 years ago

Eegah also got the MST3K treatment