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MGTOWer complains: By 18, women are "either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) f***ing the football team."

Every Man Going His Own Way's favorite fantasy
Every Man Going His Own Way’s favorite fantasy

In case anyone was wondering, the Men Going Their Own Way movement has managed to survive the implosion of that I wrote about a little while ago. Yep, the regulars from there have moved on to several new forums where they continue to celebrate their independence from the women of the world by happily discussing such manly hobbies as video games, model trains, taxidermy and knitting.

Oh, who am I kidding? They don’t talk about any of that stuff. Basically they continue to nurse their grudges against the women who wouldn’t date them in high school, somehow convincing themselves that the best way to be “free” of women is to obsess about them every minute of every day.

Take the charming fella who calls himself ManWithAPlan, who has managed to win himself nearly 1900 “likes” from his comrades on the MGTOW HQ message boards with comments like the following:

I hate [women] because most of them acted like stuck up cunts when they were young and hot. Then they hit 30+ and decide to settle down, and when there are no men to settle down, they start shaming men. This is where most of my hate/negativity comes from, the fact that these women feel entitled to “good” men after having spent the last 15-20 years telling guys “just because you bought me a drink/dinner doesn’t mean I owe you sex”.

And every woman acts this way. Oh you want to slut it up? Sure go ahead and be a cum rag, but I would never date a cum rag. And how would they react to that? “Oh well that’s your preference and you’re entitled to it”. Yeah right, they’d flip their shit and go into shaming language ahoy.

The reason I derive so much pleasure from this is because for the first time in their lives women are being held accountable for their actions. And they don’t fucking like it. Remember when some girl/woman got you in trouble for just crying while you weren’t in the wrong? This is fucking payback.

(Emphasis mine.)

This may sound a little harsh, but you need to remember that for most young women, life is just an endless VIP party:

Women are born with their so called value. By 15 or whatever they have the looks and power to attract most men. By 18, depending on how attractive they are, they’re either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) fucking the football team. And they retain this value until at some point into their 30’s, sometimes 40’s. Men get nothing. We are born invisible. We have to claw, work and suffer for 2-3 decades before we get any recognition. And by that point, we no longer have the energy or fast metabolism we had in our youth. So that means double time for us.

Women are handed the world on a silver platter, men have to fight for it.

Is the MGTOW movement the least successful “independence” movement ever? They’re like someone who breaks up with you, angrily marches out the front door, slams it behind them — and then spends the next five years on your front porch peering in the window.

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Ally S
10 years ago

I find it so comical how women and their mangina friends are so threatened by MGTOW. Why so threatened?

Only threatened by the ones that violate our boundaries and make us feel unsafe. The rest of your kind is just pathetic and shamelessly bigoted – not too much of a threat.

Are you afraid more men will discover that women just aren’t worth it?

The more men stop pursuing us as sex objects, the better. Unfortunately, you MGTOWs just don’t want to actually go your own way. I’m assuming the reason for your hypocrisy is that you, like all MGTOWs, are afraid of losing the opportunity to be around us because it is by owning us through sex (or rape, if you indeed are that guy) that you get to validate your identity as a man. Sex is synonymous with ownership to you, and you don’t want to feel like your desire to own others is wrong because that would compromise the masculinity that is so dear to you.

Maybe you’ll think I’m being facetious because I’m a trans woman, and obviously no straight man would ever be sexually interested in our kind. You’re going to have a hard time justifying that view, however, given the unceasing straight male demand for “tr*nny” and “shem*le” porn that depicts us as exotic sex objects who deserve to be treated like trash and the fact that most people who rape and murder us are straight men.

Afraid that society will stop putting pussy on a pedestal? That would be so terrible!

Nope. In fact, I very much welcome the day we are no longer considered sex objects and accused of being privileged for our status as sex objects. Being reduced to external genitalia never was and never will be tantamount to being placed on a pedestal.

Who would foot the bill for your granite countertops for the kitchen you don’t even cook in?

I prefer marble countertops myself. Does that make me more or less anti-male? If it means I’m more anti-male than other women, then I’m an especially mean misandrist. I not only hate myself (clearly I’m a trans woman only because I “failed” as a man), but I hate all men as well due to my love for marble countertops. :: hiss ::

10 years ago

What an oddly specific complaint. I’m guessing that angry dude’s ex had granite countertops, then?

PS – You’re not supposed to cut things directly on a granite surface, it can leave marks and damage the pretty finish. That’s what cutting boards are for. Guess your ex was smarter than you are, huh?

10 years ago

BTW, ime what happens when kitties get on a granite countertop is that they are displeased with how cold it feels against their paws and therefore they quickly jump down while meowing irritably.

Ally S
10 years ago

Next thing you know he’ll start explaining why he thinks it’s reasonable to cook crepes on a gas stove without a pan.

10 years ago

Gas stoves are misandry because men dominate the oil and gas extraction industries because women hate jobs that pay well, and dude is too dumb to have ever asked himself a question like “when I flip the light switch where does the electricity come from?”.

Ally S
10 years ago

I think you’re mistaken. Everyone knows we get our electricity from cats. There are factories in which big fluffy cats roll around back and forth, generating static electricity enough to power the entire world.

10 years ago

Yeah, but who has to wrangle all those cats? Men, that’s who!

And they get some pretty nasty scratches on their arms, too. Makes being with your wife during labor look like a cakewalk.

10 years ago

Cats are misandry because you’d think they’d have the decency to only scratch women, but do they? No, they do not.

10 years ago

I find it so comical how women and their mangina friends are so threatened by MGTOW. Why so threatened?

Threatened? More like amused by your hypocrisy, and mildly annoyed that you never seem to shut the fuck up.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Next time I give birth, I’m bringing cats into the delivery room with me. They can do all the dirty work of scratching up the menz while I bon-bon my way through labor.

But he’s such a Gneiss Guy!

I groaned, but I also laughed.

My sediments exactly. That was clastic.

10 years ago

I find it so comical how women and their mangina friends are so threatened by MGTOW. Why so threatened?

Lawls, we’re not threatened, we wish you would go already. Believe me, dudes like you won’t be missed.

How does it feel to be such an impotent rage monster, so much so that the only way you can get women’s attention is to type angry little screeds on a blog? It’s really saying more about you than us, duder.

10 years ago

I am all for putting the pussies on a pedestal:

My pet sitter came over today to pick up the keys (I’m visiting my parents next weekend) and she was very surprised by how tall Pan is. He was only half-grown last time she saw him.

10 years ago

Lookit the kitty worship pedestals!

Mads has a post like that. Unfortunately her usual pose on it reads as “kiss my arse”.

10 years ago

One of my parents’ cats likes to play-fight with people when she’s up on cat trees. This causes some problems with me, because she takes a swat at whatever is closest to her (not with claws out, but still…) and usually what is closest to her of me is my boobs!

Their other cat has trouble getting down from the top perch. He climbs onto it from the loft over the bookshelves, but then getting down…

(They have a really big cat tree, probably six and a half feet high.)

10 years ago

I find it so comical how women and their mangina friends are so threatened by MGTOW. Why so threatened? Are you afraid more men will discover that women just aren’t worth it? Afraid that society will stop putting pussy on a pedestal? That would be so terrible!

I find it so comical how you think you speak for all men. Or even a fraction of men. Or anything but a little bunch of whiners.

Anyway, what’s so bad about a vagina that it needs to be used as an insult? Never mind, I don’t want to hear your opinion on it.

You sad, strange little man.

Who would foot the bill for your granite countertops for the kitchen you don’t even cook in?

I’m a man who has no idea how to build a granite countertop (you melt the granite down and pour it into a mold… I guess? Or is that just for swords?), but what’s so darn masculine about footing a bill that a woman can’t do it just as well?

10 years ago

wordsp1nner – ouch!

10 years ago

Enjoy the meal, blockquote monster.

10 years ago

Oh noes, the Blockquote Monster ate Anarchonist! 😯

10 years ago

MGTOWs are more than welcome to GTOW. I’m not sure how removing such a bunch of whiny, self-absorbed guys from the dating pool really threatens anyone.

10 years ago

I find it so comical how women and their mangina friends are so threatened by MGTOW. Why so threatened? Are you afraid more men will discover that women just aren’t worth it? Afraid that society will stop putting pussy on a pedestal? That would be so terrible! Who would foot the bill for your granite countertops for the kitchen you don’t even cook in?

Get the fuck out of my country. You won’t be missed!

10 years ago

::waves excitedly::

Hi, Captain Bathrobe!

10 years ago

Really, if you have to keep telling people how much they’re going to miss you when you go your own way, you are neither: A. Going your own way or B. Going to be missed much when (and if) you do go.

Which is kind of sad, but if these MGTOWs actually went their own way and developed hobbies and interests other than castigating women and whining, they might actually develop some kind of well-rounded personality that other people might actually find appealing. They might form friendships based on common interests and goals rather than hatred/disgust of women. And then somebody might actually miss them when they’re gone without having to be told about it.

Fabian Prewett
Fabian Prewett
8 years ago

I find it so comical how women and their mangina friends are so threatened by MGTOW. Why so threatened?

@Canadian MGTOW

I’m sure that you’d like nothing more than women feeling threatened by Men Going Their Own Way. That’s the response you want. Unfortunately it’s not the response you actually get.

Be honest, none of you really want to go your own way, do you? Let’s face it, if that were true you would have by now…well GONE. The truth is that you want women to stop you. But no women are stopping you. If you want to know why, then have a look at some of the horrible things MGTOW say about women. There’s your answer, right there.

To be honest, I do have a bit of a morbid fascination with MGTOWs in the same way that some people rubberneck at the scene of a car crash. I find it amazing at how little MGTOWs know about actual women. Well, not that amazing, all things considered. It is so obvious that all your ‘knowledge’ about what women want (shoes and handbags and alpha males, apparently) comes from a pooling of MGTOWs imagination. It becomes more and more warped the more you all feed off each other to the point where ‘women’ become unrecognisible. You should all get out more.

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