a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy evil sexy ladies evil women grandiosity kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Pickup artist: "If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight."

The problem — well, one of the many problems — with a lot of so-called pickup artists is that they think with their dicks, and then use their relatively underpowered brains to rationalize their dickular preferences as The Way The World Should Be.

By contrast, the problems with Lance Christopher, a so-called pickup artist who hangs out in the comments section on Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog, really start when he stops thinking with his dick.

 Lance Christopher • 7 days ago  I've always come back to this stark reality about women after I cum, and think is my dick my friend or enemy? Literally I'd go through tedious hours of the most boring conversations about bullshit. The moment I'd tried to bring up something substantial, it would be the same vapid look of cluelessness. So as an insurance policy to get the pussy, you just play along. But my God, how we (intelligent men) debase ourselves for these people. I've even tried to talk with some women about their respective fields of work and for the life of me, I don't understand how these bitches get jobs. I tried to go into a detailed discussion with this blonde the other day about why the Ukraine and Crimea are Russian due to the history of the Kievan Rus' and the Tsardom etc etc... (because her field is "international relations"), she said with a serious so-called academic look that, "I really focus on gender studies in the Mideast, mostly in Pakistan." So I said, "let me guess, the right of women to go to school in Islamic societies, right?" And bingo!!! She has a "Master's Degree" for this. Needless to say I got her business card despite her having a boyfriend (sorry man lol). If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight.  3 • Reply • Share ›

Some dudes roll over and fall asleep the moment after they come; Mr. Christopher contemplates genocide because women don’t want to hear him pontificate about Ukrainian history.

In case you’re wondering, no one else in the discussion suggests that Mr. Christopher’s opinion here might be a teensy bit extreme.

No, the commenters happily share terrible opinion after terrible opinion about the inferior creatures known as women.

 SpaghettiBoy • 7 days ago  Pretty much what this boils down to is that women do not and cannot rationalize, visualize, believe in, conceptualize and realize the following ideas:  1) Philosophy 2) Science 3) God 4) Higher existence  They are, however, exceptionally gifted at direction their total existence with unwavering dedication towards:  1) Me, me, me, me, me, me, memememememmeme 2) Dick  And men are dogs? Nigga, please.  11 • Reply • Share ›

Oh, it gets worse.

 Brigadon • 7 days ago  And that's why you cannot treat women as having agency. The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was in deciding that women were actually human. Humans are intelligent creatures capable of influencing their environment, responding cognitively to change, communicating meaningfully, and making informed decisions. Women are capable of a stilted form of communication that cannot convey real meaning, only emotional states. They have no agency, cannot meaningfully influence their environment, and cannot react cognitively to change or override their instincts to make informed decisions.  The only way to 'fix' things is to understand they they are at best animals capable of performing some simple tasks, and understand simple directions. Stop treating them like they should have some say in their own destiny or our shared culture, since their very nature precludes this possibility.  Hell, the very structure and exercise of 'Game' only works by acknowledging the complete inability of women to exercise control over their animal nature. If they were thinking creatures, game would never work. It indisputably does, which is undeniable proof of female lack of sapience.  You can love them, but love doesn't work if it exists in denial of reality... you are only hurting them and yourself by assuming that your love can be returned.  5 • Reply • Share ›

Cleanup in the pompous misogyny aisle!

You’ll notice that all of these comments have upvotes, by the way.

There may be some even more terrible comments in that thread, but I gave up reading them after a few screens full of this sort of garbage.

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10 years ago

Derp! That Franco link is a brilliant rebuttal to the usual “If it were (famous attractive actor) she wouldn’t be creeped out.

Used these thingies “<" in the first one.

10 years ago

Even if a replacement for women came along, MRAs would despise the replacement and want to exterminate that, too. They’re yoked miserably to their own desire and need someone to hurt and trample on. Women wreck the illusion of omnipotence for them.

Women are capable of a stilted form of communication that cannot convey real meaning, only emotional states.

Yup, they have a tremendous amount of their self-image and sense of place in the world invested in those desires and need.

Interesting that they are hugely hateful of women and spend so much time and energy on that EMOTIONAL state, when they seem to attribute real stupidity to people who have emotions. It just amazes and amuses me no end that they seem incapable of recognizing the elementary illogic and inconsistencies in their “thinking.”

Me now content. Slightly hungry. Much morning. Very wake.

*reads MRA blatherings*

Disgust. Ennnui. Laughter. Complete bafflement. Do not want.

Wonderfully eloquent! Hehehehehehe

10 years ago

@ted the fed

In MRA world, women are expected to excel at things that most men can’t even do just to be considered “equal.”

All women must be able to complete a 60 mile ruck march carrying three hundred pounds of gear otherwise, oops, women are inferior and can’t serve in combat.

Likewise, all women must be experts in Crimean history or we are just a bunch of ignorant dumbasses.

But lucky for men, Einstein was a man who did or said something smart once so that just proves all men are superior to women!

Red pill TRUTH! And our failure to agree with this obvious fact just further proves how dumb we are.

10 years ago
Reply to  tealily

I think logic just took on a whole new meaning.

Happily, only in THEIR teensy weensy itty bitty tiny and pointless universe.

10 years ago


Yes, I just love how MRAs conveniently forget that anger is also an emotion. Of course, they would never admit to being angry. The millions of words MRAs have devoted to bashing women is just evidence of er, logic, or something.

10 years ago

Oops, I see there is already another Alice here. Maybe I should change my name to Lurker Alice since I rarely comment.

10 years ago

Also, has the guy ever considered dating someone who shares his interest in *insert topic here* which would then allow for conversation and physical intimacy ?

I’m sure there are plenty of reasons why they only have managed to bed “simple” women. I don’t mean this as an insult to the women, it just seems like what this guy claims he wants and what he settles for are a bit in odds with each other. As long as he gets laid, he tolerates disliking the person – and that’s just sad.

Hey, guess what. Based on this logic, my significant other is an idiot because he can do nothing except stare in awe and confusion when I discuss anything to do with my interests and fields of expertise. Anything he is into I’m mostly capable of talking about just fine – exceptions being like, I dunno… Star Trek or something.

10 years ago

I love how they talk about women communicate only about emotions. I think they’re confusing emoticons with actual language.

RE: mayimoktoo

That Franco link is a brilliant rebuttal to the usual “If it were (famous attractive actor) she wouldn’t be creeped out.

I’ve never understood this horseshit, seeing as FAMOUS ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE have been charged with rape. Roman Polansky, anyone?

It implies that any and all behavior is okay if you’re famous and pretty which. Uh. Come on, you guys have worked in customer service at some point, right? You ALL have some story about some bigshot customer who thought they were heaven on earth and expected everyone to fawn over them.

10 years ago

RE: Catfish

Also, has the guy ever considered dating someone who shares his interest in *insert topic here* which would then allow for conversation and physical intimacy ?

But that’s the thing, they’re not LOOKING for dates. PUAs are all about the sex. Seriously, all this picking up is purely to get sex.

10 years ago

It is from Malleus maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches), published by Catholic inquisition in 1486, an anthem of “deranged misogyny” used to justify the greatest gendercide in history, the witch hunts of early modern Europe.

So Kramer and Sprenger (the authors of the Malleus Maleficarum) were definitely raging misogynists, and its use was pretty widespread, but neither the Catholic Church nor the Spanish Inquisition were too keen on that particular book (assuming either of those was what you meant by “Catholic inquisition”).

….why does this guy think that this woman is an idiot because she admits ignorance about a complicated issue that isn’t her specialty rather than just bullshitting something about it?

Right? “International relations” is such a broad descriptor, and her lack of interest in or knowledge of the one area he happened to be interested in doesn’t make her stupid or ignorant. I wonder if he even understands how specialized a Master’s degree is.

10 years ago

Yeah, good point LBT.
I mean, they pick up women at pretty random based on looks and then have the audacity to complain that the ones they happen to end up with aren’t up to their standards or something. And I don’t really know how one thinks knowledge of *random subject* is noteworthy either if they’re mostly just random, one time lays.

I mean, I guess it’s possible they keep meeting them as long as they “supply them with pussy” and thus have to tolerate the features they dislike… but it’s still just a really weird concept to me to complain when you’ve all ready determined to seal the deal anyway.

It isn’t the person they are interested anyway, just the body, so their intelligence likely wouldn’t affect their opinion in any meaningful way.

10 years ago

If you’re really just looking for sex, why does it matter whether the person you pick up is smart or interesting or whatever?

(In this case the answer is “because the only thing they really get out of sex is a sense of satisfaction about tricking or bullying unwilling women into it”.)

10 years ago

RE: emilygoddess

I wonder if he even understands how specialized a Master’s degree is.

I’ve known folks who see grad degress as pretty much undergrad++. They don’t seem to realize that grad degrees generally entail, at least in my country, mega-specialization.

(This is why I did NOT pursue linguistics in grad school, despite some folks arguing for it. Do you have ANY IDEA what sort of mindnumbing trivia linguistics grads argue about? Vowel shifts in medieval German. HELL NO, I want to do something a little more concrete with my life, thanks!)

10 years ago

She might also know perfectly well about Crimean politics and either a) doesn’t care or b) doesn’t want to listen to his raging ignorance.

10 years ago

I swear, I never piss off more people than when I have the audacity to enjoy my life and not apologize for existing. It’s like, how DARE I use government funding to keep myself housed and fed? The nerve of me!

[Checks bank account]
[Checks savings account]
[Checks recent transfers of rent and utilities]

I get the feeling that, were I to travel to the US and talk to people about exactly how I finance my life style, I would be lynched. I mean, playing a troll at a children’s birthdays (or a vampire or a knight or a wizard or a devil or the devil or a doctor with a drug habit) only pays for my exorbitant pasta budget. The rest is scholarships from the government.

Fuck ’em! Be happy and enjoy your life, with government funding. I am literally using other people’s tax-money to buy muffins, because I felt like muffins. I don’t understand the kind of person who’d argue against that, given that the money is still in circulation in the economy and there’s been some interesting studies on multiple effects and here, and I still pay taxes, so, here, I’ve got this chart I made…. [trails of into mumbling about curves and elasticity]

Aside from that moment of “Holy hell, I’d love to explain to a true Self-Sufficiency-Is-LIfe believer that I’m paid to study at uni, and so is the rest of the danish population who might do that“…

Also, has the guy ever considered dating someone who shares his interest in *insert topic here* which would then allow for conversation and physical intimacy ?

I’m sure there are plenty of reasons why they only have managed to bed “simple” women. I don’t mean this as an insult to the women, it just seems like what this guy claims he wants and what he settles for are a bit in odds with each other. As long as he gets laid, he tolerates disliking the person – and that’s just sad.

Hey, guess what. Based on this logic, my significant other is an idiot because he can do nothing except stare in awe and confusion when I discuss anything to do with my interests and fields of expertise. Anything he is into I’m mostly capable of talking about just fine – exceptions being like, I dunno… Star Trek or something.

But that’s the thing! They don’t care about all that. Lance Cristopher up there wasn’t having a conversation with someone about international relations, he was having a monologue with a blonde audience about things he figured he could say that might get her into his bed.

It’s an amazing flip of that usual idea you see about how men are all horny penis-werewolves who will mate, or eat, or sleep, and that’s it. Suddenly it’s all about how women get “gina-tingles” and are a shallow and think about themselves and dick, and themselves with Dick.

I’d call it projection, but I’m not sure that’s the right word. It’s more like, they’ve decided to assimilate a common stereotype about themselves and apply it to other people while reversing their normal opposite, so now all these poor, suffering MRA’s want deep discussions of metaphysics, normative relations, international relations, politics and history, and all those damn broads want to do is get laid.

Is there a word for that? It’s a wonderful and hilarious process.

10 years ago

Maybe it’s just resentment over the idea that some women might actually be enjoying sex, again. They really are fixated on the idea that if a woman somewhere is getting laid and not being punished for it later in some way then that’s incredibly harmful to men in some confusing and only vaguely explained way.

10 years ago

David Futrelle

Talk about Misogyny!

10 years ago

RE: Fibinachi

“Holy hell, I’d love to explain to a true Self-Sufficiency-Is-LIfe believer that I’m paid to study at uni, and so is the rest of the danish population who might do that“…

Yeah, I come from the country of Crippling Student Debt. I feel lucky that I managed to get out without any, but that’s because I went to an in-state public uni with a scholarship, compressed four years’ education into two, and had well-heeled parents at the time.

What’s really aggravating to me is that unless you live as a hermit in the woods, NOBODY is self-sufficient. You rely on utility companies, insurance, bosses… hell, fuckin’ repair guys! In my case, disability gives me a safe place to live — no more rusty nails and rotten fiberglass! I’m able to do more when I’m not petrified of ending up on the street. I’m able to help friends and make art and not be scraping to survive.

The argument goes that I’m just being encouraged to be dependant that way, though. Never mind that I freakin’ left my family so they wouldn’t be burdened with a lunatic child. -_-

10 years ago

I wonder if he even understands how specialized a Master’s degree is.

I’ve known folks who see grad degress as pretty much undergrad++. They don’t seem to realize that grad degrees generally entail, at least in my country, mega-specialization.

(This is why I did NOT pursue linguistics in grad school, despite some folks arguing for it. Do you have ANY IDEA what sort of mindnumbing trivia linguistics grads argue about? Vowel shifts in medieval German. HELL NO, I want to do something a little more concrete with my life, thanks!)

As an undergrad religious studies major, I took a ton of biblical studies classes; most of my friends who I geek out about religion to see me as primarily a Bible person. So, naturally, they wanted to know why I am going to study religion and environmental ethics rather than biblical studies. The answer, in twofold, was that a) the job prospects, even by humanities standards, are dismal and b) if I have to do one more concordance study (i.e. taking a biblical passage and looking at how every word in it has been used every other time in the entire Bible) one more time I will die of boredom and tedium.

10 years ago

RE: Leum

Exactly. And anyway, I wasn’t interested in studying linguistics grad level anyway; I only took it on because at the time, I wanted to be a librarian, and library stuff was grad school only. So basically, I was REQUIRED to take an entirely pointless undergrad degree to study what I wanted.

Fortunately, I chose something that proved very useful in my writing, which is my work now. But still, what a fucked up way to make librarians.

10 years ago

So, I noticed the topic has sort of leaned towards higher education in general, and I was going to post this in the Open Thread later, but here it goes for now.

Since many Boobzers have experience with graduate school and/or are currently in grad school, I wanted to ask for some general advice and/or wisdom.

I’m thinking about applying for a local Uni’s PhD in Computational Biology, but I’m a little intimidated by the application process. I’ve gathered the contact info for four of my undergrad profs I’d done research with (almost 10 years ago now), which I’m told is important for such a research focused program. I was thinking about asking my current employer too, since we do yearly projects and independent research for work.

Anyone have any interesting anecdotes, learn-from-my-oops, or recommendations? Should I work on my own personal research more (it’s a kinda silly video game-esque evolution simulator)? Any must dos or absolutely do nots?

10 years ago

RE: fromafar2013

I unfortunately can’t be much assistance on this, since I was a namby-pamby liberal arts dork. (Library Science, woo!) Research wasn’t involved; it’s just that being a librarian is actually pretty heavy-duty shit.

It also wasn’t the right choice for me. I made it through half my education, came to a crossroads, and chose to use the remainder of my funds to finance a move and trans surgery.

So you’re coming at it from a completely different arena, with completely different requirements, far as I can tell. Sorry!

10 years ago


Most of the people I’ve asked IRL said similar things about the probably completely different requirements. My boyfriend’s best friend has his master’s in Library Science too, and so does one of my friends from undergrad. The things my friend with her PhD in English Literature told me just made me more scared! LOL

I don’t want to try and fail miserably because there aren’t very many schools in my area with that program, and I am not quitting my job, selling my house and leaving my boyfriend for graduate school.

10 years ago

fromafar2013: I’d suggest calling their admissions office and seeing if they can put you in touch with one of the professors in the program. It worked really well for me as a humanities prospective grad student, and I bet it’d work for science as well.

10 years ago

I just have a Master’s with a couple of extra graduate level certificates, so a PhD is outta my league, but my advice is – go for it!!!!