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Harassment as Activism: Men's Rights Redditors Gleefully Dox a College Student, Face No Repercussions

No long post today. Instead, I urge you to go over to the AgainstMensRights subreddit to read about how several long time Men’s Rights Redditors have doxxed and harassed a college student, with one of the regulars gleefully setting forth a plan to stalk her and ruin her life and another seeming to suggest he might want to pay her a visit to “debate” her.

Some screenshots from the original Men’s Rights subreddit discussion:


AceyJuan -2 points 12 hours ago (4|6)  High school or University? If it's HS, then report everything to the administration on a weekly basis.  If it's University, then she's an adult and deserves what she gets. Here's what you do:      Gather several photos of her, her full name, and a good collection of her most hateful posts.     Post all of it to some lovely webpage that will rank highly on search results. Facebook or Google+ comes to mind. Be sure not to identify yourself as the author.     Let her own bile destroy her future careers. Unless she plans to become an academic feminist, then it might actually help her.     Stop engaging her online, except very short responses like "this is hate speech."     If you've the time, do the same for her most enthusiastic followers.     (Bonus) If you're still angry in 2 years, keep track of where she works and be sure to share her writings appropriately.

TracyMorganFreeman 1 point 7 hours ago (3|2) White men are 72% of all suicides, and have the highest occupational deathrate and second highest occupational injury rate after Hispanics. Either she doesn't know this, or thinks "deserving of help" isn't based on who is most hurt in a given arena, although it could be both. In any case, she appears to be in Connecticut. I don't live too far from CT, and would gladly debate her.

The thread (which remained up for many hours) has now been scrubbed by the Men’s Rights mods — I got these screenshots from u/Aceyjuan and u/TraceyMorganFreeman’s respective timelines —  but as of right now none of the doxxers have been banned from the subreddit, or from Reddit itself.

The “crimes” of the woman in question? According to her main stalker — who has apparently been harassing her for months — she’s tweeted comments like “white men are like the gum on the bottom of my shoe” and “Jared Leto looks like the kind if guy that gives you herpes.”

Yep. Apparently the second-worst evil misandrist comment she made was … a joke about Jared Leto. For these comments, apparently she deserves to have her life ruined.

Here’s the thing: If you don’t like someone’s comments online, you are certainly well within your rights to quote them and point out why you don’t like what they said. That’s kind of the point of this blog. But it’s one thing to point out these comments, and another thing entirely to track down their identity and stalk them in real life. It’s another thing to whip up a virtual mob against them.

Doxxing by Men’s Rights Activists isn’t an accident; it’s the inevitable result of the peculiar style of Men’s Rights Activism.

MRAs, you see, seem utterly incapable of engaging in any kind of activism that might actually benefit men in the real world in any concrete manner. What they as a group specialize in is demonizing women, and in the case of too many MRAS, nothing gets their activist juices flowing faster than the opportunity to attack an individual woman.

That’s why A Voice for Men “activists” put up “wanted” style posters featuring their favorite feminist villains of the day; it’s why they started That’s why a certain red-haired Canadian activist who yelled at some MRAs once at a protest now finds her image splashed everywhere online as a visual representation of an evil feminist. That’s why MRAs show up at protests with cameras and threaten to expose the women they film — even if they’ve done nothing more than stand there with a sign.

And that’s why they doxx.

The Men’s Rights movement isn’t a civil rights movement.  As it stands right now, it’s a union of abusers, and their enablers.

EDITED TO ADD: Lest anyone claim that the OP didn’t “really” dox the woman in question because he didn’t literally post all her personal details, he provided enough to allow anyone with even rudimentary Google skills to find out her real name and a great deal of other personal identifying information in less time than it would take to order a pizza online.



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10 years ago

“And he brings up his Asperger’s like it’s an excuse.”

as someone on the spectrum as well: fuck this person straight to hell.

p.s. aceyjuan is a confessed rapist.

10 years ago

Unfortunately, that’s how extremists roll. My father was like that and it’s why it took 6 years for my parents divorce to be final. They live for ruining the lives of or harassing people that cross them. They control by fear because they are miserable sacks of shit. One of them will eventually cross a major line; hopefully no one gets hurt.

Cinzia La Strega
10 years ago

It’s very strange that my attacker thought his doxxing would shut down my blog and terrify me into going mute. Didn’t it occur to him that once I was doxxed I COULDN’T “disappear” and that the ONLY choice I had was to own the words he objected to and, in fact, promote them? These guys really aren’t very smart, and will soon destroy any credibility they may have otherwise enjoyed.

10 years ago

Funny how women, POC, LGBTQ and other marginalized people are told to get over it and ignore bigotry. They’re told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and succeed anyway. But then, as soon as straight white men are the targets of some prejudicial tweets, the world comes to the end for them. They sit and stew about it for years! Ridiculous.

Aaaaaand THIS is why that woman complained about the annoyance of white men. Fair play to her, because they certainly do produce more than their share of whiny little prats.

10 years ago

Yeah, I was kinda like, “seriously?” when I saw the reason for doxing. This is shit I read on tumblr on a daily basis. What’re you going to do, dox the entire site? Eesh.

10 years ago

Also, oh god, my sister has been working on our taxes for days, and she’s glaring daggers at me for being a dumbass and reporting to the government as self-employed.

SO MUCH PAPERWORK. And 20% taxes on my income or commit tax fraud. Why, WHY did I report myself as a self-employed artist?

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

Saying anything about white boys, or white people in general, is not, in fact, racist, because racism isn’t about making comments about disliking a general group of people. Racism is about actual tangible things, like, say, an entire civilization with a structure hell bent on oppressing anyone who ISN’T, say, a white male, or a white person.

But yeah, okay. She’s the racist sexist one. Whatev.

Also, hating on Jared Leto has nothing to do with anything except hating on Jared Leto. I’d be more inclined to think, if I had a proper sense of ego and reality, that someone who hates Jared Leto, AT MOST, could be accused of disliking attractive skinny overrated white boy actors with long Jesus hair. None of the MRAs I’ve seen fall into any of those categories. But the idea that Leto is a stand-in for a generic White Boy? Um, yeah. In their dreams.

PS– I have no problem being angry for years at a time. It comes effortlessly to me. Probably because there’s a difference between being angry, and being an emotionally out of control dickhead.

10 years ago

White people benefit from institutionalized privilege that grants them more wealth, less social stigma, complete acceptance, hegemonic white supremacist eurocentric beauty standards, and much more. But when someone makes a joke about white men, white people are suddenly relegated to the status of oppressed people!

Seriously, that’s ridiculous. White people aren’t oppressed by anti-white jokes because their image is glorified by white supremacy. White people are affected by anti-white jokes just as men are affected by anti-male jokes: their privilege is left entirely intact. When women of color are the punchline of jokes, however, those jokes validate social views that contribute to our oppression.

They don’t understand shit about oppression.

10 years ago

Wow, if I got this worked up every time someone tweeted a sexist comment or rude thing about a celebrity . . .

10 years ago

I don’t think I’ve ever been angry about something for two years. Isn’t that kind of tiring?

It depends on what the object of anger is. Personally, I have undying hatred and anger for the abusers I’ve come across – anger spanning over way more than two years.

But this kind of anger from MRAs is clearly just a product of their misogyny and racism, so I do think it’s absurd that they entertain the thought of holding anger towards random women for no reason for 2 years or longer.

10 years ago

What is it with angry misogynists and the tendency to take grave offense when women don’t find a particular male celebrity all that attractive, anyway? This is not the first time we’ve seen that.

10 years ago

Activism, Men’s Rights Style: Doxxing, stalking, rape threats, death threats, physical assault and a ton of whining.

10 years ago

It depends on what the object of anger is. Personally, I have undying hatred and anger for the abusers I’ve come across – anger spanning over way more than two years.

This. I still harbor for my abuser, and for others. It’s like ‘Oh, you’re an abuser? Yeah, you could donate an organ to a child and it still doesn’t make you a decent human being. I’ve had better things on the bottom of my shoe or pulled out of my dog’s butt.’

But this asshole is just…yeah, I take back saying the white guys thing was racist. It’s not like not-white people sit around telling white people jokes.

Actually no, there have been white people jokes. Usually involving dancing. But it’s never been the way I’ve heard white people tell…well, everyone else jokes.

And if not-white/not-straight/not-cis people went around doxxing every person who made fun of them or oppressed them, there wouldn’t be enough of us to keep up the efforts.

10 years ago

Oh my god really? Seriously though, that comment about Leto was completely justified anyways. I’ve heard a lot about Jared Leto and not much of it is good, so really yeah.

But yeah I’ve noticed white guys have no problem making jokes and degrading comments about women and racial minorities and sexual and gender minorities, but the moment you make a joke about them or make a comment about white guys you are a sexist, racist piece of shit. Funny how when it’s the opposite we’re just too thin-skinned and need to develop a sense of humor and it’s not rude if it’s true.

10 years ago

RE: cassandrakitty

The cynic in me wants to say that it’s because they think attraction is a one-dimensional scale, and thus if women don’t find so-and-so attractive, then they have no chance, and that’s AWFUL.

Never mind that attraction doesn’t work that way; these people don’t seem to understand how women or people work.

10 years ago


I wonder what they think about me, as an asexual woman?
“That bitch doesn’t find any of us attractive! Oh the misandry!”

10 years ago


Yeah, that’s what I suspect, but it just seems so silly. I only have one friend who likes pretty much the same men that I do, and even then there are cases where one of us will be all “hey baby!” and the other one will be like, “really?”.

10 years ago

RE: Lids

I’m mostly ace myself, but I’m a gay man and don’t exist to them.

RE: cassandrakitty

I only have one friend who likes pretty much the same men that I do, and even then there are cases where one of us will be all “hey baby!” and the other one will be like, “really?”

No kidding. Hubby and I have very different tastes, and neither of us has really high attraction rates to men anyway, so we have yet to find the same person attractive. Though I can totally appreciate on an intellectual level what he sees in Alan Cumming!

10 years ago

Off topic for a second: You know what I’ve always noticed with me and my gay guy friends: the crossover for guys we think are hot isn’t that big. There’s a lot of the ‘hey he’s cute/what are you smoking’ going on? And the same thing happens with me and straight guys, a lot of the women that are supposedly universally hot I’m all ‘…I don’t get it.’ Not that it matters to his crowd, ’cause bisexual women only exists for threesomes. (Not that threesomes don’t have their place, but that doesn’t mean I wanna bang you and your girlfriend, random guy.)

Am I right that ‘ace’ is slang for asexual, or am I woefully ignorant? ‘Cause that sounds cool.

LBT you totally exist! You get to be their token minority who sits in a corner and takes what they get! /s

Gag me.

10 years ago


As a fellow ace woman… yes. Exactly that. Also we are a challenge they’ll “solve” and thus prove how alpha they are.

@the bullshit

Yeah, I’m trans*, ace, poly, a woman, mentally ill, etc… If I was to hold onto a grudge for years over every asshole who belittled a group I belonged to or made a bad joke against people like me, I’d never have time to do anything else.

Honestly, it’s shit like this that really hammers home how not oppressed white men are. I mean, if this is the “worst” they’ve encountered (and it is), so much so that this seems worth having a two year long hategasm (that apparently gives your life its only meaning)? Then clearly you have nothing else in your life that is remotely challenging or difficult. It’s like the Christians who try and argue that not being allowed to discriminate against gays is the worst form of oppression or white suburbanites trying to pretend that a phone center having other language options is a mark against them.

If your life is so empty and devoid of hardship that that looks like “oppression”, then you’ve never gotten in the same zip code as oppression. Me, I have to deal with a gauntlet of microaggressions, every day, whether I step out of the house or not. I was gobsmacked and super pleased when an institution I joined was only ace-ignorant and prone to dumbass statements about that, instead of everything. Because that’s the default expectation I have been trained to have.

And it honestly makes me want to give these overprivileged fucks a 24 hour period of real oppression so that they will fully understand how much it differs from this penny-ante abuser-self-justification bullshit.

10 years ago


It is indeed the shorter form of asexual. And it’s metal as fuck.

10 years ago

The funny thing is that this may well end up being the worst oppression that he ever experiences. Having a high school kid say mean things to him and about a sleazy rock star.

10 years ago

MRAs, you see, seem utterly incapable of engaging in any kind of activism that might actually benefit men in the real world in any concrete manner.

I’m curious. What exactly do you suggest somebody does if they want to engage in activism to benefit men?

10 years ago

I’m curious. What exactly do you suggest somebody does if they want to engage in activism to benefit men?

– Raising awareness of prison rape and why it’s a problem

– Raising money for prostate cancer research

– Volunteering with mental health groups that help men overcome stigma so they are willing to seek treatment