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MGTOWer complains: By 18, women are "either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) f***ing the football team."

Every Man Going His Own Way's favorite fantasy
Every Man Going His Own Way’s favorite fantasy

In case anyone was wondering, the Men Going Their Own Way movement has managed to survive the implosion of that I wrote about a little while ago. Yep, the regulars from there have moved on to several new forums where they continue to celebrate their independence from the women of the world by happily discussing such manly hobbies as video games, model trains, taxidermy and knitting.

Oh, who am I kidding? They don’t talk about any of that stuff. Basically they continue to nurse their grudges against the women who wouldn’t date them in high school, somehow convincing themselves that the best way to be “free” of women is to obsess about them every minute of every day.

Take the charming fella who calls himself ManWithAPlan, who has managed to win himself nearly 1900 “likes” from his comrades on the MGTOW HQ message boards with comments like the following:

I hate [women] because most of them acted like stuck up cunts when they were young and hot. Then they hit 30+ and decide to settle down, and when there are no men to settle down, they start shaming men. This is where most of my hate/negativity comes from, the fact that these women feel entitled to “good” men after having spent the last 15-20 years telling guys “just because you bought me a drink/dinner doesn’t mean I owe you sex”.

And every woman acts this way. Oh you want to slut it up? Sure go ahead and be a cum rag, but I would never date a cum rag. And how would they react to that? “Oh well that’s your preference and you’re entitled to it”. Yeah right, they’d flip their shit and go into shaming language ahoy.

The reason I derive so much pleasure from this is because for the first time in their lives women are being held accountable for their actions. And they don’t fucking like it. Remember when some girl/woman got you in trouble for just crying while you weren’t in the wrong? This is fucking payback.

(Emphasis mine.)

This may sound a little harsh, but you need to remember that for most young women, life is just an endless VIP party:

Women are born with their so called value. By 15 or whatever they have the looks and power to attract most men. By 18, depending on how attractive they are, they’re either dating 30 year old millionaires or (if less attractive) fucking the football team. And they retain this value until at some point into their 30’s, sometimes 40’s. Men get nothing. We are born invisible. We have to claw, work and suffer for 2-3 decades before we get any recognition. And by that point, we no longer have the energy or fast metabolism we had in our youth. So that means double time for us.

Women are handed the world on a silver platter, men have to fight for it.

Is the MGTOW movement the least successful “independence” movement ever? They’re like someone who breaks up with you, angrily marches out the front door, slams it behind them — and then spends the next five years on your front porch peering in the window.

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10 years ago

Buttercup – bumbling though he was Gilligan was at least good natured, something no MGHOW is guilty of. Gilligan might spill the drinks everywhere or knock the roof down but he wouldn’t be a miserable toxic rapey PoS while he was about it!

Yeah, the Professor was rather nice.

10 years ago

American football players mostly scare me, honestly. I dunno what mysterious female desire misogynists think they appeal to, but my subconscious response to them is mostly “big, scary, violent, aggressive person who reminds me of an angry gorilla – avoid”.

10 years ago

That’s exactly how I feel about Australian footballers, whatever the code. They’re not as huge as American footballers, but the cultures are so misogynistic, there’s so much sexual violence, so many sexual assaults, and the games themselves are all about aggression – they can’t even control themselves with each other; there’s a rugby player who’ll probably be quadriplegic after someone tackled him and broke his neck. To me, a man being a professional footballer makes him much more likely to be a sexual predator. There are just too many rotten apples in that barrel.

10 years ago

Well, preliminary results using 2009 IRS millionaire calculations and 2010 census data suggests each millionaire would have to date 561 women, a year… So, about 1.5 women, a day.

This estimate is conservative, actually, as it assumes all single millionaires who filed a return are male, which isn’t the case.

Having trouble finding numbers for American footballers. Why the heck do we even call it football, anyway? There’s little foot-ball contact, as near as I can tell.

The rest of the world has football correct.

10 years ago

What about the women who are millionaires, or play football? Who do they get to date?

10 years ago

… Except for, apparently, Australia.

Do you really call it football? Or are you humoring us?

10 years ago

The name is a bit odd, isn’t it? Basketball is the game where you try to put the ball in the basket. This makes sense. Football is the game where you throw the ball, tuck it under your arm, and run with it? And then very large men act as human battering rams and knock you over? I guess they kick it a couple of times a game, but still.

10 years ago

aerial pingpong

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Gilligan would probably be a fun date. No expectations, no anger, and at some point during the evening you’d both end up wearing coconut bras.

The Professor was smart without being patronizing or mansplainy. Though I never could figure out why he couldn’t fix the hole in the boat.

I’ve known some nice football players (even dated a semi-pro wide receiver) but yeah, the whole culture around football encourages toxic masculinity. At our high school, all the scariest, nastiest bullies were footballers. You really didn’t want to be alone with them.

10 years ago

There are nice people who’re worth dating in almost every group, what confuses me is the idea that all women and girls want to date football players, like it’s some sort of universal female impulse. I mean, did they not have punks or goths or nerdy kids who’d rather hang out in the library at his high school?

10 years ago

… Except for, apparently, Australia.

Do you really call it football? Or are you humoring us?

Alas, real football is called soccer here (though they do have ads saying “Soccer is real football.) What’s generally called football is Australian Rules, or the more accurate “aerial pingpong” Magpie quoted.

Soccer’s the only one of the codes I’ve ever bothered watching, and even that’s on very rare occasions, and paying minimal attention. I can’t abide the obsession with Australian Rules here – front, middle and back of the damn papers most of the year. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


If I say that I don’t generally find football players sexually appealing at all is that misandry or being a slut?

Shaming language ahoy!

It really annoys me when they toss out the shaming accusation and I haven’t been able to pinpoint why. It’s like they’re putting feminists in the role of mothers who have the power to shame little boys. It’s gross.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

If only there were some other way to attract women besides being a millionaire, a football player, or negotiating sex through contractual-obligation dinners. Hm. *ponders*

10 years ago

I don’t understand how they can profess to believe things that are so demonstrably false. I don’t fell like I am wildly out of the norm, but the world they describe bears no resemblance to the world that I have observed. I mean, I am a man that is not rich, I’m not hella hot, I’ve never played football, and yet I have been in a number of stable relationships with women since I was 15 years old, and in my early twenties I had casual sex with various partners. That whole time my friends and acquaintances were also involved in similar relationships and none of them were millionaires, and while a couple of them have at various times played on casual armature football teams, that fact never seamed to be a factor in their romantic or sexual lives. I do know one couple that met on a volley ball team that played in the neighborhood park, but I don’t really think that these guys are talking about that sort of thing. So how is it that they can’t see that their professed beliefs are so wildly a variance with observable phenomena?

10 years ago

BTW, before and trolls decide to point out that the preferences I’m expressing aren’t mainstream – yep, I’m very aware that my preferences aren’t the norm, especially in the US. That’s the problem with generalizations like “all women” though, if you’re going to make them then they need to actually include all women and even a few exceptions make you look like a dumbass.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Fatman, it seems to have never occurred to them that women actually have found partners after the magic expiry age of 30 or that some women are content being single. I guess it’s like all their rage fantasies – they shape reality around their wounded fee-fees and nothing in the world can pry them loose.

10 years ago

If only there were some other way to attract women besides being a millionaire, a football player, or negotiating sex through contractual-obligation dinners. Hm. *ponders*

It’s baffling. Just baffling. ::shakes head::

10 years ago

I think that they might not actually believe the things that they profess. Perhaps they are just bitter choads that have found that they can gain some of the acceptance that they crave by trying to make up the most fucked up bullshit that they can think of about the women that they blame for their bitter lives, and then sharing the bullshit stories with their cohort of similarly bitter choads. The fact that the stories are clearly false is not an issue because they are not trying to convince anyone, they are just trying to one up each other in the game of “I Hate Women the Most.”

10 years ago

@Auntie Alias:

“It really annoys me when they toss out the shaming accusation and I haven’t been able to pinpoint why. It’s like they’re putting feminists in the role of mothers who have the power to shame little boys. It’s gross.”

Very true. Also its just so insane since shaming women for being “sluts” or “fat” or “hypergamous” is actually their entire platform.

10 years ago

Whoops! “Absurd/ridiculous/hypocritical/idiotic” rather than “insane”. We try to avoid the ableist snark.

10 years ago
Reply to  Fatman

Fatman, they’re just angry and feminism (and women generally), are easy targets because they know they won’t have to look far to find men who agree with them (especially online).

A lot of these men don’t actually see women as human, but as objects for male pleasure (it is most probably how they were raised). They see women purely as things that are supposed to keep men happy, so they essentially de-humanise women and then wonder why the ‘fem-bot’ won’t do what it’s supposed do. Especially since he’s been told all his life that it will, and now the damn thing isn’t working!

Think of it this way, you buy a robot that is supposed to clean your home and cook your dinner, then that robot starts to say “no I don’t think I want to do that, I want to go and get a job outside the home”. You think, “bad robot! Not only are you not working outside the home, but I’m going to take out your batteries when the work is done so you can’t go anywhere! I’ve paid a lot of money for you and you’re damn well going to do what the store promised me you would do.!”.

Then one day the robot is reading the paper and it sees a group of other robots who feel the same and decides to join the group without the knowledge of the owner. Over time the movement gets bigger and bigger and robots from all over the world come together and start pushing to have their freedom so they too can enjoy the fruits of their labor and the spoils of the world.

You become more and more enraged that the robots are not doing what they are supposed to be doing (and what you were promised they would do all your life), and you start to project your anger onto the robot for choosing to have a life of its own and not conforming to the owners wishes. Some people choose to destroy their robot physically, and some choose to incapacitate the robot by removing the batteries or refusing to oil it when it needs it, or maybe just threatening the robot with being smashed if they try to leave.

When you see something as less than human…or a lesser human, it’s very easy to take your anger out on it, and to use whatever means necessary to bring it under control.

10 years ago

rugby (both versions) is also called football in Australia

10 years ago

Leisha – that’s an excellent summary. I’d only add my guess that these guys are the sort who’d hate the robots even before any notions of independence stirred things up.

10 years ago

I wasn’t sure if it was, BigMomma. It tends to get called rugby in Victoria because of course AFL is teh real football. ::hurl::

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Fatman, I wish that were true. Unfortunately, when they’re challenged away from their home base, they stubbornly cling to their lies.

Leisha, great robot analogy!

girlsmarts, yeah, their level of self-awareness is 0.