are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking creepy evil old ladies evil sexy ladies evil wives evil women mansplaining marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim red pill slacktivism YouTube

Actual Video Footage of Man Going His Own Way

If you’ve ever wondered what the carefree, unencumbered-by-women-and-their-cooties life of a true Man Going His Own Way looks like, you’re in luck, as the video above presents ACTUAL FOOTAGE of just this. Apparently, Going Your Own Way looks an awful lot like Hanging Around and Pestering, at least if you’re Vention1MGTOW, a YouTube videoblogger who regularly offers up little glimpses into his awesome life.

In the video above, our hero, in between fits of giggles, gleefully relates how he “trolled” a cutsey YouTube video showing a high school coach who’d gotten his team to help him propose to his girlfriend. Vention1MGTOW did his best to ruin the mood by posting “a few strategic comments” (that is, endless screeds) attacking marriage and women and, well, you know the drill. My favorite line from his comments, which he proudly reads aloud:

I’m sure some old wrinkled up, STD, ex-party party girl would love to move into my home and begin diverting my income for her own use but I don’t really see a benefit for me in that deal.

I hate to break it to you, dude, but I’m pretty sure even the most thoroughly wrinkled-up ex-party girl would rather die alone and unloved than have to put up with you. Hell, I’m pretty sure the only reason your dog (he has a dog) puts up with you is because he has no idea what you’re saying.

If you check out the coach’s video, you can see that a whole swarm of MGTOWers have descended upon the comments. Vention1MGTOW’s comments are actually some of the more polite from that bunch.

Vention1MGTOW – from his choice of snack (ramen noodles) to his, er, casual sense of interior decoration – seems like such a perfect embodiment of MGTOWer stereotypes that it’s hard to believe he’s for real. But he is. He’s got 82 videos up on his YouTube channel detailing his various obsessions: MGTOW, Bitcoins, hugelkultur gardening, doomsday prepping. Oh, and he’s got a Segway.

If the video above merely whetted your appetite for more of Vention1MGTOW’s trolling, here’s a video in which he successfully infiltrates the YouTube comments for an Enya video in order to inform the women there that they’re all going to get old and ugly and no one will want them.

I may have to come back to him again later. He’s a charmer.

Many thanks to the unknown hero on Reddit who brought this fellow to my attention.

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10 years ago

Another video from him?

10 years ago

Vention1MGTOW – from his choice of snack (ramen noodles) to his, er, casual sense of interior decoration – seems like such a perfect embodiment of MGTOWer stereotypes that it’s hard to believe he’s for real. But he is. He’s got 82 videos up on his YouTube channel detailing his various obsessions: MGTOW, Bitcoins, hugelkultur gardening, doomsday prepping. Oh, and he’s got a Segway.

And a sad, sad smell of Cheeto dust clings to the shrivelled remnants of his soul…

10 years ago

I’m going my own way!

So much so that I’m actually sticking around and trolling/harassing young ladies on the inter webs, because I have a weekend of vacation and nothing better, or more ‘going my own way’-sy to do, like building an awesome treehouse or doing small scale agriculture so that I can have tasty and nutritious food that is actually both tasty and nutritious.

::eye roll::

10 years ago

Ohmanohmanohman I am going to have tasty and nutritious tomatoes any day now! They’re green right now. I hope we have enough to can this year.

10 years ago

Katz: when did you start them? I didn’t bother this year because moving.

10 years ago

Started them indoors back in February. They’ve taken a long time because the light isn’t good inside.

10 years ago

Troll fail. If you want to troll YouTube videos then find a fandom that’s prone to hilarious overreactions to everything, like Beliebers, or Kpop fans, or indeed PUAs*. What are Enya fans going to do other than raise their eyebrows at you in a vaguely bemused manner?

*If you want to troll a specific individual then definitely TAA. Nobody throws a lulzy public tantrum like he does.

Ally S
10 years ago

Off topic, but check out a new terrible anti-feminist comic that Tumblr MRAs have made:comment image

10 years ago

I’m like a little Easter bunny hopping down the bunny trail spreading little eggs of red pill wisdom.

I think he’s confused “little eggs” with “feces”.

I want to see this guy dressed in a bunny suit.

While that would be funny, you won’t like the “little eggs” he leaves behind…

And his giggle reminds me of people who think they’re funny, but they’re not. “Legend in their own mind” kinda thing. “Nice” their own joke. People who wouldn’t know what funny is. When they tell you something “funny”, anyone in unfortunate earshot reacts with puzzled or horrified expressions.

10 years ago

It reminds me of Muttley from Wacky Races. Dastardly is presumably his one and only (online) friend.

10 years ago

Is it routine for MRA/GTOWs to flood proposal videos like this, or is this poor couple’s special somehow?

I just clicked over to the original after determining I couldn’t stomach the creeper-commentary version, and it was really sweet, but the comments were pretty much 100% appalling. I feel really bad for this couple and the lack of respect these people have for their happiness. Even if you don’t agree with the concept of marriage, this was obviously an important moment to the people who posted the video, and the need for the hatosphere to go and shit all over it instead of just live and let live is something I really don’t understand and find utterly infuriating.

10 years ago

To be fair, Vention1MGTOW also grows tasty tomatoes. He has a video of himself wandering around his garden eating various berries and a tomato and acting very smug about it all.

Huh. Let’s see if he can turn as much soil as I do every year, then we’ll talk.

Also, feminist ‘maters are better. No bitter tears to water them with.

The Kill
The Kill
10 years ago

Why is he giggling all the time? Are noodles, pizza and winter that funny? And the way he exhales like a monkey after giggling, blegh.

10 years ago

@ David

Hah! Maybe he’s hoping that if he wears some fellow fan’s self-esteem down far enough he can eventually guilt-trip her into really boring cyber-sex with Enya as the soundtrack.

10 years ago

Wow, I never imagined I would live in a world where videotaping yourself posting nasty comments on youtube, then posting that video on youtube would be considered activism by anyone…

10 years ago

“That woman is probably fifty!!” got the biggest laugh out of himself. For some reason, I am just stuck on that. He thinks it’s hilarious and transgressive to say that women age.

Do they think that people don’t know that women can be fifty? Like, is the very notion that people can be happily married to fifty year old women so alien to thrm, the only explanation is that the guys just don’t know?

10 years ago

See, this is where MGTOWs inadvertently reveal themselves. If this guy was honestly as happy as he’d like you to believe he is, he wouldn’t be actively searching for videos he believes are frequented by women ages 35+ to troll.

I mean, I’m quite happy being single myself, but the last thing I’d think to do is go trolling wedding reception videos to blather on about my wonderful life and how much the newlyweds suck in the comment section. Truly happy (or content) people don’t do that shit.

He may have even convinced his conscious self that he’s happy and livin’ the MGTOW dream, but there’s something inside of him that becomes so enraged when he sees women enjoying something, that he takes the time to mash out furious screeds and then gloat about it to other miserable, bitter men who have convinced themselves that they’re so much happier since they went their own way.

No dudes, you’re not transparent at all. Nope.

10 years ago

To be fair, Vention1MGTOW also grows tasty tomatoes. He has a video of himself wandering around his garden eating various berries and a tomato and acting very smug about it all.

He has real hobbies? Then what is he doing eating cup noodles and trolling YouTube? The weather is beautiful outside! Why doesn’t he realize “I would be so much happier out in my garden?”

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Why? Just, why? Why does he troll? Why does he laugh about it? Post about it? Brag about it? Why would anyone brag about how they are purposefully causing emotional pain to people they’ve never even met, or people who never ever hurt them? Why?

I can understand saying, “Yeah, that jerk was mean to me, so I was mean right back. Vengeance is sweet!” I get that. I don’t think it’s smart (sneaky silent vengeance is much less likely to land you in jail). But I understand the motivation behind it.

But why brag about your preemptive vengeance on someone who you NEVER EVEN MET?! We’re not talking about public figures who pushed for a law that wound up causing you problems. We’re talking about a stranger, posting a comment on a cutesey video, and you purposely hurting her because she “probably” doesn’t look like her picture. WHO DOES THIS? WHY!?!?!?! And if you had absolute proof that she DOES look like her picture, would you then feel bad about hurting the woman who apparently doesn’t deserve to be hurt, because she’s not old and fat? Because you think that older people and fat people deserve to be bullied by strangers, just because they are old and fat? Or would you say, “Well, so she really is young and thin and looks good according to my subjective visual aesthetic, but I still totally get a kick out of trolling her, anyway, because someone needs to teach these women a lesson”? Based on your behavior in these videos, I would have to say that yes, you would.

I wish this man would just go his own way, and leave the rest of us alone. Did he never learn anything in kindergarten? Or first grade? Or elementary school? Where were the teachers and parents who were supposed to teach the children to be kind to each other, and if they couldn’t find it in themselves to be kind, to just not be actively mean to each other? It’s simple, dude. Just Don’t Be Mean! How hard is that? Do you gardening and eat your pizza, and IF someone approaches you with some hurtful stuff, then you can turn around and defend yourself, but don’t start fights for no reason.

He says, in the second video, that he hopes some young women will read it and “wake up” (edited for vulgar language). What does that even mean? What do you think they’ll do, if you are successful in waking them up? He doesn’t even say what he wants them to do, if they wake up. WHAT DOES HE WANT? From the looks of these videos, he just wants to giggle like a scary clown and verbally abuse total strangers.

For the record, I like clowns just fine, but I saw a picture of a poster for some Stephen King movie-based-on-a-book, and it had a clown on it, and I totally imagined this giggle-noise coming from that face. Creeeeeepy.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

A good example of a Man Going His Own Way: That single guy who lives down the street, enjoys his home, enjoys his life, enjoys country-music concerts in the park on a Saturday afternoon, baseball games, and his dogs. Amazingly, this guy is well-liked and has lots of friends, both male and female, because he’s just a good guy who dances to the beat of his own drum, and lets everyone else dance to theirs.

10 years ago

I don’t know, maybe it’s effective. I’m married but I’m sure absolute boatloads of single ladies 20-34.5 will look at him and think “Gosh Self; if I don’t get my tail in gear soon and wheedle someone into marrying me, I’m going to miss out on my chance to spend my middle age soothing a special someone’s yawning internal abyss of rage and spite, before he croaks under the pressure of his own rocketing blood pressure, leaving me with years of bitter resentments to nurse into my widowhood.”

I know that’s the dream I cherished when I was 20, anyway. Y’all?

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

If you are a doomsday prepper AND you own a Segway, I think the day after tomorrow is perfectly safe from your ilk.

10 years ago

Yeah, women are looking at him and waking up, all right…to the fact that MRAs are too pathetic even to contemplate. Good job, dude!