are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking creepy evil old ladies evil sexy ladies evil wives evil women mansplaining marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim red pill slacktivism YouTube

Actual Video Footage of Man Going His Own Way

If you’ve ever wondered what the carefree, unencumbered-by-women-and-their-cooties life of a true Man Going His Own Way looks like, you’re in luck, as the video above presents ACTUAL FOOTAGE of just this. Apparently, Going Your Own Way looks an awful lot like Hanging Around and Pestering, at least if you’re Vention1MGTOW, a YouTube videoblogger who regularly offers up little glimpses into his awesome life.

In the video above, our hero, in between fits of giggles, gleefully relates how he “trolled” a cutsey YouTube video showing a high school coach who’d gotten his team to help him propose to his girlfriend. Vention1MGTOW did his best to ruin the mood by posting “a few strategic comments” (that is, endless screeds) attacking marriage and women and, well, you know the drill. My favorite line from his comments, which he proudly reads aloud:

I’m sure some old wrinkled up, STD, ex-party party girl would love to move into my home and begin diverting my income for her own use but I don’t really see a benefit for me in that deal.

I hate to break it to you, dude, but I’m pretty sure even the most thoroughly wrinkled-up ex-party girl would rather die alone and unloved than have to put up with you. Hell, I’m pretty sure the only reason your dog (he has a dog) puts up with you is because he has no idea what you’re saying.

If you check out the coach’s video, you can see that a whole swarm of MGTOWers have descended upon the comments. Vention1MGTOW’s comments are actually some of the more polite from that bunch.

Vention1MGTOW – from his choice of snack (ramen noodles) to his, er, casual sense of interior decoration – seems like such a perfect embodiment of MGTOWer stereotypes that it’s hard to believe he’s for real. But he is. He’s got 82 videos up on his YouTube channel detailing his various obsessions: MGTOW, Bitcoins, hugelkultur gardening, doomsday prepping. Oh, and he’s got a Segway.

If the video above merely whetted your appetite for more of Vention1MGTOW’s trolling, here’s a video in which he successfully infiltrates the YouTube comments for an Enya video in order to inform the women there that they’re all going to get old and ugly and no one will want them.

I may have to come back to him again later. He’s a charmer.

Many thanks to the unknown hero on Reddit who brought this fellow to my attention.

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10 years ago

Cry more, emo kids.

10 years ago

Bitch made? Made by a bitch? Wouldn’t that be a puppy? That’s a pretty big insult fail. Puppies are great!

10 years ago

Bitch made? Like this?

Actually I think we’re more likely to have been created by kitties. Because science.

10 years ago

Cry more, emo kids.

I know, right? How emo do you have to be to go wank on an Enya video?

*checks handle URL*

…Oh, we’re supposed to be the emo kids? That…might be a more effective line on a post where we weren’t all laughing our asses off.

10 years ago

Wow! Two trolls within 15 minutes of each other! Are they socks or did we just get lucky?

Seriously, we get more MGTOW trolls than MRA or PUA. At least it seems that way. They really are bad at going their own way.

10 years ago

He thinks we’re emo?


Emos hadn’t been born or thought of in my day.

Lady Ballsnip
Lady Ballsnip
10 years ago


Just to be clear: I don’t shame virgins! It’s just that I can’t imagine how any woman would willingly have sex with this Man Going His Creepy Giggle Way.

10 years ago


You guys are truly pathetic, most of the men on this site are so bitch made


Oh sweetie, don’t you mean bitch-slapped? Hen-pecked? Cat’s paws? I mean, there are so many classic insults and you went for “bitch made”? Where’s the poetry? Where’s the passion? 2/10 Could do better.


Cry more, emo kids.

Poppet, while I’m glad to see you’ve mastered the use of the comma, you might at least have popped an exclamation mark on the end of that sentence, to give us a hint of the emotion behind the words. As regards content, “emo” is so last decade. And “kids”? I recommend watching fewer teen movies and reading more adult fiction if you’re going to improve your put-downs beyond junior school standard. 1/10 Weak sauce.

10 years ago

Things Not To Do:

Operate a blog called MenMatterToo, which is about how men are human beings whoose opinions matter and should be treated as such, calling for all readers to treat those in their lives as complete individuals and offering up understanding and empathy for everyone, regardless of their gender…

…. while going on other blogs and telling people to “cry more, emo kids”.

10 years ago

Oh no!!! This man is not available?!? 🙁 🙁

Damn, he’s got an irritating laugh. It literally makes me cringe after hearing it several times. Also, this kind of person would usually make me feel bad for them, but he’s so hateful, I’m like, f*ck that guy.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

I’d rather be
A man going to Norway
A man taking the highway
A man driving his Segway
A man eating a Subway
A man memorizing a pathway
Than a man just going
His no-other-users own way

10 years ago

I’ve had friends tell me stories of being in such a hurry to leave a bad one night stand that they bolted without all of their belongings. That might explain why a woman would leave her stuff and never come back for it. I think a better name for a box to hold those items the Ditch Bin.

10 years ago

You guys are truly pathetic, most of the men on this site are so bitch made.

Translation: “Waaaaa, pay attention to me! I’m a macho man with steroid pecs! Really truly! Waaaaa! Why don’t you bitches suck my shrunken penis? WAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

Cry more, emo kids.

Translation: “Waaaaaaaaaaaa, pay attention to meeeeeeeeee!” Et cetera.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

10 years ago

I’m sad Tim hasn’t come back. I’ll never find out what he thinks of my music video 🙁

10 years ago

I loved the videos.
Here’s another:

10 years ago

Yay for Bette Midler!

10 years ago

I talked my way out of a speeding ticket once. I was a 25 year-old redhead with a charming English accent, speeding in Indiana. Definitely pretty-privilege.

10 years ago

Maybe I am weak. But I’m not manipulative.

Here’s a fun little story for you Boobzers: as a kid, we used to cry at the top of the hat. Terribly ashamed of it, spent a lot of mental energy trying to “fix it,” you know, all that macho bullcrap.

Then I went on testosterone and completely lost all ability to cry.

It was AWFUL. You never seen me change my dosage so fast. Bawling like a small child had NOTHING on being physically incapable of tears and feeling a tin can of compressed emotions stuck festering in my chest. And now I don’t feel ashamed about crying at all, and wonder why the fuck anyone would guilt-trip others for it.

RE: Hawk

You guys are truly pathetic, most of the men on this site are so bitch made.

Am I supposed to be offended by this?

RE: dattehakamura

Cry more, emo kids.

Why does everyone think we’re crying? We’re LAUGHING.

RE: Lady Ballsnip

It’s just that I can’t imagine how any woman would willingly have sex with this Man Going His Creepy Giggle Way.

Ask not, lest ye be answered… *shudder*

10 years ago

I hope one day I can be someone’s Poon Mountain.

10 years ago

Oh, to live on Poon Mountain
With the Nice Guys and MRAs,
You can’t be twenty on Poon Mountain
Though you’re thinking that
You’re really young,
You’ll hit that wall too soon.

(apologies to Neil Young, not least for my complete inabiltiy to rhyme or scan)

10 years ago

*strums guitar*

On the big cock candy mountain
All the women have no brains
And they’ll fall right into bed with you
Without flirting or explains;

They won’t catch that spelling error,
Never cause you grief nor pain
Oh I long to go, where the dames’re slow,
Where feminism’s mere symbologism
On the big cock candy mountain.

…I’m so sorry.

10 years ago

Don’t be, it’s better than my effort! 😀

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago


10 years ago

Well played, LBT.

(Cloudiah: When are we going to see our poetry slam on your blog?)

Saim Dušan Inayatullah

He’s a failure even as a troll. With such huge comments few people will actually read them or respond. Just saying “fuck women, I hate them” would be better trolling than what he’s done.

Also his constant laughing disturbs me.

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