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MGTOWer complains: By 18, women are "either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) f***ing the football team."

Every Man Going His Own Way's favorite fantasy
Every Man Going His Own Way’s favorite fantasy

In case anyone was wondering, the Men Going Their Own Way movement has managed to survive the implosion of that I wrote about a little while ago. Yep, the regulars from there have moved on to several new forums where they continue to celebrate their independence from the women of the world by happily discussing such manly hobbies as video games, model trains, taxidermy and knitting.

Oh, who am I kidding? They don’t talk about any of that stuff. Basically they continue to nurse their grudges against the women who wouldn’t date them in high school, somehow convincing themselves that the best way to be “free” of women is to obsess about them every minute of every day.

Take the charming fella who calls himself ManWithAPlan, who has managed to win himself nearly 1900 “likes” from his comrades on the MGTOW HQ message boards with comments like the following:

I hate [women] because most of them acted like stuck up cunts when they were young and hot. Then they hit 30+ and decide to settle down, and when there are no men to settle down, they start shaming men. This is where most of my hate/negativity comes from, the fact that these women feel entitled to “good” men after having spent the last 15-20 years telling guys “just because you bought me a drink/dinner doesn’t mean I owe you sex”.

And every woman acts this way. Oh you want to slut it up? Sure go ahead and be a cum rag, but I would never date a cum rag. And how would they react to that? “Oh well that’s your preference and you’re entitled to it”. Yeah right, they’d flip their shit and go into shaming language ahoy.

The reason I derive so much pleasure from this is because for the first time in their lives women are being held accountable for their actions. And they don’t fucking like it. Remember when some girl/woman got you in trouble for just crying while you weren’t in the wrong? This is fucking payback.

(Emphasis mine.)

This may sound a little harsh, but you need to remember that for most young women, life is just an endless VIP party:

Women are born with their so called value. By 15 or whatever they have the looks and power to attract most men. By 18, depending on how attractive they are, they’re either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) fucking the football team. And they retain this value until at some point into their 30’s, sometimes 40’s. Men get nothing. We are born invisible. We have to claw, work and suffer for 2-3 decades before we get any recognition. And by that point, we no longer have the energy or fast metabolism we had in our youth. So that means double time for us.

Women are handed the world on a silver platter, men have to fight for it.

Is the MGTOW movement the least successful “independence” movement ever? They’re like someone who breaks up with you, angrily marches out the front door, slams it behind them — and then spends the next five years on your front porch peering in the window.

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10 years ago

Thanks kittehserf. I too agree with your feelings on AFL. it’s everywhere and it’s all anybody talks about. Even when the season ends they start talking about the draft picks NOOOOOOOOO!

10 years ago

as for hot sportsmen…this dude floated my boat but he’s been the only one (it helped that he totally ran down English player Mike Catt and secured a win)

yeah, Kittehs, took us a while to get used to the football/soccer thing. In NSW, it’s all called football, except football.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
10 years ago

This is where most of my hate/negativity comes from, the fact that these women feel entitled to “good” men after having spent the last 15-20 years telling guys “just because you bought me a drink/dinner doesn’t mean I owe you sex”.

Ironically, this is where quite a bit of my hate/negativity comes from. Though, being differently gendered, I might write it:

These women have come to the conclusion that they’re entitled to “good” men as contrasted with their previous dates, which women spent the last 15-20 years telling, “No, you raping me is not on the menu at Outback. Buy me a drink, don’t buy me a drink, sex still requires this thing called ‘consent’.”

Yeah, I don’t know why, after 15-20 years of explaining to every man a woman dates that is rape of her would not be acceptable because without that clarification, he might actually believe he can shell out $8 for a rum and coke served over ice cold cubes of consent. I have no idea why women might get tired of that and start to put, “would not ever rape me” on the minimum standards list for future partners.

It’s just so stunning to see women’s nightmares (for none of us have to explain the “don’t rape us” concept to *every* guy we’ve ever met) up there in all their exaggerated glory used to prove that ***guys*** get shafted by women.

There’s missing the point and then there’s missing the broad side of a barn while standing in the middle of a quad of broad-sided barns.

10 years ago

Same juvenile, bullshit ranting, different day.

If the MRAs want to get together, whine about how unfair life is, and pretend that one day the world is going to flip its axis and they will be in the driver’s seat with women groveling at their feet, they can have at it. But it’s not going to happen, and they aren’t doing themselves any favors by pretending that it is. Things are just not going down in the real world for most people the way MRAs think it is.

My kids are all in their 20s, and my nieces and nephews are mostly in their early to mid thirties. I know most of their friends. Most are working on bachelors or masters degrees, as are their boyfriends and girlfriends. Some are planning weddings. All my married nieces got married between 28 and 34. The young men are knowingly committing to educated females who will likely work, at least somewhat, and none of them are combing the high schools for 15 to 18 year old girls. Some women, including friends of mine who are divorced/widowed are indeed asking where the good men are, but that’s them finally figuring out the talent pool is much smaller than they thought, and always has been. However, none of them have any plans to lower their standards just to get married and that includes the young women.

The fact is, that the life experiences of MRAs/MGTOW and most of their opinions are in the minority. They can tell themselves whatever they want to get through the day, but it won’t change the general outcome. So go your own way already, guys!

10 years ago

But, wait, he’s totally contradicting himself here. He’s calling a woman who doesn’t have sex with a man just because he bought her a drink a “sl*t” and a cum rag.”

Well, those women had sex with *other* men. You know, there is a lot of talk here that the MGTOWs are angry because women have turned them down. But I think it might be more that they’re angry because women had sex with other men *but not them*. They don’t get that women can decide with whom to sleep. Unfortunately, that is a rather common attitude; see also all the “slutty women have it coming” rape excuses. In the minds of those people, once a woman starts to have sex, *they personally* are also entitled to sex with her. She cannot be able to choose partners for herself.

10 years ago

“Life experiences” of most MRAs = shit I read on the internet

10 years ago

On a lighter note, to show their mental development level:

Remember when some girl/woman got you in trouble for just crying while you weren’t in the wrong? This is fucking payback.

They really haven’t gotten over fucking elementary school after all the decades!

10 years ago

You know, I just finished writing a piece about the demise of MGTOW Forums and then this…abomination of a website appears. Good timing on my part…

10 years ago

By 18, depending on how attractive they are, they’re either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) fucking the football team.

I will take an oath that I did neither of these things by the time I was 18.

I am also not sure if I was more or less attractive. That varies from man to man, I think, since they have individual preferences just like women do. I think?

10 years ago

Oh, blockquote monster, I have not failed you.

DreamingRainne (@DreamingRainne)

As I understand it, Football is so called because the players are on foot, as opposed to on horseback (Polo).


The reason I derive so much pleasure from this is because for the first time in their lives [men] are being held accountable for their actions. And they don’t fucking like it. Remember when some [boy/man] got you in trouble while you weren’t in the wrong? This is fucking payback.

Flip the genders around and the psychological projection is revealed.

10 years ago

What’s this bullshit assumption that we all spend our twenties fucking football players. Some of us spent our twenties fucking musicians! Geez. These guys don’t just have a ridiculously narrow and rigid idea of what is attractive in women. They also have a ridiculously narrow and rigid idea of what is attractive in men.

10 years ago

OT shoutout to Samantha if she’s reading this. I have a PDF of the 1973 “man child pill” dude’s article you were asking about earlier.

10 years ago

I was pretty hot in my teens and 20s (blonde and everything!), and I never fucked a football (or soccer) player. I never wanted to either. And I didn’t even know any millionaires.

What world does this guy live in?

:: waves at Big Momma ::

10 years ago

Men get nothing. We are born invisible.

And yet, two sentences previous:

By 18, depending on how attractive they are, they’re either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) fucking the football team.

Are the football players and the 30-year-old millionaires also invisible?

10 years ago

I’m thinking the teenage girls who did not date the 30-year-old millionaires or fuck the football team were the actual invisible people.

10 years ago

Also, if a 30 year old millionaire football player pays for my dinner, am I supposed to offer him joyless obligation sex because he’s a man, or am I supposed to refuse him because I’m saving my joyless obligation sex for the right kind of man who buys me some butternut squash ravioli?

I have many questions, really.

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

Men get nothing. We are born invisible.

Oh boo hoo, Sparky. Unattractive women are invisible too. But they don’t matter to these self-pitying jerks because, hey, just women. If their dicks aren’t interested, the person is invisible.

It’s true that attractive women get attention–but then, it isn’t necessarily the kind of attention anybody would really want, given the choice. (Marilyn Monroe got plenty of attention, but it didn’t make her happy.)

And, sorry dudes, not all women get that much. There are plenty of “invisible” women. You could try seeing them.

We have to claw, work and suffer for 2-3 decades before we get any recognition. And by that point, we no longer have the energy or fast metabolism we had in our youth. So that means double time for us.

Yeah, women never work hard or suffer.

Cry me a river.

Women are handed the world on a silver platter, men have to fight for it

Seriously, if I squint and peer sideways, I can kinda sorta see where these shitstains are coming from. Historically men had to “prove” themselves, and women didn’t necessarily have to “do” anything in order to be successful at their gender role (for the sake of argument I’m going to ignore the fact that that isn’t actually all that easy for a lot of people.)

Dudes. Shit or get off the pot. Don’t complain about changing gender norms and then complain because the traditional norm you’re loyal to demands that you must constantly prove yourself.


Are the football players and the 30-year-old millionaires also invisible?

I think the point is, ANY WOMAN CAN GET IT IF WHENEVER SHE WANTS (providing she has no personal preferences/standards whatsoever) BUT I’M SO OPPRESSED I HAVE TO BE ALL NICE TO THE BITCHES IN ORDER TO GET THEM TO SAY YES!! or something like that.

10 years ago

How many 30 year old millionaires does he think exists in the world? Or football teams (Even granting him the gratitude to include all four types of football I’m aware of, even though I’m pretty sure he only means the one that barely involves feet)? I mean, seriously, the world is over 50% female, now even if you believe each 30 year old millionaire, or footballer is having multiple partners, it still would not equal enough to equal all women. And let’s not forget the many many countries that do not particularly care for any form of football, and don’t have many millionaires…hang on, is that why these guys like North Korea so much?

I mean, I’ve heard these fears before. I remember complaining that no girl would be interested in me, that they only wanted jocks, athletes, and tough guys, and I’d never get anywhere by being nice….then I turned 18, grew the fuck up, and got out and met people. Surprisingly I managed to have more positive experiences with women by talking and meeting with them, rather than whining at home on my own. Who knew?

10 years ago

I have seen these “arguments” repeated by this crowd so many time. I am actually curious what do they think about women who are lesbians or bisexuals. I know that they can’t think outside their heteronormative phatriarchal box

10 years ago


Thanks kittehserf. I too agree with your feelings on AFL. it’s everywhere and it’s all anybody talks about. Even when the season ends they start talking about the draft picks NOOOOOOOOO!

And it’s just ONE MORE reason to hate bloody Rupert’s bloody tabloids. ::grinds teeth::


They really haven’t gotten over fucking elementary school kindergarten after all the decades!


Hi Crip Dyke!

I wonder if these dudes’ heads would explode if they went to a country where jocks and colleges and all the other USian stereotypes that fill their tiny little brains didn’t exist?

Not that it’d do them any good. They’d still be ignored, or at best, laughed at.


10 years ago

American football players mostly scare me, honestly. I dunno what mysterious female desire misogynists think they appeal to, but my subconscious response to them is mostly “big, scary, violent, aggressive person who reminds me of an angry gorilla – avoid”.

The kind of people (some women play too – I wonder if they considered that when they were concocting their little fantasy) in high school are far more varied in personality and physique than the ones who play professionally. I am so not into sports, but I had a huge crush on a guy when I was at high school in America who happened to be on the football team. I liked him because he was cute and funny and smart. The fact that american football pants are tight around the bum is just a bonus. NB: at my school the cheerleaders were also varied body types and perfectly nice people.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

I demand to know where my silver platter is. Also, I keep hearing about the government showering feminists with money and I have yet to see a penny of it.