announcements we hunted the mammoth

Name change! Banner/Logo contest! [UPDATED]

He's getting a promotion!
He’s getting a promotion!


UPDATE: See below for updates, marked with UPDATE in bold

Man Boobz is about to become We Hunted the Mammoth.

That is, I’m changing the name. And I may end up fiddling a bit with the look. The actual content of the blog itself won’t really be changing.

I’ve been kind of frustrated with the old name for a while. I came up with it on the spur of the moment when I first started this blog and, to be honest, it’s kind of a dopey name. It doesn’t really fit what the blog has become, and I’m a bit tired of explaining it to people (“no, boobs as in nincompoops, not breasts”).

The new name, as all you regular readers know, is based on a phrase that’s already associated with the site. Granted, I’ll have to explain its meaning to people, just as I’ve had to do with the old name, but at least it has a better story behind it. (See the FAQ for more details; the relevant stuff is at the end.)

Naturally, a new name means a new banner, and that’s where you all come in. Yep, we’re having a BANNER/LOGO CONTEST. It will run for a week, more or less, and then I’ll pick a winner or two. The prize is … your banner will be the banner! Also you will receive my undying gratitude. [UPDATE: Some commenters here have started talking about setting up a fund to provide the winner with prize money; if you’re interested, check the comments. I’ll make an official announcement if/when we get something set up. And of course I’ll donate!]

The rules are simple: You can submit artwork, or a logo, or a finished banner. It should have a mammoth in it. I like the mammoth artwork above – and if you click on that image you’ll get a high-resolution version of it. But you can use some other public domain mammoth art, or draw your own mammoth. Stick to black and white and perhaps red.

The text should read: We Hunted the Mammoth. In smaller letters, the tagline: “Men’s Rights” and the New Misogyny. I’m inclined to go with the same font I’m using now – the free font Magnum. But if you’ve got a better idea, go for it. You can do the text by hand it you want. [UPDATE: Scratch that tagline, and replace it with The New Misogyny, tracked and mocked.]

If you’re making a banner, make it the same size of the current banner. Give it a transparent background. If you absolutely can’t fit everything into that space, I suppose you could make the banner a teensy bit taller. 

I want to thank JohnnyKaje for her outstanding work on the current Man Boobz banners – including that amazing Cock Carousel artwork. I’ll put the old banners up on the FAQ page when the new banner goes up.

Feel free to submit rough sketches, to ask questions and make suggestions about the banner/logo — and about the site look and layout. You can post them online, or email them to me at [email protected].

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10 years ago

First comment here. Been following this blog for several months now. I definitely agree with the others on here that the “Misogyny. I mock it.” slogan has to stay (plus I think that picture of that child is absolutely hilarious) in some form or another. I think “We Hunted the Mammoth” is a great name though (especially after having only just learned the meaning behind it, and it’s hilarious as well).

Now, I don’t know anything about banners and such, but I have a great idea for the slogan. I suggest: “Mocking the Mammoth Misogyny of the Manosphere.”

What do you think?

10 years ago

I’m all for changing the site title, but add me to the host clamoring to keep “Misogyny, I mock it,” as the title. Not a big fan of “We Hunted the Mammoth” either, since that makes it sound like we’re the ones saying that. They Hunted The Mammoth, I’d be okay with, like Auntie Alias suggested. We’re a mockery site, and I think the title should reflect that. As for suggestions, hmm…

Cockblock Carousel?
Bonbon Brigade?
Mockery and Cats?
Mocking Misogyny?

RE: David

Mocking the new misogyny?

Honestly, I don’t see anything ‘new’ about these guys’s schtick. They don’t deserve the adjective.

RE: cloudiah/AL3H

I hope katz and/or LBT submit designs. I would be willing to help subsidize if they don’t want to work for free. (I like that I’ve become a little patron of the arts around here.)

Whoo. If I’m paid, I’m happy to submit, but you’d have to be willing to wait a week; I just came back from a con, have two commishes stacked up, PLUS the writeathon is still going. April has been hella busy for me, and I’m definitely feeling the strain.

RE: Lili Fugit

I suppose the overly sensitive could read some kind of transmisogyny into it,

Uh, it’s not overly sensitive. Have you HEARD the sort of shit people say about trans women’s bodies? They have all the right in the world to be pissed! I’m a trans guy, and I’ve been uncomfortable with the site title here sometimes.

RE: Lionel

“Imaginary Mammoths”, viz; the kind that MRAs think they’d be able to catch, & act as though though they would catch.

I actually think this idea isn’t bad either.

10 years ago

The Mammoths of Misogyny? (Gawd, that sounds like a rather good Jean Auel book.)

10 years ago

I noticed links to this site, but it’s really too long and clumsy to remember and refer to.

Also, you could have a theme of: “hunting the mammoth: the elephant in the room of the MRA movement is its misogyny”, but I don’t know if it’s catchy.

10 years ago
10 years ago

@leocigale the expression on the mammoth’s face is just classic!

Ally S
10 years ago

That’s some great artwork, leocigale!


How about “We Hunted The Mammoth” with the tagline “Mocking the misogyny of the manosphere”?

10 years ago

What is “Mocking Misogyny” was the blog title and “They Hunted the Mammoth” the tagline. Because I agree that it shouldn’t sound like *we’re* the ones who hunted mammoths, and also that it’s kind of long for a blog name.

10 years ago

leocigale’s art makes me laugh! It ought to be used somehow.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

@ leocigale, the illustration is wonderful! I love the added touch of the trilby.

@Ally, it’s pretty wordy. So is “We Hunted The Mammoth” for that matter. I don’t think that’ll work with the Magnum font. leocigale’s version kind of drives home how much space is going to be needed for the text.

I’m thinking of taking a run at a design but don’t want to give it much thought until David confirms what the text is going to be. If the name is “We Hunted The Mammoth”, is that supposed to appear in quotation marks in the logo?

10 years ago

I like Mocking Misogyny, myself. Reminds me of chanting slogans in the Pride parade years ago.

“What do we mock?”
“When do we mock it?”

Ally S
10 years ago

@Auntie Alias

Yeah, I guess it is pretty wordy. =/

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

What is “Mocking Misogyny” was the blog title and “They Hunted the Mammoth” the tagline.

I really like that idea. “Mocking Misogyny” is short and gets right to the point.

10 years ago

Leocigale, did you draw that? I love it!

10 years ago

Leocigale, NICE!

10 years ago

Yeah, I like Mocking Misogyny too. Mammoth references something, but Mocking Misogyny gets to the heart of who we are and what we do. I love having the mammoth and the woman on the rooster carousel as images, which are in-jokes, but I feel the title of the site shouldn’t be.

10 years ago

Also, if I designed logo stuff, not gonna lie, I’d be tempted to draw one of those terrifying scary fat ladies riding a mastodon into battle, waving a spear.

10 years ago

Terrifying and scary to THEM, I mean. Not to us.

10 years ago

Here’s a better version. Anyone feel free to use it.

10 years ago

@Kevin Kirkpatrick

I don’t want to overly complicate this, but the generic “I’ll do a contest so I can get something for free and struggling artists don’t have to be paid for their work” appeal always raises my hackles a bit, and I’d love to see at least some consideration given to a way to pay someone for their hard work.

Actually, it’s more like “I’ll do a contest so the hobbyists who frequent the site can have a bit of fun coming up with a funny image for a blog”. Not every artist is a professional.

10 years ago

I can save it with a transparent background too, if you guys need. And if you have ideas for other pictures I can draw them and post them. 🙂

10 years ago

Kevin: “I don’t want to overly complicate this, but the generic “I’ll do a contest so I can get something for free and struggling artists don’t have to be paid for their work” appeal always raises my hackles a bit, and I’d love to see at least some consideration given to a way to pay someone for their hard work. ”

I doubt many submitting art are struggling artists. I love this site, so if I have the talent to contribute something I will. Besides, I love drawing cartoons. Especially when they involve cute mammoths.

10 years ago

Yeah, I’m a pro artist, and not gonna lie, I don’t plan to submit anything without getting paid, because I don’t work for free, ESPECIALLY not during con crunch and with two commissions and writeathon going on.