a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy evil sexy ladies evil women grandiosity kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Pickup artist: "If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight."

The problem — well, one of the many problems — with a lot of so-called pickup artists is that they think with their dicks, and then use their relatively underpowered brains to rationalize their dickular preferences as The Way The World Should Be.

By contrast, the problems with Lance Christopher, a so-called pickup artist who hangs out in the comments section on Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog, really start when he stops thinking with his dick.

 Lance Christopher • 7 days ago  I've always come back to this stark reality about women after I cum, and think is my dick my friend or enemy? Literally I'd go through tedious hours of the most boring conversations about bullshit. The moment I'd tried to bring up something substantial, it would be the same vapid look of cluelessness. So as an insurance policy to get the pussy, you just play along. But my God, how we (intelligent men) debase ourselves for these people. I've even tried to talk with some women about their respective fields of work and for the life of me, I don't understand how these bitches get jobs. I tried to go into a detailed discussion with this blonde the other day about why the Ukraine and Crimea are Russian due to the history of the Kievan Rus' and the Tsardom etc etc... (because her field is "international relations"), she said with a serious so-called academic look that, "I really focus on gender studies in the Mideast, mostly in Pakistan." So I said, "let me guess, the right of women to go to school in Islamic societies, right?" And bingo!!! She has a "Master's Degree" for this. Needless to say I got her business card despite her having a boyfriend (sorry man lol). If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight.  3 • Reply • Share ›

Some dudes roll over and fall asleep the moment after they come; Mr. Christopher contemplates genocide because women don’t want to hear him pontificate about Ukrainian history.

In case you’re wondering, no one else in the discussion suggests that Mr. Christopher’s opinion here might be a teensy bit extreme.

No, the commenters happily share terrible opinion after terrible opinion about the inferior creatures known as women.

 SpaghettiBoy • 7 days ago  Pretty much what this boils down to is that women do not and cannot rationalize, visualize, believe in, conceptualize and realize the following ideas:  1) Philosophy 2) Science 3) God 4) Higher existence  They are, however, exceptionally gifted at direction their total existence with unwavering dedication towards:  1) Me, me, me, me, me, me, memememememmeme 2) Dick  And men are dogs? Nigga, please.  11 • Reply • Share ›

Oh, it gets worse.

 Brigadon • 7 days ago  And that's why you cannot treat women as having agency. The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was in deciding that women were actually human. Humans are intelligent creatures capable of influencing their environment, responding cognitively to change, communicating meaningfully, and making informed decisions. Women are capable of a stilted form of communication that cannot convey real meaning, only emotional states. They have no agency, cannot meaningfully influence their environment, and cannot react cognitively to change or override their instincts to make informed decisions.  The only way to 'fix' things is to understand they they are at best animals capable of performing some simple tasks, and understand simple directions. Stop treating them like they should have some say in their own destiny or our shared culture, since their very nature precludes this possibility.  Hell, the very structure and exercise of 'Game' only works by acknowledging the complete inability of women to exercise control over their animal nature. If they were thinking creatures, game would never work. It indisputably does, which is undeniable proof of female lack of sapience.  You can love them, but love doesn't work if it exists in denial of reality... you are only hurting them and yourself by assuming that your love can be returned.  5 • Reply • Share ›

Cleanup in the pompous misogyny aisle!

You’ll notice that all of these comments have upvotes, by the way.

There may be some even more terrible comments in that thread, but I gave up reading them after a few screens full of this sort of garbage.

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10 years ago
Reply to  Lili Fugit

“The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was in deciding women were actually human.”

@Lili Fugit

Really? THAT’S the biggest mistake the Catholic church ever made?

According to their logic, I suppose that, going along with the above notion, the Inquisition was the biggest good thing they ever did. Must be, since most of the people tortured and murdered were women.

Funny…I feel distinctly sick to my stomach right now.

10 years ago

I know I’ve read too much of this stuff when it’s the only the bit about Ukraine that makes me recoil.

10 years ago

I think that guy might be confusing women with dogs.

10 years ago

After reading about this chucklefuck, does anyone need brain bleach in the form of a short video about a very sweet man doing something nice for a younger fan?

Of course you do!

10 years ago

That should be younger sports fan.

10 years ago

Hakeem the Dream! *is so pleased to actually RECOGNIZE an athlete*

10 years ago

Huh. I never realized it was the Catholic Church that decided women were human. I guess “feeling” human doesn’t count because that’s lady brain fe fe stuff. He’s so rational intelligent and speaks of such substantive stuff like pussy and game.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Since we all are born of woman, what does that say about the attitudes of those who hate women? Sadly, I have to include some women in that. My mother despised women…had two daughters and it was only her sons she considered her REAL kids. Granted, some may hate women because their mothers were abusive.

Oh, Samantha, that’s so sad. My mother is the opposite: she hates men and I have a brother. She tries to be kind to him, in her own way, but sometimes her disdain for men seeps out. It really makes me cringe. I’ve begun to suspect the reason why she’s like that but she’s in her 80s now so I’m not sure it’s wise to bring up the possibility of her being raped decades ago. 🙁

For the PUA types whose mothers abused them, I almost feel sorry for them. That’s the worst betrayal of all – not that it’s an excuse to harass and rape women. As for MRAs, they seem to mainly be embittered by their past romantic/sexual relationships with women. Women can do really shitty things to their partners yet there are men who don’t let it turn them into hateful monsters.

Cloudiah, brain bleach was much needed and appreciated!

10 years ago

I’m a ROK frequent because it too fuels my blogging (I pronoun switch) and I can tell you they hate mothers too. I first saw a comment about how single mothers are awful because even if he left her no fault then she should have picked a better man (?). Then there was a discussion the other day about how ALL mothers are terrible- and that they hate their own, it was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen

10 years ago


I enjoyed your episode of TeRP Theatre, “My Dick, My Friend or My Enemy? The Ukraine Incident”.

10 years ago

@Runic: Switch “confuse” with “compare” and it’ll actually be more accurate! Blech.

10 years ago

“Also, I’m not entirely persuaded the Catholic church DOES think women are actually human. From what I’ve observed, all Catholicism seems to admit about women is that they are incubators for fetuses that must be kept pregnant at all costs, and that nuns are okay because they work great as unpaid diocesean labor. Oh, and Pope Francis has said women can nurse their babies in church. Gee, thanks!”

Can we not catholic bash please? I am a practicing pro choice, pro gay marriage catholic and I’m not the only one.

10 years ago

Ugh, I just finished reading through all the comments on that RoK article… 🙁
I feel like many of the commenters there are cruel and dangerous people. They seem to delight in the possibility of the things they say hurting people emotionally. It’s just so disgusting… 🙁

10 years ago

Thanks for the video, cloudiah! Seeing people be kind to one another makes me very happy. 🙂

10 years ago

Nitram – if it helps at all, here’s my perspective. Holy Mother Church is sorta kinda like the USA. Many people, both inside and out, confuse the management with the whole. The Curia and hierarchy are NOT the church, any more than the Federal Government is the United States. When someone slags ‘the United States’, it’s usually about something maybe two thousand people are actually responsible for. There’s more to The Church than the US Conference of Bishops. I hope that helps.

But someday I hope to be able to tell this to a ranking prelate and watch his head go splodey.

10 years ago

Comparing Kevin Klein’s character in A Fish Called Wanda to these guys isn’t far-fetched, at all. They mistake ego for wisdom and seem to perceive things far differently – not in a good way, obviously – than everyone else around them.

I mean, Lance Christopher – for some weird reason – assumes a woman giving him her business card means she has the hots for him. I’d also argue that bringing up her boyfriend might be a sign she didn’t want to be hit on and could tell that was his intention. Then again, these are people who don’t get the concept of consent. “No” is just another way of saying “yes” to them. It’s also kind of pathetic he’s personally offended by someone not being interested in his rants on Ukrainian history – as if not being into the same things he’s into means there’s something wrong with you.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

He’s just making it clear that he was chatting up an attractive female, rather than talking to a actual person

And not even the whole female; just a body part. Women are always “a blonde” or “a brunette” or “a redhead” to these guys (until they refuse to sleep with him; then they become an expletive, a resentful synonym for the one part of the body he doesn’t have access to). PUAs don’t even care about hair, except its ability to signify fertility, status, and desirability to other men. When you think about it, it’s a pretty ridiculous way of relating to people,

“So, I was chatting up a butt the other night…”

“I was lecturing a pair of boobs on foreign policy, when…”

“Let’s ask that bunch of freckles where the nearest Starbucks is.”

10 years ago

“That thigh gap actually thought she could talk to me about philosophy!”
“Phalanges can’t do science.”
“American small intestines are too feminist. Not like Eastern European small intestines. They know their place and can please an alpha male.”

10 years ago

I can’t help but note that his defense of Russia’s invasion of Ukrainian territory sounds an awful lot like “well, bitch used to be Russian, so she can’t complain when Putin goes after her…”

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

Today I learned that I cannot conceptualize the ideas of philosophy, science, God, and higher existence. I guess my BS-in-progress was just a fluke?

10 years ago

re: LBT

That would be hilarious if you did do that though… it would probably send any of the MRA guys into a rage spiral since they like to claim state support and funding is the poison that has made females so autonomous and “hypergamous”. (Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense to me either.)

I usually just laugh when people insult my major, and then kind of make an awkward face, like “wow, that was kind of obnoxious”, and leave them to try to pick up the threads of the conversation. It really amuses me that people thing my majoring in philosophy somehow reduces my job options to that extent. Anyway, I guess neither one of us can possibly have been good at our majors since we’re women and automatically inferior at such fields compared to the brilliant commentators at ROK.

and to Cloudiah:
That video was exactly what I needed. What an awesome dude.

10 years ago

Is it just me or are their attempts at gaslighting getting more desperate? And I’m pretty sure a lot of men would be pretty mad if some guys decided they wanted to eliminate the world of women. You know, some men actually treat women like the humans they are and truly love them, and not just in a sexual way.

Do these guys realize they don’t have to think about women and “how terrible they are” all day long then rant about it? They’re not obligated (despite what they think) to date women or anything. I think they’re getting some perverse rise out of this and poisoning themselves with their own hatred.

When I hate something I may get upset about it for a while but I know it’s in my best interests not to obsess over it, that’s very damaging.

But hey, I’m just a subhuman creature, what do I know?

10 years ago

to Xen:

I think they think that by taking themselves out of the dating game, women will be hurt or feel panicked. Like, “oh no, this dude that thinks I have the intelligence of a dog and have no greater value than a blow up doll doesn’t want to date me! I better shape up soon!” I’m assuming shaping up would be quitting your job and agreeing to abide by 1950s housewife standards… although then that would be setting a dude up for “divorce rape” and proving the idea that women are lazy idiots. So I guess there’s really no way of winning here for women, or for atoning for the sin of merely existing as a female on the planet.

But I think that’s what they’re going for/why they post so much. I’ve read more than one comment claiming that lots of women lurk on MRA sites, and I think they’re hoping that some women will read this ridiculous shit and really take it to heart. And start loathing herself as a result of it- that seems to be the only option they want from women.

10 years ago

LOL @ *relatively* underpowered brains

Love your sense of humor, David.

Reading these musings from “higher existence” (but of course), I’m reminded of this famous text:

“All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman. … What else is woman but a foe to friendship, an unescapable punishment, a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a desirable calamity, domestic danger, a delectable detriment, an evil nature, painted with fair colours. … Women are by nature instruments of Satan — they are by nature carnal, a structural defect rooted in the original creation.”

It is from Malleus maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches), published by Catholic inquisition in 1486, an anthem of “deranged misogyny” used to justify the greatest gendercide in history, the witch hunts of early modern Europe.

Apparently the more (misogynist) things change, the more they stay the same.

Kel D
10 years ago

What would happen if they just boycotted women? Have they thought of that?