So at this point you presumably all know about James Franco’s less-than-successful attempt to text his way into the pants of a 17-year old fan — which, if it wasn’t just a publicity stunt for his latest movie, which happens to be about a creepy teacher preying on a student, was pretty creepy for real.
You might have been struck by the, er, bluntness his approach, which could be summarized as the “I’m James Franco, are you technically of legal age in New York State, can I get you alone in a room with me right now, no I’m really James Franco, really” technique.
But what you haven’t seen yet is an analysis of Mr. Franco’s TEXT GAME by a recognized expert in the field. And by expert I mean our new friend Christian McQueen, the Alpha Playboy with the Obviously Fake Name.
Mr. McQueen asks the timeless question: Was Mr. Franco’s TEXT GAME desperate or just direct?
To some it may seem like he’s being ‘thirsty’, but is he really? Or his text game actually the type of game that high value men use?
After going line for line through Mr. Franco’s conversational gambits with the wary teenager — which, you may recall, not only failed to convince her to come to his room but also created a bit of an embarrassing scandal for him — McQueen concludes that Franco’s game was …. “solid.”
No, really.
You see, when you’re James Franco, you can just go ahead and behave like some dude straight out of the CreepyPM subreddit, because you have “so many options, that [you] can go Ultra-Direct in [your] text game and many players who are on a great level utilize this.”
Don’t bother with small talk. Don’t bother with charm. All you need to do is state your famous name, determine if she is of legal age in the state you are in (and she was, in New York), and then proceed to work out the logisitics. And BAM, you’re in like Flynn. (Though one imagines that the real Erroll Flynn actually tried to work some personal charm into his approach with women.)
McQueen sums it up for us mere mortals:
[H]is ’game’ was not ‘thirsty’, but simply Direct. While not great, it was solid.
He is a celebrity, so it’s less about him using Game and more about him asking questions as though they are completing a transaction. She gets to fuck a celebrity and he gets her pussy. Simple.
Yeah. Except that none of that happened and now a guy who could have slept with any one of literally millions of enthusiastic volunteers over the age of 18 is now the poster boy for celebrity creepiness.
He could have been smoother and possibly gotten the bang, but he probably does not care.
Yeah. Unless this is all a publicity stunt, I’m thinking that he probably does care just a little bit now.
This is classic I Don’t Give A Fuck Game.
When your value is high and your time is precious, you don’t give a fuck if she rejects you. This is Next Level.
Well, if by “Next Level” you mean “an approach so crude and creepy that it not only squicked out the 17 year old fan that it was directed at but also millions of female fans who’ve now seen the texts online.”
He put out minimal effort to prove it was him, which was understandable considering she doubted it was him, and when she balked, he ejected quickly.
I guess he’s got a point here. It would have been even worse if Franco had stuck around and tried to pressure the fan to see him.
Remember gents, when your Game is tight and you have High Value, you can go Direct. Men of High Value don’t have time to be wasted. You may get rejected immediately, but you also won’t waste time with girls just seeking attention and validation.
You may, on the other hand, be exposed on the internet as a creepy predator. But I guess Men of High Value don’t care about that, which is why Franco didn’t go on Live With Kelly and Michael shortly after this broke to apologize for it all. Oh wait. He did.
Huh. That doesn’t sound High Value at all.
J.J. : has he thought about how he’d feel if he was the one being creeped on? Can you think of any situations to give as examples where you know he would feel creeped on?
J.J, I’m wondering – does he care that a man creeping on a woman is essentially putting her in fear?
Off topic, but…
I want to know if lions and tigers do it, too! Somebody give a toilet roll to a tiger!
I already know big cats like boxes as much small ones do.
First off: OMG CUTE. My dog jumped up trying to see what I was watching and was ‘where are cats I can has cats kissy face.’ I love my dog.
After Game of Thrones and one very long online conversation with the boyfriend, he does think women are people, that we shouldn’t be condescending, that he agrees with a lot of the feminist culture and that slut shaming is unacceptable. He just doesn’t want the guys who are actually trying not be boundary-crossing to get lumped in with the others who are trying to hurt people, and to have resources that don’t turn them into assholes, because then everything just gets worse. Also I showed him ‘escalation to the sex location’ guy and he was all O.O and then proceeded to laugh. So apparently stupid misogynists are funny. I think we’re okay.
Eh, even if someone isn’t actively trying to cross boundaries, intent isn’t magic.
J.J – whew!
Alex – me too, I want to see big cats playing with toilet paper!
Now that would be something … never mind all those fantasies of recreating extinct animals like mammoth; let’s have a sabretooth and see what she could do with toilet paper and cardboard boxes!
JJ, addendum: I think he’s got it backwards in the idea of guys who aren’t trying getting lumped in with predators. It’s the predators (the majority of creepers, as was pointed out upthread) who are using the idea, as much as the reality, of the Shy/Awkward/Aspie Guy as cover. They’re the ones he should be blaming, and their enablers, not the women who simply want boundaries respected and have explained, and explained, and explained about this.
I also suspect what he’s reading as condescension is probably people who’re sick to death of having to explain this to grown-ass men who’re playing the “but I don’t get it, it’s so haaaarrrd” game when they do indeed get it. There’s an element of “If you’re not doing this, it’s not about you” he could remember.
Dogs vs toilet paper:
All cat species are more alike than different it seems! The GoT premiere was so good I’m watching it again.
LOL at the dogs!
Say, neuroticbeagle, do you know the Off the Leash cartoons? The boss just emailed me some today and they’re hilarious.
And when you get blocked, introduce roughage.
I think we have the makings of an e-book here.
Beware of women who know about
CockGastro-Stop. They’ll try to stop your Game with it.Glad to see what a fan you are Mr. Manboobz. Apparently you’re a daily reader of my excellent blog. Continue writing about me, as my book sales increase due to the traffic.
You would be better off ignoring my articles and focusing on your own fitness and life. From the photos I’ve seen of you, it appears you’re one Happy Meal away from a heart attack.
I can’t be too insensitive to you though…with your physical looks, or should I say lack of looks, I’d be an incredible hater of men like me too.
Oh dear.
LOL oh my, fellow has to pat himself on the back … fellow who uses a stock photo as his gravatar.
Wait a second.
Someone writes an article about someones analysis of a situation, and says that the second someone’s analysis was dumb for a, b, and c reasons.
Second someone shows up and says essentially, “You’re ugly, so ha! I’m selling books!”
… and that’s supposed to convince us the second someone is a more clever and amazing person than the first someone, instead of just a jerk taking advantage of a gullible audience, how?
Oh boy, a Quality PUA Blogger™. Please, Your Sageness, enlighten us!
Re: big cats and TP: I have seen a picture of a leopard comfortably ensconced in a cardboard box, so the “if it fits, kitteh sits” adage most definitely applies to big kittehs.
Have you seen the video of big cats and boxes, Bina? It’s the best.
This is what Christian’s comment reminds me of – minus the cuteness
Yeah. I believe he’s selling books. /sarcasm
Yup, I’ve seen that big cat video…and the black leopard is the one I saw in the pic, too. I just love the bobcat in there…”fuck ferocity, I’m a-playin’!”
McQueen is using the “You’re just a big fat jealous loser” defense. Very mature.
I can believe it. Conmen are often successful, despite being despicable. What I don’t believe is that any traffic he’s gotten from this site has resulted in book sales.
Oh look, everybody! It’s a troll! I mean, they’re about as common as squirrels minus the adorableness, but let’s look anyway.
“Nightclub Bible: The Authority On Picking Up Women In Nightclubs and Stripclub Bible: The Authority on Picking Up Strippers”
Those are some creative titles, dude. I have some suggestions for the titles of your next books: Catnip Bible: The Authority On Picking Up Cats On Catnip
Peanut Butter Bible: The Authority On Picking Up Dogs Who Like Peanut Butter
Nectar Bible: The Authority On Picking Up Nectar-Loving Butterflies
I’ve seen a few before but they are definitely worth looking at again.
This one is good- manly dogs hunting the ‘mammoth’ for female dogs: