a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism creepy evil sexy ladies evil women grandiosity kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patronizing as heck PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Pickup artist: "If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight."

The problem — well, one of the many problems — with a lot of so-called pickup artists is that they think with their dicks, and then use their relatively underpowered brains to rationalize their dickular preferences as The Way The World Should Be.

By contrast, the problems with Lance Christopher, a so-called pickup artist who hangs out in the comments section on Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog, really start when he stops thinking with his dick.

 Lance Christopher • 7 days ago  I've always come back to this stark reality about women after I cum, and think is my dick my friend or enemy? Literally I'd go through tedious hours of the most boring conversations about bullshit. The moment I'd tried to bring up something substantial, it would be the same vapid look of cluelessness. So as an insurance policy to get the pussy, you just play along. But my God, how we (intelligent men) debase ourselves for these people. I've even tried to talk with some women about their respective fields of work and for the life of me, I don't understand how these bitches get jobs. I tried to go into a detailed discussion with this blonde the other day about why the Ukraine and Crimea are Russian due to the history of the Kievan Rus' and the Tsardom etc etc... (because her field is "international relations"), she said with a serious so-called academic look that, "I really focus on gender studies in the Mideast, mostly in Pakistan." So I said, "let me guess, the right of women to go to school in Islamic societies, right?" And bingo!!! She has a "Master's Degree" for this. Needless to say I got her business card despite her having a boyfriend (sorry man lol). If God ever created a better replacement for women, we'd exterminate them overnight.  3 • Reply • Share ›

Some dudes roll over and fall asleep the moment after they come; Mr. Christopher contemplates genocide because women don’t want to hear him pontificate about Ukrainian history.

In case you’re wondering, no one else in the discussion suggests that Mr. Christopher’s opinion here might be a teensy bit extreme.

No, the commenters happily share terrible opinion after terrible opinion about the inferior creatures known as women.

 SpaghettiBoy • 7 days ago  Pretty much what this boils down to is that women do not and cannot rationalize, visualize, believe in, conceptualize and realize the following ideas:  1) Philosophy 2) Science 3) God 4) Higher existence  They are, however, exceptionally gifted at direction their total existence with unwavering dedication towards:  1) Me, me, me, me, me, me, memememememmeme 2) Dick  And men are dogs? Nigga, please.  11 • Reply • Share ›

Oh, it gets worse.

 Brigadon • 7 days ago  And that's why you cannot treat women as having agency. The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was in deciding that women were actually human. Humans are intelligent creatures capable of influencing their environment, responding cognitively to change, communicating meaningfully, and making informed decisions. Women are capable of a stilted form of communication that cannot convey real meaning, only emotional states. They have no agency, cannot meaningfully influence their environment, and cannot react cognitively to change or override their instincts to make informed decisions.  The only way to 'fix' things is to understand they they are at best animals capable of performing some simple tasks, and understand simple directions. Stop treating them like they should have some say in their own destiny or our shared culture, since their very nature precludes this possibility.  Hell, the very structure and exercise of 'Game' only works by acknowledging the complete inability of women to exercise control over their animal nature. If they were thinking creatures, game would never work. It indisputably does, which is undeniable proof of female lack of sapience.  You can love them, but love doesn't work if it exists in denial of reality... you are only hurting them and yourself by assuming that your love can be returned.  5 • Reply • Share ›

Cleanup in the pompous misogyny aisle!

You’ll notice that all of these comments have upvotes, by the way.

There may be some even more terrible comments in that thread, but I gave up reading them after a few screens full of this sort of garbage.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was deciding women were human.

When did this happen?

steampunked (@steampunked)

Buttercup, you just reminded me of an event that occurred at my High School Reunion, which I went to for no conceivable reason. I had a wretched high school in a mining town full of bigots, but I overheard the following conversation and laughed my head off.

Guy: Oh, it’s you!
Highly attractive gal: Uh. Hi. How are you?
Guy: Good, good. Haha, so what are you doing these days, married to hubby, right? Always figured you would end up just a trophy wife.
Gal: I’m a neurosurgeon.
Guy: What’s that?
Gal: I fix brains.

Whatever the guy wanted to say next was drowned out by my laughter. A pity he skedaddled before I asked her whether she thought she could fix his.

Lyn McAleer
Lyn McAleer
10 years ago

Anybody know what this Lance Christopher does for a living? He’s trying to make himself sound like an intellectual. In reality he probably sells refrigerators at Best Buy. He should remember that 100 years ago his ROK brethren wouldn’t have considered him human either because of his color. His people were oppressed, now he wants to be one of the oppressors.

10 years ago

steampunked – I just read that out to my boss. We laughed our heads off and he’s still muttering about “What’s that?” and “Please explain” (old Oz reference to a really stupid politician) under his breath.

Did you ask the neurosurgeon if she thought she could fix guy’s brain? I guess the answer would be that there wasn’t enough material to work with.

10 years ago

The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was deciding women were human.

When did this happen?

I think that’s a reference to a (probably satirical) argument put forth by a medieval theologian that women didn’t have souls.

10 years ago

Putin worship would seem to fit for some of these wowsers. He has the dead-eyed stare, impassive face and frequently displayed torso of an Ayn Rand fanfic hero. Which is actually funny, if you can hold your gorge down long enough to get the joke.

The idea of the OP finishing a sexual encounter and realizing “oh, no, now I have to pretend to care whether she lives or dies long enough to make a clean getaway” is depressing. Certainly doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time. No wonder some of them dream of sexbots and artificial wombs.

10 years ago

. . . *throws up*

10 years ago

“So, blondie, what are you into? Please say anal.”
“Er, I’m pursuing a doctorate in international relations.”
“Oh really? In that case, you can nod appreciatively while I recount a half-remembered Reddit discussion I read about the Ukraine. See, the Ukraine belongs to Russia because it was historically owned by the Tsars–”
“Er, that’s highly debatable, and anyone from the region would tell you there’s a complicated history–”
“Shh, a non-blonde is talking.”
“And it’s ‘Ukraine,’ not ‘the Ukraine.’ But I don’t really know much about that region.”
“Of course you don’t. You’re a woman. That’s why you need to shut up and let me explain it to you.”
“No, I mean that’s not my field of study. My focus is on the Mideast.”
“Oh, what, some feminist bullshit about how women should be allowed outdoors and stuff?”
“That’s part of it, yes, since women are half the population of–”
“BO-RING! And stupid.”
“I don’t find it to be either of those things.”
“If I don’t know anything about a topic, it’s boring and stupid. Now keep those pretty lips shut so I can ramble for 20 minutes about this thing I kind of remember about the Ukraine. It turns out it contains both moose and squirrel, so–”
“Yeah, uh, I should get back to my thesis. Bye.”
“Women! They are so self-absorbed!”

10 years ago

The animal thing again. I really wish they’d find a new way to call us stupid, I’m getting tired of this hoary chestnut.

10 years ago

God, I noticed the baby in Brigadon’s profile pic, too, and just the thought makes my skin crawl.

10 years ago

That poor kid.

10 years ago

Just a bit of info about women who, according to SpaghettiBoy, do not have the intelligence to converse on and understand philosophy, science and theology. Enjoy! :


And this is one of my faves:


And for an analysis of why thereare not more:


The fact that men write us out of history does not mean that we do not exist.

10 years ago

Putin worship would seem to fit for some of these wowsers. He has the dead-eyed stare, impassive face and frequently displayed torso of an Ayn Rand fanfic hero.

And he really needs to keep that shirt on these days. /s

10 years ago

Sadly, the ideas of our non-humanity, non-agency and the need for our extermination have been, and continue to be, very popular amongst a surprisingly large number of men around the world. And the theological notion that women have no souls has been popular since the advent of monotheistic religions.

I am not intending to insult anyone’s religious beliefs by that last statement, but I do believe that when deity was seen as both god(s) and goddess(es), we at least belonged and had spiritual reality and purpose. And the idea of our extermination being a good thing was probably not considered.

10 years ago

You’re using women as means to an end. Kant indicated that using someone as a means to an end is wrong, including yourself. OMG WAIT I CAN READ PHILOSOPHY BOOKS AND I’M A LADY.
And how are there women who listen to these guys? Their entire philosophy is about how much women suck.
And if women have no agency, how is it that women go to school and get degrees and get jobs and support themselves, not requiring male support? That’s a little beyond ‘Fetch’ ‘Sit’ ‘Stay.’ Wait, wasn’t Roosh whining about women doing their own thing just a little while ago?
Oh wait these guys fail at consistency and logic. Are this guys so bad at logic that they don’t realize it? Is it the Dunning-Kruger effect?
And I really hope that kid isn’t his.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

steampunked – that’s awesomely hilarious, especially the “What’s that?” comment. Sounds like she might have broken his brain even more.

These guys are just like Mr Mybug with his “Do women have souls?” opening line, only even more tedious and disgusting.

And the women they talk to are like Flora: bored out of their minds by these entitled asstrilbys, unable even to feign interest, which results in a lengthy “Why are Western women so frigid?” rantwank on Reddit later that evening. Rinse and repeat.

10 years ago

I almost want to look through his eyes, just to see what the world looks like. I imagine it as hilarious, but I’m sure it would actually just be terrifying and depressing.


Oh, no! If I looked through his eyes, I am afraid that the ugliness and sheer volume of two dimensional, grey hideousness would burn out my soul.

Oh….wait…I do not have one of those. Whew!

10 years ago

I wonder if these guys have mothers! Do they compartmentalize women they’re related to from potential sperm repositories?


That is an excellent question! After all, for most of human history, including now, most people – excluding many adopted folk – know who their mothers are, but many may not know who their fathers are.

Since we all are born of woman, what does that say about the attitudes of those who hate women? Sadly, I have to include some women in that. My mother despised women…had two daughters and it was only her sons she considered her REAL kids. Granted, some may hate women because their mothers were abusive.

10 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

This guy is so full of it. And what does her hair color have to do with anything, other than being lazy shorthand for “ditzy”?

He’s just making it clear that he was chatting up an attractive female, rather than talking to a actual person. I normally throw all TeRP’s tales from the field into the “cool story bro” pile, but this has a tinge of truth because few things get ill informed, pompous asses bloviating like foreign policy. He’s no doubt playing fast and loose with the truth, since I doubt she only studied “the right of women to go to school in Islamic societies” while getting her Master’s degree. I bet she knew a hell of a lot more about the Middle East than he does, but of course he has to pretend he’s always more knowledgable then all women everywhere.

I love how he acts as if getting her business card is some grand achievement. I’ve given and received hundreds of business cards, and those exchanges have led to sex zero times. You got her contact info Casanova, big whoop.

Not sure how he gets from thinking she’s doesn’t know anything about the Ukraine, despite her degree in International Relations, and believing she’s a slutty cheat, because she gave her business card to a man while having a boyfriend, to “PUAS ARE MASTERS OF EARTH! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!”. I guess it makes more sense if you hate women a whole lot.

10 years ago

And the women they talk to are like Flora: bored out of their minds by these entitled asstrilbys, unable even to feign interest, which results in a lengthy “Why are Western women so frigid?” rantwank on Reddit later that evening. Rinse and repeat.

Heheh it’d be pretty cool being Flora.

10 years ago

RE: girlsmarts

I haven’t gotten the “What did the philosophy major say? Do you want fries with that” joke from any women, but I have gotten it from a few different men.

I’ve gotten that joke. (I majored in Linguistics.) It gets even worse if I admit I’m an artist. (I didn’t get schooling for that, though. I don’t know if that makes it better or worse.) Since I’m disabled, and art is one of the few things I can do with my health, I have been sore tempted a few times to go, “AND UR TAX MONEY FEEDS ME MWAHAHA!” But I feel that’d just feed their idea that all disabled people are moocher and parasites.

RE: steampunked

<em.Guy: Good, good. Haha, so what are you doing these days, married to hubby, right? Always figured you would end up just a trophy wife.

Wow. That’s incredibly assholish and condescending. What the hell, dude?

RE: Brooked

I love how he acts as if getting her business card is some grand achievement.

I know, right? I go through maybe a hundred of ’em at a con! OH MAN I HAVE SUCH GAME.

10 years ago

Whenever anyone here posts about how some men literally see us sub-human, it always seems a bit hyperbolic. But then I see things like this that men write – so matter of fact as well, not even rage wanks – and it’s clear it’s not hyperbole at all. It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around though – that anyone can think this way.

Are the bigots who believe others (of any group) to be sub-human obvious about it? Is it possible I know someone with beliefs like this and not even realise?

10 years ago

*by posts I mean comments

Lili Fugit
Lili Fugit
10 years ago

“The biggest mistake the catholic church ever made was in deciding women were actually human.”

Really? THAT’S the biggest mistake the Catholic church ever made? Assuming the Catholic church is the arbiter of… well, anything, um, yeah. Pretty sure I could flip open randomly to any page in western history and I’d come upon a bigger mistake the Catholic church made. Pretty sure I could flip open a random newspaper right the hell now and come up with something.

Also, I’m not entirely persuaded the Catholic church DOES think women are actually human. From what I’ve observed, all Catholicism seems to admit about women is that they are incubators for fetuses that must be kept pregnant at all costs, and that nuns are okay because they work great as unpaid diocesean labor. Oh, and Pope Francis has said women can nurse their babies in church. Gee, thanks!

10 years ago

RE: Lili Fugit

THAT’S the biggest mistake the Catholic church ever made?

I dunno about biggest, but I still stand by that the most HILARIOUS mistake the Catholic Church ever made was that time there were three popes and they all excommunicated each other. HISTORY! 😀