are these guys 12 years old? attention seeking creepy evil old ladies evil sexy ladies evil wives evil women mansplaining marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim red pill slacktivism YouTube

Actual Video Footage of Man Going His Own Way

If you’ve ever wondered what the carefree, unencumbered-by-women-and-their-cooties life of a true Man Going His Own Way looks like, you’re in luck, as the video above presents ACTUAL FOOTAGE of just this. Apparently, Going Your Own Way looks an awful lot like Hanging Around and Pestering, at least if you’re Vention1MGTOW, a YouTube videoblogger who regularly offers up little glimpses into his awesome life.

In the video above, our hero, in between fits of giggles, gleefully relates how he “trolled” a cutsey YouTube video showing a high school coach who’d gotten his team to help him propose to his girlfriend. Vention1MGTOW did his best to ruin the mood by posting “a few strategic comments” (that is, endless screeds) attacking marriage and women and, well, you know the drill. My favorite line from his comments, which he proudly reads aloud:

I’m sure some old wrinkled up, STD, ex-party party girl would love to move into my home and begin diverting my income for her own use but I don’t really see a benefit for me in that deal.

I hate to break it to you, dude, but I’m pretty sure even the most thoroughly wrinkled-up ex-party girl would rather die alone and unloved than have to put up with you. Hell, I’m pretty sure the only reason your dog (he has a dog) puts up with you is because he has no idea what you’re saying.

If you check out the coach’s video, you can see that a whole swarm of MGTOWers have descended upon the comments. Vention1MGTOW’s comments are actually some of the more polite from that bunch.

Vention1MGTOW – from his choice of snack (ramen noodles) to his, er, casual sense of interior decoration – seems like such a perfect embodiment of MGTOWer stereotypes that it’s hard to believe he’s for real. But he is. He’s got 82 videos up on his YouTube channel detailing his various obsessions: MGTOW, Bitcoins, hugelkultur gardening, doomsday prepping. Oh, and he’s got a Segway.

If the video above merely whetted your appetite for more of Vention1MGTOW’s trolling, here’s a video in which he successfully infiltrates the YouTube comments for an Enya video in order to inform the women there that they’re all going to get old and ugly and no one will want them.

I may have to come back to him again later. He’s a charmer.

Many thanks to the unknown hero on Reddit who brought this fellow to my attention.

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Diana Adams
Diana Adams
10 years ago

This guy is the definition of a creep (his laughter… oh my… it’s like from a horror movie) and it would have been great if he was really going his own way.

10 years ago

@Sparky: I mean, frankly, the guy looks like he hit his wall a long time ago. But it doesn’t even seem to occur to him that any woman would ever see a man in a sexual way, so no surprise that he doesn’t see the irony.

10 years ago

I couldn’t make it through either. I kept expecting him to stop giggling, cuz I thought it was nerves. Nope. Where he giggles made my skin crawl.

10 years ago


He has a dog…? Sigh.

10 years ago

P.S. Now that I turned the sound on, I can appreciate the hilarity of this video.

This is really great stuff, ready to use as a mockumentary, in the vein of “Best in Show” and “This Is Spinal Tap.”

10 years ago

Please don’t think less of me, but I’m not going to see that video. Just hearing about it is dispiriting enough. He sounds like a Marvel Comics villain made entirely of YouTube comments.

Lyn McAleer
Lyn McAleer
10 years ago

This is how this guy spends his vacation? Eating ramen noodles and insulting people anonymously on the Internet? What a party animal! Men going their own way…wish they would hurry up and go already.

10 years ago

Wonder if he’s off his meds or something.

🙁 Can you find something else to criticize, please?

10 years ago

What does that say about a person, that the thought of other people going through something horrible is really funny?

My humble guess is that he’s so fucking awful that if anything horrible happened to him, everyone else would find it only fitting. Maybe not funny, but definitely fitting.

10 years ago

Going his own way? Looks like he’s not going anywhere. And fast.

10 years ago

I have to admit, when I saw the title of this post in my inbox I expected to see the end credits to the old Incredible Hulk TV series.

10 years ago

Yeah, like women are just lining up for this creep and his house and money. Not. That nervous laugh is grating, and no, he is not funny.

Well, if I had any doubts about these guys spending all their time trolling so they can insult women, which I didn’t, it’s gone now. That was a heck of a long, meaningless post he showed.

From what I’ve seen so far, the manospherians have a lot of nerve rating women. Ick.

10 years ago

I’ve been hanging around here for years and this one still twigged my “It’s got to be fake” reflex. Despite all the YouTube comments that real people clearly do post. Despite that one guy who posted videos of himself grocery shopping. Somehow I just can’t wrap my mind around someone being that sad and pathetic and being so happy about it that he wants to share it with the world.

10 years ago

Something tells me that this “wall” he thinks women hit at 35, consists entirely of him just not wanting a woman over 35, rather than some event that women might actually be going through.

At any rate, I couldn’t watch the video. What it says about him is too sad and pathetic to express.The irony of “this” video is, he’s trolling people who are actually going their own way.

MGTOW…I wish he would.

10 years ago


I think they tell themselves that they really are part of something big and important that most mere mortals can’t comprehend, and want to share their oh-so-witty *cough, cough* red pill, blue pill rhetoric.

They don’t see how pathetic they are.

10 years ago

Robert: No, I don’t think less of you. You are far better off spending the 8 or so minutes it takes to watch those videos doing something else. Anything else. Cleaning grout or defrosting the freezer, for instance, are both far less annoying than this guy.

I kinda wish I could get those 8 or so minutes of my life back.

10 years ago

Or scrubbing toilets.

10 years ago

That giggle is just so creepy. I got about a minute into the vid and had to cut it off. I think it is going to give me nightmares. I cannot imagine spending more than a minute with this guy under any circumstances with that constant giggle.

10 years ago

The irony of “this” video is, he’s trolling people who are actually going their own way.

Exactly. The proposing coach has clearly found happiness going HIS way, and that galls Mr. Sad Sack here, so he’s Going His Own Way…and it is The Way of the Gutless Killjoy.

Philippe Saner
Philippe Saner
10 years ago

I read (some of) the comments on the coach proposal video.

I was expecting the weird misogyny and the fear of marriage.

The racism and the number of upvotes were only a bit surprising.

But that bit about how rugby is infinitely better than football really came out of left field.

10 years ago

This is so perfect it has to be a put-on. I mean, the Cup Noodle. The second Cup Noodle lined up for dinner. The handgun. The high-pitched giggling that sounds constantly on the cusp of turning into tears if has to see one more person experiencing love and joy. His beautiful, beautiful face. Surely this cannot be for real.

From now on this is the way I will picture every MRA online, and I will laugh and laugh.

10 years ago

It is funny that he thinks everyone who disagrees with his views is a “blue piller.” As if everyone in the world belongs to either r/redpill or r/bluepill. I’d wager that most people still of those terms as a reference to The Matrix.

10 years ago

Regarding the Papa John’s: I’ll bet he orders from them as an act of really stupid rebellion against Obamacare because the CEO is so vocally opposed to it. I’m ashamed to admit I love their garlic butter sauce, but the CEO is such an asshat I can’t bring myself to order it anymore. Especially since there are local chains and independent restaurants to order from.

10 years ago

I think they tell themselves that they really are part of something big and important that most mere mortals can’t comprehend, and want to share their oh-so-witty *cough, cough* red pill, blue pill rhetoric.

They don’t see how pathetic they are.

I get that they don’t see anything wrong with leaving obnoxious comments on YouTube, but it’s hard to imagine that anyone thinks that eating a cup of noodles is something to be proud of and share with other people.

10 years ago

“posting a few strategic comments” (that is, endless screeds)

Trolling YouTube is depressingly pathetic in itself, but who leaves lengthy paragraph after paragraph in comment section of a music video? He’s leaving endless, repetitive MGTOW/TeRPer manifestos among one sentence comments that boil down to “I love this song and/or Enya”. This guy isn’t a MGTOW, he’s a TL;DR.

I’m assuming the huge shelves with all those can goods are part of his doomsday prepping, because he has plenty of cabinetry and doesn’t cook (or enjoy good food). I bet plenty of haggard ex-party girls would love to get their hand on his pantry, but sorry ladies, no free mustard, canned peaches and hot chocolate mix for aged harlots and slatterns. You have to find a way to pay for your own condiments or snag a mangina with a Costco card.