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Harassment as Activism: Men's Rights Redditors Gleefully Dox a College Student, Face No Repercussions

No long post today. Instead, I urge you to go over to the AgainstMensRights subreddit to read about how several long time Men’s Rights Redditors have doxxed and harassed a college student, with one of the regulars gleefully setting forth a plan to stalk her and ruin her life and another seeming to suggest he might want to pay her a visit to “debate” her.

Some screenshots from the original Men’s Rights subreddit discussion:


AceyJuan -2 points 12 hours ago (4|6)  High school or University? If it's HS, then report everything to the administration on a weekly basis.  If it's University, then she's an adult and deserves what she gets. Here's what you do:      Gather several photos of her, her full name, and a good collection of her most hateful posts.     Post all of it to some lovely webpage that will rank highly on search results. Facebook or Google+ comes to mind. Be sure not to identify yourself as the author.     Let her own bile destroy her future careers. Unless she plans to become an academic feminist, then it might actually help her.     Stop engaging her online, except very short responses like "this is hate speech."     If you've the time, do the same for her most enthusiastic followers.     (Bonus) If you're still angry in 2 years, keep track of where she works and be sure to share her writings appropriately.

TracyMorganFreeman 1 point 7 hours ago (3|2) White men are 72% of all suicides, and have the highest occupational deathrate and second highest occupational injury rate after Hispanics. Either she doesn't know this, or thinks "deserving of help" isn't based on who is most hurt in a given arena, although it could be both. In any case, she appears to be in Connecticut. I don't live too far from CT, and would gladly debate her.

The thread (which remained up for many hours) has now been scrubbed by the Men’s Rights mods — I got these screenshots from u/Aceyjuan and u/TraceyMorganFreeman’s respective timelines —  but as of right now none of the doxxers have been banned from the subreddit, or from Reddit itself.

The “crimes” of the woman in question? According to her main stalker — who has apparently been harassing her for months — she’s tweeted comments like “white men are like the gum on the bottom of my shoe” and “Jared Leto looks like the kind if guy that gives you herpes.”

Yep. Apparently the second-worst evil misandrist comment she made was … a joke about Jared Leto. For these comments, apparently she deserves to have her life ruined.

Here’s the thing: If you don’t like someone’s comments online, you are certainly well within your rights to quote them and point out why you don’t like what they said. That’s kind of the point of this blog. But it’s one thing to point out these comments, and another thing entirely to track down their identity and stalk them in real life. It’s another thing to whip up a virtual mob against them.

Doxxing by Men’s Rights Activists isn’t an accident; it’s the inevitable result of the peculiar style of Men’s Rights Activism.

MRAs, you see, seem utterly incapable of engaging in any kind of activism that might actually benefit men in the real world in any concrete manner. What they as a group specialize in is demonizing women, and in the case of too many MRAS, nothing gets their activist juices flowing faster than the opportunity to attack an individual woman.

That’s why A Voice for Men “activists” put up “wanted” style posters featuring their favorite feminist villains of the day; it’s why they started That’s why a certain red-haired Canadian activist who yelled at some MRAs once at a protest now finds her image splashed everywhere online as a visual representation of an evil feminist. That’s why MRAs show up at protests with cameras and threaten to expose the women they film — even if they’ve done nothing more than stand there with a sign.

And that’s why they doxx.

The Men’s Rights movement isn’t a civil rights movement.  As it stands right now, it’s a union of abusers, and their enablers.

EDITED TO ADD: Lest anyone claim that the OP didn’t “really” dox the woman in question because he didn’t literally post all her personal details, he provided enough to allow anyone with even rudimentary Google skills to find out her real name and a great deal of other personal identifying information in less time than it would take to order a pizza online.



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10 years ago

Has this been reported to the police?

10 years ago

Are they under the impression that this woman is the first to point out Leto’s rather sleazy persona? Because if so, LOL.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I don’t think I’ve ever been angry about something for two years. Isn’t that kind of tiring?

10 years ago

“Be sure not to identify yourself as the author”
So, they are aware that this is messed up……..

10 years ago

C’mon Caitlin, you know he’s still gonna be angry in 2 years. Maybe not at the same things, but he’s gonna be an angry person.

10 years ago


I was once in first grade math class, and I was talking to my friends about cartoons when the teacher told my table to be quiet and pay attention. It was my first experience with blatant misandry, and it has never left my dreams or my mind in all that time. My anger boners give me strength and also a way to press elevator buttons when my hands are full. So yes,being angry about something for years can be tiring, it is also well worth it.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

Required posting: this is how creepy this shithead is.

They posted the following screed in AMR. I have since removed the post, but obviously, as a moderator, I still have access to the post. Here’s the text:

Yes, I’m the MRA responsible for the post about that girl, and I’ve seen the post on AMR. I use different throwaways so I can post frequently. I also often banned.
I don’t regret it one bit, and I’m proud that I was responsible for her locking her tweets. The less people that have access to her hate speech, the better. She is a vicious, sexist, racist bully who makes insulting and demeaning remarks and generalizations on a daily basis.

What I did was NOT harassment- she publicly makes racist and sexist comments about people and about me, so yeah, I’m gonna answer. That’s how it works. When you post that “all white men are ugly”, it’s not harassment when white men respond in anger. As nothing I said was a lie- ask her about the conversation she had with Taylor moss back in February. Yeah, Taylor moss is me also.

I’m a very nice person in real life. I am absolutely not racist or sexist in anyway. However, I WILL defend myself when attacked. I was heavily bullied by feminists in high school- one feminist girl told me that I was “retarded” for having aspergers, and that guys with autism are “freaks.”

I like how you ignore the fact that my accusations were true- look at what she said!

“White men are like the gum on the bottom of my shoe”

“Jared Leto looks like the kind if guy that gives you herpes”

Wtf? I’m supposed to feel sorry for that idiot? Hell no, she deserved everything she got. And the account that alerted her on twitter? That was me to. I wanted her to see it.
Why isn’t it harassment when she makes racist and sexist comments?

Tumbleinaction SHOULD go against her. She SHOULD be shut down. Being a “woman of color” does NOT give you the right to make sexist and racist generalizations.

Hate groups do not deserve quarter, or respect. Hate groups deserve to be destroyed. If the girl we’re talking about could make any law she wanted and ruled the world, I wouldn’t have civil rights. I wouldn’t have healthcare, I wouldn’t have legal protection, and I wouldn’t be able to vote. Why? Because of the kind of person I am? No, because of the way I was born. Because of my skin color. Because of my gender. People like that can’t be allowed to influence people.

So if you know her, tell her and all those like her, this is just the beginning. 6 months ago I was suicidal, but I decided to stay alive for this. To stop the hate and bigotry that is feminism

But I’m curious, looking at the MR front page now, which posts do you object to? Which of the current front page posts are misogynistic? The intact Houstin post? The post about men being raped? Funny, AMR always says we don’t care about male victims of rape, yet there such a story is on the front page.

All emphasis are mine.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

Damn, I got stuck in moderation. D:

10 years ago

You know how you can predict whether or not on any specific day the misters will be doxxing, harassing, or otherwise trying to make sure people with opinions that are different than theirs are getting bullied and intimidated?

There’s a very simple formula.

Is it a day of the week ending in -day? Then it’s a day when the misters are going on a rampage as described above.

You’re welcome.

10 years ago

I guess this plan could work if in two years she’s working for Jared Leto.

10 years ago

Live by the dox, die by the dox, dudes. They’re just lucky that most people–unlike them–are decent.

10 years ago

Okay, fine, the ‘white guys’ thing was racist/inappropriate. I don’t know what the context was, but fine. The appropriate response to that would have been to tweet ‘That’s racist/rude/etc.’
The other thing is a joke. (It also happens to be funny, ’cause Jared Leto is kinda sketchy looking.)

And this is supposed to be a human rights movement. Is this even legal? This is harassment; if you followed someone around and told strangers about them and posted posters with their name and face, the person would be within their rights to report you for harassment/stalking. And the internet is, in this day and age, just as public, why is it okay for people to get away with this?

And these people are nothing but cowards. If they were so righteous they would be plastering their own name everywhere, but they know they’re doing something wrong. Pathetic. How are these people not banned?

If they keep doing things like this and there aren’t any consequences for it, that just gives them leeway to keep pushing the rules until they break, or they hurt someone.

10 years ago

She could sue technically, but I doubt she has those funds.

Free Mars
Free Mars
10 years ago

The claims about her that were used to whip up this angry mob appear to be largely fabricated. It is unlikely this MRA is in her class, and seems she is not a leader of feminist groups, and so on.

Also, this same MRA admits he went on Omegle and posed as a “feminist” with comments like “isn’t circumcision great?” and then linked back to this women’s social media profile. In other words they impersonated her to encourage more harassment.

MensRights subreddit was eating out of his hands of course. All the skepticism they show whenever (for example) a feminist claims anything or a woman was raped suddenly disappears when an unverified and unlikely story encourages them to harass someone online.

10 years ago

How pathetic do you have to be to not only dox someone who pissed you off on the internet, but keep information about her in your computer to deploy for life ruining purposes two years later? Seriously?

Funny how women, POC, LGBTQ and other marginalized people are told to get over it and ignore bigotry. They’re told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and succeed anyway. But then, as soon as straight white men are the targets of some prejudicial tweets, the world comes to the end for them. They sit and stew about it for years! Ridiculous.

Cinzia La Strega
10 years ago

As someone who has been doxxed and smeared (as most of you may already be aware), I have looked into all the possible legal remedies. In the U.S., we are very limited because of our liberal protection of free speech. Rebecca Watson (among others) has received direct death threats, and has not been able to get much help from law enforcement so far. Some of the things that were said in my attacker’s post were factually untrue, but the harm comes from the “opinion” or subjective characterization of my behavior which is protected. Even if I had $20,000+ to throw at a lawyer, it wouldn’t help. Once this stuff is thrown out there, and picked up by aggregating blogs, the damage can’t be undone. As David has pointed out, they go after people like myself who are obscure and have no online presence to mitigate or bury the smears. In some ways I’m fortunate because I am at the tail end of my professional career, and I work in a field (academia) in which being the target of hate groups is not necessarily a career-wrecker, but for these young women who are just starting out, it could be an effective means of sabotaging them. It really, really sucks and I don’t know what anyone can do at this point beyond building awareness that this is happening more and more (and almost exclusively to women).

10 years ago
Reply to  cassandrakitty

I wasn’t even angry at my ex-husband for two years.

10 years ago
Reply to  tesformes

Oh sure, I see this guy existing as a ball of rage until the day he expires. I was more remarking on the idea that he’s going to be angry at the same girl two years later for some tweets she posted when she was a teenager. It’s psychotic, and I don’t use that word lightly.

10 years ago

RE: Cassandrakitty

I don’t think I’ve ever been angry about something for two years. Isn’t that kind of tiring?

I have been, and yes, it is tiring. I kinda needed it to get the fuck away from them, though, after being under their influence for a year plus.

Also, seeing what I read on tumblr on a daily basis, I’m still kinda boggled that apparently this sets them off so mad. Aren’t these the assholes who constantly claim that people should grow a thicker skin?

10 years ago

I think the other silver lining is that they’re making themselves look stupid because they seem to be making stuff up-this is one person, not a hate group.

But this is abusive behavior, and even if there aren’t a lot of legal ramifications, that doesn’t mean sites like Reddit and Facebook and Twitter should tolerate it. I really do appreciate free speech, but there are limits. We have laws against libel and slander for a reason.

Okay, so a Jared Leto joke is sexist and racist, but rape jokes are all in good fun. Yeah. Okay. …this is ridiculous. And he brings up his Asperger’s like it’s an excuse. He can, as someone on AMR said, step on all of the Legos.

10 years ago

So, today we have learned that not wanting to fuck Jared Leto means that you think white men shouldn’t be allowed to vote. When 30 Seconds to Mars fanboys attack?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

If the girl we’re talking about could make any law she wanted and ruled the world, I wouldn’t have civil rights.

Who can argue with that? o_O

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