UPDATE: See below for updates, marked with UPDATE in bold
Man Boobz is about to become We Hunted the Mammoth.
That is, I’m changing the name. And I may end up fiddling a bit with the look. The actual content of the blog itself won’t really be changing.
I’ve been kind of frustrated with the old name for a while. I came up with it on the spur of the moment when I first started this blog and, to be honest, it’s kind of a dopey name. It doesn’t really fit what the blog has become, and I’m a bit tired of explaining it to people (“no, boobs as in nincompoops, not breasts”).
The new name, as all you regular readers know, is based on a phrase that’s already associated with the site. Granted, I’ll have to explain its meaning to people, just as I’ve had to do with the old name, but at least it has a better story behind it. (See the FAQ for more details; the relevant stuff is at the end.)
Naturally, a new name means a new banner, and that’s where you all come in. Yep, we’re having a BANNER/LOGO CONTEST. It will run for a week, more or less, and then I’ll pick a winner or two. The prize is … your banner will be the banner! Also you will receive my undying gratitude. [UPDATE: Some commenters here have started talking about setting up a fund to provide the winner with prize money; if you’re interested, check the comments. I’ll make an official announcement if/when we get something set up. And of course I’ll donate!]
The rules are simple: You can submit artwork, or a logo, or a finished banner. It should have a mammoth in it. I like the mammoth artwork above – and if you click on that image you’ll get a high-resolution version of it. But you can use some other public domain mammoth art, or draw your own mammoth. Stick to black and white and perhaps red.
The text should read: We Hunted the Mammoth. In smaller letters, the tagline: “Men’s Rights” and the New Misogyny. I’m inclined to go with the same font I’m using now – the free font Magnum. But if you’ve got a better idea, go for it. You can do the text by hand it you want. [UPDATE: Scratch that tagline, and replace it with The New Misogyny, tracked and mocked.]
If you’re making a banner, make it the same size of the current banner. Give it a transparent background. If you absolutely can’t fit everything into that space, I suppose you could make the banner a teensy bit taller.
I want to thank JohnnyKaje for her outstanding work on the current Man Boobz banners – including that amazing Cock Carousel artwork. I’ll put the old banners up on the FAQ page when the new banner goes up.
Feel free to submit rough sketches, to ask questions and make suggestions about the banner/logo — and about the site look and layout. You can post them online, or email them to me at [email protected].
Oops. All the standard variations on TheMammoth (.com, .net, .org) have been taken. So has whtm.com.
Hello, I have a suggestion, leocigale should add a cavewoman riding a giant mutant rooster. Since the new title refers to the usual MRA chestnuts, it would be fitting.
I like We Hunted the Mammoth, but I think it needs to be in quotations – “We Hunted the Mammoth!”, in order to show it’s a paraphrased quotation of the shit MRAs say.
Possible urls…. squashedbymammoth.com scentedmammothcandles.com
I’d keep going, but now I keep reading mammoth as manmoth, and now I want to watch the Tick…
Should there be a reference to “we hunted the mammoth for you” in there? IMO it needs that “for you” to drive home the point that these losers are claiming credit for things they’re assuming only men did, while the ladies sat around eating Palaeolithic bon-bons (that some mysterious other people must have made, since ladies don’t cook).
leocigale, love your art!
kittehserf, I sort of think the name is long enough as it is. I’ll provide an explanation in the FAQ and possibly in the sidebar so the meaning of the phrase is made clear to everyone.
But that gives me an idea for a url. …
Yeah, the name is pretty long already; it’s one reason I’m not wild about the choice, actually (that, and variations on Mammoth Hunters being too close to the Jean Auel book).
My local lacrosse team has is called the Mammoth.
Their logo:
mockingmisogyny.com is available.
Cockcarousel.com is up for grabs too. 🙂
That’s a clever logo they’ve got, Guy Noir.
Here’s a mammoth hunter, in a thong:
Good grief.
Real reason he’s twisting around – nothin’ to do with trying to stab that mammoth (who has a very WTF? look on its face), it’s “Owshitthisthing’stwistedroundmybitsaaaaarrrghgetitoffOMGthere’samammothinfrontofme!”
Also, if it’s territory cold enough to support wooly mammoth, why is this dude running around in almost nothing? Silly fellow, he’ll get frostbite.
That guy looks like He-Man. Gross.
Is it misandry that I like She-Ra way more than He-Man?
That pic reminds me of Boris Vallejo’s (sp?) stuff. That’s hurl-worthy all by itself.
No wonder – look at the URL, it’s a picture by Frank Frazetta, another famous artist in that genre.
Yes, I didn’t know the name Frazetta. I’d have probably thought it was a Vallejo pic otherwise. The thought of two of ’em (at least) churning out that stuff … gah.
Forgot to add to my post….The rooster girl is hanging with the mammoth bunch.
I can picture a MRA reading a Conan or John Carter story, thinking it’s real history.
“By Crom, life was really like this before feminism! Crom!”
I tried to draw a mammoth in MS Paint. I think it looked like Jackson Pollock made a kangaroo.
Shaun: Share! Gotta be better than MRA art!
Here’s my entry 🙂 I hope this link works
Those are great, Supernova!
I made some banners last night but I only had my laptop handy. I need to plug into my big monitor and edit them because I think I misaligned some mammoth bits (and text!). However, the weather is supposed to be gorgeous tomorrow so it might have to wait.
Yeah, Vallejo is basically inspired by/copying Frazetta.
My dad is kind of a Frazetta fan. I think part of the reason he likes Frazetta is because my dad is not attracted to thin women, and likes to kind of make a big deal out of it.
I don’t particularly dislike Frazetta, but his pictures certainly had a lot of Male Gaze goin’ on.
I went and looked a bit at the site that the Frazetta mammoth image came from.
My inner middle-schooler keeps saying, “Look, it’s a butt! Look, there’s another one!”
Butts are inherently funny, IMO.
OK, last Frazetta post.
What the title should be: “Misandry”. (The snake represents feminists.)